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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 30, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 30, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ATHLETES FOOT J• L&apos; WINS FIRST GAMF00 1-0, FROM GERM, HOW TO KILL • IT IN ONE HOUR PO r[ 138 BEHIND NED MILLER IF NOT Pt,EASEr). y,,,r ,IIhDISTRICT STANDING Ite left hine Post 138 runners Ask any druggist for lhts BTRf)N(i fungichlo, T-4-L. Made with [ percmt :alcohol, it PENETRATES. Rcaelms and kills MORE germ fa.uter. Today at PREPP'S DRUG STORId [ LOGGING co -k.. Modern uipment [ Operated By  Experienced Men FOR 10 LAND CLEARING • BULLDOZING .... • DITCHING • BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING • BULKHEADING • PILEDRIVERS For Land or Water • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILING AND LOGS For Sale PtiONE 601 W !, rf ra Tacoma 138 ............... 4 2 33 1{; Rhodes Post ............ 4 2 49 20 ParRiand 3 2 " Puyallup .................... 3 2 20 4:: Olympia ....................... 2 4 27 30 Sieltou ...................... 1 5 :15 35 Past Week's Scores : Shelton 1, Post. 138 0 Olyml)ia 5, Rhodes 3 Parkland-Puyallup, no report Rhodes 6, Olympia 3 Puy£11up 6, Shelton 4 Post 138 6. Pal;kland 5 Parkland 6, Shelton 4 Puyallup 5, Rhodes 4 Post 138 13, Olympia 4 Next Wednesday Shelton at Puyallup Post 138 at Olympia Rhodes at Parkland July 8 Parkland s.t Shelton Rhodes at Post 138 Puyalhlp at Olympia YOUTIIF[:L Ned Miller, who hasn't seen hi: first day of senior high school, yet, won the honor of Shelton to its first vie- tory in 4th l)istrict junior legion baseball play when he tlwew a flossy two-hit shutout against Tacoma Post 138 Monday night in Taconls. . Ned not only pitched the l to 0 victory, he also batted home the only run with a clean :ingle into center in the second inning, scof ing Bob Eacrett from second base. Karl Schwarck had ot)ened the. inning with a double, tarried as Dan Austin flew out and Eaerett was hit, then was forced Oil Tcd' .Dale's bouncer to third to ]e.ave I Eacrett on second for the scot-] tng set-up wllicll followed. I Miller (lidn t strike out a sin!;le I rival batter, but he pitched a craf- ty game on 1he hill, keeping the all on the hamlle for pop flies. { MURPHY PAINT PRICES WHICH DID NOT ADVANCE DURING THE GENERAL UP.SWING IN PAINT PRICES LAST JANUARY G 0 .... DOWN FOR EXAMPLE OUTSIDE WroTE IS NOW per gallo In 5 gallon lots COME IN AND SEE US ABOUT OTHER LOWER PAINT PRICES Lawton Lumber Open Saturday 'til Noon 420 S. First Phone 56 stranded, thanks in no an/all part to same fine fielding by Pete l(ruger at: third, Terry Breshmeyer at second al!d ,.ehwarck behind the plate. S('ilWARCK continued h i s sit'onE bitting, bagging two of Shelt, on',q fotlr hits. , Other games of the past week ''ound Coach Red Smith's young" diamond warriors taking the short ends of 6 to 4 counts from both Puyallup and Parkland for their fourth and fifth losses of the dis- trict schedule. Miller was the victim at I'ark- land, lcing a 4 to 1 lead when Parkland tied the score with three in the fourth and winning on sa- bola's cirquit drive in the fifth. Ehner "Shorty" Cole, playing hi: first; game, bagged two of the fore" Shelton bits. At, hoHle Fhiday, Eaerett was the vicI, iDl i)f iOllr |llle|l'lled l'llnS in the sixlh which broke a 2-2 tie and lotL the game for Shel- tom An error aL third base for wha.t should have been the t, hird out with two aboard was followed by a single and double wMch all'eve ill the t'ol:r rtlnS. I,'O[R. i'[IYAI,I,UI" errors had given Shelton a 2 to 1 lead in the second and the visitdrs tied it in the ttlird with an re, earned mark- er. Schwarck singled home Shel- PS * ton a last two runs m the seventh but choked off any further rally chances by attempting to steal third unsuccessfally. Shelton phtyed l¢ho(.les Post at Tacoma last night, goes to Puy- alluy next Wednesday, plays its last two district games at home July 8 and 11 with Parkland and ()lympia. The box scores: Shelton ab r h o a e Cole, ss ............ 