June 30, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Aii +lLl A i Ib 41 +I.AA AAAAAAAAI
tJl itD* h(qP } Lv . I \\;[l*|] (hal. (PJ) ]1
ltlt dab ,I" IlL[ t. 191!k lit 10 .'c]ock
J\\;.l.. it ]ll+|tiI<Jl NI lll+ tII('Of'IIOFIIII*HI
Ol [lII ° [OWll 111 11LIIu] II'|l(l(qD21L lt.l a mpll
(%tfi+l Wa+:.+hitl;'J+}+. uill D" l)yI'NCill+'d
++ Ill+ !%'la;,+ I (+AHIIIIv +li+ll'd td" ('.tltllI])"
1'+ +'illtll; +illt'i'+ lit ++++-'lll'+' .gl,s++ttHl. 1.t
I+OtJV .. v.'htl'h n.lilliHt l.-i ilt<+],Jw +tit +
T(I "t"111.] Ih)NHt]*EI+E IlllAl{l)()f+"
C( IIYN'I'Y ( 'OM M I -;:ql + N lqllN-
TION ill+" 'I'IlI,'mTO}VN ()I ¢ INI)EI'I';N-
lJ [' N (', It]
!iVy, |lle iII{IPl ;1'2 lit'+| I++'I l l ilJl/'+l '+ I'(P"
pl+l,.lttl;+5+ +,,prt':at'II( il.'; l'tdhlw14:
'F}li£{ wc. lJl|d t,}lt'h 111 tl>, lJit 11lldI+t ``
i.l41++<J Jfl! qtl:lllJ]l'd I'h l'l+H.m 11[" J+
;+,ll t'++llltt) + IiHt" u WilJIIIIIt+II. ;+ll+l
I't+:qlilP WIEIli Ill(' ]+trill(+ IJl" tit+' 111111|I
tlt';+t'F+htd .l l'tqIL :';lh+]i he+nit,+ th, Itl q'll
it] 111 +i,(qn,+<4t+(I jlltll11+,ll}l+ll I',}t'|ltil'lllltlII
ill" ]Iltl'JJl'Jl+li'Itt'P, 9/filCh "+'¢c l't'qll+'SI tiI+(. I
l i l+ +" 1,, I. l',+rtw'd ;,. prm'idvd by
flu Ill%V+< +,| ]1+ + .%lilt(' Ill Vt'll+hJliF. 1OIl.
Thal tb,, inhabitalits lt,+ldlnV. "withilt
1hi! tU IIllCllll' (l[ hi(lid ])1'+1t'(IO+1 rllIVdll
ol lib+J+ /)iDIh'tlt'i aI' lllq]'I' lh+llt llll'ie
Jltll'liltWl ([IOtt) II 1HllI11"q', |]H" nll))llJll*
tllll IlI'P,'(H hlltl I'1';'t1(|+ n thiw+hi lJt!lll.
al,tl ., itCh:iv ,l:til:
rl'hltl lh ,+ ll'(lpt +Sell l+<+lindarh's II |li'l
+tl+',l. + I" + lit+ lJt'iq+++>;+'d it> hi' ]iq+lJ£('cl
)It'l) tllq Ittlltl¢'lpltl t'tll'iJtll'/lll(+ll ill ill +
U,+]ICIItI+'II( '+', +All tl+'d It Ill'ill;Sill| Cmlntv.
+'+;tab <,t Vta, Jlltilt++tl. iJ.l't +iN [o[]owN.
1++ Wit.:
[h%tltillillt ;If t/:' ,-, +llt|l'.Vo:+ €'OF/II+F
€'1 lhP (lilt IP'I'II<HI +'I" l+ II'l' l li+Id
atilllJlll4 "dFO('|. {hl'lU'< ,tJlllll |;l (Ji'ldl'+t+;-t
:11' 1,1" West 7711 I<'€'l IIIDI't! f+l' tt'Nb[ [1)
Ill+" Ell]+)( Jill I ill ht;I.t+'(I ('++ll|ly ('ctlI +
,q +t' ; t ll++lll't ' NOT'I h ;I[<HIR Iht! t';l[
hlI( Ill b;i+ It| ('+!)lIIqiq .' !]1) t'( l,J lilt II'l'
Ill" [ f+l II) lilt' Nt)l'l JlPt,t COI'Ii('I DI
.1 h| [ '( ' I t ll<*ll I' ; [h*qll'l WI+S I. [I) (lIP
"a',,M hll( + lit I )aVid NtlI'II)Ii I)Llll£ll.J+)ll
[+lllll] (;ItliIIl Nih ++i'll: IJtt*Zit+P llOl']h"t'ly
ill + )lll llli Wt'Sl ]liD' <l snid lJavht
811"111+tl IL 1,. t' No, 37 1960 I+,el
]ll'tl'l! rl ]i'NP4 It) lira llill'lll IIw ,l' K
Hi l'+?!l . tJl*'l+',! Nt+,l Ih (ll (l(+gl'H's +,14' ,id"
EIISI It+ 1 hi" i:+(l#iI Iillp ill W;IP+hHlJ;l<Jll
, 1, I'c t q , [ ] D'lll'(t CIIII t I IltIIIIL. DIIIIIE lh+'
llllll inl' 511 l+q'l : I]li'IlCt' Slll+lth 2
+lIRl'e+'H Jl' 4ti" I+]1iI! '[20 IPel Ill lh+!
