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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 30, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 30, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i; i W. p. Kidwell Wayne, Terry, B. C., vis- ited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Duffield, Mr. Kid- well&apos;s sLuter and brother-in-law. They are returning from Califor- niq. Mrs. Duffield's mother, Mrs. Kidwell, went as far as Colville, Wash., where she resides, with her SOil. SHELTON'S BEAUTIFUL GARDEN APARTMENT Be Completed Sometime In Early August Making Available 5 Two-bedroom Apartments 5 Single Bedroom Apartments EACH APARTMENT EQUIPPED WITH Frigidaire Range and Refrigerator Victron Kitchen Exhtust Fan Automatic Laundry Available In Basement * Hotwater Heat eautifully Landscaped - Secluded Residential Site Located On Angleside at 10th & Olympic G.l.s Will Be Given Preference " • RENTAL BY LEASE ONLY • For Further Information Call Dick Kieburtz Phone 899 [ I LI VACATION IN CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry Bacon, Jr., arc leaving tomorrow for Lake Tahoe, Calif., where they will meet Mr. and Mrs. Grant Armstrong of Chehalis, Wash. Af- ter a week at the lake, the group will motor home through the red- woods, stopping at Eureka where the Simpson Logging Company has interests. ARRIYES FdR STAY IIERE Mrs. H. F. Rose of St.. Mattes, Idaho and three children are vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Fred Rose and her two sisters, Mrs. ]¢.obert Frazier and Mrs. J. C. Glassey of Shelton. She arrived Saturday for an indefinite stay. M.C.P. ira*Jelly PECTIH Social Events Frances Alger, Society Editor . . Phone 100 ":" Ro|Iv R3von Wo.d Sivo Home on Leave J ,.' ........ Kenneth W. Sly0, E.M.F.M. has *Us Maria Whoalor been spending" his 30-day leave .av v.==. • v .,*,,.,..,=,,,. with ills parents, Mr. and Irs. W. Small, red-haired Betty Rayson, daughter of Mr. William Rayson and Mrs. Clara Kraal, l)ecanw the bride of Merle Wheeler, son of Mrs. Awvma Wheeler, in an in- formal single ring cerenmny at 6 p.m., June 18. Rev. Wayne Wright performed the ceremony in the Methodist church, which was decorated with red and white carnations. :Miss Rayson, who was given in marriage by her father, was at- tractive in a light biege suit witll white acdessories. A pink orchid corsage complemented this outfit. J. Sivo. He had just completed six months active duty in Europe, during which time he was in France, Greece, Italy, Gibraltar ind Asia Minor. Many parties were held in his honor bef6re he returned by t)lane to Norfolk, Virginia June 25. accented by white accessorms anti a gardenia corsage. The bride- groom's mother wore a green street length dress and a gardeni: corsage. Ovcr sixty guestq attended ibm, wedding reception at the home (:; Awvina Wheeler following the Maid of honor LeErma Dunhar lceremony" Roses, sweet peas and was attired in an aqua suit Witillother assorted summer flower::. a navy blue hat anal scarf. Gar- i decorated the rooms, and the lace denias were her corsage. I covered table held on it the three- • Mrs. Doris Hillman played the itiered wedding cake. wedding' march and "I Love You l The mesdames Esker Lund, Truly" during the service. Best man was Jack Rawding. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Kraal chose a light blue suit WE HAVE MOVED TO 416 LEGION WAY -- OLYMPIA SAME PHONE -- 22862 You are" Invited to Attend Our "OPEN HOUSE" on Saturday July 2nd MISKELLA SUPPLY CO., he. Beryl Pawding and Eunice Mc- Cowan served while Mrs. Irene Linton passed the guest book. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barton c)f Burton, Wash., and Mr. an(l Mrs. Amos Bare of Port Townsend, Wash. were ouL-of-town guest.s. Following a wedding trip to Seaside, Oregon the young couple will make their lmme in Shelton. Mrs. Wheeler was graduated the:: year from Irene S. Reed where she was active in D.E. Club and as "Saghalie Queen." The bride- groom also atLended h'ene S. Ree and he is now employed at: the Plywood plant. ......... 8 GOODWILL TRUCK HERE The Goodwill Truck will be here Thursday, July 7. Anyone havin?: articles call Mrs. CJmrlcs Lentz at 815-W. 'RE ONE YEA.R OLD SATURDAY and Invite You to Our Birthday Party E COFFEE and CAKE FOR ALL' VISITORS JULY 2 Way of showing our sincere appreciation for the Patronage you have accorded us during this first new location. We wish yoh would all come in so :thank you in jmrson during our Birthday Party. I ANI) FLOWERS[ for the [ ] LADLES [ Fisher's Blend Flour 25-LB. SACK Garden Pork & Beans00o.000000,,n st DUMAK, 12-oz. package MARSHMALLOWS .... 17, Med. "AA" EGGS .... doz. 151* These ANNIVERSARY PRICES will be in effect both Friday and Saturday, July I and 2 $1.87 :, 2- 33c - € Empress Coffee lb. 4;00c THE BRA ID WE WILL SERVE AT OUR PARTY Hunt Tomato Catsup Bt:l: 2-31c STANDBY DILL PICKLES SOAP POWDER DUZ OXYDOL "/bY FRESH CORN  ............ 6 ears for 29¢ CANTALOUPE ................................. lb. 7¢ WATERMELON .............. " ............. lb. 43/4¢ JUICE ORANGES .............. : ........... lb. 8¢ Fresh, Crisp, White Cauliflower .... ea. 15¢ FRESH STRING BEANS ........ 2-1bs. 23¢ New Shafts( White SPUDS .... 10-1bs. 43¢ SEEDLESS GRAPES .................... lb. 29¢ LETTUCE ............................ ........ head 5¢ No. 2% Tin 2 for 49* ALL FLAVORS K00LMD 3 for 13 € STANrDBYSolid Pack TUNA 6-oz. tin 39 * Food Center ) BIGGEST FREE PARKING LOT IN MASON COUNTY MT. VIEW James K. Needham, Prop• PHONE 199 TALL CANS MILK Carnatmn 2 for 23* 16-oz. Tin HERSHEY CHOCOLATE SYRUP. 2/29* Good for Ice Cream Topping KITSAP DAIRY FRESH BUTTER .... lb. 67 ¢ GOOD HOUSEKEEPER, 100-count NAPKINS. ...... 2 pkgs. 23  Holly S '89C .- ugar Lean, Fresh GROUND BEEF ...... lb. SLICED LUNCH MEAT lb. PURE PORK SAUSAGE lb. Tender-Grown COLORED FRYERS. ,. lb. 55' Skinless Weiners ...... lb. 49 € Beef Pot Roast ........ lb. 49 € AGED GOOD GRADE BEEF FOR DELICIOUS ROASTS AND STEAKS RABB1TS COLORED FRYERS BULK KRAUT BULK PICKLES .200A Ma ORDER MEAT BY PHONECALL FOR UNTIL 7 p.m. • Pa fie 5 IIIII I I I I I I I I IIII I III I Grand Assembly PARENTS oF ,RL ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shellgren of Box 755 Allyn, are the parents Of Rainbow Girls o :, girl lmrn June 2,1 at Shelton General Hospital. He,. i..oqu,00,m The order of lt, itinbow for girls hehl timir twenty-third annnal, Ii1[]rlL grand assemhlv .hme 16 17 and 18 w I I ,I I ill ltoquiam.' Rainbow girls to- I taling" J,500 attended this eonven- [ ' ,  : ,,,: , .... ." a." One of [he highlights of the DY three-day conclave was the el,c-I tion of officers and i.heir installa- l:.eli(,vilg whoh,)wa)'h,dly in Ih(' Lion on sara rdy evening'. h'nes- I Line Crane, past worlhy advisor of Sheiton assembly, was aPt)ointed Grand Representative to Montana. A reception in her honor will be hehl in the ear future. The girls received anotler thrill when their scrapbook took second prize. (?o-chairmen of the book ,veFe [)Oi'ln',].