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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 29, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 29, 1978
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GENE JOHNSTON PAINTING INTERIOR- EXTERIOR Wall and Ceiling Texturing Licensed & Insured UNION WA. 898-3440 NOW 0PEN . . . WE'RE NEW! MILL CREEK ENTERPRISES Just off Highway 3 on Mill Creek Road, Shelton Phone 426-5404 • Precision Machining, Light Welding and Parts Remanufacturing • Gunsmithing • Bearing Pressing OPEN MON.-SAT. 9 A.M.-5 P.M. You Should Know... CLINT WILLOUR A house covers a family. A mortgage covers the house. Life insurance covers both. Ph. 426-81 39 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HOM oF,icl • M6NN|AeOUI. MINNIIOtA 6TH AND RAILROAD WE ARE NOW BUYING: New Crop Brush Salal at ................... 53 ¢ Fern (s2 pc,. 2s,,.26,, long per bunch) ........... 40 ¢ Huck ......................... 43* Per Bunch Per Bunch Per Bunch Prices effective at press time. Subject to market changes. Hgk:rest Call 426.6546 1716 RIDGE ROAD 1 Death Be Not Proud -- Part 1 No. 126 Ethel B. Dinning Before introducing the article that calls forth this title, I t ish to sincerely thank OUR EDITOR, HENRY GAY, AS AS REPORTER STEVE PATCH FOR LAST WEEK'S ! US CONCESSION. I did not dream that so many of azy thoughts would come to life. My 100 copies will go to my family as well as the leaders of my many enterprises over our land. Also I must take space to tell you of a surprise letter that from Major General John K. SINGLAUB, USA (Ret.), 15th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005, of whom you have reading, who has been asked to retire after 35 years of Y SER VICE. Sad at leaving, he still feels that he had tR speak out "TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY'S MILITARY 1 EPAREDNESS. " Now he, with a couple others of the same mind, plan if :Possible to spend the rest of their lives warning our people in way possible of our danger by giving publically the tragic t of America's shrinking DEFENSE POSTURE, "WHICH BE A NEW ROLE IN THE DEFENSE OF OUR Y." I pray t/tat many front our city will send some financial aid help get the word out in any way possible, if there is to be a Was it a coincidence that I shared the front page with the ! ocking account of the passing of one of our most popular s John C. Ragan, who was also our friend over these rVeral years, lie entered our lives to take the place of Bud who served us after the burning of our Dayton home. of John was prosecuting attorney at the time of the thievery our remodeled barn and later did much to solve my PrOblems after the passing of my John. Now to my message of the week which calls for the above ! taken from thai of a book written by one of our most commentators at the time of the death of his only son ld was chosen because it is timely and holds a deep of many links. It pertains to our earth-life here as t Preparation for that greater awaiting all those who have made emselves ready by accepting Christ's plan for them (.In. :15-17, 36, Heb. 12:1, 2, 11-14). Our lives should also serve as a challenge to Satan (Job 2:1-10, Jn. 14:30, 2 Tim. 4:7, 8), the author of sin caused death (James 1:13-15)from almost the beginning of our world. Right in the Garden of Eden, that beautiful ! allowed herself to be used by Satan to tempt and win who, in spite of CHRIST'S WARNING THAT WOULD INTRODUCE DEATH (Gen. 2.'16, 7 3.'1-6, 12-19). Also in separating from Christ in they temporarily lost the covering of Christ's and so were ashamed as well as afraid of the lt of their nakedness (3.'7-11, Rom. 4.'3-7, 5:17, 18, (which returns at every repentance, confession and (1 Jn. 1:9, 2.'1, 2, Luke 24:47). It will be worn | by those who are redeemed (Rev. 14:1-5, 7.'9-17, During the 6,000 years allotted to Satan to show his to the other worms (lteb. 1.'2, 11.'3) angels and us t like a theater) (1 Cor. 4:9), so the lesson will bc so [ /earned that sin will not rise up a second time in the whole 'ffVcrse (Nah. I.'9). II'e are m)w in the last days and still Satan has done l rhing t,) bc prrmd oJ so will be destroyed as prophesied 7.13, 14. Rer. 20.'7-9). [ It will hc said in t/tat day, "Is this he who made the earth trcm/dc, that did shake kingdoms and slat' thy pco/de" (Isa. ). " pd. adv. Matlock: Local