i%. titiI l}ll<' +'+1 + I I+lF+'l']; |+hilH'l+ * :4i+l.iJl]-
J,'Bl¢!I']y iI]()]lK lllJ Nx)lltll IJll4' 4,1" "1"
lI',ml k)) Jl't'] tl/lll'(' <if" ]+NPI II, [h +,
,,asl llll }l [MIIIFI'I 1 l'l'lq tJlUll('* Ill
at soilt_hirly (]ll'+,l'lH+lt [);tl'alh'J hi 'Wilh-
lllgl.l}|l i'Iti't'+'[ 721t F[+vt hJ lh< + l,'lill+}l
lllll, + ti (l Ntl't'Ol , II'l(l+lC ' I'llNI llIoIlg the
• ml,lit, lflilI+ of (I SIroel 161) fl+t.t: th+qh'e.
Stltltll I)arlllh'l tO !ill#aSh iIig I t)ll St l'Pt't
7211 ft+t'| lO ,litlth 1in1' /)1 I'] Sh'eet :
Ih,l+lt,( wl,l IlhtrlK the' ,()tl|h Illtl + 1If 1
Nl ri+t'l /60 Ih++l : [h¢'llt'+' tlOlllh imralh!l
It) W:lslli Ill( tolt Ntl,t+<>l h, lh*' Slillt]l
]ilIo +d Mi't+(lqlli IN. ¢1 t 211 N l{ '1 W:
I lit'Ill't" 11¢ I "tSI }llt)lL Nll+l d slq!ll+lll ]illu
Ill l}lt! Wtht I ill' (if A(lalliFl i Y('lq :
i]li'llCP IIH'l.h lJlll.%' Nl]d WI,SI lillt" of
,lJItli.( b]li'e,'l It lIIillll (il [iPIzinliill/.:
All I11 '++P( 1 iOll'4 I: q'tWll,lhln (I N
tl;IN.'.P ,| Wl+.%l llIV] ,Pt'lIDll lb. r]-'(>VVIl"
t411it) 71) N. I' ;+ II I.'. i :1 %Vi,st ] i1"1 Ill', it
iilll'lhlll i)! IOtllllliili Vii'w ]tt'ilPlil)ll
il jiolilui, Pia:oli thillily, 7t/itlliil-
"t<VttPTt'.l':l+'t.ll¢l', F'+qiii+,n+ rH lira.'+ Ihtlt
|]l+J nl,lt|i()lxd ItFI'II ill Iliirid. I)llUiidcd its
Ill/I)l,'l ' i+)4 ' Ill'Ill till+ tll'(i ii il li)tlnlcII)tll
t ,+ 9 lrlll )l'lil I 4 ill |ll I I',; U t| II I+ |ll 11h' J ;l +llq4 0[]
|Ill'. l;lh" I;I l¥1+,+Shlll'dlill. .lifl ('<lllltH'-
it(It)|| [(t ht llJillll(I llll'll ]D'ltlll'll('( ,
])til+'tl II+lS I:i <ia) ill' Jtill 191!t,
N++llilp: Tsllil Kllt.''l:tli(I (} 1, Jllll-
little. J,ll!tvlql ]i',ckhll"l. t{iiy P+lrr. l(lih-
• +t'1 i: K ll+'l*hilld. ] [iq]l'y |Jr lyH++ll. (ilell
"ll Ii l >h ill I htl'+th| [)tllll)itl'. +'VII Par:
l{IJ]h 14oy::.ll lq+'lim] 1{, lTa!ti*'i. /llll'y
i +. iVli+,,ll<,l'. lJat'llld J. NlA]l', Jtll'rly
}]+t(ll:4, +%1 iFa l". EVliIIf ]+'l'ltlll i:'4 1)till +
IJilll.; Pthivllit 101+l(]ld'f l!'+l+t'+'tl Ig'khff]'
1{111i Jsh'ls;hJlf M:llq ill llllllhlll" /+i, hlh;l
},l'lllllll II,+l. VVlili'i" t.l'l/llJllol,% PtlIII It4+++
I'll/lt'. W. I.. l'llC,' P, tH'll' [+lh'+ )'I|-
ID'.V tJ. A Iltlt'F.l|). +l. l Ill [. A ll+|<'l'llll.
