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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 30, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 30, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I2 SHELTON&apos;-MASON C OUNT5 JOURNAL Tt FOR SALE -- $6375 2" BEDROOM HOUSE at 1419 Fairmont Avenue IN SHELTON Payments $50 Per Month Will Redecorate Phone C'. C. Cavanaugh (Collect) Broadway 4134, Tacoma HOMES, IN(ORPORATED 806 Washington Building - Tacoma = CONCRETE BLOCK BUILDINGS STAND TEST OF TIME For Lower Cost Fire-Safe Construction, Use the Smoother Surfaced, More Uni- form concrete bioclis (which cut laying time and labor costs) made by pARAMOUN T THEATRE 8helton, Wa=h. THE HOME OF THE FINEST ENTERTAINMENT--DIRECT FROM SEATTLE'S LEADING THEATRES. Thttrsday-Saturday, June 30- July 2 TWO FEATURES WffllEIt AMAII-HIIIIT II0 WOMAII O011tll STOP! . • / . ., ,uu,..sin ,m JANET LEIGH.MAR kTOR.PHYLLIS THAXTER/ LOVED BY A FATHER AND HIS SONI I t$ ,we**h,,,... or  .NIF . BI[ StlS  v £M , Sunday-Tuesday, 4u]y 3-4-5 (MatineeSunday from 1 p.m., Monday from 2 p.m.) Adults 50¢ VIOLENT PASSIONS CLASHING IN FIERCE DESERT wire LLIAM BISHOP • EDR BUCHANAN J*roml (ukmd " # Plus 2nd Feature -- LEATHER GLOVES" y COMING Thursday, July 7 Bob Hope in "SOR]ROWFUL JONES" " .,. ;!: A m Imm .. 5ocial Events !ii Frances Alger, Society Editor . . Phone 100 i: ;*-* ******************************************  .*. %% •:o •*. •*. %% o'o •;* •,..•. %o %, .;... o;oo;o •;••;.o;..;* •r';.*;•%. ••'.;°•;' •,••;**;**i' •;•*;%;° •• •;•o* •;',;*o;';%* • ; .* SOLEMN CANDLELIGHT RITES JUNE 24 UNII LOCAL COUPLE Down the aisle of tall lighted':* ..................................................................................... candles, which llad ivy twined ar-MwRS,  WAYNE. IS erred, walked Evelyn Fitzthmn to S recite marriage vows VHth Gerahl IETED JUNE 23 Ristine at the, altar of the Mt. Mrs. Gent Stockwell and Miss Olive Lutheran Church at ,S p.m. Patricia tienderson were co-host- Friday, June 24. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fit',:thum esses at a kitchen shower given are tim lmrents of the Jride and; f°r Mrs. Ray Swayne at Mrs, StoekwelI's home ,hme 23. Reunion Held Here Recently Draws 411 A I'el ll2tion WIl,% held hel'e l'e- ('ently with forty Iwesent. The l'o/Ip l()k nlolion l*iclm'es dtll'illg tile day. alld shov, red thcnl later, in the day. Swinmfing" boatinb;, fishin,, tennis :t;:d mainly visiting were enjoyed at Stelson leso).t. In l|le eveilillK, ;! I);mquet Was h(")< ll lhe C?<)lonial l-]o(:se. Those presenL were Mr. and M).';. Witlinln S. l.eevc, Wa:;hin..oton, I). C.; Mrs. }¢oll Idle :l/l(I k;oN, l;'OPt Collins, Co]o.; M:rs. Mauu'iee hl]e and son and ',Tqldso;L Chcyellne. VVyo. ; Mr. ;llld M i:'s. ,l;tln(,s 'P;tl ll;tnt ;ln(] SOil ttn(I Mt'. Keitil Tatlth:tDl, !ullnlan, Vash.; II.. :lll(t MI's. Havly Clark. Mr'. and Mrs. ,I:(,k Two Feted on Birthday Mr, and Mrs. F'ichad b'';mk and lx, II '. tll(1 MI'E. l!2!v,(o{ OstltH ,.v.t?t'e ([iIlllOF Ill•sis of 1)l'.) }t,));lc,' Millers ()n Friday ,v(,nhi;.,. .Ill)It* 2i, Tilt* (liDtlel + bOlmt.od Mrs. Os:tm and Mr. Millerl ', i / ( ) s ( L` bil.thdgy::; fall on the S;llnc day. A be:iuti- ful birthday ('ak,, with <:ln,!h,; WItS the (!(!nter ltIl';L('li¢in. /'helps :t11(! (laitgill.cF, Solija. M'I'. add ,,l):;. Vil'Fil Ihn(h,!:iD and (.'.hildFen. 5I]'. ;tttd ML':< Fv;mk h(le, MI'. illl(I M'I':.'. 1.;el'tloll }(*t')' ;[lld datlglltel's lllld 1Ii'>'. l{o,vc all of Seattle, VCa::h. b'rom Shell on were Ml's. Myron I,und %n,'t chil- dren, Mal'cia Ill+HI \\;Vallm:e;. l/l(1 Mr. anti Mrs. \\;,Vendell Young and childl'en, Bobby alld lA|tliSe. 