couple married in ceremony By DORAHEARING Mrs. Elvin Hearing met Mrs. service. Ray is stationed in Tobe Hanson and Steven Miller of Matiock were married Saturday evening by Judge Charles T. Wright at the Bill Johnson log house at Deckerville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leslie had a reception for them at their home near the salmon hatchery. About 25 guests attended. Mrs. J. Max Nilsson of Seattle spent several days last week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. P.M. Farrell in Montesano and then met Mrs. Erma Fredenburg in Aberdeen and all enjoyed lunch together, followed by some shopping. This community was saddened with the unexpected death of Ed Heller at a hospital in Auburn June 21. He leaves his wife Christine and two sons, Douglas and Arthur, at the home here, and tvo more sons, Raymond and Carl, in the Germany and Carl i, California. Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Bradberry, accompanied by Mrs. Tholnas Rowe of Des MeShes, spent several days last week at rite Walter Rudolph home at Moses Lake to help their sister lla celebrate her 80th birthday. Brian and Glen Fitting and Douglas Siehi spent the weekend on a fishing trip east of lhe mountains with Gene Fitting. Japanese change lumber dimension standards A major milestone for requested by WWPA during the marketing of American lumber last three years. products overseas has been The result should be passed with the announcement expanded markets for framing that Japanese lumber standards lumber manufactured in the have been adjusted to more western United States. However, closely match U.S. grading rules, he said, this will happen over a according to H.A. Roberts, long period of time. executive vice president of the "As the acceptance of Western Wood products American-style platform Association. construction grows in Japan," The revised Japanese Roberts said, "greater standards are effective July 9, penetration now can be expected 1978 and closely parallel changes for products of our own western Veterans benefit program reported The Veterans Administration is offering nearly 14,000 tax-free dollars to eligible Vietnam Era veterans in Mason, Thurston, and Lewis Counties. Yet many former Gl's in this area are ignoring this benefit. The VA estimates that 38 percent of the approximately 8,010 Vietnam Era veterans in these three counties have not used their GI Bill benefits. Many of these veterans still have time to take advantage of this opportunity. A single veteran, full-time college student, may be paid $311 per month for up to 45 months, or $13,995, toward the Yogurt getting a new look Yogurt has a new look. it's now being sold in frozen packages - on a cone, in a carton, in a dish, and even on a stick, says county agent Ruth VanDeRiet. Frozen yogurt has fewer calories than ice cream or ice milk. It's lower in fat, and it has fewer calories than most other frozen desserts, says Mrs. VanDeRiet. Yogurt has amounts of protein and calcium which are very close to those in ice cream and ice milk - which means it's good for you. If the frozen yogurt is labelled "low fat" - it has even fewer calories. You can easily make your own frozen yogurt at home and save money. Here's how to do it. Combine 2 parts yogurt with 1 part milk or low fat milk; mix thoroughly. Add sugar and other flavorings as desired. Fruit can be mixed in or served as a topping. Put the mixture into containers and freeze them. You'll have nutritious and tasty frozen yogurt desserts - at a reasonable price. cost of her or his education. In this area there are two community colleges as well as two colleges offering bachelor degrees. The VA also offers a wide variety of educational and vocational programs for which the GI Bill benefits may be paid. Programs in such diverse areas as cosmetology, data processing, flight training, and farriery are offered through one of six different trade, technical and flight schools in the area. Max Cleland, Administrator of Veterans Affairs, and a Vietnam Era veteran himself, feels that using the Gi 11 is "the finest investment a veteran can make in his future. But don't take my word for it," Cleland states. "Ask someone who's been there." Would you like to talk to "someone who's been there?" You can call the VA toll-free at 1-800-552-7480; or call David Seabrook