/l't+ltqll|# ]hd01 Y. J+ ]l' .<llllliNilil + j4+l'.
t1 ]4", }']}lll.l,illll. MI, iStlIHqh' Pll J.)llll-
ll)'tl'l'. 1'11: |',d\\;v, t:l(l{hllll4,'+ liiliil'll'tl
t:U lili,li.', t;ln'i tiicl+.litll.l,v,
Everything except fair-traded Residents id the Pickcring and
articles g u on the block at 20 per l Harstine Island conamunities have
cent off regular selling prices at]their first at-home grocery and
the Olympic Furniture store in a'lneat service for convenient shop-
pre-murkei, clearance sale starting ping, Fred Nyman having opened
today and lasting for two weeks, i a food store, later to include gaso-
Proprietor Walt Elliot( announces I line and oil service, at the main-
in an advertisement on page 13 of land dock used by the Harstine
today's .hmrnal. Island ferry.
Tl:le. sale is designed to make The ope:ling, delayed several
room for new merchandise sched- weeks by Mr. Nyman's illness,
uled to arrive aftor the summer ltook place last week. Mr. Nyman
furniture markets next montli, he has lived in San Francisco for
explained. • • , the past 20 years but comes front
a family well known to residents
Two btzsiness firms and the of the community. His store is ]o-
Am(.rican Legion Post are ()per- cared on property owned by his
ating under difficulties because of family for nearly half a century.
"mishaps" to ttleir head men.
The Fir Drug Store hss missed
the guiding hand of Russ Hunter
tor the past week while he laid
in a hospital bed shaking off the
effects of inhaling carbon tetra-
chloride fumes.
RtlSS's cxper|ence tan be a
Warning tO housewives who use
carbon tet to clean floors and
woodwork. }tie inhaled without
rcalizmg it some of the fumes
while cleaning the bathroom lino-
leum at his home a few days back.
After feeling worse and worse each
day, Russ wcnt to the hospital, and
after his discharge will have to
watch his diet closely until the
full effccts are completely gone.
Sr) bc carefttl of confined, close
areas when using carbon tet,
Vern Eaton, proprietor of the
Eaton Body & Fender Works, suf-
fered a light attack of pneumonia,
followed by miseries in his back
after a dunking on a fishing trip
a couple of weeks ago. He has felt
like anything but work since.
Vern is commander, Russ adju-
tant of thc American Legion post
m Ill Ill
Assistants have been handling
affairs of the McConkey Pharm-
acy this week, too, while Proprie-
toY" Roy McConkey attended the
state pharmacists convention in
A new eonllllcrcial and home re-
frigeration sales, service and in-
stallation business was started
here last week by Vernon Pagel,
a Shelton resident, and named the
Shelton REfrigeration.
Its place of business is at First
and Mill street in the other half
of the building occupied by the
Olympic Motor gales.
Guaranteed work and built-to-
order refligeration units are of-
fered by the new firm for both
cornmerc'ial and home use as well
as home unit repair and commer-
cial sa]cs :rod service refrigeration
units st]oh as walk-bs, reach-ins,
deep freczers, arid frozen food
boxes for taverns groceries, foun-
tairis, rcstaul'allts, dairies and flor-
AIImrt .....................................
I [ll+:1 + ,I. N ()]qh'll [.ll'+ I y N,!WllHIn,
.h,lt+'lllt l!l(-lO. I+', ]1 ++, %I1(I,'|'+OI, tt'S.
'li. J', Illlt'l'3t,ll I ;% [qlll<l kQlltl.il'l("
fh i,t .i, ll ;4. [i. A +liOS+h 1' A. Hic,
Ra]Idl llandall, l+'ranc,>,-4 Wat.+m. llazt,l
Chau Mrs, llalph l.im(hill, Mi'.,-n WiN
11; Ill A. ,<IL+;t l" J+)[lll (h Wl'It, LIL(II';L
t). Welt T. I.L tlilusjil, li]dllll llild,r+
IlIPll, MI'. l]lllar It,'lit}It+ W, it. (hllllII-
|<'ill. fla,ly+ Ilunl,,r. [hiii' }{i,]]t,ll. 5/1('1 "
. it! l' I+]PV( hlilCl, VIrlsllihi |k (]h'xl,-
1;liifl. I)dli (; hl<lh y+ (h*lll'M T. Ihql+
J.h.tilh Ihql. Mnrhlii II+ |iiilh $, Edwiii
It+ rl'hli +,lJli, 1)1lie IJ. th'llh y, Alll'l'tl
d. J111+hltilT, ,Ja('k F -. +Glllll'l 1l>v" |).
.]I;y+1 t ?[111) D"ll IC. lh,yd, (b.o. W,
WI tr d l'tl ipl', NI t'S, ( h'+. W. Wtxldl'H I+1'.
"Vtqlhtau +'J.'+t'>'i+.J'. (]l+illl Jt, odlS'l'S, ,II.ll(!
