June 30, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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moths use your
an incubator--
go/Hie Mopes surrounding Case In-
h.i and Pic, kering Passage ill the
! eastern l)art of tile county
! ('onmmrcially, the poultry buM-
hess fhlctLlates Yllore bl'oadly ttlHl
does h trying. Extension Agent
! Alldl'cw K 't iswyk, Jl'., cl;tilll:
beef aninmls. The grapc jtlice and I nlilk prices went down," corn-
wine industries are localized on thelmented Harold ttuntcr the ther
day in outlining the statislical
picture. The sanle sentiment W'l>t
voiced by H. M. Wivell. manager
of Wivell Dairies, Inc., and by Tell
t{ichert, dairyman and beef-r'usei..
June weeks have b.en busy one:;
for the cattlemen. Thc thmter
,TTR, LPON-MAg0N COr,rN'ffY JOT.ffNAL Pae 'l
I I I IlUl U l Illl I II I I II I Illl Illl I I . I mnmJl: I I I I I I I II I .. II .._JJ.
"Kreidler Hearing 00iSimps°n Log00'ing
,. ....... Groups (00ombmed
and firing of tcael/ers."
C R 0 SSE N ALSO criticized
Krei(ller for holding infornlal
:::(heel bo;lrd nlcctinKs, for ,;|ilill!
to keep aCClU'/ltc records o[ [IgHlS-"
actions conducted at llw meetings.
, "?Ni) recor(Is ()f scll(,)l boald ses-
SlOllS W01'C nlade tmtil Scl)temher
20 ()f 1946, the 8ecolld Wti't!lc alt!l'
1 Cilille (911 tilt, board," CFO,%SCI1
I(!lillliliiH'(| !'/',HII IHI;',I! 11
icy and llrlt.c H,'L(III'!I!U .q!V,' dtlti¢'S
ill Cll;tr.4c (d' HdVL';/51'V IIlIWtiHIIS
alld pl:mning, i)t';die 'v;iil Yt!Iiliiiil
Tile Sillttsttt] excclttivc .'lls rc-
t))rte(I C. FI. l{l'('illollblllUll, f()Flil-
:r prcsidcut all(l no\\;v ViCe t.}llil'-
man ol tilt, t)u:trd, h:l::; l'('[tll'ilCd t()
m'l.ive duty in planl, opc|'ai.io:l:<
TIIY |ll;l'tlHl,: ' I1: Ill , -.- Io |1 I I'll EI,I TRI:II, - NIt O|slJ(i I'l'|O.l
]I}'t'AI.I.Y'. Till': Nl:l'llliON INIIAI..[TIIIN 'I?IIi¢.IIAII ' TIII':A'L'MI']NT l'll-
Fl':l'l'l:tt. I'NIIL.:III;VtilI.I': lilT 'l'tlUlq. %l'lil'll elleh lllinlllO l*(iltlM Ill.e all
Itel'llit). .qlllliP llrlli!clllll| illhltl!l i'l;lil'li!ll Ill:l(lil.i {11111111) wilhill o11 IIIIII.
illPt. II;Irlhql'!. iI|P'll hill:IJi iIiri.t.!ll,ll flllhiwt.ll, lil*;f;ll'llll.ll Ot' whlll )11 Illli#
Irhql ill" lllllV lillll'll< $.lllll. ell!e thlll'l llvl Ill I, .llli Ill'|ill ill tlll i.IlUlllill illd
wl will glvl. )ilu li III d;i)' .Ullply i,t NI.'.I'IIIIIIN illhllhillt llllll I1111 SOu i
liNI)7- ltTl I Vlillil'il'r,
tl' llllr ii1 ille ........................................................... .......................................... .................................
i ,:0&LL OR WRITE:
642 Bellevue ,
- Phone 935-W
i [] ........................... !