on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Olympia at 866-6192 for information on all VA training programs. The Bible is filled with inspiration and guidance... vivid examples of protection and comfort through understanding God. You can find answers to your needs with the special help of weekly Bible Lessons in the Christian Science Quarterly. Buy your own copy of the Quarterly, or study the Bible Lesson, in our public Reading Room. CHRISTIAN SCIINC! READING ROOM 302 Aider St. -- ahelten i i i i i Citizens, Voters, Taxpayers of Washington State Please read this and think About five years ago our legislators in Olympia amended the Constitution so that all properties would be appraised (and assessed) at their true and full market value. This is causing hardship to the extent that retired people are losing their homes to excessive taxation. We ask that you write your state senators and representatives, demanding that they introduce and support legislation that will amend the Constitution to correct this abominable situation. The new amendment is to read "All property is to be assessed and appraised at its true and fair market value until the owner attains the age of 65 years. At that time his primary home is to be appraised at the actual cost that he paid at the timeof purchase or building." Voluntary contributions to the undersigned sponsor will enable us to run this ad in every newspaper in our state and titus intensify this campaign. Paid advt. by Mason County Taxpayers Association Dr. John W. Codling, Pres., Belfair, WA 98528 24trl Uistrlct Legislators are: Son. Paul Conner, State Senate Bldg, Olympia 98504 Rep. Don Olson, 611 Polk, Port Townsend 98368 Rap. Brad Owen, 918 EIIinor, Shelton 98584 lumber mills." Traditional Japanese construction uses techniques, grades and sizes which have tended to eliminate most U.S.-manufactured lumber. Most initial efforts to apply American-style building techniques in Japan have been hindered in the past by the restraints of Japanese grades. The Japanese building system utilizes more and heavier pieces of wood in a type of "post and beam" construction. Typically, this is more expensive than the most common American building technique, and most westerners believe Japanese house are over-engineered. Much of the Japanese concern with grading standards conformity has been based upon developing proof that the material will perfoml under the stresses of earthquakes and typhoons, Roberts said. Shelton churches invite you to attend services Northslde Baptist Church 123 W. "€' Street Pastor, Rev. Kenneth P. Herring 421kte27 Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ...... I ! :00 o.m. Evening Worship ....... 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wed .... 7:00 p.m. Jesus loves you  we do, tool S.l.€. Many friends and relatives attended tile silver wedding anniversary party Stmday at Schaefer Park to honor Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Bradberry called on Mr. and Mrs. James Greenwood at Snoqualmie Friday afternoon. Larry Walker of Taconm spent Sunday with his folks and took his daughter, Janet, home. She had spent a week at the Earl Walker home. Mrs. Arclfie Kelley and Mrs. David Smith, the latter of Hoquiam, spent Saturday shopping at Lacey and South Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier returned Saturday from Bellingham, where 1hey attended the State Grange convention. Mrs. Rossmaier got second place on her bread. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sollosy and Harvey of Seattle were weekend guests at their daughter's honte, Mr. and Mrs. Rand Iversen. Husqvarna 380CD Husqvarna ....... -$A-tG-|li .... MOTOR SHOP 1306 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4602 KAMILCHE VALLEY CHRISTIAN CEHTER 3 blocks east of Highway 101 and 108 Junction Non-denominational Charismatic Walt Wagner, Pastor; Phone 426-7655 Sunday School ......... 9:30 o.m. Sunday Worship ...... 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Service . 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Prayer and Proisb 7 p.m. Shelton Christian Fellowship 825 West Franklin 426-2758 MILl - IK - €OPJlgUNfft Sunday l0 a.m ............... Bible Study I 1 a.m .................. Worship 7 p.m ............ Home, Meetings Thursday 7 p.m ................... Worship UNITED METHODIST CHURCH G and King Streets Dr. Ludvig Eskildaen, Minister Sunday School .............................. 