(,ll.(, .Paulson [in(t Bev- (,rly M(,ml. On thei)' eommittee V,*('Fe (l('o]'ff,('il/De l)tlll{ee, Carol .fo I,()vt,ll, Aylell(, ],)tlgllntn, Ernes- tiYm (?r:mo. Janieo Barkley an(l Le:th M('lJlaw. 'l'tese girls de- se]ve ', vote of thanks for their work on this hook which is now on display at the Rho-Mar ap- par, It on Raih'oad. Their scrap- book was second only to Yakima, and Spokane's book placed third. Shelton's representative to the grand ch()ir was Geraldine Carl- son. By request of the Grand Worthy Advisor the Shelton choir sang two selections during the Fri- day session. In the colorful pa.rade Saturday afternoon Shelton assembly en- tered their well-known Kitchen Band. Thi original g rou l) re-I ecived a h)t of hmyh. fro',rt the l spectstors. Mcmher. of the choir attending were Shirley Bailey, Lot(ante An- drew.q, Ernestine Crane, Beverly Mead, Aylene Longhndn, Geral- dine Carlson, Carol Jo Lovell, Don- nagene l'aulson, Sonja. Larson and Ma.rdeth Jacobs, ac('onpanist. Others attending were Mary Ann Knutzen, Greta Simmons, Marion Ashford, Jo Ann Dodds, RuLh Ann RoLler. Arlene Andrews, Mrs. Rhodes, M.A., Juanita Miller and mother, Mrs. Millet'. Van(ht Hunt, Leah McGraw, 5anise Barklcy, Ann Hulbert, Jean Hadsell. Betty Walton, Barbara LeGarde, Tom Gibson, Luanne Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Britt, Santa Cruz, attended the parade on Satm'day. Jaycee, Jay-ERe Leaders Installed At Annual Dinner About 25 couples enjoyed ham dinners at the annual meeting of the Shelton Junior Chamber of Commerce last Saturday eveninK at Masonic Temple. New Jaycees and Jay-Ette officers were in- stalled. Ed Lovell, past president, re- viewed the projects aeeomplished by the Jaycees up to the present, while Harry Fortin, new leader, re- marked that "plans for futm'e will be centered on completing cnrrenL, projects." President Forl, in 'called for united effort in equipping" the city with new street signs. He concluded his speech by expressing a desire to work closely witt tim other ('.lubs in town on projects of Inllttlal interest. Main speaker, E. J. Bohart of Yakima, national director of Washington Jaycees, related high- lights of the national convention j u s t completed at Colorado prings, Colo. Bohart's message carried the conviction that any plea for peace in the world must come from young men and tressed the importance of circu- Lating new ideas. Following the banquet a dance was held at Shelton Dance club. Marriage Licenses Applications for marriage li- enses were filed during the week ',if June 21 to 28 in the office of VIrs. Susie Pauley, Mason county uditor, hy the followiug couples: Vir4ii 1L,,,,,;on 26, and Alice Sil- ,(,vs, 21. b)th of Lo.q Angeles) ?:(lit'. P. B. Dickinson, 33, and Vivian V. Ennes. 30, both of Hoquiam. Jarnes O. Palmer, 21, of Jack- son Miss., and Emma Lois Buff- ington, 18, of Shelton. Cecil T. McLain. 