For The
Fall Season
Phone Shelton 1120
howevel, lhat Mason COtlUty eli- brothel's, l)aul and ttal'old, woi.c t'h:.il'gcd. Vici.-(:tlairllaH l{/'('],'lll):tillll 15; de-
n|'ttic c()l](liliolls and soil are ideal b|lsily loading their silos with rye I i{eg'ardi.ig the adn|mistratim el , v,,tmg ltt!l atttclllicm to lhc £imp-
• sulfa for pupils' injuries Cl'(Ssell i ,-on t)roperlh,s in l{l:H:lln, ('alif.
lot the l'aisilg of chit.kens, ttu'- anti peas when yol.ll ' ,lotH'rlltl fiH'n- ; . ,
keys and other sorts of feathered el' scril)e stopped by. '['hc contenls [ ";aid that "Krei(lh.r hall m't('d m lite reti|',(t lrom lilt' IH'C.'dden('y o[
e|catuYes, of five large silos, three |)f which I iasubordination tt) tlw :;(hi)oil llw Simpson l,,)ggil:g Coluilany i||
SOIL CONDITIONS are varied I were constructed this year, will be I board." , . i
enotloh ill Mason county that near- generously ratione(t to 120 (;ue|'n- I The hearing Saturday (q)CllClt at
ly all l.:inds of edible foods adapted I sey cows during Winter month,. i Mns County co| rt mt '.;e t 9:30
to the Northwest are raised here, [ wt'en Skolionlish valley I)aStill'(S ] :tAll. Saturday, ami didn't (,lost un-
:dthuugh some are o small scales. I become low in nourishing food ('on- {til one o ch) :l during Crossen's
Those who farm here exclusively} tent period on th(' stand. Test(ninny
was recorded by ctltll't rcr)t)rtcr
for commercial purposes are not] SII,AGE AT TIlE Htmter ftLrlll, Doll Baker of Olympia.
of which 500 "lores al'e cleare(I for ALTHOUGH T H E testimony
many. The wtst majority areluse ' is choppe(I in the fieM an(ll(irag!4ed slowly with some of the
mlmtl stmnl rant.bets who supple-i
mcnt their incomes from other blown into tile silo fron trucks witn'ess(.s speaking barely over a
jobs with small gardens, a few I that bring it in. Hay ah'eady has whisl)er ' tile listeners looked ah,rt,
'l it trees, ch ck(ns, and perhal)Sl heen stored in bales aml in loose attempting to catch every word.
a cow or two. In these small form. Kreidler politcly listened to all l
fnrms, huilt around the blackened Bob Hunter, one of the boys, rc- testimony slanted qgainst bis ap-
stumps of trees cut long ago, the lated that the milk was sent oUtl peal that he be rehired by the
ranchers pm their security against daily in ten-gallon cans from tile school board roy the school term
depresmon or old age. large farm that includes tic old of 1949-50. Sometimes he raiscd
WIIENEVER A MAN can work, Wehb ranch "We hae a big farm,
and it surely takes a lot of work to
he can eat. The man who set-,kee p it going," he said, rubbing
tles his family on a few acres in I p'trticles of silage from his youth-
the country may not now depend
much upon his soil but he always ] ful face.
Rnows that if he shotfld lose his Farther up the Skokomish valley
job m general economic turmoils. that is adorned in its early S|ml-
hc can always increase the hours
of work devoted l.o his land to
provide food for his table. That
security has always been a highly
stabilizing factor here,
'I' h e prosperous-looking homes
in the dairy areas of Mason county
testify to the success that farm-
ers have had with good cows and
good land. Recent economic fluco
tuatmns, however, have squcezed
the dairymen.
"FEED'I'RICES went up and
Shelton Air Service
West Coast Air Lines
For Reservation
Phone 25-J
$3.85 4/5 QU,RT
$2.43 PINT
met greenry lies the Ted Riche|'t
farm of 960 acres, of which about
250 acres are cleared. Richer(
used to have a large dairy enter-
prise but has gone rote beef ra|s-
"I'VE GOT 200 head of beef
cattle and several |'egistered Polled
Hereford bulls." Richer( said "We
only milk about 25 cows
Last Summer a new barn was
built on the R( chert farm as the
farmer ontlook held its financial
stability. "But a farmer has a
huge investment in buildings,
stock, and equipment. ' Richer(
said. "He dare not get into debt
so deeply that a recession wot|ld
endanger his position."
Ted Richert, like many Mason
county ranchers, was born and
raised on the land he now works.
And there he raises his family.