]{ Jell: * 4, L+ |l]. Jtlhll!SDll. EIDltlPL (J,
{;1t[11 "l', llt+lil'ZC lllllh,l'lli;lli, ([LIl'l'lll't! l+].
iOtlt+drli,+ir, M;rityn l.t|,qJh Farc,,y .J.
]+L c)m]t. ]Vlirl. J I/ ,ll:li(tl!. P+lWlllk
L(I. /%. L Mtllh'l', 1t. M [AIll(lls.
2Ars, 11. M. I,nndi., 14>1. ( b)ll, lltith
"Ij' (lh,. Al,'x T(,n v Maxillt' 'l'(ill( )',
l]'ol'L't Dlllh y, (" It. ]illltlt:llli ]. I'.
"i'll1,*, %1+, (I. ("I/i'th'l* .i']l>;. W+ (; ('ll'd +
A;+I. |, s[. INIhu' ]{il , ] '.lit'it ltHll] Will.
Ill(it+kill(Ill, (]+'ll,t Ilill |ItiOi(JIl#tlli.
ll-30 .-'i'-.7.-. 2t,
N41TI('I'; 11111," IIE]lil{IN(i lIN
[tl lh,. Malt,'l" <ti thl, ;ilql]]rltlJrJll *if
lh+ [h.lliilHht 1.1Kilt (hli'iinlllly, 11 lit, il)l.
ii. i iJlll.|llt + i # (lllll I.iii.t tt)il,/ll( , ILllll
lllvlll|tltil( ill ,'It' :11 t [ wl" ' t lbl +it+
iiii lllit" ill'l'l I, liV('l' ilid tll,)+)l( +t
(ll't 1ill( il (<qlll]+'l > t "Fl','l( I¢+(a/l ill
tllStJll Ihlllll(.v, %. t.+t i illlii.
WII AI,L,\\;,"4 'J'lw Ih.niri.utlhi l,i|:.ht
(I ,t i iy, Inc, ltts lib,t1 wllh Ih,'
thmrd .I 1 V ('OIIIllllF,{Itiltl'l'Pt ill
"iliSilll (hi II y, vir+l.hitlRi Ijli. lill apntl -
,,lll.}illl +ill" ;I fi'iilll+tll,J ' |O <'iltll I tlCt+
II:tiHIltiii il1/11 II]l#'l'lJlP till +'h*ch'it ])l)l.'lq
Ll:l[l:41illbli+lll ]iltf' I,iil'ltl'l with lit>].'l*+ "
ptTlt'r |<l+VOt't, I)¢'h+J Itli(l Ilht'P fix{lll'l'N
t|ll>lJ it( CllLll i I l hl,l'f,lli, i(l+l'( llgF (1{I+1 IIIl([
LinJll ltil, niile +d' ('lilll]i+l I'Ft*I']( I+iiltd.
])ogtIHlllll Ill (hi' illi'l'Pil',CI10|l iJ t!Otll-
IcY (;yI Iq¢ t'lJ:l(t I|I1(] Hib';hwl++Y N(llllb+'.r
[l-tJ t'gl+++llfl/I bl, T+IWll,hil 2 0. Jiiylll,
[;tlll+il J li+'i'Tl. W, M. It+ Mtlli+l (hjl.lll-
ly, Wl+tshlligtoll. lil'illl/'hlPlt! It) +'l)ll'l+
i)1i I)++l!eitll.'r "; lb:,l.
N(,IW. TII EI'{EF( )11 lg N ( fl'l,( 'I] I
itl,)t.tEFY (;IVt,]N +hal u h, at'mw will
Its, l;mld or+ stlid atqllll ilfltlli hy bLiti(|
lhiFd Il' Cttllllt ) "lllllliii f Pii< Hll 'i ":4 llf
llllPtn (hltllt Ill II)t' ']ll+4(ill (j(Jllll ,'l"
(',lLii'[ f,Ioll' Ill ,'+Sh,qlrll Vll;liililsl.+li.
+Ill 1hi! Jlh lht5 ill Jtlly, l!Hg. ll't, ll|:ll(i
,J'< ]Dck A .Iv+.
1)tll,ll IhL', }71b €+1 ill .llilqf,. 19i!t.
lliJlll| (i ('lJlllll.v I'llltll}Jthl+llli'i't:
it| l'}ll,,,;I)ll (',t)tJll', W+.lshill.'.h+ll
Jl ,llSll+. E t'AUIA';Y.
Cl,,J"lc O[ ill,' LJ+al'd
I;L3ti 7-7+ ,2L
i'l) M 31 i+.. I () N I,;11', NIYFiI'I;
ill<" 11 ItAlil N(
[ | ,* M: It'F ('" l )t, (',l tlV lb,;ut
I ,lilil,n .(I " ' bv ih,twi21, . I+.,i:ullk+ ,
llll(J i+lJll,i
N(,fl+I(?F; IS tlEI/Iq3Y IIIVlqN, 1hal
+tilt i t,}i(tl'l :, il41 ill(ill [il 1hi ( hl+llll t.
