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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 29, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 29, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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For Sale UPHOLSTERING TO fit all your leeds and new custom-built Urnlture. Shelton Furniture pair, 426-1858. S6/2tfn SECOND Hand Store -- !15 Olympic Highway North. ,uy and sell. 426-9950. GOLD-COLORED sofa, good condition, $150. Call 426-3572. Y6/29-7/6 HAY $1 bale in field. McDonald Farm, Kamilche Valley 426-3740. M6/22tfn OPEN AIR ART SNOW July 1.4 (If it doesn't rain) 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. one mile on Agate Road. 6/29 TOP SOIL Supplied soil for 25 years. Skokomish Valley good, sandy loam or top soil. Pick-ups welcome. Will deliver truckloads anywhere. Call 426-3735 or 426-8993. tfn The Carpet Layers Custom installation carpet, vinyl, tile. $2.00 a yard. 426-3763 lit. 3, Box 406 Shehnn 6/9tfn 6RMSTONE COncrete Building Materials * Pipe * Sand & Gravel * Masonry * Crushed Rock * Septic Tanks * Ready Mix SATURDAY POURS _ARE .................... WELCOME : RADIO DISPATCHED READY-MIX TRUCKS GRAYSTONE OF SHELTON South 7th & Park Street 2/11tfn For the finest in: , SAND , GRAVEL , CONCRETE POURS ARE WELCOME AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Dispatched Trucks LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE 426-2669 GAYS -- EVENINGS 9/15/fin PHONE 12 For Sale CLEAN 55 gallon drums $5 each. 426-5724. $6/22-7/13 DRAPERIES, READY to hang. Popular sizes, at rock-bottom prices. Kay's Draperies, 113 South Second. K3/4tfn ALFALFA HAY for sale, bale or ton. 426-1446. J7/21tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn BARK FOR landscaoind. 15-60 yard loads. Call Skillman's, 66-8812. S3/23tfn ANTIQUES AND old furniture. Open every day, 10-6. Shelton Furniture Repair, 426-1858, Route 1, Box 168. S3/2tfn 13X24 GOODYEAR tractor tire. Phone 426-8856. R6/29-7/6 19" COLOR TV, $250. Dining room set, $50. Mattress and box springs with frame, $40. Recliner, $30. Zenith console stereo, $300. Speed Queen washer, $75. 426-1852. $6/29 MATTRESSES AND box springs -- firm and medium firm. Chiropractic -- extra firm. Still in wrapper with guarantee. ½ regular price. 858-3401. A6/22-29 LARGE QUANTITY hide-a-beds, sofas, love seats and chairs all DoPrOximately % suggested retail. delivery, you pick up. M. Anderson decorator. 858-3401. A6/22-29 TOP SOIL Eddie Kneeland Trucking 426-6326 or 426.1160 tfn Coffee Creek Ranch Quality Locker Beef All beef U.S.D.A. inspect. ed. Grain fed. Custom cutting and wrapping. We deliver. Visitors welcome. 426-5131 fin MACRAME Supplies of all kinds. Rings, Books, Wood- Beads, Jute, Polypropylene Braided Nylon, Macro-Cord (Large g, small in oil colors) Over 60 kinds of beads 8 pots  made to order! GARDEN & GIFT SHOP 1610 Olympic Hwy. No. 426-1313 Dale septic tanks dozing gravel otto field :K00ckho¢ service 20b €. pine 42b-15OO I For Sale TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn FIREWOOD FOR sale, $40, split and delivered. Call Dave or Jerry, 426-7115, 426-5041. K3/16tfn GOOD CLOVER and grass hay, 1.50 a bale or $50 a ton. Phone 26-8856. R2/23tfn REMODELING KITCHEN? See Jim at Sears for free estimate. We have complete lines of cabinets, carpet and appliances. 426-8201. S5/4tfn FLOMATIC TANK, mounted, twin cylinder, compressor, all accessories included. Two lengths of hose. $250. Days, 426-7300. JS/25tfn GEODUCKS, 70c lb. 9's Fair Harbor Marina, Grapeview. 