Another pmneer dairy family is
the Wivell group that owns a 400-
acre spread southwest of Shelton
in Isabella valley• The ranch wan
homesteaded by Charles H, Wivell
in 1882. and although now oper-
ated by five sons and daughters
it still bears his name,
tI. M. WIVELL, manager, and
his employes have been putt,ng in
[his cyet)row m a
awe (I]' disbelief, and al other
tin|es a satisfied grin was spread
across his handsome face.
In defending Kreidler's position,
I)udley Perrine, Port Orchard at-
torney, occassionally interjected
witty declarations to get straying
testimony on a direct line with the
issue in qnestion. Reprasenting the
school board were B. Irrnnklin
lIcustou, prosecuting attoruey, and
Charles R. Lewis, vcterau Shelton
TEDIOUS AND snmewhat irri-
tating to some of the residents of
Belfair. the hearings, called on
Kreidler's appeal that the school
board reconsider its acticm, sh¢w a
distinct democratic tendency with
a flavor of the ohten-days "tog'n
hall meetings." at which all in-
dividuals could pool their views to
shape a satisfactory solution
The school board had dismissed
Kreidler with the simple statement
that the action was for the good
of the. eommunily, and because.
the man objected that the reason
for his dismissal was not enough,
the bearings were slated, held and
continued, lrrom the evidence pre-
sented. Bill Goodpastcr, schools
mperintendent, is to dctcrmine
whether or not the school board
was right or vcrong in its action.
During the hearings it was in-
teresting to see the keen interest
with which parents regarded the
edt|cational environment of their
I ehihtren. From the myriad of facts
ilage and hay over recent weeks and psuedo-faets presented, the
principles of democracy arc de-
for 50 registered Jersey milk cows monstrated, t h e prine.iples of
and several younger animals. The school board domain are being de-
farm bas a huge metal silo and a termined, and the fate of a school
new 36-hy-140-foot barn. Among
other newer pieces of equiFmentl principal is being constructed.
s an extended irrigation system. [ ........ ........................ )
"Eve,' since 1882 we've been FAUBERTS ATTENI
growing, that is. by spens any-iDARRINGTON FETE
way," Mr. Wivell remarked in a
Mr. and Mrs. iS. H. Faubert aL-
spare moment during which a new } tended .the fourth annual Timher
load of silage was wheeled to the Bowl .elebration at DarringuL'
*00[BD[0 WI$ blowe,..
GUINNtllILITS In the extreme southwest part
of tlle c0unty,,27 miles from Shel-
ton, is the remarkably prosper-
ous dairy farm of Robert Trenck-
BLENDED WHISKEY, 86 PROOF. THE STRAIGHI mann. The farm is tmusual in
WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUCT ARE 5YEARS OR M0E[ that the ground in that section is
TRAL SPIRITS. SCHENLEY DISTILLERS CORP,, N,Y.C. t noL so well adapted Lo dairying
as are the patches of subirrigated
valley land in other' parts of the
Lover the weeR end. Mr. IPauherL
was looking for now ideas for
u'm In Forest 't'est.iv&l. "
'"['he Timber Bow1 events were
mainly on loggin.t,g" MY. Fauhert
said. "In one display were 21
i trucks loaded with imi'e I(.'",L ''
n tile t.rip t.o 1)arrington, the
I Fauberts joined Mr. and Mrs. itltl
, Briggs in Seattle on Friday, saw
@ county.
TIlE TREN(JKMANN have lail events at Dar|'ington except
T [ Ty[i ! I iZ[ { beerl Working there ever sineez the cOrOnatiOn, and rettl|'ncd to
1912, improving the soil to get l Shelton Sunday night.
' : . good crops, developing a fine hcrd i DAUGITER ............. IS BORN -
of registered Jersey oows. Under l A danghter was born June 25
• cultivation is .100 acres in a farm ] at Shelton General Hospital to Mr.
• consisting' of 260 acres. Treckmann [ and Mrs. Roland Gunter. RL. 1,
is milking 30 cows; his herd con- Box 26.
, sists of 50. . ........
:{'tj To make dairying a profitable i BOY FOR MEADS
enterprise, the farmer must raise Mr. and Mrs. Duanc H. Mead
Caufrns I as much cow feed on his own land of Potlatch are the parents of a
.Kent, as possible. Mason county famn- boy born Jur, e 25 t Clinic Itos-
Colorado. ers put up their own silage and
hay to supplement the pasture
diet, but they must buy grain else-
where. Trenckmann filled his silo
last week and found he had much
more silage that could be squeezed
into the storage place. He's been
wondering how he can enlarge
his silo.
