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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 30, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 30, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, ,n I I ! WEtL DRILt!NG - . f-fL--t I li, . wa.0r i,. ab0nd. E/ I l ! i q I 1 | I liB\\; ance from your own well. Cool, BI[  erql 1;==  I.=LIIIII | I[1\\; ' fresh, pure water at all times. Bm) D- '  - w" W' 1,1, I |rIV) o 'u' U, Aa mLVISIT METHODIST SERVICE SLATED [ TV\\;\ Ii;   rt i'I  i rCHURCH JULY 2-9 AT BAPTIST CHURCH I I |d' W k   I4  I| A Youth Caravan consisting of In preparation for a week of l I 2.Ir Ill bUD I'll I|four college young people and a revival meetings to be held in i I ''' 'l S| . I|couflse!or will be at the First July, the members of the local I tl'ltt=tl'mi$l w r, . |metnooist Church July 2 to 9. Baptist Church are having an All- P ..... E 413-W Even,ngs T e r ' I _':- _ w Rout". Be- --o o.-,.o- h. Caravane s and counselors at- Nxght Prayer Service tomght.  ................. ml tended a training school in Call- An invitation has been sent to  __-_ -:. -_ :_. -_- . fornia and specialized in youth Leonardo Mercado, a Mexican wo1k and church projects, evangelist of note, to be the speak- ............................. 'lhe Caravaners who will b here er in the week of special meetings. : .4,,e.r,., tare Carrel Wolfe, Tucson, Art- Reverend Mercado is a living ex- .---- .; ......... I zona; Paul La Rue, Idaho; Lois ample of the transforming power .r.   ! T *_ p T  Ar 1 I Roberts, Ashland, Kentucky; Shir- of God, and God is greatly using raM-, ], rforn where I Sll: ... z//oo¢ lvlarsrl I ley Thompson, Cincinnati, Ohio, him in the salvation of 'men and  .I land their counselor Miss Alice women of every race. '""[(,.  Gee from Vancouver, Wash., who It is the earnest desire of the €.' .... . _ • ) teaches in the Shelton schools. Baptist Church that this week of U' |  g|nJl  I Miss Gee will accompany the meetings maybe areal blessing to ,, ,xlr Caravan to mx d.ffferent churches Shelton and the surrounding com- [-}iL. F v • n* / * ! U I )in Washington this summer, munities. The exact time of the I0 Mnqn 00cnool. All junior and senior high meetings will be announced latch -m v l youngsters are invited to attend the meetings. The Senior High FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH When I saw lights burning in the lcaraing new things is one of my meets each evening from 7 to 10 Fifth ami Cots Streets High School auditorium last night, favorite hobbies, p.m., and the Junior High will J.O. Bovee, Pastor I looked in to see what went on. Front where I sit, it's willingness meet in the afternoon. There will Warren Hale, Assistant be other planned work periods. Bible School, 9.45 a.m. Classes ,bout twenty people were listen- lo learn from tim other person that The Caravan will have charge for" every age. ag to Buzz Ellis, the electrician, mnkes Americans tolerant'towards of the morning worship at 11 a.m. Morning Worship Service, 11 S HELTON:MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ° I (Cloquallum Grangers • we te  SttELTON VALLEY FOLKS ATI'ENDt ...... --- ltATrllr I"I"K'tXT[Y'IIIXT'I IlY't lr'TTnlT Tn ['FO rlcnle on uly 4 , W] L] ;EBT l"lI IIUIIUIIJN IVll.. DUI hPlt [ The ..... "umu',l picnic w'il! be h qd ReprOS ........ ; ............. ;o,, ..... e the %V'n:- .luly I at the rango hall. lem-  ._1 ly lg e ,. e a - ............ hers x]ll (lonqte o  doll'u' per qUl Those who attended the sm rens wnen tney lived at J.tlm'  ". ' • , • --. .'' . , • S '" | t.€.., .