426-4028, 275-6417. N5/4tfn NEED A passport picture? See The Photo Center for instant color passport pictures. 426-6163, 124 North Second. P5/18tfn HISTORICAL BUCKS Prairie log building, 27x62. You move from property. Make offer. 482-3719, 482-4397, 482-3054. P6/8-27 JD 440-B, skidder, newly overhauled. $17,000 cash. 426-3031. $6/15-7/6 FIREWOOD -- DRY maple, dry alder, by the cord or by the load. Delivered to Shelton, Union areas. Call anytime, 426-7752, 426-7571. M5/18tfn HANGING BASKETS, Exbury azaleas and Mugho pine, all reduced from regular low price. Evelyn s Nursery, Mason Lake. 426-6038. E6/29tfn UPRIGHT COLDSPOT freezer, 6 cubic feet, just like new, $200. 426-2564. H6/29 WARDROBE SALE. Men's suits, sports coats and pants. All new. Can't wear -- too small. Will sell bargain prices. Pants 40 to 42, coats 44 to 46 long. Evenings 426-7049. M6/29 REAL HAIR blonde wig and wiglet, with accessories, $30. 426-2564. H6/29 o.. For Sale STEREO COMPONENT system. Marantz 2235 receiver, Teac 210 stereo cas'&ette deck, United Audio dual "turntable, 2 large CJD speakers. Must sacrifice at $500. 426-2134 or 426-6806, ask for Mary. F5/18tfn FORD TRACTOR 700, 25,000 GVW' with heavy duty 26' low bed trailer, $9,500 Gig Harbor 858-9778. L6/22-7/13. BEAUTIFUL NEW bedroom set with etched frosted mirrors. Very unique, $796. 858-3401. A6/22-29 f WALLAWAY TYPE recliner, 50, value $268; brand new. 8-3401. A6/22-29 DINING TABLE and chairs. Like new. Used only 5 months. Call 426-1264. N6/22-29 SEARS WOULD like to pump your water! See Jim for free estimates on all pump and water system accessories. Installation available. 426-8201. SS/4tfn INSULATE NOW -- let us help ou save energy. 6" blown berglass on your ceiling, 16 sq. ft. Walls blown at competitive price. Give us a call. 275-2118. P.O. Box 195, Grapeview, WA 98546. B6/29-7/6 LOOKING FOR new cookware? Highest quality stainless steel, waterless cookware, available this week at excellent price. 426-5894 or 426-7626. B6/29 ELECTRIC GARAGE door opener, $25. 426-4601. D6/29 TREAT RUGS right; they'll ben delight if cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast Store. C6/29 TWO BROYHILL nightstands, double bed with box springs and mattress, $250. Wooden desk from Germany, $250. all for $450. 426-7757. R6/29-7/20 GOOD QUALITY baled hay, $1.50 bale in field. 426-5203 or 426-8309. D6/29 CLEAN CARPETS professionally clean with new portable steam cleaner. Rent Rinse-N-Vac at Coast to Coast Store. C6/29 For Sale % Wl DTH folding bed, commode, wheeled folding walker, wheelchair. Call 898-2886. C6/29-7/20 DINETTE SET, $60; desk, :25; coffee table, $15; typewriter, $25; bed spring and mattress; nemerous household items. 426-3748. P6/29-7/20 MUST SELL at sacrifice, moving. 10x9 storage building, still in original crate. Twin 10-speed bikes. Beautiful 30-gallon aquarium, complete with all equipment and heavy-duty wrought iron stand. 19" black-and-white TV, excellent condition. 426-4637, after 5 p.m. L6/29 LARGE, OLD recliner, $15; new broiler and rotisserie combination; portable 8-track, 110 car or battery operated. 426-9155. F6/29 SATOH TRACTOR, 25 h.p., 3-pt. hitch, PTO front-end loader, excellent cond'ition, 117 hours clock time. $3,800. One mile north on McReavy Road from Brockdale Road. C6/29 GRASS HAY, $1 bale, in field. Delivery can be arranged. 426-4892, 426-3491. W6/22-29 Used n '64 INTERNATIONAL pickup V8. Very good condition. See to appreciate. $1200. 426-3728. L6/22-7/13 1976 CHEVY van 350, complete carpeting, 'mirrors, refrigerator. Call -426-4945 W6/8-29 1946 INTERNATIONAL truck, 8x16', flatbed good condition. Cal 426-1790. J6/8tfn REBUILT DODGE pickup, new tires, excellent running condition. $750, cash only. 426-3666. P6/8tfn 1972 VEGA hatchback, $1,300. 