2 0 0 1 I 0 ' 2 Brehn, eyer, 2b .... 3 0 . 13 0 00 Clcveland, ]b ..... 3 Schwarck, c .... 3 0 2 2 1 0 Austin, cf ........ 3 0 0 2 0 0 Eacrett, rf . ........ 2 1 1 0 0 0 Dale, If ............ 3 0 0 1 0 0 Miller, p ............ 3 0 1 0 1 1 Kruger, 3b ........ 2 0 0 1 6 0 Totals ........ 24 1 4 21 11 2 Post 138 ab r h o a • Murphy, 21) .... 4 0 0" 2 ,2 1 Stortini, ss ..... 3 0 1 1 0 0 Koessler, lb ...... 2 0 0 7 0 1 Dale Steichen, c 3 0 0 4 2 0 Wilkeson, cf .... 2 0 0 1 0 0 Spezia, rf ........ 1 0 0 2 0 0 Featherston, If 2 0 0 2 0 0 Don Steichcn, p 2 0 1 1 3 0 McLane, 3b .... 3 0 0 1 2 0 Totals ........ 22 0 2 21 9 2 Score by Innings Shelton ..................... 010 000 0--1 hits .................... 020 200--4 Post 138 ..................... 000 000 0-.-0 hits ................... 100 100 0---2 SUMMARY: 2-base hit--Sch- warck. Rtm batted in--...Miller. Struck out-..Steichen 4. Vv'alks .... Miller 5, Steichen 2. Hit batter .... Wilkeson, Eacrett. Runs responsi- ble for---Steichen 1. Stolen bases ..... Featherstone, Stortini 2. Double play---Stelehen to Koessler. PITYALLUP ab r h o a e Mo]Tison, 2b ..... t 1 0 2 ":17"': McQueen, cf ... .i 2 1 1 0 0 F. L'ncast'r, ss 4 1 3 2 1 1 Wilkins, c ......... 3 0 1 d 1 0 Draft, lb ............ 3 0 110 O 0 Erickson, 3b ... 3 0 0 1 2 3 Poc, If ............... 2 0 0 0 0 0 McQuillaL If ..... 0 1 0 0 0 0 L. L'ncast'r . ....... 3 0 0 1 0 1 Kitts, p .............. 3 L, 2 0 3 2 Totals 29 6 8 21 11 8 SHELTON ab r h o a e Cole, ss ............... 3 0 0 0 1 1 Hrehmeyer, 2b 3 1 1 I 3 0 ClevOand, lb .. 2 1 1 7 1 0 Eacrett, p ......... 4 0 0 0 ,i 0 Schwarck, c ...... .I 1. 2 11 0 0 Dale, if ........... 300000} Austin, cf ........... 3 1 0 0 0 Coutts, rf .......... 3 0 0 0 0 O} Loughnan, 3b .. 3 0 0 2 1 a Coleman ........ 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 29 4 4 2:[ 10 2 a batted for Cole in 7th. Score by Innings Puyallup 10 1 0 0 4 0--6 hits l 1 1 1 2 2 0--8 Shclton (t 2 (7 0 0 0 2--4 hits 0 0 1 0 2 0 1.--4 Sludebaker sales zoom--"-- I I I Studebaker'$ selling more! I I Studebaker's giving morel ! I I New decorator-fabric upholsteries I " NW body eolor • Self-adjust- 'l I ing brakes * Variable ratio "extra- ] I leverage" steering" Panoramic via- I I ion • Seats centered betwema the I ,xles • Low ce,ter of gravity • I Glare-proof "black light" tn0tru- I I merit dials • At;t0matie hill holder i I .... availaDleonCImmptonsatslight [ added cot. but statdard on other I mo, iels • Automatic overdrive I I trunsmiion, Cii.mtizer heating I I mul ventilating,whit'esidewall tires ! and wheel trim rings or disc are op- ] .,,nd at extra cost on all mtx]els. I Io another all-time hight AMERICA'S car buyers know a winner when they Z3k see one, America is buying Studebakers as never before this yeart More people bought new Studebakers in May thpn in any prewous month gin record. Studebaker's May beat i mprevious all<line-high month--April. Studebaker s April beat a March that was,ahead of any previous month in the company s history, Now Studebaker is deep into June--and the Stude- baker buying wave gets bigger. Yes. Smdebaker's business is booming. Stop in for a look. You'll quickly see why. ANDERSON MOTOR CO. FIRST AND €OTA STREETS, SHELTON, WASH. ! PHONE 52 gITELTON.MAON C01.r JOU,NAL Summary: 3-base hit---Kitts.