11,,li'S. ),VEEKEND VIITOII the weeken<t l;ll'}):ii:l [O()lO t){" St'i/life \\;v:is \\;V;/tt. Don't Make A MISTAKE And lint your winter Clothing away without A thorough cleaning the bridegroom is the son of Mr. hnd Mrs. Bernard Ristine. The soh,nm double ring cerO- mony was read before approxi- mately 150 relatives and friends by ! Rev. William H. Albaeh, before the :tllitl' which was decorated with white roses and flanked by reti roses and white fox gloves in baskets. Escorted to the altar by her fa- ther, who gave her in m'trriage, the bride was radiantly beautiful in her colonial styled gown of off- white. The low neckline was brought high by the inset of silk net and the inset was accented by l'ce ruffles. The fitted bodice sot off the unttsual skirt which was tiered with al[ernating satin and lace ruffles, and tie last lace ruf- fle completely edged the long train. Her cathedral length veil was held by a seed pearl crown. A gold cross, gift of the I)ride- groom, was her only jewelry and gardenias and blue delptiniums nmde up her bouquet. Matron of honor for her sister- in-law's wedding Mrs. Donnel Fitzthum of. Tonasket, Wash., wore a blue floral brocaded nylon organdy gown which featured a low ruffled neckline. Bomfie Jean Fitzthum and Wan- da Ristine, cousins of the bride and bridegroom, r e s pe c tively, were bridesmaids wearing pink gowns made identical to the maid of honors'. All three attendants carried shower bouquets of carna- tions and sweet peas, Candles were lighted by Delores and Maxine Ristine sisters of the bridegroom, and t]ey also.wore blue dresses like the matron of honor's. Around their wrists they wore corsages of mixed flowers. The flower girl, Faith Albach, walked down the aisle with ring- bever, Gary Olson. Runt Langland was best man, and Irving Olgon, and Don Fitz- thnm were ushers. Mrs. Earl Jordan a'ceompanied by Mrs. J. L. Dotson sang "Oh Perfect Love" before the cere- mony, and "The Lord's Prayer" during it. ,The brides mother wore a rose gabardine suit with white acres- series for her daughter's wed- ding, and Mrs. Ristine wore a navy blue silk dress with pink ac- cessorms. Both mothers had van- das orchid corsages. Decorated with roses and sweet peas, the church parlors were the scene of the reeeption which fol- lowed the service.. A miniature' bride and bridegroom top!led tie three tiered wedding cakt which had frosting doves and roses dec- orations. Mrs. ArL Graf and Mrs. Chris Olson poured and Mrs. R. D. Shav- ez' served the cake. Mrs. Irving Olson presided at the punch bowl and Mrs. Wayne Steen had the guest beak, The bride and bridegroom per- sonally opened the many lovely gifts at the reception. A light green gabardine suit with brown and white accessor- ies was donned by the new Mrs. Ristme for her honeymoon to Ida- ho and back through Tonasket, the bride's home town. where they will visit friends and relatives. She wore a wmdas orchid cor- sage. The young couple plan to re- side in Shelton upon their return. The bride graduated from Ton- asket high school in 1947 and is employed by Elliot .B Spring. A graduate of Irene S. Reed with the class of '47. Mr. Ristine took a photography course at Southwest Photo Art Institute in Dallas, Texas. He is employed by Burgoyne Photographers. WISCONSIN VISITORS HERE Mrs. Arthur Richards a n d daughter. Sharon Ann, of Wausau, Wisconsin, have spent the last month with Mrs. Richard's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamil- ton. They will return to Wisconsin in the near future. ,, I Frl.