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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 29, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 29, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Grifley CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783 Happy 4th of July We will be closed Sunday, July 2nd, Monday, July 3rd and Tuesday, July 4th I I Tahuya Talk By LENNIA CATES  CR5-2245 II Looks like a mixed up Fourth of July weekend ahead with the real Fourth being celebrated on the fourth for a change, and those who have sick leave coming will take advantage of Monday to conjure up a four-day weekend by feeling pretty sickly that day. Let your conscience be your guide. In any event, people planning on some salmon fishing will find angling a lot better. It has been very poor out our way with dogfish running the show. Perhaps the minus tides have had something to do with it, but there's still a couple more weeks of those tides ahead, so you'll have to wait and see what taken by those who could care less about anyone but themselves. The fines they pay don't come anywhere near the taxes you pay on your property each year, so talk with your neighbors about checking when you are away. Get involved with these freeloaders and if you don't want to call in the information, call us; we'll do it for you. Stealing' and robbing of crab and shrimp pots have become rampant in the Bald Point area and up higher. One party from Portland who has a summer place up that way reported a boat operating after dark was pulling every pot in that area last Letter to Editor: Information invitation Editor, Huckleberry Herald: On behalf o" the members of the North M,.son School's Information Comalittee, I would like to invite the citizens of the North Mason area, to our next meeting. We will meet in Room 2 at tlle high 'chool on Thursday, June 29, 7:30 p.m. The agenda includes discussion of the information the committee should provide area voters on the September building bond measure and the district's long- and short-term facility needs. 1 have asked that the district principals attend this meeting so they may explain their building concerns. Gary Blankenship Chairman, North Mason Sch eel's I n fermi I ion Committee CHARGE IT George Woodhead reports on June 21 that the battery was stolen out of his car while parked at his Collins Lake residence. On June 20 C.W. Lomax reported that the battery was stolen out of his boat while it was parked on Stale Highway 3 near Lake Devereaux. DOG FOUND C reanl-colored, collie-husky mixture found in the AUyn area on June 10. Ignm00l-00 ,, develops. Friday night. Five men were /, lllll/le Of course clam diggers and aboard and the number on their oyster lovers love these tides, but boat was covered up. Need say Boats & Motors problems do arise. Two weeks more? Nolan, skippering a t  $ ago three men were given Willis citations for over lim!ting. They charter out of Port Angeles 275-2846 Bolfalr huaddr:72n:tseh;e;yreto;:teghr: reported a 92-pound halibut i i in the shell picked from a private four men over an hour to finally beach. The week before two men boat the lunker. Willis says "",, Jp I IO I1 t2:ONN"G'"'""""' had been caught at the same motor mooching is working rme : ?   ff¢¢t-'r?D €7" 11" spot with over 500 in their with trolling bringing poor .... : :  i possession, results. r,_wen,$ ©_eclal T_ ucL ! Observers are requested to Speaking of fishing, two Country still-life found on woodshed in Grapeview. take license numbers and report fellas were fishing from a dock any apparent infractions of the when an alligator nipped one of  J# V M VJ']b _-LO ls Formerly Loo's Salon of Beauty  law as regards oyster, clams and them on the foot. ,, GRAND OPENING crabs. Yes, crabs too are being The fisherman screamed, An Community calender 0I&|'rPS taken by the bucketful, toes,"alligat°rjust bit off one ofmy Ay., ' sAV ' Undersize and females are being "Which one?" his buddy Thursday, June 29 Girls' Softball Club, Belfair SPECIAL Masonry i asked" 7:30 p.m., North Mason Youth Center. " f; lCg L *Fireplaces I "How do 1 know!" the School Information Committee, Wednesday, Jul-5 JkTe gh 1F * Block to0ndations I wounded angler said in disgust, North Mason Hi School, Room ., - - 2 /.30 p.m., Port of Allyn * AnYthing with masonry "all alligators look alike to me." commissioners' meetin Allvn cJ j" "------------------------------__-_-_-_--_ Monday, July 3 Firehall. D, PERMS & FROSTS JOHN KIMMEL 7 p.m., Mason County Fire Thursda Jul 6 15% OFF -.-..--1, L°gRI Publkati°ns District I 5 commissioners' Y' Y 8 p m, Trads End lake RI. 2, Box947 426"1St2 I-"-------TZALL--IO-fi/  -"-" meeting. Call Faye Paolino, . • • " " i Shelton I SCHOOL BUS 275-3458. Water District 2 commissioners' NOTICE IS HEREBY ........ meeting, Star Route l,Box869. t:.o p.m., tort el L, rapevlew ........ • Offer Good 6-29 thru 7-15  GIVEN that the Board of & Q lrallS End p Directors of North Mason School commissioners meeting, 7 30 - m , Sam Theler & LaKe KOaU. District No. 403, Mason County, Grapeview Firehall : P- • at Belfair, Washington will " Recreational Advisory -----'q'X Month Wen "s Fuller Brush receive sealed bids on the purchase of one (1) new school Tuesday, July 4 Committee meeting, North O Sp ecla I To U--Lcn Belfair, Sunnyslope,Gorst,Products Tahuya & OfficeJUlyPubliclyl)ids will be opened and readbUS up13locatedin19782theatSuperintendensp.m.,inwhichtheThursday,timeBeirthe 7:30 p.m., North Mason Mason High School, Room 2. Money Market Certificates AllynAreas. Elementary School.Bids should be mailed to: For the record new short term certificate with a rate NORTH MASON SCHOOL 275-3t6t Allyn Center OPEN SUNDAYS, 10 A.M. TO 3 P.M. ELECTRICAL COPPER WIRE 12/2 with ground. 