{7,,,,, {ri,.r.l, I€t¢ 2-base hit-- Wilkins. Sacrifice hit I I¥ Ill I.PII I-J)IUII ....... Memcn. Runs batted in-WiN In J "  's- klns 3, F. Lancaster, Draft, ll"UtSVel:s Lloser Schwarck 2. Struel¢ out-- Eac- ,,eft s, Kitts . Walks--Ea,,,'ettlTo Shaking Cellar 5, Kitts 4. Hit batters--McQuil- I lan. Wild pitches ..... Eacrett 3. I CITY FASTBALI, LEA(IIYI,: Runs responsible for---Eacrett 1, l Kitts 0. Passed balls-.-Wilkins, S(:hwarck. Stolen b,'tses-- Draft, I I)mtble play Kitts, F. Lancaster. ..... Morrison to Draft. $ * $ SHELTON ab r n o a e Cote, ss .............. 4 1. 2 0 1 1 Brehmeyer, ss .. 2 0 0 1 1 1 Austin, cf .......... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Eacrett, if ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 Schwarck, c .... 2 0 0 8 0 1 Cleveland, lb .. 3 1 1 5 0 0 Miller, p .......... 2 1 1 0 1 0 Coutts, rf ........ 3 1 0 1 0 0 Loughnan, 3b .. 3 0 0 1 3 0 Totals 26 4 4 18 6 3 PARKLAND ab r h o a e Sabota, 2b ......  2 2 1 3 0 D. May, rf ........ 1 0 0 0 0 0 Robinson, ss .... 1 0 0 2 1 3 Montg'mery, lb 3 1 2 9 0 0 Wallace, 3b .... 3 1 1 0 1 1 Storaasli, cf .... 3 0 0 1 0 0 Swinland, If .... q 1 0 1 1 0 Chillon, e, . ..... 3 1 2 7 3 3 R. May, p ...... 3 0 0 0 1 0 a Killian .......... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 24 6 7 21 10 7 a batted for D. May in 7th. Score by Innings Shelton 1 2 1 1 0 0 0--4: hits 0 2 0 1 0 0 1--4 Parkland I 0 0 3 1 1 x--6 hits 2 0 0 2 1 2 x--7 SUMMARY': Home run--Sabo- ts. 3-base hit--Chilton. 2-base hit--Cole. Sacrifice hits--D. May, Brehmeyer. Runs batted in--.ChiN ton 2, Montgomery, Sabots. Struck out--Miller 6, May 7. Walks--Mil- ler 1, :May 2. Hit batter----Robin- son. Runs responsible for--Miller 1, May 0. Passed balI--Chilton, Stolen bases .... C o u tt s, :Mont- gomery. Tides of the, Week Computed for Oa a y (Hood Canal tides are one bour and 55 minutes earlier7 The following tides are com- puted on Standard Time. Thursday, June 30 Low .............. 3:51 a.m. 6.7 ft. High .............. 8:03 a.m. 12.3 ft. Low .............. 3:19 p.m. -1.6 ft. I-figh .. ........... 10:44 p.m. 15.5 ft. Friday, July 1. Low ............. 4:46 a.m. 5.7 ft. High ............... 9:12 a.m. 11.6 ft. Low .............. 4:06 p.m. -0.4 ft. High .............. 11:19 p.m. 15.4 ft. Saturday, July 2 Low .............. 5:46 a.m. 4.4 ft. High .............. 10:36 a.m. 11.0 ft. Low ............... 4:56 p.m. 1.2 ft. High .............. 11:58 p.m. 15.3 ft. Simday, July 3 Low ............... 6:45 a.m. 2.9 ft. High .............. 12:18 p.m. 10.7 ft. Low .............. 5:54 p.m. 3.0 ft. Monday, July 4 High ............ * 0:34 a.m. 15.1 ft. Low : ............. 7:43 a,m. 1.4 ft. High 2:03 p.m. 11.0 ft. Low .............. 6:58 p.m. 4.7 ft. Tuesday, July 5 High .............. 1:15 a.m. 14.8 ft. Low .............. 8:37 .m. -0.1 ft. High .............. 3:39 p.m. 11.8 ft. Low .............. 8:]0 p.m. 6.2 ft. W L rf ra Kitsap Dairy .... ]5 0 161 18 Am'rie'n Leg'n 5 9 110 102 gayonier . ........... 5 10 83 115 V.F.IA r. Post ...... 