-,i.,y €.. htd.,n 'all(,xr llnlly for ice creal-tl an(l prizes. ] ttill( prise bn'thday party at th Bu " "r' ('ore " " 1 (h II o" ' "" " h .... e " " 1 • ,  ahert Bqtler Men [ Last Wednesdqy Mrs. Lore %m-  mlttee n ' ; 'go 1 th;? l)]e- T ;#a 1"11 day"eveni;ig"i,:ol; SheliQ*n Vaile; SOl', Mrs, Dewey 13cnuctt and Mrs. nic inch, des brothers G e ,, r g e l..tA - were Miss Peggy "Slater ac-]Harry McOonkcy spent the after- Johnson, Marion Evelcth and Os- Reti • ' I noon at the Highlands. They were car t,ovegren. . , companxed by J. Keth Bennett. • " AB B1 Mr and Mrs W Cooke Mr and Ihelpmg S]gne Kneeland celebrate Cloquallum will take the Travel- .= Mi's A Hackerl Mr 'and "Mrs [ her natal day. While Mrs. Vinsor ing Gavel to Ma,tlock grange July Long term, tu W,-ank "Warren 'and ""oui' cor']lived at Echo ranch sire ahvays 2 "reported L)orotIy McAlfrcy Farm an, 'esnondent ' a "I had a bouquet of flowers from h''r ' " " T..T___a ," 1 " ...... i garden for Mrs Knceland's birth- - . ---> ............ -i ....... . ....... '-- , Ol/J, Monaay afternoon. vtrs. ennetn [ -,da" and.. now "a;--.*..,, .sh. likes' • in .'l()IIl1. . rown, ill(, a.11]Oi'lc.a)l . lit)-. Alderor01 Doz'mam and twin daughters. [ fnxxrn fha t'ndifi¢n iq l((,1)r hv ohhomst, was the father of 20 Phone Susie and Sally called at the I ---'_'*L. :"'; .........  ....  chihh'en. home of Mr. and'Mrs. J. Knee]and. I 'v'rs" " "ac?rT .,. - ..................... " Tuesday D-we and Mike Clover I Two of Mr. and Mrs. Haekerd's and Ronny Kneeland with their [ grandchildren htve been staying mothers, went to. Keeland park[ at Echo ranch this past week. where inert' cousin zenny uLnee- fThey are the Van Btskirk children XT,.Vl I A i._ ,, _  TT.,_.-- land was celebrating his third I of Eatonville IUU ll 21JWi4y I-lilVU birthday. I ll'S. Joe K'ncehmd called at the -- : $ $ • ) ' Ihomes of C. V. Lo Homer and T.rv a,,,, ,,,, , Twenty-five. grangers, turned out I Coffman and Ralph Pat' dson. wlale • l±ll X:. ll lllX'.lik k D,k for the Gavel meeting at Cloqual-[ in town Saturday afternoon. m Friday evening frm Shelton ] John Vincent who has been log- INW 'Wi'  • ][F urange 40. //fle t_:loquaiulm I:OIKS I ging ill Isabella Vallcy finished IIhl [l-141 M lil/K put on an entertaining program / there and moved the maehinery ! ill'.l .il]i IN /gJI II II and served, hmch afterwards. [ down to his home in lower Shelton &/IL&4JLJglI& ,1111111 Mr. and Mrs. F. R. 'illiam of ] Valley on Saturday afternoon. Belfair spent a day with the War- I Blackberries shouht be ripening C A,rTT]I-IAY 1 ren family last week. The Wil-I fast after the rain Saturday. k-'_ 1Ulll)Al9 J KANSAS VISITOR Lower Skokomish Modern and Old-Time AMONG GUESTS OF By Lois Pierce DEWATTO PERSONS Lawrence Aardcll left Stmday Admission (tax included) Students 75¢, By Anne Y. King for Berkeley, Calif., by plane. talk about television. I slipped into a back sca and asked Hap Thomas what was up. Hap told mc it was the new Self- Improvemcnt Club. I stayed to li- ten--and learned a IoL Buzz really knows his stuff. Turns out tbis club meets ew]'y F,rlday night. Each member g'w' a talk on the subject he knows mo;t about. I joined on the spot becaue so many different viewpoints and tastes in things. Just because Buzz Ellis goes for chocolate malteds, while I prefer a mellow glass of "beer, doesn't mean I'm right and he's wronz, incidentally, next week I'm going to talk on how to run a new'paper. Copyright, 19 ,9, United States Brewers Foundatiott Shelton Lumber 'Company Mounfaln ¥iew ON TIlE OLYMPIC HIGHWAY MAILING ADDRESS  P.O. Box 598, 6heRon Charlea Welrauch PHONE 857 next Sunday, July 3. They are planning a trip to the ocean on the 4th of July. BishoI Arthur Huston Visits Shelton Stmday The Right Reverend Arthur S. Huston. D.D., retired Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia, Episcopal church, stopped in Shelton Sunday on his way from Centralia to Rain- bridge island, where he now makes his home. He was accompanied by Mrs. Huston. Having served as bishop in this area for about 15 years before he retired, Bishop Huston is well known