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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 29, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 29, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Services MACHINE SHOP. Lathe- mill work. Rt. 2 Box 7A, Union Wash. (Sportsman Haven). $6/8-29 CUSTOM GARDENING and weeding. Call Jim, 426-7515 after 5 p.m. J6/ltfn PERSONS WITH handicapping condition may find help with any problem at Troubleshooters free of charge. 426-7717. Z4/20tfn FULLER BRUSH distributor In Union Barbara L. Willems 898-4291 or P.O; Box 13, Union, Washington. W6/22-7/13 MOVING??? WE can help you preplan your move to save you money. Call Pacific Storage, Allied Van Lines. Olympia 491-4195 for free consultation service. Local -- National -- International. ICCMC 15735 P6/15-7/6 BING'S PLUMBI'NG and Repair. Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn CRUSHED ROCK for your driveway or the permanent solution, concrete paving. Graystone, phone 426-3344. G12/7tfn MATT'S TREE Service. Dangerous trees removed or topped, any size. Call 877-5229 for estimate. M5/18tfn CARPETS CLEANED with the new Hydra-Master Cleaning Plant. Shelton Janitorial Service, 426-8936. S4/13tfn RADIATOR SERVICE, complete' cooling system work. VanderWal's Garage, 321 South 2nd Street. 426-8208. Vll/4tfn CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at Seager Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn TREE WORK. Topping, Iimbing, falling, removal, trimming, beautification. Good service. Call 426-6283. W6/15-7/6 MOBILE HOMES & trailer roof sealing. You could have a water leak between your walls and not know It. The only way you can know is for me to come and inspect your roof, which I do not charge for. I use a new type permanent seal that won't crack or peel. lasts for years. I also wash and wax mobile homes in one operation. All materials and labor guaranteed. Have plenty of references. Local man. Call 877-9288. D6/8-29. AUTO PAINTING, reasonable prices. Also trailers, etc. All work ouaranteed. Phone 426.432. 1201 Cote Stret R7/20tfn INSULATION, COMPLETE services, Borden foam, fiberglass, cellulose, new and old :c r action,. Energy x;ofisrvatlon Insulation, 426-1116. $6/29-7/20 ROTOTILLING, YARD and lawn care, small grading and leveling. All your yard and garden needs. 426-9976. M6/29tfn New Construction, roofing, and masonry work. FREE ESTIMATES CALL BULLER GENERAL CONTRACTING, 426-5521. 6/8-29 i i PUMPS Multi stage submersible and jet, Sears would like, to pump your waterl See Jim for free estimate on all pump and water system accessories. Installation available. Phone 426.8201 5/I I tfn FENCING Protect your lawn and property with a maintenance free chain link fence! See Jim Benediet at Sears for Free Estimate today! ' Phone 426-8201;. -%%%%%%%%%%% Publications v%%%%%%%%%v%--v "- PUBLIC MEETING The Commissioners of Mason County Fire Protection District No. 17 meet monthly on the first Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Jorstad Creek clubhouse. /s/Molly Oberbtlllg secretary 6/22-29-2t FREE MILK POLICY STATEMENT The Mason County 4-H Camp announces the sponsorship of the bpecial Milk Program. Milk is being made available to children at no separate charge and is being provided without regard to race, color, or national origin. Milk is being provided at Panhandle Lake 4-H Camp, July 24-28, 1978. 6/29.] t Legal Publications SPECIAL MEETING The Board of Directors of Southside School District 42, Shelton, Mason County, We. Will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 10, 1978, 7:30 P.M. at Southside School. The )oUrpose of the meeting will be review• and adopt the 1978-79 Bu_.ednt Regular Board Meeting for July, 1978 will immediately follow the Special Meeting. Elizabeth Wolf Secretary to the Board 6/29-7/6 CALL FOR BIDS Mason County Road Department Sealed bids will be received by the Mason County Commissioners until 11:00 a.m., July 3, 1978, for furnishing Mason County with Cutback Asphalt for the calendar year 1978, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read. Specifications and proposal forms are available at the office of the Mason County Engineer, 428 W. Birch St., Shelton, WA 98584. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to accept only that bid deemed most advantageous to the County. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By /s/Mary Van Blaricom Dep. Auditor & Clerk of the Board 6/22-29-2t PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Commissioners of the Port of Hoodsport on June 14, 1978, passed resolution No. 300 to adopt revised SEPA guidelines. WAC 173-805.010 policies and authority. The Port of Hoodsport, Mason County, Washington, hereby adopts by reference the olicies of the State nvironmental Policy Act as expressed in RCW 43.21c.010 and RCW 43.21c.020. (Order DE76-13 §173-805-010. Filed 6-8-76). Port Commission District of Hoodsport Henry Stone Robert Velkors W.J. Pettersen 6/29-1t NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4967 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF IVY W. SEKOR, Deceased. The undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as personal representative (PRy of the estate of the above named deceased. Each person having a claim against the deceased must serve the claim on the undersigned PR or on the attorney(s) of record at the address stated below and must file an executed copy of the claim with the clerk of the court within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or within four months after the date of filing of a copy of this notice with the clerk of the court, whichever is the later, or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions included in RCW 11.40.011. Date of filing copy of notice to creditors June 21, 1978. Date of first publication June 29, 1978. Bernard Sekor Executor-PR P.O. Box 605 Belfair, WA 98528 Jerry Brian Riess Riess & Swanson 4519A California Ave. S.W. Seattle, Washington 98116 Telephone Number 935-4505 6/29-7/6-7/13-7/20-4t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Shelton City Commission will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. July ]8, 1978 at the Commission Room in the City Hall, on the Vacation of Alley that was the South 20 feet of Lot 6, Block 3, Bayvlew Home Tracts, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. All interested persons welcome. Helen W. Stodden Clerk-Treasurer 6/29-1t Page 34 . Shelt(m-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 29, Legal Publications NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Shelton School District No. 309 Shelton, Washington Pursuant to law, notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 will hold a Public Hearing in said School District at 8:00 p.m., July 11, 1978, in the Library of the Evergreen School for the following purpose: TO ADOPT A FINAL 1978-79 SCHOOL YEAR BUDGET. Any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against any part of the budget. Copies of the budget are available in the Business Office of the Shelton School District on and after June 30, 1978. /s/Louis R. Grinnell Secretary Board of Directors 6/29-7/6 CALL FOR BIDS Mary M. Knight School District No. 311 DAIRY PRODUCTS AND BAKERY PRODUCTS Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the Board of Directors of Mary M. Knight School District No. 311, Mason County, Washington, at the Administration Office in the school; Route 1, Elma or P.O. Box 113 Matlock, Washington until 8:00 p.m. on Monday, July 10, 1978 for: Dairy products for the i978-79 school year. Bakery products for the 1978-79 school year. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of: Mary M. Knight School District No. 311 P.O. Box 113 Matlock, We. 98560 or Route 1 Box 134 Elma, Wa 98541 By-" /s/Eugene O. French Superintendent 6/29-7/6 PUBLIC NOTICE Budget Hearing The Mary M. Knight School Board of Directors will hold a final budget hearing at 7:30 p.m. in the school library, Monday, July. 10, 1978. The public is invited. sS/Eugene O. French ecretary, Board of Directors 6/29-7/6 NOTICE OF HELP WANTED Part-time Indian Education Co-ordinator for Hood Canal School District No. 404. Co-ordinator will be hired under the Title IV Part A Indian Education funds. Duties will be to co-ordinate Indian Education Programs between school, home and Tribal Center, develop a career awareness program and a leadership program for Indian students. Applications for the position will be accepted through July 31, 1978. Send letter of application to: Robert L. Dehning, Superintendent, Hood Canal School District 404, R.R. 5, Box 392, Shelton, Washington 98584. Hood Canal School District No. 404 is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 6/29-7/7-14-3t NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Pursuant to the provisions of chapter 43.21c RCW, notice is hereby given that: The City Engineer did on June 20, 1978 take action which may or may not be held or deemed to be "a major action significantly affecting the quality of the environment." Any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge such action on the rounds of noncompliance with eprovisions of chapter 43.21c RCW shall be commenced within 30 days or be barred. The action taken by City of Shelton, notice of which is hereby given was as follows: 1. Description of action: Proposed declaration of non-significance. 