]ljl)14 lll.l'l II lilt' lllll(l+i i>1 Ill(' I)+'ti +
lt++/l <ll' (]+'t,' . J>:l.+<'llkl ' tll3d iJthi!r,
f'iil' lh,' [twIIlltl'l lll(]l ¢>tst+:lhh+sJltlIOllt 4)[
+l I-hH.IlllY f+l+lli h(ls lll,+,ll ipJh.d ill tht
t'l'ico ill llill lh)tiid +11 (';iAIIllly (Aill/-
I)il:4.,hlicr:. ill + .tlil++jl,|l (hi(lilly, WtIsh-
Ili;xtttl). yah| l:7.+Jiid h<ql!D dl';+cl'illcd 121
+qti(I la'nilll i,l.i fo]]mv+
('lllllliif'li(<lll ill ti lllllil llll llil' +Jh|
,ty " I'd l ill;hway -t+f] '+,c! v+ t,41 ill the
lilt+' I'lotW'' ,,'l'll+ill-I I#i 01ill 17. Towli-
;dlln 2:1 Nl,rlh [.ltlll.t I v'+Psl W. M,.
anil I'lllllltllj riwnt.l 4,1ill [11<I'[%+ ' :l[t+llll
Dl o ii il ]+lliil J]l t't't'l %l."',l Ill Ih/'
II IDi'l+'l" vl>(+lllill +'<lt'l)t [il'l llll'tt II gt'('-
|ll+lJl4 I# ltlld j'[. /LI+HIVI 'll'lJIW(t J'tJWIl-
P]11tt .lli(t I;lllJIt. NIIJd ]'+till I)l Cllllyllll2.'
i l.ll'lll ill hllll| Ill ftol wIIhL Il)+" p(Igl'
,t v,'hich ]11';'4 ahllll lilt + (':l,l !sith' ill +
'+'lllll |'Z. lh* wh(Ih Ili.iIHil'+' ll('lllkt
,'ll+llll :ii| ]i+'+'l h+llZ, ;trio IJlill. lit, llih
['lltl ' ,Jl .lltlv 19,19, at lhi litilll' ol '.]
€i i ]lii it+ It#. P+],, Illl lib'till P(+I hil' Ilu
Ill ,+ti'iilU." +If :li+| ',q (ii'l a|iLI Ih<' coil +
"lllti'ltl ion tlh'l'.d'.
|A ill'l| II +] +'I ill Will, It I1t; +i,l [1t1!
2+7th (lii..V <'f .]liill' +%.11. It]I,(L
],;ll'(| +Jr (+'<ltl]lt.) + ('llllilllitlc:tlllll'l'
lI), ,It,LIII F,, t"AULi+]Y.
CI,,cI+ ul |aid liloar(l.
6.31 7.7+-21
-_- _ _ _ - ____ _
Too l,ai,e to Claliffy
_ _ = _ -_ - - =_-__ _ _ _
J 'tl 1, .I,Ikl,']+; Jh,I }l,)w i;I;L'''tl thYt '+
:'h'+h C I'll+' IIOl "+V;t D' i;lliJ DIl+t
,,,,,l i r-, j+,i l!l,, .];lli,ll;lI') + tllbl,
+h,,+ P,iti| H,'l t:l;;, l'll)]lhllll' 167tt.
6-1tll'++ -J '1
I"[ ilI SAI,14 lied >'] H'llltSi, i lti I ]. t'l.+i
l!ll(J iil't,lst.'r, Jllql.lll'l .103 N. ht
I.I i|-30 tfn
}L,\\;SI.,tSEtI{IIG¢4 :!;' '+fill Ftll K, F]l'iill
ctmtalrl+,r,, (+. J. Phillip0 Arciidia
l+.J;.++| i", L/, c*: IJ]A.
1 11+30--7-14
N O. 5256
t.IUMM(IN, 1F(iit I,I;I|LI('ATI(iJ',,"
.I+qill(']tl' Dlil'h'|l(' S|l'CtllllS. ]I'htilltift',
I{ohl,l't V. Nli'+'IlliiP1 Dl'fl'lldiilll
the mild l{lbtrL V. S(rl!aliiS. Dtq'ell(1-
+tilt :
YOU lil'C h,,r('l)y NUlllill+)n(,d [() Ilp-
])+lll' Withtll 6() ill+y8 +tftl,r the (liLt(' (l[
thc lir+,.It publicliituil of illi Ullllilllil,
to+wit; wi]hin 60 (lay after tho 161h
da3' of ,Jullt,. ]!},11). and d0fPl(l the
a[)¢lvl +'ntith'd llCtl(llI ill the ilbllv(
,iltitled (,ittll't liild llTl,w+q ' the illiitlld -
t,i] +'ftilitlhiil(I ol the Plainllff and serve.