to many Sheltonians. His son, William Huston, was the first recipient of the Thomas Edison scholarship about 25 years ago. ST. EDWARD'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Mark Wieoh?nann Religious vacation school which is in progress has had the largest enrollment in history. Sunday about 20 who are prepared will make their first holy communion. All will receive holy communion. First Mass is at 8 a.m., and sec- ond Mass is at 10:30 a.m. Evening devotion starts at 70 o'clock. Morning Masses this week begin at 8:30 o'clock but will start at 7:30 o'clock next week. GIRL BORN JUNE 22 Born June 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Byrd of Matlock was a girl at Shelton General Hospital. SEE THE . ,. Fairbanks-Mors PUMPS LOW PRICES Shelton Electric Covey Bldg. Ph=ne 154-W iF YOU ffAHT'[O BUY A NEW CAR- WHY HOT BUY 0NE THAT00 Cm REALLY NEW? See the difference! See why the New York Fashion Academy judged Ford the "Fashlon Car of the Year." See tho luxury of line and the dch interior fabrics. See those "ofa-Wlde" seats They offer you more hip and shoulder room thaa any other cot In Ford'= field, Feel the dlfferencel Feel how Ford's "Magf A'lon" Brake= stop you 35% eeden Feel bump= dis* appear 'neath "Hydra-Coil" Springs. And feel that surging "Equa-Pohe" Power. Only lord b it= field offers you a lO0.harsepower V-8 engine. Only Ford in It= field offers you your hoim of V-8 or a'.m. Mr. Hale will bring the mes- sage entitled, "Three Classes of Men." Young People's Services, 6:45 p.m. Three age-groups meet for Bible study and fellowship. Evening Evangelistic Service, 7:45 p.m. Mr. Bovee will bring the message entitled, "Ashamed at His Coming." PraYer and praise service on Thursday, 7:30 p.m., followed by choir rehearsal. A cordial invitation is extended for all to attend the services of the Baptist Church. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCII John DeBoer, Pastor Services are held in the I.O.O.F. Hail on Second street. Sunday school begins at 9:.45 a.m. Divine services start at 11 a.m. Wednesday evening there will be a Bible study class at the par- sonage, 804 Ellinor avenue, be- ginning at 8 p.m. Choir meets at 8 p.m. on Thurs- day. Those who have no church home are welcome to come and worship with us. MOUNT OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Win. H. Albach, Pastor Highway and Cascade Ton!ght: The choir meets at 8 p.m, Sunday: Sunday School and Adult Bible Class begin at 9:45 a.m. Worship services begin at: 8:30 and 11 a.m. The Lord's Sup- per will be administered m the 8:30 o'clock service, i ST. DAVID'S EPISCPAL CHURCH i Fourth and Cedar j The Rev. Francis lI. Ball in charge ! Holy Communion, 8 a.m. ! Holy Communion with sermon, ! laring on June 16 and we arc all" happy about this addition to Save tho difforonco| Where-etse corn-so ll.le I the community. It will save us many trips to town, and perhaps yOu so mudl cad And you ==re up tO lO on gas, to ; ; € it will mean seeing out" neighbors up to 25% with Ford's new Overdrive.* eo  ymelh oftener: They carry a nice stock , Ask your dealer foea ride ond you il order your Ford todaw of groceries, including milk and -- ' ._.t ice cream (the ice cream bars are proving very pophlar with the kiddies). Also, they will take or- ders for meat. A pit has been dug near the store fox a fllltng station, and the equipment Will be install- ed later. Uk;thewhe00l... "ASr FRIDAY the Harstine Ladies Clfib was host to the Pick- [ K ering Homemakers Club. Eighteen tff lle JW of our members, guests and chil- l FORD dren took the noon ferry and were met on the other side and chauf- feured to the John Hltchcoek home at Ballou. A lawn party was in- , tended, but on account of the cold and hlll wind the bounteotm pic- "; ':'  4 nic dinner was held inside, with FEEl, a cheerful fire in the fireplace. Mrs. Alice Gray won the contest prize and Mrs. Lantz Wiss the \\;::!