5 ]1 58 181 I.atest Results Vets 3, Legion 2 Dairy 22, Vets 0 Legion 14, Rayonier 10 Rayonier forfeit to Dairy Games Tonight V.F.W. vs. Rayonier Dairy vs. Legion Games July 11 Legion vs. Rayonier V.F.W. vs. Dairy Continuing their upnill pull, the Veterans of Foreign Wars split their games of the past week and crept within half a game of shak- ing tlm cellar in the city fastball league. The Vets won a thriller from the American Legion, 3 to 2, Monday night, after taking a 22 to 0 shel- lacking from the unbeated Kitsap Dairy Thursday, to sneak within half a game of Rayonier, which lost both its games (if the week. Don Anderson was the hero of the V.F.W. win Monday, driving home all three runs with a single in the second and another with men on second and third in the fourth. His pinch punches gave Ray Phillips the nod over Lea Spilseth in a dandy hurhng duel. The Dairymen clubbed the ball STATE LEGION GOLF SEPTEMBER 8 TO 10 Plans for the sixth annual State Legion Golf tournament have been worked out, according to Robert H. Adehnan of Seattle, chairman of the nmtch. The tom'munent will be held in Seattle from Sep- tember 8 to 10 during the Legion State Convention. It will be an 18-hole handicap, played off at the Jefferson Park Golf course, and will decide the State Legion Golf crown. According to Adehnan, handi- caps isstled by an individual's club will be recognized, or, in cases where contestants carry no handi- eap, rules will be presented on the links prior to tee-off. All entries must be registered with the State convention. IDairYmen Shutout Twice By Visitors Held to two hits in each game, Kitsap Dairy suffered a double shutout defeat at the hands of the Bremerton Eagles on Loop Field Sunday in an inter-city fastball match, 2 to 0, and 3 to 0. Sonny Lowe and Bud Knutzen got the dairy hits in the opener, Dick Gardner and Bill Redman those in the nightcap. Lowe pitched both games for the Shel- ton team, giving up seven hits in the opener, five in the afterpiece. Pacific Coast League W. L. Pet. *GBL Hollywood ............ 59 35 .625 .... SEATTLE ............ 52 42 .553 7 San Diego ............ 46 46 .500 12 Oakland ................ 45 45 .500 12 all over the lot, bagging 21 hits Sacramento .......... 43 44 .494 12/ as.they ran up their 22 run margin Portland ............... 41 48 .461 15T/a over the Vets Thursday. Wiley}San Francisco .... 41 51 .446 17 Surratt, Clint Willour, Sonny Los Angeles ........ 38 54 .413 20 Lowe, Bob Kolar and Bud Knut- GAMES THIS WEEK zen each rapped three safe blows. San Diego at SEATTIAE.. Lowe's were all doubles, Knutzen Sacramento at Portland. had a triple among his. Thirteen ........ runs in the seventh inning really ruined the game. The Vets got only two hits off Lowe. Both clubs played short-handed and with pick-up players as the Legion spilled Rayonier Thursday.  Eight runs scored in the first inn-. ing just about cooked Rayonier's goose. After tonight's games the fast-! ball league is idle until July 11. Wednesday, July 6 High .............. 1:57 a.m. 14.5 ft. LOw ............... 9:28 a.n. -1.3 ft. High .............. 5:56 p.n. 12.9 ft. Low .............. 9:26 p.m. 7.1 ft. • VBcation Phmnin0 Reservations Service Travel Advice • Tours and Resorts OLYMPIA TRAVEL SERVICE Olympia 6226 - Olympian Hotel IIII I I III II I I II DON'S SPORT AND CYCLE SHOP OBicycle Repairs OLawnmowers Sharpened OSporting Equipment OKeys Made HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSES 223 Cota Street Phone 243 Picnickers know..• a Case OLYMPI *"It's the Water ''( aREWlNG CO., OLYMPIA* WAS CHRYSLERS & Now On Display at KIMBEL MOTORS Complete Richfield Oil 01L, ,LUBE Complete Automotive Body & Fender andCar Painting Augmehtlng Our Former Services of Repairing and Cars- Trucks- Heavy Logging GREASING- WASHING - Pick-up and Delivery HOME AND REFRIGER By I nternationaI-Harvester rAC'rOR APPROVED Chrysler. Plymouth - : eA00TS - South 1st at Mill St. Phone The Veterans' Corner Complete Men's Apparel And Shoe= MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern Miller, Owner GORDON'S MEATS HOODSPORT Gordon Bayes, Owner .... 