lit ('(lliV +) yOUl" LII#WPI' ILl])<)i3 the uIX-
d*l'i/m'd li I l;(Jl'll(fy ft)i' Plaintiff lit
li Ill'fit'(! ll(+'h)w :4111t(!(l lllld in (>Ilia,!
ill y(illl' ]allui.+. Nit i(i tii jil(lglllclit
will im rl'lll.i('l'iq| Itlalllt ytiLI lll'(IOl'd-
ill Io |hi' dt!illllll(J tit" 1]11' tllli,lldP(l
colllllli+lilll, w}iich Ila b<mJl il+'(] wJlll
lhl' (?h'rk Ill IhO said coUl't. The I)|.l-
li.'t'l 1' this IIl'liolt i tl, l++'l"LIl'C a d|-
'veil'('+ by Phlintil'f [l'lllll yflll ll 111,-
h nthint lilt(ill thP. gi'ollll(.l of lil)l)-
Stlt)] ilil.l , desl,rt hm lln(I tt b t/iI(Io/I lit I< ,|1 [
itil(l flit' l'l?ltlrtith)n +a' Plalntiipf',Y llillid-
ili il{ll 1'1 ,
('ltAS. P+, LEVelS
Altolul<,y f+ r Plal hifr
Bell t3ullding, 119 Soutll
}i'ou|'th .l']tl'l.'Ct NhcJtuff.
ltlalllLI ('(runty. Wa++hlngtlln,
NO'I'ICI; ll|" I,lgASIN(;
To All Will]Ill It ld£ty Ci)n(ol'll: Thts
is (O (','rUfy, That tho folhlwtng d(+'-
eril;ltd landl+ ituatod in Mason Coun-
ly+ Wa]iiltllll. will be offered for
loase oil TtlPday, 2rid (lay of August,
19.1.+# at ton +l'(,lock a.n|., in front of
1tle (701j1'1 H+)I.ItO of MIHoz County, at
public au,tiun t+o the highest bidder
rl)l' tl. tPI'III (1|' |'k'+f .'tr+arll or lfSbl In
(luar.liti,.s nut exceftdillR I Olll} sletloIl
Ill al;ly iin(, iH,rPt(+ll i)l' vonlpany. Each
I')ilidt,r will bll rl!(ll.lh'Pd to deposit a
cl,rlified chl+ck, c,.rtlfll.lltt*, (if depos|t
j,ayallh, t<l the Col+lnty Auditor, or
(',ITS h ,'qllOl In lllll+lllllt |tl thl' f h'. t
y+! t".+l P+/'ll| ltl O[ tl '|l ]llll ill ;it?"
I'lll'lJilii+'l! with hl bid. lo(!thoF with
$7.(10. the statLit+,i'y 1't'' for l.Ititng a
J i I til P.
• N<l Ililpl'llVl'qlltqtl:4 Mitlll b+ + llht<'Pd Oll
-":;(tilt' (.all(Is except lly written lser-
liili(lll ii the (.,<ll#llllifsi41Ollt, l..
Nil h!,mi,0 shall wttlol|t the wriltt,n
I'lilielll Ill |ht C+lllllnj,H|llll+,l' F<!llllllll 111
i)lUsl.HNlilll +lip the hind or illlJll'UVP+-
iil+'lltl4 ll.[tl'i" the cxptriithlll o[ tkC
Alllilll'ntl#n N(i. 3181
'+Pile tide |all(l (_if the l,eoill:J (.'.lliss,
t,wll,+d by thr' Stlitn Iff WatliJngton,
lLil;ill. in I'l'tlnt of. adjaclit to or
:il)!Jltinl' Ul)(tll the i,liPtt ll +oPt of the
• A,i+,q! ( ipt+i'l ()|' Ioi 3, ttOCtIOI1 10,
l, oWllhip 2 lilll'tll, I'ltllt.t 2 WOItl, W.I.
wi]h u l'r+mla#+ ,,f 1.o. lineal cm|ns
llllgi'O Ol' h+,llS •
T++l'ii'i (if Li,tlTt+.-.i'lvs, I,) Pltl',
I{vntal-++$15.(IO pt!l- yl,al',
NOTE: Lt:8,ut,c Illtl.lt bit ii ('itizcn of
|l'l( c lJntt0d Nllitf,, or lia+¢+ dechu.t(l, ill
1,4(,+Id faith, ht |II|t+llIl+Hl IO bOColi10
tl'h,,-(+ha|lltr .5(}. Li£w 1921.
Tim ltlj('i+l+l dl,cl'il),d hilidl.l will be
h'a<+,ti, tllijocl tti till the It!l'llll+. t',(-ill-
<lt]hlll ftild roPi"¢tllion of 1Ira tlL|l|lOM.
lii;'xV llr+vhlc(i fol lit<, h'llhltl u+ P chtlu]
alil| flr+int+,d llo|d.