21, and Betty Lemke, 18. both of Shelton. Joseph F. Nussbaumer, Jr., 34. of Port Orchard, and Constance Keifer, 30, of Bremerton. Obtaining marriage licenses in King county last week were Dav- id Carstairs legal age, of Shelton, and Margaret A. Carstairs. legal age, of S(:)attlc; and Harry A. Car- los, 51, o£ Shelton, and Dorothy M. Felix, ,t4, of l)s Angeles. TRIO ENJOYS ALASKA TRIP A post ('[tr(t fl'OiTl tt trio of travelling Mason County residents 'rrived tiffs week from Ketehikan. Ala:ka to tell that Mr. and Mrs. ICudy Werberger and their daugh. ter, Mrs. Ike Wilson, are enjoying the pleasures of a fine experience:. II()USE G[ ILSrS FROM I()IVA MI'. and Mrs. Hugh H. Retorts of Sioux City, Iowa were the house guests of their son and daughter- iu-law. Mr. amt Mrs. John Roberts, June 11 to June 23. ATTENI)S BRIDAL SHOWERS Mrs. Arvilla Wiley spent last weekend in Bremerton al the home of Mr. and Mrs. J E. Tallent. While there she attended .w() bridal showers for Gmaldine TaN lent who will be nmrried July 9. The Tatlents are former Shelton residents. WILL MAKE NEW HOME Mrs. Miriam Christianson re- turned from a vacation trip t.o Fort Worth, Texas• Mrs. Chris- tianson's mother, Mrs. Mabel Col- lier, returned wih her daughter to make her home here. NEWS OF GRANDSON Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillum. form- erly of Shelton, are the parents of an 8/z pound son born June 22 in Chicago. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. "Hi" Gillum oi Shelton. Don is attending the Moody Bible Institute. I)hih');,()l)hY lhat yo hay,' lo "give" D.q'OFO y()ll ('lll "g',O[" 111([ I.'lh'vi)lg tllSl (hat ill lh(!so day:4 ()f c(mlph'x- ities In st P,"(,t)I,' will l)o renlly ill- lOF('l[Otl ll' '('l( IIt lho .tl)llltit)ll."t I0 th,!ir ()wll ll|ll Ih('J)' II,'i}l}h)l "4' f"C- ol'ydlI3' illSIIFIIIIl'O pl'hlot)lg, V,q do- ('id,:'d t- fry .il))(iQl}lill2. t li(IL," (f- f'l,l'(IIt , ]'llllliHN, I/"<k XVt'']/ [liil :l:l,:,)ii- HW, :,I):tt' ,iil I' ,:b',A '[ ,:h w,,oh; ti) ,q t'¢!ii!ll)ll (>l llt, :iil,1)" ;ltt(l :ILl' tW'l'-: ))1 J)L::LI)',II,'(' p!',,1. ';i:t ',v})h'h l)'t' (')lmBt:l ill 1;' ]i'," )f :tH (d" tl:',, }'l':lillLt3", I[I]:l (,,hl)!N d. il[ i'(' i il- :(']]' II I't)I'l)l ()1' :l,J.,')[i:;LIl', I)Ll ||10 ( L[ll t'; ' I() tl 1 l;:'l ' F 111111' i III1FI I[('O (lIl StiollS Wit[l*)lll t'[l:l)r( ' '!" lld ,.q- lilll ]. g'O|ltliBV) [tilt| h;ts lid SlYillrg IIt.h,ched. W*"II I'el ' al)|)l'¢iale all t')} ' I l V () t)(' 1[" ('l',b't ' (I)))l ::Tf y.l'll addr(.,s vm '(,wn illsUi'- ']1('0 qllPN|il)II.q to [hi ()J I'H'o. W("ll try 1o give 5,111 [he ('l)l'l'O('l Iln*qtSd(l'l and th(!ro will b(' no eharg'(! or ohli- galioB o[ al|y |lind, Eddy Business Service 120 South Third Phone 540 ii i i i ii i i i C. FRED SMITH Says: What Will You Do With Your $80,000? Most of us never stop to) think tlOW vast a suln of earned moll- ey passes through our hands . For instance: it has been esti- mated that a mat ilrl t.he. aver- age income group (:an expect to earn about $80,000 during his working years. And how easy it would be to spend it all, leaving nothing for the years after earnings de- crease, or as sometimes hap.- pens, stoy altogether. A small portion of your $80,000, set aside in Life lnmlr- anec, will guarante,e you a: com- fortable lucerne after you re- tire. Let's talk about this plan for protecting your future. " C. FRED SMITH NORTH AMERICAN LIFE Shelton, Washington WOND00RFU( WIllIAMS Get more for your ( money with new Sherwin-Williams ! House Paint. Its coat is now smoet]Jer, tougher, makes your house h)ok better, last longer J. L. CATTO HARDWARE 317 Railroad Phone 48 SHERWIN.WILL/AMS PAINT3