-...,:.:...:!,;i . _ door prize. There was much visit- ing and renewtng of acquaint- ,,,,. at put Fed Ils cameanCes allandtoothesoon.4 o'clock ferry Sunday, August 14, has been Whito rid, wail tit•# oveifebi* at extra r.h Summer visitors are numerous in Dewatto now. Mrs. Inez ,[cAd- on of Girard, Kan., is spending the summer months with her niece, Mrs. Henry Hansen. She experienc- ed an interesting plane flight from Kansas City to Seattle where Mrs. Hansen met her. Mrs. Me- At the Severt Aardell home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. DOn Oberne and children of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ahl and daughter Carol of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. William Hall and children spent Sunday with Mr. This Week A L. Cheney, Avenue, Shelton, (brick or bulk) OF OUR ICE CREAM of absolutely free if called for by next t • Don't GROGI POP, ! A1 Huerby,Notors 5th & Railroad Avenue, Shelton Phone 16 U AWARDED THE FASHION A(ADEMY 60U) ME*At AS THE "FASHION CAR OF-T-IE-nAII"/ Adoo is a teacher in the Girard Hall's uncle above Matlock. schools. David Olmstad of Seattl viited Mrs. Iartha Stephens of Sat - ChaHes Dillion and Severt Aardell I tle was a guest for a week of her over the week end. [ brother Frank Pearce. Thc Pearce I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gabryshack I family also entertained Iiss Ina and family have arrived from San l Johnson, sister of Mrs. Pearce, and t Diego, Calif., to take over the Miss Margaret Andcrson, both of management of Sig's Service Sta-I Seattle, for a week end. I tion along with the garage where t Mrs. George Dennis of iJain- Mr. Gabryshack will do welding: bridge Island visited friends at De- and fender work. watto for several days. Mrs. D. H. Pierce was pleasantly surprised Friday When her moher and father, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.m Alleh of Seattle, and her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Niles of Livingston, Mont., arrived to spend the day. Mrs. Gerald Pierce and sons, Danny and Gary, are spending a few days visiting at the D. H. Pierce home and with Mrs. Pierce's sistcr-in-law, Mrs. ROY Pierce at Hoodsport. Mrs. Gaylord Beebe suffered a severe burn on one foot and le,Jser burns on shoulder and arm when her pressure cooker exploded re- cently. Her foot is now beginning to heal although she claims it is tiresome to wear only one shoe. Jack and Glenda King of Seat- tle are spending the summer with their uncle R. "W. King. They will be joined for a month by Nancy Aker, arso of Seattle. Jean Pearce ts staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearc, for a few weeks. Her bro- ther and sister, David and Judy, will also make a bt:icf visit with their grandparents. Mrs. Elva Price of Shelton spent one day with her uncle, William M. Nonce, this week. • Pat and Darlene Donahue of Bremerton were guests for ,'t week of the Henry Hansens. Mrs. Dona- hue joined them for the week end. Brian Beebe is again in Dcwatto for the summer with his father, Kenneth Beebe. Later his grand- mother, Mr S. Gertrude Beebe, will spend some time here. Kamllche 11 a.m. ! Confirmation class, FViday 8 p.m. PICKNRING By Emily Babcock On Sunday, June 19, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGonagle and Mrs. I Isabel Droscher called on Mrs. Jo-I sephine Husek of Route 13, Ta-] coma, who formerly lived on the[ place now occupied by the Art[ Jacksons on Spencer Lake, and[ was active in this community.] They lound Mrs. Husek in bed as the result of a stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Lafltz Wiss have l Palmer of Hollywood. . , had as guesta for the past ten vr. Rud Mrs. 