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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 30, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 30, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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30, 1949• ! God Food L Anytime You SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Want It early breakfast to a late evening snack, we're you throughout the day with freshly prepared Come in anytime you're hungry . . . leave fully HEINIE HILDERMAN'S aTTERBOX CAFE M JOYOUS ALLYN FOLKS PRESENT I SHOWER FOR MRS. SHELLGREN By Esther Shepherd Valley and Mrs. Eric Asplund, sis- %1 A baby shower was given in honor of Mrs. }larry Shellgren, Jr., last Friday evening at the home of Barbara Valley. Mrs.;. Shellgren was taken to the hospital in Shelton Thursday where sho gave birth to a girl, Loretta Kay, Friday morning. ilER ItUSBAND did the honors cf opening the many lovely gifts. Small amusing gifts were also pre- :ented the proud father by the male guests. One of the highlights of the evening's fun was the contest of pinning diapers on dolls. Prizes went to Harward Wymn, Chet Flansen, Hank Shetlgren and Perry V':dley. Two cakes, one decorated with pink rosebuds and the other with baby faces, and coffee were served by the hostesses, Barbara tl PLUS TAX SIZE 6.00-16 Other Sizes Proportionately Low! It's the famous FIRESTONE STANDARD • TIRE at a sensational REDUCED PRICE for your July 4th Holiday Driving! Safe, depend- able mileage- curve-gripping non-skid safety tread! And it's built with the exclusive Safti- Sured Gum.Dipped cord body that gives greater protection against blowouts! Backed by a Life- time Guarantee! SAVE DURING OUR JULY 4TH TIRE SALE[ 00BEE CAR COAT rllk0000 HANGER • .. No Cos! . I/:/ GET YOURS ". ro.t Whee, ( TODAY ter,; of Mrs. Shellgren. A scrapbook, nKtde of various pictures and sayings by the wom- en, was presented to Mrs. Shell- gren at the hospital. NEWLYWEDS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Austin left for Elkhart, Indiana Sunday afternoon on their , honeymoon. They will stop at various points of interest. Mr. Austin hopes to contact some of his Navy buddies wit() live in Missotu'i and Indiana. Mrs. Anstin. has two si'ters in Elkhart where they expect Lo stay for a short visit. Chief Warrant Officer A. F. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson visited Mr. and Mrs. Bud tough on Coul- ter Creek last Tuesday. hlr. Johnson recently returned from duty in Europe and had many in- teresting experiences to reconnt. MISS DORIS MAE Petersou is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bnd Lough. She is a daughter of Mrs. tough and attends Roosevelt Itigh in 3e- attle. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fridley of Denver, Colo., are spending" a couple weeks with their daugiAer and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. It. Woodard. The right-of-way of the county road on Coulter Creek is being slashed by energetic residents "tip the creek" for a Peninsula light line which is to be put in this Summer. FRANK CLEVELAND and El- ton Cleveland were home over the week end but left again Monday for Neah Bay where they are fislt- ing. Emmett and Richard Knight returned from California the first part of last week. They enjoyed the trip very much. The Allyn Community welcomes our new storekeeper and neigh- bor, Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Stewart and family. I Obituaries I BLAKE D. MILLS Blake D. Mills, 81, business man and banker, long resident of Scat- tle, died in that city last week. He got his start in Mason County at Clifton, now Belfair, around 1890, when he served as manager for the railroad then operating up the valley, and after its re- moval carried on the company store there. He Was a large prop- erty owner in the district, and a yearly visitor to Shelton. n .  = to keep out moisture g GRII|| I DRESS UP Your CAR ...