2. Description of project: Build a commercial building. 3. Location of project: Olympic Gateway Properties. Lot 15 & 16 Gateway addition. Pertinent documents may be examined during regular business hours at the office of Public Works located at Shelton City Hall Annex. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- Legal Publications CALL FOR BIDS Sealed Bids will be received at the Business Office, Shelton School District No. 309, Shelton, Washington, until 8:00 p.m., July 11, ,1978, for furnishing Shelton High School Yearbooks. Specifications are available at the District Office, Evergreen Elementary School, 8th and Pine, Shelton, Washington 98584. The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately after closing time for their receipt. All interested persons are entitled to attend the bid opening. /s/Louis R. Grinnell Superintendent Board of Directors Shelton School District No. 309 Shelton, Washington 98584 6/22-29.2t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Grapeview School District No. 54, Mason County Washington. Pursuant to law, not ce is hereby given that the School Directors of Grapeview School District No. 54 will hold a public hearing, in conjunction with regular meetS at the Grapeview School ' 7:30 p.m. the 11th day of July, 1978, for the following purpose. Fixing and adopting the budget of Grapeview School District No. 54 for the fiscal year 1978-79. Any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against any part of the budget. G.B. Van Horn Business Mgr. 6/29-7/6-2t NOTICE OF SALE OF ABANDONED VEHICLES Notice is hereby given that on Friday, July 7, 1978 at 12:00 noon, at G&G Towing, Rt. 1, Box 572, Shelton, in compliance with Chapter 42, Laws of 1969, 1st Extraordinary Session, the followinl described abandoned vehicle wdl be sold: 1960 GMC Vz-ton pickup, Veh. No. 1001CN4819A. Grant O. Hartline, G&G Auto & Towing, Registry No. R23040007. 6/29-1t NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that Pirates Cove Country Club Inc. who is real property owner of the below-described property has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the development of repairing and modification of man made lagoon, including weir and beach located at Pirates Cove at Grapeview, Washington, approximately 16 miles northeast of Shelton within section 8 of township 21N., Range 1 W.W.M., in Mason County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Puget Sound-Case Inlet and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should notify James E. Connolly, Planning Director, P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 in writing of his interest within thirty (30) days of the last notice &wen pursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is June 29, 1978. Written comments must be received by July 29, 1978. 6/22-29-2t NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON Court No. C76-139T United States Marshal UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff vs. CHARLES H. VILLWOCK, et el., Defendents. BY V I RTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE issued out of the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of Washington, on the 15th day of March, 1977, by the Clerk thereof in Civil Cause No. C76-139T, United States of America vs. Charles H. Villwock, et al and to me as United States Marshal, directed and delivered. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will proceed to sell at public auction to the highest bidder or bidders for cash payment of ten percent of the bid price on the date of sale and the balance within thirty days at the main entrance of the Mason County Courthouse, Shelton, Washington, at 10-00 a.m., on the 21st day at July, 1978, all right, title and interest Legal Publications NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned trustee will on the 7th day of July, 1978, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M. at County Court House in the City of Shelton, State of Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the following-described real property, situated in the County of Mason, State of Washington, to-wit: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 18, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M, in Mason