9:00 a.m. Worship Service ............................. 9:00 a.m. July 9th Service at McCleory's, Arcadia Point Episcopal Church Welcomes You St. Oavld'! -- 4th & Cedar, Sheltou Sunday, 7:30 g 10:30 a.m. 4116.1472 Come As You Are 426.12611 Sixth end Railroad Saturday. 9:30 a.m. --- Sabbath School. 11:00 o.m. - Hour at Worship Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer Tim Gallegher, Pester 426.9601 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia & Lake Boulevard Kurt Hardenbrook, Minister Bible School ........... 9:45 o.m. Worship .............. 11:00 a.m. Family Service ......... 6:30 p.m. Wednesday  Home Bible Study and Prayer  7:00 p.m. SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1521 Monroe Street M. A. Younglund, pastor Rick Vickery, essisteni 'WE SHARE BECAUSE WE CARE" Sunday School ........................................... 9:45 a.m. Mornlna Worship. Pastor Rick Vickerv. speakina ........... 10:50 a.m. Gospel Service. Pastor Rick Vtckery, speaking .............. 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, Bible Study .................................. 7:00 p.m. Thursday, Youth Night .................................... 7:00 p.m. COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH The Friendly Church Discipling the saved to abundant life and reaching their world for Christ. 10 a.m. (6th & Railroad) ..................... Sunday Service & School Evenings .............................. Home Bible Study Fellowships Doily .......................................... Individual Discipling 524 Dearborn St. Tom B0rwick, P0stor 426.9194 or 426.5221 1 llnl, s(tay, (Whatever you want in the way of a savings plan --long or short term--you'll find it here.) ,0 THE GROWTH BANK Puget Sound National Bank MEMBER F.D,I,C. O, Shelton -- Olympia DALLY EXCEPT SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS PASSENGER SCHEDULE Leave Shelton 8:45 a.m. 4:45 p.m. Arrive Olympia 9:15a.m. 5:15p.m. Leave Olympia 9:45 a.m. 5:50 p.m. Arrive Shelton 10:15 a.m. 6:20 p.m. PARCEL EXPRESS SERVICE OLYMPIA DEPOT Greyhound Bus Depot Capitol Way and 7th Phone: 357-5541 SHELTON DEPOT Senior Center 208 Grove Street Phone: 426-2910 Cascade Trailways CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Fairmmmt & H01mm 426-1298 Cwl C. Green, Prater HOME PHONE 426-1985 Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship... 11.00 a.m. Evening Service ..... 6:00 p.m. Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School .......... 9:45 o.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. Evening Service ........ 6:30 p.m. lu, Study (w.)..,,. 7p.m. First Baptist Church $th and Cote Downtown Shelton July 2, 1978 A.M "God's Provision For Life" P.M, "Thinking Through Communion" Ray. Jerry Hamilton, Pastor 9:30 a.m ...... Sunday School *11:00 o.m ...... Morning Worship 6:00 p.m... Evening Gospel Hour 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Meeting *The Morning Worship Is broad. cast live om)r KMAS, 12841 kc. Call 426-5336 or write: Box 88zl I I I Mt. View Alliance Church Washington & "J" Sts. Sunday, July 2,11 o.m. "Communion Service" Multi.Media Sunday School ................. 9:45 o.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. Evening Service ., ..... 6:00 p.m. Family Night (Wed.) ... 7:00 p.m. Roy.  UNN, Peltm' Pastor DENNY TYAS, Amlstent Iqlstor 44n4 [- First Church of Christ, Scientist I 302 ALDER ST. SHELTON, WA. , Sunday School II:D0 o.m, Church 1 I:00 a,m. i Wednesday evening testimony meetingt 7.30 p.m. READING ROOM -- 302 ALDER Hours 12noon-3 p.m, Tuesday thru Friday CHILD CARE PROVIDED DURING SERVICES Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Connection & 12th Streets Phone 41ib.211eS Priesthood Meeting .......................... 9:15 a.m. Sunday School .............................. 11:00 a.m. Sacrament Meeting ........................... 5:00 p.m. St. Edward's Catholic Church rFather Michael Feeney 426-6134 3rd & Pine -- Masses -- Saturday ...................................... 7 p.m. Sunday ......................... 8 a.m,, 9 a.m., 11 a.m. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church .... : Missouri Synod 206 E. Wyandotte Roland Huber, Pastor Sunday School 10:15 i June 29, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35