__ with 00irestone Long-Wearing Fiber A Product of SEAT COVERS Standard of California 95 l a|Ai SEATS. super-tough! RPM I AM:aSTcS|AaCAsS ' Chassis Grease resists Reading and Hobby Clubs in Summer iGet Started Here Johnny, g'et y.ur l)ook, l:teading time is any time during spare lnOlrlents ill Sulnmer months. leading a n d hobby clubs are . i art in g 'rlH, REGIONAl, Public Libra- ry is opening its annnal Suntmer reading program and hobby club, and Shelton Public Library ha:; well underway it: Smnmer Book Tree Club. "Every boy and girl in Mason county is invited to take part in this interesting anti wozthwhile pastime," announces Mis.' Lillian Collins, repional librarian. A i rek over the old Oregon Trail has been mapped in a series of 2,1 books at the regional library, and many are the exef'ting adventures awaiting the explorers. FOR TIIOSE who patronize the bookmobile and the branch library at t-toodsport, a reading race is underway with a track and paper hobby horses to marlc the progress. Twelve books read will win for lhe young.,ter a certificate of rec- ognition, while for those who surpass the dozen mark there a'e ribbons, A cash prize awaits the one reading the most books, The hobby chlb promises to make reading" worthwhile, loach person choo:;es a hobby, something to make or collect, arid by rea0inK books on the subject, using or'iKin- ality and ingenuity he can fm;hion an entry to a county fair to be held this Fall. Three divisions are first to fourth graders, fifth to eighth graders, and high school students. ALL ENTRIES are jtldged on manner of presentation, attrac- tiveness and neatness, and value as collection er som'ce of informa- tion. There are prizes for each div- ision. For tim best object made as a result of the hobby, the prizes are based on the skill shown, possible value or useful- ness of the object, or value to the child a.s a study aid. Watch for further announce- ments of the hobby club and read- ins r'tce. On your mark, kids; prepare to crawl between the book covers. LOCAL GUARDSMEN SNOOT UP FLYING TARGETS IN TESTS Shelton national guardsmen have been shooting at plane-towed targets in field training on the Yakima firing range last week. Battery B of Shelton, with 1st LL. Blantpn Donaldson in com- mand, is a unit of the 700th AAA automatic weapons battalion, corn" manded by Lt. Col. Domfld O. Spoon, from the Grays Harbor area. Members of the battalion have spent two weeks firing" 90 and 120 ram. antiaircraft guns at sleeves towed by planes across TE00S $3.95 TO ¢ Coupes ...,... only 6.45 dust, water, heat and cold as it lubricates. It • FIRESTONE STORE III i ermen's Mercantile ,restone DEALER, = ', 311 Railroad Avenue Phone 305 THE FORUM Railroad Ave., Glory Be! Pickering Dear Editor, So young lady Shelton has grow- cd tip! Now the boy friend is a I gentlenmn (growed up too, I guess). When this correct gentleman calls in the form of visitors on this very correct lady in the form of Shelton, he must not be shock- ed by the word Raih'oad Avenue. The old man in the form of us stump ranchers, etc., must be rele- gated down by the vinegar Works. Our ragged clothesand ancient vehicles will no longer be welcome :on this fancy named Boulevard, because it will no longer be dom- inated by happy smiling people, especially the ladies---rather im- l)eceable gentlemen with the still beautiful ladies ( ad Shelton al)ounds wit.h them) frowning :sternly over their breastworks at us ragged loggers, stump ranch- iers, oyster diggers, what have you ! There is" very real romance in the mere word Railroad. Witness the popularity of the song "Down By The Raih'oad Tracks" as Frank Crnmit' sang it. They can't use the parlor, can't :afford a car; now we are telling them they can't hold hands on Raih'oad kvenue, because Railroad Avenue is some kind of a fancy boulevard wlere everybody is col reel- -whatever correct is. The only objection I have to Railroad Avenue is not the name but the lights. I strongly advise the sweet young thing not to be seen on that avenue, or boule- yard, after' dark because when her face is bathed in the green glow coming from them poles she will look like a corpse of some 40 years vintage. Certainly One Ran 20th CENTURY FOOD STORE HILLCREST Friday and Saturday, July I and 2 SPRECKLES SUGAR .......... 100-1bs. =8.79 USE LIKE TUNA ROCKFISH ...... No. /=, tin 10' MISSION  BROKEN GRAPEFRUIT ..... No. 2 can 15' MISSION BRAND COFFEE. l-lb. tin 49*; 2-1bs. 95* GULF BELLE SHRIMP .......... 5-oz. tin 39* BUTLER PORK & BEANS. No.21/2tin 15 ¢ CAMPBELL'S TOMATO S0P, ........ tin 10' SHURFINE MAYONNAISE pint 37¢; qt. 67* BELL'S -- LARGE PITTED RIPE OLIVES.. No. 1 tall tin 35* S &, W NEW ENGLAND STYLE BAKED BEANS. l-lb. 12-oz. 29* O FRESH PRODUCE • Calif. Seedless CantaloupesCalif" Thick-Nested.. lb. 8¢ li Gral)e s .......... lb. 23¢ Calif. Klondike (cut 5/€) II Full Ears Watermelon .. lb. 5¢ • Corn ..... 