'rank Hoscn are days her nephew, George Marshall { on a vaoation for a few days. [ and wife of San Franc¢sco ' Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gunterl . .... ,, .... '__ _) are the parents of a baby girl. MRS. HAT., o--uw,-m anal m ,€. r ..... +,, will[ dau-hter ........ ' .... ' ,- ..... s ........... , reune_, mrs. tertruae owara, i practice at Progress hall this[ u Jume lu zrom a seven-I Thursda,, evenin I week trip to see their son and t  " t brother -bert +oweo o   ) Progress Grange extends thanks, ,,. ^€ L' *:='   .. ;"... ........ ." I to all who he)bed raise money to J ,,. ,,, outn laena, Ana. "riley spentl . ,,  : -*- ,-',. five w ....... " [ix tne iloor in ne nau. i eeKs m soum enu anu on Bobby Scott is home with his I their return trip spent a week at -'- " " '"  - --i-s ' Erie N Dak With .... , parents to wmt or two wc.. t sis" ir 2: 2. -- rs...[owers: Mrs. Ray Mainwaring was lll[ te, Mrs. l-l, 1% Uttlng, aria n d in +h hos+al last week her ro ....... v.-  ' b ther, Arthur Masher. Erie Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wilso'a of was the old home of Mrs. Stow- Seattle were visiting with Mr. aud ers an.d Mrs. Howard, and they Mrs. Dan Woods on Monday. visited the old homestead which has been in Mrs, Stowers' family In 13th century pubs, thc cus- since 188"0, tamer was entitled by law to see Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nyman op- his wine drawn. ened their attractive new store across the road from the ferry In the Ice Cream Everyone Raves By Brtha Taylor Visitors at the Orville Taylor home last week were Mr. and Mrs. Brunstrom of Hood Canal, Mr. Taylor's sister; Mrs. P. Ad- ams and daughter, Shela, of Chi- cago; Marie Wilson, Esther Riena- dorff, Seattle; and Bryamt Yluch and daughter of Kirkland. Miss Marty Arnold of Seattle is visiting at the home o£ her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Taylor. Other visitors at the E. Taylor hosne Saturday were Mrs. .Tim Lawence of East Coulee, Alberta, Mr, and Mrs. J. Adams, and G)adys Miller of Craigmyle, Alber- ta, Mrs. Vic Holtby and Blanche set as the date for the annual Pickering community picnic. De- tails wlll be given later. S NGER Mrs. D|xle Lowman is back witl I us in her Pickering cottage. With [ I the exception.of a trip to Alaska( __' .... ..=.M|R in July, she expects to be here un-I  IW I N   = Ilm til October [ . Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Rhodes ofl 510 E. 4th Ave., Olympia Seattle wereWeek end visitors oft PHONE 7586 1Kr. and Ma'. Earl hlkwUlhul. J'v',',-",-',',*',, '''''v'''''' TEEN.AGE CLUB At Delight Park EVERY EVENING 5-10 P.M. MondaY thru Friday SEAON TICKETS $3.00 Plus Tax Our Ice Cream Flavor of the "ALMOND - SCOTT'S ICE ¢ 10 a.m. to Miduight Daily, Including Second and Franklin Streets Goin East, Pacific will serve fares . , . a comfort.. seats . . . relaxing delicioUS ! cars .... Choice of berths, roomette rooms, corn drawing rooms destination , step train rested and Choose one of these fine Union Pac/f/€ Trains EAST STREAMLINER "City of Port- land" to Chicago .,. fast, daily schedule,., earliest arrival. Enjoy the late afternoon View of the Columbia River Gorge. "PORTLAND ROSE  Daily serv- ice to Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis. Connections for Texas, Southwest and East. IDAHOAN # Daily schedule to Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis. Connectiod with "City of St. Louis" Streamliner. See the scenic .Colum- bia River Gorge and the Blue Mountains by daylight• All Tra/a Schedules on Standard Time. En route by Union Pacific visit Denver and Salt Lake City no extra cost. Write for free, colorful vacation baokletS, o Let us help you plan your next trip Esst  CITY TICKET OFFICE; 114 South Ninth Street, Phone BR UNION STATION 1713 Pacific Avenue, Phone MA 0585, Tacoma, or Local Agent UNnON PA¢I RAILROAD • ,,6' / %