The farm supports Mr. and Mrs.
i Robert Trenckmann. Sr., and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Trenckmann. Jr.,
and family. It is the only sub-
stantial dairy farm in the south-
Save up tO $234 western part of the county.
IN SOUTHERN Mason county
by taking factory.delivery many sleek-looking cows in Kam-
of your new Nash ilche valley reveal the extent of
ll]ll! Nearer Shelton, com-
' .- mercial center and market outlet,
are the farms in Shelton valley
where Lee Slater and Jim Vander-
meyer have the largest cow con-
cerns. Northeast of Shelton is the
Supreme Dairy of Floyd Davis on
the northern side of Oakland bay.
Even though cows can support
entirely the largm[ dairies, or
nearly all frowns are neat gai'den
plots usually cared for by respon-
sible offspring, and orchars berry
patches and chickens.
OPEN-RANGE districts from
Cloquallum and Dayton west to
the county line are turned over to
the raising of beef (attic, for much
of the land is too dry and gravelly
for immediately successful dirt
Am•rke,Slost farming. Among those running
Advon¢,d ngl,erln# I O*t beef in the East Satsop river area
'U tlerela thee are C. U. Pendleton, L. N. Carter
I designed w.lycar._. 18 and George Beerbower.
I ZZedltodi;;".£1rder,enllie,. "We turn the cattle loose to
I Velded ;'ta-Fra'°Uilt, "( graze," Pendleton explained, "and
I reatests°.'shstt"eOnes! ' patrol the main roads daily to
-- : ---. Kxna- - -".'rove "'t, ' keep them from endangering
/ Ida A e- "ffalp,., elt- olo ]notorists. '
I • • v Perce t L['°r ron- st 40
Weih,elltni"ateatrt. er rl," • To bring up the quality of beef
] and-'',-:.Preventeles mlty in the lvlatlock region some of the
I be*.-''es--.an. °odv=.-'=Cess ranchers have been investing in
i[. "''ex, safetY= "s You ,=qeaks registered bulls. Alvin Hearing,
7..._--" maer
wbo lives opposite Mary M, Knight
school, last month purchased sev-
et'al fine-blooded Polled Short-
horns, while Forrest Green, who
lives nearby, added a young reg-
GREAT CARS SINCE 10 istered Brahma bull to his herd.
/ Nosh Motors, Division Nosb.Klvinator Corp,s "LAND IN THE Matlock area
o.tro,,Mic, is not very good, and what is properly used."
needed are better cattle and better .................................................
methods," Mrs. Forest Green ex- of our objectives is LO get scruh
claimed. The Brahma bull is still bulls off tlm open range. That
nU " ---------lV.ll[]lilll k AriTr ', IN c too young for breeding, but the,can, be done on,y if the farmers
Greens hope to develope a fine can be shown that better-graded
beef animal from his offspr'mg. I cattle are more profitable."
mm "We hope soon to get some Next week we'll continue the
FirSt and Pine Street, Shelton, Washington registered Brahma cows, too," story of Mason counly farming in
Mrs. Green sakl. "We're going to I the field of grapes, poultry and
• experiment with good cattle, One | other types of rural endeavor.
.... , ................. . ........ *.--J ...........
pital. 1
The first bicycle was m'¢l(, in
Scotland in 1840.
War Declared
(Continued From Page One)
the prosecuting at torney SLlch
recor(ls as arc necessary m a par-
ticular case."
Setting the statewide policy,
Olzendam stated, "We believe it
to be the will of the people of!
Washington, as voted m our pub-
lic assistance laws that public
f|mds, drawn from taxpayers' in-,
¢ole shall be paid in grants to[
those citizens in need and entitled
to the benefits under the law at
the lowest possible cost. This can
be accomplished only if the wen
fare program of Washington is
efficiently administered and mil-
itantly policed to the end that
fraud is eliminated."