6 ears 25¢ ================================== see very good on subject street, avenue, boulevard ( ? ) after dark, CHOICE MEATS but who cares how good the visi- bility is if thtngs don't look good. IT b BAC0 I remember some 50 years ago when I was a youngster there N ......... lb. 49* was a movement on foot to change the name of Arkansaw. Sponsors believed that because it was spell- ed Arkansas it should be so pro- nounced. I dimly remember my parents talking about a speech by some old egg who wound up his remarks with the words, "Change the name of Arkansaw? Hells fire no!" For my money it's still Arkan- saw! And I certainly hope it's still Railroad Avenue. If the name must change why not Ghost Alley, or Macbre Drive, :or correct those lights. Invite the merchants to doll up, light up !their shops and call it White Way. Railroad Avenue is best if it would only be possible to get hold of an expended logging locomotive and set it up some place. Let the same faces, or very like, contimm to load up on snuff. Back up against and hold up the open sagebrush hills and valleys. . l)tring the first week nearly bank. Everybody as always, plain 1,500 men and 0ffice'i''l''{J'h "- €omfortasl, h6splble," smiling. damentals of antiaircraft, and dur- Give this bonlevard bustiesa to Ing the second week the men prac- some other city! riced what they learned. Charles McGonagle, These volunteer civilian soldiers Route 2, Box 198 )ractice under conditions as close as possible to those of actual field Dear Editor, combat. In two we'eks, plus 48 Last week a girl just 18 and drill periods during the year, they )ut of high school eloped' with a must acquire sufficient skill to be i man almost three times her age, dependable defenders of the nation i a man who has been married and in case of disaster, divorced and has children older than his bride. They came to Shel- .... ton, obtained a license to wed and a Shelton judge signed the three- day waiver. They were wed by a H 0 M E locallast Thursday.minii*ter" This all happened @ The girl's parents are heart-  broken. They had plans to send ._. this girl on to school. She had L 0 A N S been such a good daughter. 'L_ No crime was committed, legal- ly all is O.K. anti nothing can be === * Convenient Terms done but what a stigma on the name of our community that such I' * Reasonable Rates a thing cotdd happen here. , A Subscriber. • NO DELAY RETUR,N FROM YVYOMING TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Walter C, Mor- I ason Countv Savins ,tson returned home June 21 . from a two week's trip to Casper,  ; . -- - - - -- Wyoming. While in Colorado they • .  i.oan kSOelllOi] wsited Yellowstone and Rocky • this way . Mountain Parks. The weather was Title insurance Bldg. reportedly good for the 35 hundred ------ ,, mile trip through seven states. with :__=__...-----=__._-------= _____..__._. Apphances -- Supplies-- Fixtures [ HEARING AID BATTERIES LAMPS - 6 to 1000 Watts I t A PNh O111/ 'f you want to install your eI'- L]UJ]. DU I Erie hot water tank in your base- [ ment, attic, small closet or under your kitchen /ork' [ tables, you can i SAV or0, oo.oo w,t. the only table top € Illl ! va.a model built in 50-gal. size, Price ,.OU,UU I with all the insulation. Build your own cabinet, This | same tank with regular white enamel casing complete | sells at $155,00. [ ! ][.][r I |I j[ITl[I[l.r)? FANS for circulation Z NUI WrlNr. HOT PLATES for Lunches i ELECTRICITY--Your Best and Cheapest Servantl stays putonspring E A "Carr TitielnaurancaBuiidln, shackles, bolts, steering • • PHONIE 645 Shelton knuckles and all chassis ................... easybearings" An4 it's SOLo apply! P¢00cotte Electric °*= * TOP OUALi00 C C COLE* w , • " 1RING ax d ELECTRICAL SERVICE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. W,XH E. A. CARR IN SHELTON, WASH. I TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING Telephone 87 L.,. • PHONE 645 __.=._ --     A_ 1   _2_     _  =  --   _=_. --= A. Imlm | |m i ROUND BONE PORK ROAST .......... lb. 49 PURE LARD ........ 2.1bs. 25  LEAN BACON SQUARES ..... lb. 25* 40 ONLY BRAIDED RAG RUGS $1.00 Size 18 by 30 inches GIRLS' COATS REDUCED FOR QUICK SELLING 19 ONLY S6 O0 Size 7 to 14 m " III IIIII III I I , It ............ r THE SAME HIGH QUALITY THAT HAS MADE RONDO THE MOST POPULAR OF FINE PERCALES ALL NEW ... Tl{is is not 'a clearance or a close.out but a new lower price level. ALL NEW COLORS ... ,o ca; o weU-blended they take your breath .away!, ALL NEW DESIGNS... s,;p, plaids checks, they florals plus mary° many other new.this.season patterns. Rondo comes in a Rainbow of olid colors too! 'R,|. U. S. Pat, Off, 9 AT PENNE00