250' Roll JENN-AIR SINGLE GRILL Have an inside barbecue with great flavor from Jenn-Air. Reg. $227.40 NOW * 186ss CHILDREN'S STEP STOOLS With child's sayings. Red non-toxic paint. CEDAR SPECIALS 2x4-8' Reg. $2.25 2x4 R/C CEDAR Reg. 27¢ Lin. Ft. U-HAUL J. M. INSULATION Keep your home cooler this summer with the right insulation. REG. SALE $9.57 $8.19 $14.72 112.44 $9.3o $7.99 S14.29 $12.22 NO LIMIT  U-HAUL DISTRICT NO. 403 P.O. BOX 167 BELFAI R, WASHINGTpN 98528 .... The sealed bids should have clearly written on the outside of the envelope "SCHOOL BUS BID." Buses must conform with State of Washingt on specifications at the time of delivery as well as to specifications called for and outlined in written form by the School District. All bid proposals must be made on a form furnished by the School District. The pricesquoted will be F.O.B. delivery to Belfair, Washington. Proposals shall be accompanied by complete specifications of chassis, motor, body, and equipment. Bids must specify date of delivery; delivery is DESIRED before November 15, 1978. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any/or all bids and furthermore reserves the right to be the sole judge of, the merits and qualifications of the equipment offered and to accept bids which is deemed in the best interest of the School District. Dated this 15th day of June 1978. Norman E. Sanders Superintendent/Clerk North Mason School District No. 403 Belfair, WA 98528 6/22-29-2t I ? FIRE DISTRICT TWO June 25, 1:30 p.m., aid call, North Shore, sudden illness, transported to Harrison Memorial Hospital in Bremerton. June 24, I 1:40 a.m., aid call, North Shore, boy hit with rock, transported to Bremerton Naval Hospital. June 24, Old Belfair Highway, DOA. June 21, 9 a.m., aid call, Mission Creek Road, possible heart problem, transported to Harrison. June 17, 11:05 a.m., Trails End Lake Road, sudden illness, non-transport. June 17, aid call, Belfair State Park, cut hand, non-transport. June 16, aid call, Maggie Lake, auto accident, transported to Harrison. June 16, aid call, Old Belfair Highway, sudden illness, non-transport. June 16, 4:15 p.m., aid call, Belfair, auto accident, transported to Harrison. r Saint Nicholas' Episcopal Church TAHUYA COME AS YOU ARE Family Service 11:15 a.m. Sunday Services HOURS: Worship Service ....... 8"30 a.m Worship Service ...... 10:00 o.m. Sunday Schcol ...... 10 o.m.: BELFAIR COMMUNITY BAPTIST P.O. BOX 407 John Senn, Pastor Church phone  275-6031 CATHOLIC MASS Saturday, 5:30 p.m. at Belfair Community Baptist Church I I CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH AND RETREAT CENTER OF BELFAIR 10 a.m... Worship Service Come as you ere Nursery provided % mile W. of Belfoir State Park 27S.154 Office ItS-teN Home Donald G. FolBum, Paltor ii I i I I I June 14, picked up at sheriff's office,' sudden illness, transported to Harrison. June 14, 2:50 a.m., aid call, possible heart problems, South Shore, transported to Naval. June 10, I 1:48 a.m., transported from fire station, sudden illness, transported to Harrison. June 10, aid call, South Shore, auto accident, transported four to Harrison. CORRECTION The Evergreen Garden Club's scholarship was left off the list of award winners in the June 15 issue. Brenda Hedge was the recipient of the $75 scholarship. LIGHTS PIRATED AWAY Bud Yost reports on June 19 that two light fixtures were stolen from his Pirate's Cove residence. based on the weekly average established for Open 7 Days A Week, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunset Beach Grocery South Shore 275-2500 United States Government 6 Month Trea- sury Bills plus ¼ of 1%. The rates on Trea- sury Bills are established each week at auc- tion. To give you an idea of the exceptional yield you can receive on the new Money Market Certificate at Olympia Federal Sav- ings, a recent six month return on Treasury Bil amounted to 6.986%. During the same six month period, the rate on your Money Market Certificate would have been 7.236%. The minimum deposit required is $10,000. The rate being paid will be posted at all Olympia Federal Savings offices or will be quoted on the telephone. Though it will change weekly, the rate posted at the time you invest in your Money Market Certificate will be the rate of your return for the. entire six month period. The New 8% Savings Certificate The new 8 year 8% certificate offers youan annual yield of 8145% when your interest is allowed to accumulate. The minimum de- posit required is just $1,000. Saturday, July 15, 10-6 Covered play shed Belfair Elementary School STILL ROOM FOR A FEW BOOTHS 275-6382 Ikmeto n people with hometown pride OLYMPIA FEDE00 SAVINGS ....... '=; ....... -- DOWNTOWN OLYMPIA • 357-75 f,, 1] ,d, ,11"1' WEST OLYIPIA • 357-3200  -- -q)A(* li BELFAIR OFFICE" 275-6001 ',.',i June 29, 1978 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3