N()T1C,,-R+.,cil;i I"i' <hl)llii lillide
with ftlltllhmllonH t(i h,lle i it)+' I)) tlil+,d
h v Ii +|lib'+lilt +lilly ih CtlH1 O+11 dat' uf
Witil('.'l I I' halld ltil sva f ff cu
ai'|'ixed t 1 s "25tli dliy +jr Jilill,, 19,i9.
C1miini.qhmel + i+f I tibllc
Gailds ill' lhl! llll< of
W:ll+ |ll fig U;II.
6-30. +7-7-1.t-28-- 5t
"J.'hl ll()t+lt'+ i [(J i|liplll'lil 111, ' rt,si.
(lc)l[S Ill" Nl'l+'ltt)ll. Wils]/tlll[lll] who dl!-
irt" l&l hi(v+, iht lIr<'(qi,1 ll(litic.ent tit
lh+,h + iI'O )el'ty +tihxl, hi I'(llltlL('t |lip
+]il'P +11 tim City |!llg ll+;+*l" tt]" ,Ullt'h
tlc:ii', all+| llllt.;iln hlip(Jriiilllltin tllld CD,,L
(|llltl+ l''Dtl'flili<t" lhL illlill'il'l'|Dr!lll+
I1 IFI l'('qll,>tl'd that tlii, lil d+illl,
/'I1+11 It,'+ ;tIJ< + i'll ', ('I'll1 lS'('+'kt4 ;ll'C i'c-
llllh+(+d (o CiHi:l+llllih+ tl C, Ollll'il+'[ l+Jr
i, ili.li iilillg.
'J'h+, otliii|; which wi|l lit! tt |wo (-'oal
1%I-(3-3 i'oit(| 1ill with Iwu i'llVel+hig,.i
iii 'l'liMl()d |'llt'll lllllt |Jt+ litJlJ /or ill
lid( lllICt'.
Tl , ('iti {' illliiii..t4 il (,l iI l "sei I t
1 ' g raul li (t t ;t H tliol+.! h|tt i'( l.lted
I€ t'iJlltlll'l iho +]lilhieci+lllg 1)ell0.rllltCat
1[ il]lco,
((IJll. Publi I.tiiprov(|li('Ilt
In case of bad weather the
W.C.T.U. will meet at the home of
Mrs. W. M. Elliott at 1 p.m., July
1, instead of at Kneeland park.
A 1 o'clock potluck luncheon
followed by the meeting.is planned.
Mr, and Mrs. H, E. Hawley are
driving to Suquamish, Wash. Sat-
unday, to take Mrs. Arvitla Wiley,
who is going to stay for an in-
definite time with her niece, Madc-
line Newton.
Mr. and Mrs, L. W. Walton of
Seattle are the parents of a girl
born June 21 at Virginia Mason
hospital there. Mrs. Walton is
the former Mildred Carter of Shel-
ton The baby was named Char-
lene Dawn.
]Vii'. and Mrs. Charles' Kneeland
and family of SanUx Barbara,
Calif. are visiting with Mrs.
Kneeland's father, Otto Kump.
They plan to stay until August.
Also house guests of Otto; are his
brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Benn Kump of Aberdeen, South
Dakota, which is the Sheltonian's
home town. The South Dakotans
)lan a ten-day stay.
E. "Lucky" Lllck, Shelton recre-
ation director, is in Bremerton this
week attending a Red Cross swim
instructors school being held in
the Navy Yard city.
Mr. l,uck was married to Mary
Demchuk recently.
That the committee for the forming of the proposed
of INDEPENDENCE was appointed by the Community
and is not a one-man endeavor, as has been implied.
Bud Dunning, Tom Kneeland, Charles '00eil
Look what StIFEWAY has to help you
plan a BIG PICNIC for the 4 thl
Everybedy tikes Fried Chicken ! Rnd ff'00 $o
ets# #i f/x-00sin00 PU-ltER00Y FRYERS
Ready to pop into the paM No cleaning to do. 63c
No waste. And they're so good ! Every one a
carefully selected chicken, scientifically
raised to produce tender, juicy meat. Safeway
guarantees satisfaction. Today's price: LB.
Oscar Mayer or Diamond "F", short shank. 16-1bs. or under. Whole or half.
SKINNED HAMS ............ lb. S9€
Oscar Mayer or Rath's "Black HawR,' tendered. 4-1bs. to 8-1bs.
SMOKED PICNICS ........... lb. 4S€
Swlft's "Oriole" or Armours "Dexter' special
SLICED BACON ............. lb. 49=
STANDING BEEF RIB ROAST, U.S. 'good' lb. 69¢
BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK, U.S. 'good' ........ lb. 75¢
FRESH GROUND BEEF .............................. lb. 53¢
PURE POBK SAUSAGE, well seasoned ...... lb. 49¢
iiAM SLICES, center [iuts .............................. lb. 98¢
BOSTON BUTTS, whole or half .................... lb. 59¢
RABBITS, fresh dressed .............................. lb. 69¢
Blade Gut--Graded Good
BEEF ROAST ...................... lb. 57¢
Picnic Lunch Meats
Asstd. Lunch Meats, sliced lb. 59¢
Sldnless Wieners, tender .... lb. 49¢
Bologmi, small or large ...... lb. 49¢
Corned Beef, Tongue Loaf lb. 69¢
Sweet and ripe• Black seeded California Klondike. Every one guar,
W/ITrl00RMELONS ,+.4
Sweet, vine-ripened. Picked for ripeness.