Olzendam stated fm'the. "The
uccess of this program directed
against fraud rests largely m the
hands of our own county welfare
administrators and their county
prosecuting attorneys. Close co-
operation between these two is
Mll. MAltY McBRIi)E. county
welfare administr-ttor, and I4'|'ank-
lin Heuston. prosecuting :tttorncy,
concurred to(lay Lhat in thk.: coun-
ty there are no known cases of
fraud at the present tiTnc.
Under the law. 1L is the r(.sp(m-
sibility o; each applicanl and re-
,cipient of public assistance to re-
port t)romptly to |he Welfare De-
partment any change in living ar-
rangemenLs, addl'eSS, inconle, s'/lc
or purchase of property or any
other change which mighL affect
eligibility for a .'ra rl t o' tim
amount of grant.
"We will not hesitate to bring
e|'iminal action against any one
who makes false statements and
consequently seeurcs a grant
fraudulently," Mrs. M e B r i d e
stressed, "The cooperation of the
entlre conlrrlunity [s ougllt iu
order that public funds will be
,lillltlal,y hecltlls( u[' ;ill ilhwss.
ASSIGNMENT of (i,'orge Drrli(e
I0 11'V¢ duties \\;\':is h(:('¢lllll)t/l'li,!(I by
tin allll(alncenl(qlt ]l.tll/l 1:),[1(,)11 thLli
H. (). "Bud" PHInl, head of iiw
(.ompany's (IYis(lah, i)p('ralion, i.:
tt) b(!conl(, l/lall:tiYtw (q" till l{)}4gill
within the Shelton \\;l)l'l¢i|lg ('J|'-
cle. Sid Hatcher is ill;Hl;igel' ()f [()
distribntion and Itcm'ral assistant
to Puhn.
Managers of operations within
the Shelton Working Ci|c.le al.;H
in(hide r. A. McKenzie, manager
of engtneering; AI I)|'u|nm )-d.
manager of Reed Sawmills ()no
and Two in Shelton; Don ]l.
Clark. manager of McClcary
lda.lts; [)ave Cal'stairs. Jr.. nlald-
ager of Olympic Plywood Phlllt
in Shelton: Harohl Ahlsl¢g, m:tn-
ager ()f ,Voodfibcr l)bmt. C. .
Runacres. •]1'., IS (lirt,ct()r €)1' lltl-
TninistYatioll ill th( '}](q|:111 Ill(Llll
('l>lllinuo(1 l'I',llll i):1!'o 1)
eVel'y ,)t.iw1 (lay m the year. Of
];ltc. lh(.re lla:; I)(-el| ; salall but
cncoIli'I|ging (h,cline in mouthly
fire l(),;es. The xvflst,, is still ('rl-
min|)Jly high, and 1he experts say
that around 90 per eellt of it is
attributat)h to htnntu careless-
ness d<}nt,. It is up to us to de-
cide whether fire shall cent(ira( lo
kill and maim md destroy. %','(' can
stop it if we v,'ill.
Shelton Lodge No. 1684
1st and 3rd Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m.--Eagles Ita,ll
Marvin Leman, Governor
W. D. Coburn, Secretary
Can Serve You Best
• Top Grade Parts
• Guaranteed
• Prices You Can
tIon(.st Business
Is Good Busine:s
Lou's Radio
Mt. View Phone 675-W
Go To Church Sunday
Adlh'vs ................................................................................................................................................
tl tlHt
Kamra Kit is o plastic calf
or patent plastic pouch,
handsomely lined wilh a
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a gold-toned turn lock.
No Federal Tax
IN A NEW----//f/,/__
• A Guaranteed Candid Camera!
• A Kit with Shoulder Strap!
• Lots of Room for Films, Camera
AccellrieB and what nol!
• And It's Go6d.Looking!
Forget your handbag --your all*purpose
Karnra Kills all you need! Take it along
on trips, outings, to sport events, to record
your holidays and snap candid photos of
your friends! Kamra Kit comes complete
with o guaranteed CANDID TYPE CAM-
ERA 'n a sp.ecial section---Jr takes black.
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Established 1895
Blitz Weinhard is the beer hr
relaxation, Next time xjou ease up,
settle back with a cool 00lass d
Blitz Weinhard. Bisc0ver [or 00ourself
its light and livel00 flavor.
,,;;;.. •