426-8140. c3/gtfn "52 GMC pickup. 426-3472. K5/18tfn 30" H r .... 13 ANT QUE d0or:s, "solid ..... W,l/TEr.F, lgldalrest°ve-ltke mahogany, includes knob add 197..1.;W .Bug very good after 3 p.m. W6/15-7/6 OUTDOOR STEEL pet enclosure, like new, used only 2 weeks. 8x8x3Vz high. Sides and top of galvanized steel wire construction. Hinged door. Call 877-9549, Hoodsport. E6/29-7/6 ONE SET tires and chrome wheels, 15". One set chrome wheels, deep dish, 15". (6-hole, fits Chevy pickup, % T.) All for $75. Call 426-3978, Room 20. J6/29 ¥4 WIDTH folding bed, commode, wheeled folding rocker, wheel chair. Call 898-2886. C6/22-7/14 Jack Frost Construction Licensed - Bonded Remodeling and new. No job too small. Call for free estimate. 426-4227 tfn Sailmakers -- Upholsterers. Marine, auto, home. Your material or ours. Customizing -- restorations. If it is in canvas fabrics or vinyl, we can handle it. Also, industrial aprons, tote bags, vests in stock or made to your order. Boat tops are our specialty. Shelton, WA. 98584 426-2321 8 miles out on Bremerton Hwy. No. 3 tfn Mason Hardwood Company ALDER LOGS WANTED 6" and 7" $70.00 o 1000 8" and 9" $115.00 a 1000 10" and up $145.00 a 1000 CALL 426-3464 fin BOAT TOPS Have tools will travel. Custom made boat tops to fit your boat on land or sea. For Appointment Call 426-2806 Evenings Weekends Frank Bates Owner 30 Years Experience ttn j FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer to Don Gardner, 1212 East Ellinor, Shelton, from Minor's A&W Drive-In on MS. View. A6/29 DINING SET, black walnut, Queen Anne style, table plus 5 chairs, leather seats, $425. 426-1989. $6/29 SEWING MACHINES, sales and service. All brands, low prices, terms and trades. Central Sales, 877-5798. C6/29-7/20 NEW CLOTH ING store in Shelton. We feature hard-to-find sizes Men's dress slacks 32-60 $20.99. Men's shirts s-m-l-x-xxl-xxxl $9.99. Ladies Capris 8 to 18 and 32 to 38 $7.99 (Ladies blouses 32 to 52 $4.99 up) Adam's Apparel, 2505 Olympic Hwy. N., Olympic Gateway Center, Shelton. A6/22-29 MIXED FIREWOOD. Shelton ;30. 426-7659. D6/29 i Vern 's A uto Body & Glass FREE ESTIMATES (Open Saturday) • Wire Welding • Fiberglass Work • Complete Paint Jobs • Custom Pin Striping • Vinyl Tops Installed • Sun Roofs Installed • Body 8, Frame Work WE cW00xl IT! 426-9020 FOR AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT CALL ABOUT OUR NEW AUTO GLASS SERVICE • We Will Replace Glass In Your Auto • At Your Home • Place Of Business • Or My Shop NEW HOURS: Weekdays 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 o.m.4:00 p.m. 1971 850 "Spyder" Fiat, engine aOOd. Needs some work, body it. $650 or offer. 426-3091. Y6/22-7/14 1971 VOLKSWAGON Camper Pop-Top, Sink, Ice box, carpet $3,000. 426-5007. $6/22-29 1963 CADILLAC all or part; 4 door sedan. 877-5716 or 877-9753. V6/22-29 2 1966 Ford pickups, $350. 877-57]6 or 877-9753. V6/22-29 '64 VW good condition, some extras $600. 482-4072. Lost Lake. $6/22-7/13 '76 TOYOTA Sports Coupe, 42,000 miles. $3,250. Call 426-9814 or 426-9634 after 4. W6/22-29 1973 FORD Explorer 4x4, Winnebego canopy, excellent condition. 943-1181, Olympia. R6/22-29 STRETCHES BACK -- '51 2T flat bed $600; '51 GMC pick-up $75; '66 jeep mail truck $266; 1969 Buick Wildcat $300. Last house going out of town on Hwy 3 --400 East Pine. Will Trade. H6/22-29 1971 FORD pickup. New tires, ;82 wheel canopy, inquire at Cota St. R6/22-29 FOR SALE 1973 Fiat, 128 sport coupe, $1,650. 