County, Washington, particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 25, Mountain View Addition to Shelton, Washington, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for said County and State, Volume 2 of Plats, page 41; thence run Easterly, along the Southerly line of "E" Street, as shown on said plat extended Easterly, i80 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land hereby described, then Southerly along a line parallel with the Easterly line of said Block 25, and at right angles with said "E" Street so extended, a distance of 60 feet; thence run Easterly, along a line parallel w!th the Southerly line of said "E Street extended, a distance of 100 feet; thence Northerly, along a line parallel with the Easterly line of said Block 25, a distance of 60 feet to an intersection with the Southerly line of said "E" Street, as shown on said plat, extended Easterly;" thence Westerly, along the Southerly line of said extended "E" Street, 100 feet to the point of beginning; said land being also known and described as Lot1 Block "M", Assessor's Plat o Mountain View, which is subject to that certain deed of trust dated December 27, 1976, recorded December 28, 1976 in Reel 157 of Mortgages, at Frame 376, under Auditor's File No. 323037, mortgage records of Mason County, Washington, from Patricia S. Van Cleave, as Grantor, to Farmers Home Ad m inist ration, United States Department of Agriculture, as Trustee, to secure an obligat'ol m in favor of Farmers Home Administration as Beneficiary. II No action is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in an. court by reason of the Grantor s default on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust. III The default for which this foreclosure is made is as follows: Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now =n arrears: $1,154.49. IV The sum owinq on the obiigation secured by the deed of trust is: Principal $18,640.85, together with interest as in the noteprovided from the 2nd day of February, 1977, and such other costs and fees as are provided by statute. V The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be made without warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances on the 7th day of July, 1978. The defaults referred to in paragraph III must be cured by the 28th day of June, 1978 (10 days before the sale) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time before the 28th day of June, 1978, (10 days before the sale) the default as set forth in aragraph III is cured and the rustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated by the grantor any time after the 28th day of June, 1978, (10 days before the sale) and before the sale by the grantor or his successor in interest paying the principal and interest plus costs and fees. VI A written notice of default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or trustee to the rantor or his successor in interest at the following address: 1733 Laurel Street, Shelton, Washington 98584, by both first class and certified mall on the 22nd day of February, 1978, proof of which is in the possession of the trustee; or the grantor or his successor in Legal Publications NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST, ELSON CREEK Cedar Sale, located with T. 22N., R. 7W., W.M., Grays Harbor County, Washington. SEALED BIDS will be received by the Forest Supervisor, or his representative, Federal Building, P.O'. Box 2288, Olympia, Washington, up to and not later than 2:00 PM, local time at a, of bid ooeninq, July lt for an estimated 15 board feet of timber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. The minimum acceptable bid per M board feet is: Western redcedar: $143.26. Additional deposit required for slash disposal is $8.00 per M board Legal Publications feet for all above species. Additional deposit required for road maintenance on National Forest roads over appraised route is $4.95 per M board feet for all species logs priced per M board feet. The contract includes a description of the maintenance work and a breakdown of the per M board foot deposit on a per M board foot per mile basis by roads. All of the Alaska yellow cedar, if any, determined pursuant to public hearings to be surplus to needs of domestic users and processors and Included Timber not meeting Utilization Standards is exempt from Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions. Bidders are advised that violations of the Timber Export and Substitution Legal Publications Restrictions constitute contract and may contract cancellation award other timber sales to violator, and/or