-Sat. Jnly 1-2 Double Feature William Poweil, Ann Blythe "MR. PEABODY AND THE MERMAID" Irene Hervey, Andret King It couldn't hoppen- It shouldn't happen But it did!! - Second Feature - "COURAGE OF THE WEST" A Western Thriller! Adults 50c Children 15€ ........... O .............. Sunduy, Monday, Tuesday July 3, 4, 5. Dne of the Grandest of all Comedies ! "FAMILY HONEYMOON" Chmdette Colbert, Fred Mac- Murray, Riht Johns<m, llat- tie MeDonahl. Such a lovely tfoneymoon Couple.. All FIVE or • .hem ! ! t Adults 50(,' Children 15¢ ............. O ............... Wed. only July 6 THE SET UP Robert Ryan, Audrey Totter The lace-covered table was Cell- tered with individual miniature wedding cakes and tall blue can- dles in crystal holders were <m either side. Red roses (tecorated She living room. The afternoon was spent in re- newing mqmories of the past scimol year, t:he guests were i pleas,ntly surprised when it was l disclo,ed that Jean Griggs, one of the guouts, is to marry Mr. Virgil Johnsott in July. Those who attended were the Misses Jean Clriggs, WMtena, Chappel, Bonnie Bohm of Olym- pia. the honored guest and the hostesses. Mrs. John Bariekman and Miss Harriet Wilson were un- able to attend, but sent gifts. Zit.ting and son of "vVenaLchce, John Holiday and sons caP,10 fF()lll Billy Jane l,:ern. Mrs. Havvy Kodiak, Ahtsl(a. Easy monthly terms- liberal trade-ln. Come in today for a demonstration. EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER 123 S. 2nd St. --+-. Phone 334 Soiicd clothing attracts moths and iS to decay. Make your clothing last having a tlmrough cleaning job, you take that suit or dress out of next Fall, you'll be sure it is in PANTOPdUM CLEANERS 8+ 215 S. 2nd St.' t StOla EXl00ensl m 0tt400q 00oO" - Stop RUST From Robbing You of Power, Performance and Economy! Again RICHFIELD IS FIRST with a "Years Ahead" development in gasoline ! Richfield Ethyl and Richfield Hi.Octane nowcontain Sinclair RD-119, a sensational new compound that stops rust and corrosion in your car's gasoline tank, gasoline lines, fuel pump, carburetor and intake manifold. WHAT CAUSES RUST? Rust and corrosion result from moisture that get into your gasoline largely through condensation. WHAT DAMAGE DOES RUST DO? I. Rust ruins gasoline tanks and other fuel system parts, causing costly repairs and replacements. 2. Rust clogs fuel lines, screens and carburetor jets, causing rough idling, poor mileage and loss of power and performance. 3. Rust particles cause wear on precision parts in [uel pump and carburetor, resulting in frequent costly overhauls and replacement of parts. HOlY DOES RD.119 PREVENT RUST? The RD-119 in every drop of Richfield gasoline coats the inside of your car's fuel system with an invisible polymolecular protective layer that prevents rust. By keeping rust ou of the fuel system, RD-119 permits your car to take full advantage of the "Years Ahead" performanee and long mileage in NEW RICHFIELD ETHYL & RICHFIELD HI-OCTANE gasoline. Fill up with Richfield gasoline with amazing RD-119 today! Costs no more than ordinary gasoline' RUST RUINED THIS CARBURETOR Tiny passages in your carburetor are smaller in diameter than a common pin. Rust quickly plugs them... "causing poor engine performance and wasted mileage. Don't Jet this happen in your car! Get Rqst-Proof Richfield gasoline with RD-119. RUSTED IN ORDINARY GASOLINE This steel rod is heavily coated with rust after special 48-hour lab- oratory testqn ordinary gasoline containing a small amount of added water. Rust also attacks the gasoline tank and fuel system of your car. PROTECTEP RICHFIELD Rod shows no sign identical 48-hour in Richfield gasoli amazing RD-119. was added m superior protection Richfield Rust-Proof W000RLD'S FIRST SEliSA00rIOllAg pl¢OO00 st• 00i:lt t tletttlft00 $00rATiOH Phone $t - Ask you to sho'W you of ho .¢ith ittei system fom being tusd, ST-PROOF