26-8521. K6/22-29 '67 GMC ¥,-ton pickup with canopy, runs good, $1,200. Call 426-5615. M6/29 NO SALE this summer, no college this fall. Beautiful 1973 Mercury Capri, $2,150 firm. 426-2272 Z6/29-7/6 1960 FORD Vz-ton pickup, ;4 retreads, with low mileage. Newly painted. $750 or best offer. 426-5894. B6/29 1972 DODGE %-ton pickup with PS/PB, AM/FM radio, tie-downs. Top condition. $2,450. 426-4601. D6/29 %-TON Ford Custom truck. 95,000 miles, $1,600. Call 426-6428. B6/29 '68 FORD Galaxy X L. MaD wheels, runs, needs body work. Phone after 6, 426-9976. M6/29 FOR SALE or trade -- '71 Plymouth Satellite Sebring, needs motor. Will trade for VW motor or ? 426-4364. C6/29 BEAUTIFUL 1977 Ventura, loaded. Must sell. 866-2652. C6/29-7/20 1976 CHEVETTE. Automatic, 32 mpg, 33,000 miles. $2,600. 426-1 ]72. W6/29 FOR SALE -- 1972 El Dorado. Very good condition and low mileage. Call 426-5846 or 426-5247. D6/29-7/20 RAlrI00 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 1 o cents for each additional word over I 5. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . Used Cars 1969 PLYMOUTH GTX, 440/Sixpack, 4-speed. $1,000 or trade. Call 877-9242. H6/29 1969 F100, 4-wheel drive, electric winch, good condition. $1,800. Call 426-6721. B6/29-7/6 Garage, Yard Sales FLEA MARKET second Saturday monthly, 9-6, Potlatch Woman's Clubhouse. Hood Canal Lions. H1/12tfn YARD SALE, Friday, 2008 Lake Boulevard, 9-5. Miscellaneous items. $6/29 YARD SALE, Saturday, starts 9:00. Mirrors, TV, woman's small wetsuit, much miscellaneous. 1604 King Street. B6/29 GARAGE SALE Friday, 9 a.m. Antique furniture to refinish, collectibles, dishes. 310 Highland Drive. D6/29 FOUR-FAMILY moving sale, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Furniture some clothing, lots of m scellaneous. 522 Dearborn. M6/29 FLEA MARKET fourth Saturday monthly, 9-6 Lincoln gym Shelton. For display table reservations call 426-2910. D6/8tfn GARAGE SALE, 1113 Turner, in back, off alley entrance. Miscellaneous household items and clothing. L6/29 GARAGE SALE, Saturday, Sunday, 3 families. Lots of great buys. 9 to 5, 318 Fir on Capitol Hill. L6/28 4-H YARD sale, car wash and bake sale: June 30 and July 1, Rt. 5, Box 138 (Skokomlsh Valley). Clothing, furniture, collectibles, baked goods, household items. Cars washed for l while you wait. Free coffee, 0-5 each day. H6/29 GARAGE SALE. Last house on right in Woodland Manor. Thursday, Friday, June 29, 30, 9-4. Baby clothes, clothing, miscellaneous items. P6/29 GARAGE SALE, corner of Seattle and Third, Thursday, Friday, 8-4. A little bit of everything. 16' Glastron boat with 60-horse Evinrude motor. A6/29 YARD SALE -- All day Thursday, June 29. Watch for signs offSpring Road. L6/29 -- -------- - ---. -v----------- " _- -----__ ' _ Auctions AUCTION JULY 7, 7 p.m., Old Auction Hall, Quilcene. Many interesting items already in. Bring your consignment in early. Juel Simonson, Auctioneer. 765-3720. $6/29-7/6 AUCTION EVERY Saturday night, 7 p.m. Bring in consignments for quick cash. McCleary Auction & New/Used, McCleary, WA, phone 495-3541, 495-3454. Virgil Reading, Auctioneer. RS/5tfn Public Auctions Held every Thursday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m. at the Tropics Ballroom. Shelton, Olympia Highway 101, 866-0866. Gift Nichols, Auctioneer Help Wanted %%%%%%%%%%---%%%%% CARPENTER NEEDED immediately, craftsmen! Build decks, storage buildings, garages, etc. Must have your own tools, ood truck. Pay is excellent. ainMaster, 352-2000. R6/29tfn WANTED -- PICK-AXE and shovel operator. 