debarment suspension from bidding future timber sales. The bid guarantee is $40( Application Purchaser Credits are None. The reject any and all reserved. Full informat concerning the timber, conditions of sale and submi: of bids should be obtained the District Ranger, ', Ranger District, SI Washington, or the Supervisor, Federal Buil Olympia, Washington. "'t 6/8-15-22-2 Accountant 426-7553 / I/O ! II INPUT / OUTPUT ACCOUTTING POST OFFICE BOX 878, 8HELTON Auto Repairing Floor Covering * Expert Installation * Large Showroom * Notional Brands * Convenient Terms Viking Floor Covering 111 w. Cota Shelton 426-2916 Floor Covering --Linoleum -- Carpeting -- Tile -- Formica Rex Floor Covering Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 -- Motor Overhauls -- Brakes & Ignition -- Welding g Tune-ups Ed's Sorvlce 21g So. 1st. 426-1212 Beauty' -- Complete Hair Care -- Wigs-Wiglets-Switches -- Merle Norman Cosmetics -- Pennyrich Brae Elaino's Beauty Salon Insulation Old Construction New Construction Authorized Borden's Insulspray Foam • Blown Cellulose • Fiberglass Energy Conservation Insulation 1811 Olympic Hwy., Shelton 426.1116 Insurance Tired of shopping? Let us do it for you! Auto- Home-Boat-tife-Health. Business.Preter red Risk? We locate the lowest cost, Insurance is our only business. Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency 117 E. Cote 426-3317 6th g Laurel 426-4582 Recreational M&MRV Recreational Vehicles Supplies - Service - Custom Canopies Prospecting & Clam Digging Supplies 2335 Olympic Hwy. 1o. & K Street ' 426.5101 Builder * Building • Remodeling • Cabinets Dick Wood Rt. 1, Box 591 426.3657 Mason Lake Drive, Grapevlew Cable TV For Service Call ,t26-1691 Concrete -- Ready-mix Concrete -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone -- Fireplace Screens & Tools Graystone of Shelton Tth • Park 426.3344 Concrete' Driveways, patioS, sidewalks Retaining walls • Saturday pours • Free estimate Bill Cox Concrete 11t2 gue Vista 426-5951 Landscaping GREEN THUMB LANDSCAPING Lawn maintenance, sowing and : mowingi" floWr beds,, prunihg . Complete landscaping service. Call 426-1279 or collect 748-0673 Landscaping Ornamental gardens Native gardens Rock gardens -- Lawns Irrigation systems Landscape design Rlckards Greener Greenery ATA Horticulture 426-8378 Construction" PHONE: 4824586 or 426-3250 MEYERS CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM HOMES PLANNING -- DI:51GN CONSTRUCTION WAYNE W. MITERS - J0 MEYERS • lit. !, hx 214 lima, Wesldngt0n 98541 Drugs NORTHLAND REMODELiH0 Creative home 426-8016 Remodelin¢ TAUIII00 CON00TltYI00TION HOUSING • REMODELS • Rick & Dee Sperllng (206) 898-3666 --Helena Rubinstein --Cosmetics --Prescriptions --Hypo-Allergenic Cosmetics Nell's Pharmacy 5th • Franklin Oh. 421-332/ Hanging, Taping, Spraying O&S Larry Orth 426-9348 Lighting-- The Light Gallery ALL YOUR LIGHTING NEEDS Olympic Gateway Center Shelton 426-7414 I Lighting -- L00gcho tder .S PH 898.3365 UNION, WA. 98592 GREG UNDER LOcksmith-- WILLIAMS LOCKSMITHING * Keys made * Locks keyed alike DAYTON-MATLOCK ROAD 426.2913 Masonry * Fireplaces * Block Foundations * Anything with Masonry John Kimmel Licensed, bonded and insured. SUMMONS BY City of Shelton of said Charles H. Villwock, et al interest was personally served on Free Estimates Rt. 2, Box947 426.1512 PUBLICATION UPON Howard N. Godat in the following real property, the 22nd day of February, 1978, situate in the State at with said written notice, of DISSOLUTION OF City Engineer 6/29-1t ] Music Washington, County of Mason, default by the beneficiary or his Electrical I I rlrll-s --- - trustee, and the trustee has in his J Send*U* LicensKl* Wiring* Hoting Cola Shelton WA 98584 MARRIAGE (DIVORCE) to-wit: * * *Tracts 24 and 25 of possession proof of such service. I "o--r.Jonson'.¢,,,¢r,,,c.o,dH,, CASE NUMBER 13554 NOTICE OF APPLICATION Mading Sunny Shore Addition S UP E RIO R CO U RT O F FOR SHORELINE No. 5 as recorded in Volume 4 VII ] Vumps'Undirg .... d'Co .....  