8HELTON'S FRIENDLY 8TATION BILL MILLER'S SERVICE Richfield Products_ Bill Miller, Ownar q FIR DRUG STORE VET'S DOIN'S VA has been sending out ehecks for overpayrdents of GI life insur- ance (NSLI) . . . some consider- able number of vets, VA reports, are a bit confused by this sur- prise "bonus," believing it to be the long-expected and long-delay- ed dividend payment . . . this is not the case.., these checks are simply reimbursements for over- payments, clearing the decks in order to start the dividend checks rolling out some time next year. A film with high Americanism values, "Meet King Joe," is being released by M-G-M for general distribution . . . speaking cut for democracy in a way that is clear to all through the medium of the animated cartoon, this fllt ex- amines in a manner both humor-: ous and realistic the role of the American working mall . . . he is "King Joe" . . . the flicker is tni the same tradition as last year's opular "Make Mine Freedom" . . was shown to some members of the Legion's National Ameri- canism Commission at the May meetlng in Indianapolis and won informal endorsement. America's largest peacetime Na- tional Guard in history reached a total strength of 350630 officers and raen on May 1... the Guard is orgalized in every state, the District of Columbia, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Major-General Kenneth L. Cra- met, chief of the National Guard Bureau, reported 'that nine states have a Guard strength greater than 10,000. They are New York, California, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Texas, Oh- io, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Tennessee. DUNOYIER'S TAXI PHONE 620 "Pop" Dunoyier CALL 69? FOR Dick's City Delivery D/ok Gardner, Opt, For Home Deliveries Call 26 BOI KOLAR Distributor of Kltup Dairy Product= Mih¢ - Cream - Butter SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING OLYMPIC FURNITURE Walt Elliott, Owner t UPHOLSTERING LITERAL TRIM SHOP Audra Literal Phone 145 ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE Wiring - Installations - Repair RAY L. DREBIS Phone 766-R-2 So. Olympic Highway = RliDig ELKIIlK = Gay Taylor  Clint Wlllour AROWN BAKERY (Our Own) Loving Brother= Ira, Duane, William EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER Merritt Eells George Valley Phone 25.J Power Line Construction Co. Jaok Chlsum, Mgr. Mt. Vlelv WHITE SPOT Jim Bleeoker Russ Hunter, Manager 'Dewey DanJels PACIFIC RADIO CLINIC Mt, View- Phone 842 RAY'S SERVICE RICHFIELD PRODUCTS USED CARS 100% Veterans f FOR PHONE 162 CITY CAB Mel Robertson BOB ERVIN MOTORS 100% Ex.Servlcemen FOR FUEL OIL PHONE 326 Union Oil Products Glenn ROe=eel CLIFF WlVELL 8 TEXACO SERVICE 100% Veteran% Your Directory Of Veterans Doing Business In, Mason County Complete Automotive Repair MT, VIEW AUTO'REPAIR (Opposite Skating Rink) Mt. View Phone 838 EATON and Vern gnd BANNER & BURNETT SHELL SERVICE 1st  Cot. - Phone 940 FOR FINE CAKES AND PASTRY SHAFER'S BAKERY Walt herr, Owner ,tOur Aim Is to Serve You" SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE 407 South 1st John Hunter, Manager LES C H i I I crest HAPPY Resort Grooerle SH01 820 Neal DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAI 123 Railroad Ave. - Phone 494 DON'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Sleyster's) Don Woods, Owner EXPERT Ray m Gr0cerlea - Meats UNION MARKET Roy Watson, Owner U N I ON 462 Cottages Jack a 1 CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Quality Wiring K Street - Mountain View P.O. Box 158, Shelton, Phone 788 "* Liceneed, 207 Cota WEE PAUSE CAFE ALLYN Dick Valley, Prop. Gordo 1000 Ft,