426-9267. K6/29 LPN's WANTED Full and part-time afternoon shifts. Good starting salary, fringe benefits. W*Vt MAINTENANCE MAN Part-Time, day shift. Ideal for retired man. rft* Apply in person -- Fir Lane Terrace 2430 No. 13th Shelton, WA E.O.E. 6/29 Help Wanted PART-TIME security personnel, Shelton-McCleary area, must have own transportation. Send name, age, address and phone number to P.O. Box 747, Shelton, WA 98584. 4/6tfn FAST-GROWING commercial sign company needs part- or full-time mature salesperson. Unlimited opportunities. Must have own vehicle. 426-7300. J5/25tfn SHELTON NEWSPAPER dealer needed for The Seattle Times. Excellent for housewife, student or retired person. 2 hours daily, cash bond and car required. Phone Chehalis 748-7804 or Shelton 426-1098. R6/15--29 REAL ESTATE Sales opportunity -- for hard working, full-time, salespersons. Prefer experienced salesperson, but will consider new licensees. Progressive generous commissions and sales aids. Ask for Mary at Preview Realty. 426-9748. P6/8tfn OUTGOING INDIVIDUAL nebded to work for nation's largest photo finisher. Work hours: 10a.m. -- 3 p.m. or 3 p.m. -- 7 p.m. Hourly wage plus benefits, uniforms furnished. FA/ply at nearest Fotomat store. 15-7/6 HEAD START is now accepting applications for a Home Visitor and Bus Driver for the Shelton Head Start Center. Apply at 21st and Washington, Olympia "between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Applications must be submitted by 4 .]m 4. June 30. Call 357 7 for further information. This agency is an equal opportunity employer. M6/22-29 ALDERBROOK INN now accepting applications for all hotel-related positions. Sales, maids, secretary, desk, cashier, hostess, lounge, kitchen and food service, night audit and accounting. Please call for appointment, 1-898-2200. A6/29-7/20 WANTED -- HORSE experienced person to work for one hour daily with 6 week old colt, leading and so forth. Hansen, Lake Nahwatzel 426-3648. H6/22-29 MOTOR VEHICLE license sub-agent. Mason County Auditor is taking applications for a sub-agent in the Shelton area. Remuneration per volume of business completed. Please contact Peggy Cleveland, Auditor; or Mary Van Blaricom, Chief Deputy. M6/22-29 SITE SEAFOOD is now accepting applications for employmen beginning July 15. Apply In person. Route 5, Box 397. 877-9246. $6/29-7/20 OPENINGS FOR experienced donut maker. Interview Saturday, July 1, after 3:00 at Picnic Donut Tree, 705 South First. No phone calls. P6/29 NEED EXPERIENCED waitress. Interview Saturday, July 1, at Picnic Donut Tree, 705 South First. No phone calls. P6/29 WILL HAVE opening for experienced cook. Interview Saturday, July 1, after 3:00, at Picnic Donut Tree, 705 South First. No phone calls. P6/29 WANTED -- RETIRED gentlemen, experienced in garden work, Agate district. Call 426-6116 ater 5. W6/22-29 RASPBERRY PICKERS wanted, Shelton-McCleary area, starting approximately July 5. For bus schedule call 426-9178. C6/29 COMMERCIAL TREE thinners wanted to cut in Hoodsport area. Must have own saw. Meet at Hoodsport Cafe at 5:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. B6/29-7/6 OLYMPIC COLLEGE is reSently accepting applications r the following positions, Computer Data Specialist II; Budget Analyst I; Accounting Assistant I; Office Assistant Ill-Typing. Shelton Extension Center; Full time faculty osition starting in September. ash instructor, English Instructor, Food Services instructor, residential construction & remodeling instructor; Drama Tech adv i s or-su pplemental employment. Please apply Personnel Office, 16th & Chester, Administration Building, Bremerton, WA 98310. 