CAN TL0UP ES I ......... ' b O
Cello-carton• Solid Red ripe, fancy slicing.
TOMATOES ............... lb.
White Shafter U. S. No. 1 (A)
POTATOES ............... 'b"
FRESH GREEN PEAS, local, full pods lb. 10¢
LETTUCE, local, lge. solid heads ........ lb. 5¢
RADISHES or GREEN ONIONS .... 4 bun. 10¢
Valencia Oranges
New crop. These are small oranges
but they art chock full of sweet
juioel Good value!
MESH 49=
-lb. BAG
Torpedo Brand, light meat. Look at the low prioel
GRATED TUNA ..........................
Spaghetti in delicious tomato and cheese sauoe. 154-oz.
FRANCO AMERICAN .........................
Gardenside Extra Standard, 28-oz, can
Rose-Dale, whole dills, crisp and tasty
Fluffi.est Brand. 4 packages in one!
Zee, white embossed
Sunny Dawn, fancy quality
............ 28-oz. can
.................... QUART
........................ 1-LB.
........................ 2 FOR
........................ 46-0Z.
.......................................... 2-LB. CAN
2/3S =
23 =
Mrs. Wright's Bread
White o|' wleat, en-' I
riched. I I/:,-Ib. I
Grade "A" bomo-illll¢l
genlz(:d . , . Freshl J •
daily( . .Quartllh •, 1
-, 7€1'1
BREEZE mild and
deliciuus. 2-1b. Ioafi lt' II
1 I I"
Nalley's , fresh (14-oz. 49¢)
Potato Chips.. 8-oz. 3
Llbby's, sweet, crips, 8-oz.
Mixed Pickles ........ 10¢
Libby's, small size. 9-oz.
Ripe Olives ............ 21¢
French's, prepared
Mustard ...... 9-oz. 14¢
Chef Boy-Ar-Dee, with moat
Spaghetti 153/4-oz. 23¢
Hormel's, prepared, pickled
Pigs Feet .... 14-oil. 35¢
Heinz, in Tomato Sauae
Baked Beans.. l-lb. 17¢
Smith's, tasty tomato sauce
Sphaghetti .... l-lb. 10¢
Savaday, 9 inch
Picnic Plates 21 doz. 2"/¢
Gardenside Peas
+0ndcr young sweet. +,+10'
value. 20-oz. can
Cut Green Beans
Argo. Extra 2/37'
grade. 19-oz. cans
Unpeeled Apricots
"Class A" Brand, in hvy.! n !€
syrup. 17.oz. can,
Cranberry Sauce
Ocean Spray, +,,o,°2/33
or jellied...
l-lb. can
Hi Ho Crackers
.o.o ....
for Hi Ho crackers . .
Dalewood. Extra quality.dQ q
2 POU N DS'I'q'
MargarillC .... 2-1bs. 55¢
Margarine .... 2.1bs. 55¢
Port-O Brand, Raspberry
Preserves.. l-lb. 3/50¢
Beverly, fancy
Peanut Butter 2-lb. 69¢
Cragm't Root Beer or (add dep)
Sno-Cola ...... 2 qts. ;9¢
12-oz. (add dcposit)
Pepsi.Cola .... 6 fOl" 35¢
Rainier Canncd or 12-oz. 3/31€)
Acme Beer.. (24) $3.59
11-oz. bottle 10€ (add deP.) .
Old Style .... (4) $.39
7-oz. package
Hershey's Kisses.- 29¢
De Luxe Blend (1-1b. 44¢)
Nob Hill Coffee
Brazilian mild and mellow (l-lb, d
Coffee, 2
Airway -]
Vacuum pack can (l-lb. can 49¢)
Edward's Coff¢00 2"
Orange Pekoe and Pekoe. I/z-lb. ctn. 56!€
Canterbury Tea .... 16
Guaranteed quality, parohment wrappe d
Fresh Butter - ..
Washington Co-op, 1.arge
Grade "AA" Eggs ......
Cherub or Darigold, evaporated
Canned Milk .............
Fine Granulated, White Satin (100'-Ibs.
Granulated Sugar .
Pure Cane, fine granulated (100.1bs. =18,89)
C & H Sugar 111-I,
Kitchen Craft, enriched (25-1bs. $1.93)
Enriched Flour ,,.,.. 1..I,
I ::++ I
I qt. 49 ¢ I
( ;:!