I Imu/i¢-I WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL of Plats at Page 99. Situate in The Trustee whose name and I Arcadia Electric ] MJkeGIblon Mason DEVELOPMENT PERMIT the County of Mason, State of address is sat forth below will ] SobTaylor Offlce42t-gl20 ] ___J OWNER In re the Marriage • provide in writing to anyone j P.O.,xm Home426.191i t Forollyou'rn•edsinmusi¢ Petitioner: Debra S. Kepl a°fcJ Notice is hereby given that Washington. * * * Respondent: Terence L. Kepis) William J. Byerly who is owner That said sale is pursuant to requesting it, a statement of all 23o of the below described property an Order of Sale foreclosing a costs and fees due at any time T H E S T A T F has filed an application for a mortgage of the Plaintiff, Un ted prior to the sale; Electrical' Painting WASHINGTON TO Terence L. substantial development permit States of America and is made to VIII Kepl, RESPONDENT: for the development of satisfy a Judgment of said The effect of the sale will be Licensed and bonded. You are hereby summoned to recreation deck for swimming, Plaintiff against the Defendants to deprive the grantor and all Shelton Electrical No job too small. appear within sixty days after boating, and to locate a travel Charles H. Villwock, et el. those who hold by, through or Maintenance t Free Estimates. the date of the first publication trailer for temporary summer use That said sale is subject to under him of all their interest in of this Summons, to wit, within over the waters of Hood Canal the confirmation of the Court. the above-described property. Appliance Relir J.D. Company sixty days after the 29th day of located at 5 miles from Belfair DATED this 7th day of IX June, 1978, and defend the PHONE'S26'7239  426-7567 on the South Shore Road (State June, 1978. Anyone having any objection above entitled action in the Highway 106)within section 14 /s/J.J. Harvey to. the sale on any grounds above entitled court, and answer of township 22 N., Range 14 United States Marshal whatsoever will be afforded an the Petition of the Petitioner by W.W.M., in Mason County, Western District of Washington opportunity to be heard as to Electric Motor Repair Paintin¢ filing with said court, and serve a Washington. Said development is 6/15.7/6-4t those objections if they bring a I . " ...... . SlI J copy of your answer upon the proposed to be within Hood lawsuit to restrain the sale I rumpMotorl, I:lK:lrrl¢ Mowers, Custom Sign Painting & Airbrush undersigned Petitioner at the Canal and/or its associated pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. [ EIKtrcSaw= company. Commerce art Failure to bring such a lawsuit | A== =m,m L= graphic design - architectural address stated below. In case of wetlands. Any person desiring to MEETING DATE may result tn a waiver of any I item DAJ-I qza-ql  drawing. Specializing In truck your failure to do so judgment express his views or to be CHANGE proper grounds for invalidating lettering & design. will be rendered against you notified of the action taken on | according to the requests of the this application should notify The Fire District No. 16 the trustee'ssale. , Ifeeamr|4264dlTg 701 So. First Petition which has been filed James E. Connolly, Planning Commissioners Meeting for the I with the clerk of said court, and Director, P.O. Box 186, Shelton, month of July will be held on Farmers Home 426-7300 Shelton, WA my marriage to you will be WA 98584 in writing of his July 11th, because of the Administration, =et andPlantCare dissolved. I am acting In Person interest within thirty (30) days holiday on July 4th. Department of without counsel, of the last notice given pursuant BOARD OF Agriculture Rosebud /s/Debra S. Kepl to WAC 173-14-020. The final COMMISSIONERS MICHAEL C. HORAN, THIS SPACE FIRE DISTRICT STATE DIRECTOR Pet and Plant Care Debra S. Kepl date of publication, posting, or (Trustee) AVAILABLE ,, NO. 16 Tender, loving care 1830 Jones Road mailing of notice is July 6, 1978. /s/Shirley Jeffries 301 Yakima St., Shelton, Washington Written comments must be Wenatchee,,WA 98801 $1.80 per week for pets and plants" 9858/29.7/6,13,20,27,8/3.6t received by August 6, 6/29-7/6-2t1978" ShirleYsecretaryJeffries 6/29-1 t 509-662-4353 6/8-15-22-29-4t 426-9/0 1978 Rentals -- ] Shelton's ",t: ' Complete Rental Store ; Tools & Equipment for Homeowners & ControctO,  Brden's Rent*i;  y 120q Olympic Hwy. S. 421.11111 Roofing BENT NAIL For all your roofing needs. Call Secretarial Let the "OFFICE ASSISTANTS" Do your work. ' We do: Typing, Bookkeeping, Income & State TaxeS, Mimeograph Printing Suite No. 4, Shelton, Sharpenin FRED DOWELL ,' /. 12032 Callanan J Shelton, WA 98584 aughtering CUSTOM FARM ILAUOIflllII $15 per head. ' J&T ' ' .'. Northwest Slaughterm 426-8615 evenings. Travel 426-8274 114 W. Betty Kay Anderson, Welding RICK WAKE WlIII ) ALL PORTAIILII ,  I * Automatic Wire Feed ' ] TIg * Hellarc * Stick (Marine or land) IIlilOIM! 421.1211 Window Washing _.a '! "/7/bring clarity into your lu';  Rick Wokojance ., PROFESSIONAL WINDOW WASHER Woko's Window Service 426-9354 - -Reasonable THIS SPACE AVAI LABLE $1.80 per week