1.6/29. CETA PROJECT employment opportunity, Washington Corrections Center. Warehouse Worker II. $944 monthly. Federally funded through September with possible extension. Usual state benefits. Call Bud Glover, 753-7282, Employment Security Office, Tumwater. Position requires 2 years experience in warehousing. WCC is an EeL. W6/29-7/6 Wanted WANTED -- 6' cordwood, any mix of fir, hemlock, pine or cedar. Minimum 3 inch top diameter. 25c each. Call Versapanel, John's Prairie, 426-5571, for specifications. V7/28tfn WANTED -- CEDAR saw logs, green second growth. Call for current prices. Versapanel Inc., 426-5571. V lO/14tfn CASH' FOR all cars, trucks, bodies, parts. Immediate pick-up service. Scrap and metals of all kinds. Newsprint and corrugated cardboard. Mason County Salvage, 426-8626. M7/15tfn OLD LAMPS and Darts. Aladdin, Rayo, Royal, Rochester, glass and hanging lamps, household esta[es. 877-5733, Jack Leimback, Hoodsport. L6/23tfn BUY BEER bottles, 30c case delivered, 25c if picked up. Call after 5, 426-8569 or 1619 Laurel, Shelton. A5/18tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Company, Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling, stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914, P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn WOMAN NEEDS ride from Parkwood area on Shelfon Spring Road to arrive downtown by 8 a.m., Monday through Wednesday. 426-1117. L6/29tfn AVOCADO OR white 30" electric range. 426-7618. 06/29 WANTED -- 4-drawer locking file cabinet. 426-5834, evenings. J6/29-7/6 TIMBER Wanted, timber. Cash, contract or exchange for land clearing. WYNN'S SERVICE 275.3222 or after 7 275-2944 tfn Work Wanted DAY CARE, fenced yard, children to play with. Live near high school. Evenings, 426-8895. $6/8-29 GENERAL MAINTENANCE, outside painting, roofing and yard work. Call 426-1137 after 6 p.m. R6/] 5tfn • NEW TO Shelton -- would like to work for Simpson Timber Company. Age 32, height 6 3", weight 240. Dependable and reliable. Willing to learn. Marty, 426-1739. $6/29-7/6 LICENSED BABYSITTING, Mt. View area. Drop-ins welcome. 426-2522. J6/29tfn LICENSED DAY care, infants to 6 years old. Pioneer School District, Timberlakes. 426-8140. C10/13tfn PAINTING, REASONABLE. 426-7193. R6/8-29 Pets, Livestock TRAIN YOUR .dog with love. Another obedience class has started. Not too late to join. 426-3716. H6/22tfn KOUNTRY KENNEL, don't worry about your pets while you're on vacation, leave them at the Kountry Kennel. Call Linda 426-5936. B6/22-7/!3 FOR SALE --Classey Barney Bars Gray 1976 AQHA Colt, by Classey Tela Viv out of Waggoner mare. Will geld. Also Scotch Highland bulls, 1 year and younger. Hansen, Lake Nahwatzel, 426-3648, 426-3836. Let ring. H6/gtfn LOW COST spay neuter clinic- sponsored by MCCFA. For information and appointments call 426-9828 or 426-7087. M6/15tfn RED AND rust Doberman pinscher pups, 9 weeks old, $50 each. 426-9321. D6/29 AKC CHESAPEAKE Bay retriever puppies. Big, eager, fast, go-getters. Pet, hunting and show.| 1-857-4564. R6/29-7/20 Lost & Found  -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- LOST -- SMALL golden male, part cocker spaniel and terrier on Capital Hill. Has flea collar on. 'F I " Name is ' .reck es. Phone 426-8544, 426-3244. L6/8-29 ----------------- FOUND -- BLACK male, collie Wonted mix, Lake Limerick area. 426-8405. B6/29 -%%%%%%%%% CEDAR LOGS or timber wanted. Highest prices. Scheller Brothers Lumber. 352-3178. REWARD FOR information on lost cat on Hillcrest. Long-haired black.and.white male cat with white feet and black spot on left S6/15tfn side of mouth. 426-,227., F6[29 Thursday, June 29, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29