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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 30, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 30, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• I949. All Hill,Billies :Old Time & Scandinavian Musio NCE Saturday Night to 2:00 A.M. -- With Music lly "is U.E. Chamberlain Cgvboys musicians and singers featuring Jeannle, :ow-glri yodeler, Johnny Williams and his lily Harmonizers at the BALLROOM ° PER PERSON, TAX INCLUDED Selmeider Prairie from Olympia on 8helton Highway Off Stock Reduction Simplicity Marks Marriage June 25 Simplicity marked the wedding of Dorothy Lorrame Gasser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Gasser, to William James Rus- sell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Buell Russell, at 9 p.m. June 25 at the Methodist church. The single ring ceremony was read by Roy. Wayne Wright. The titian haired bride was at- tractive in an afternoon dress of whie rayon faile, which was fa- shioned with a high neckline, cap sleeves and a long fish tail pep- lure in the back. She accented this with a white half halo crown hat. Her other accessories were white and black. Five bab orchids were pinned on her shoulder. Bernice Manke attired in a pas- tel yellow dress with white acces- sories and a pink rosebud and or- chid sweet pea corsage attended the bride, and Thomas H. O'Neill attended the bridegroom. For her wedding trip to Seattle, Mrs. Russell changed to a forest green dress and black accessories. Until their home is completed, the newly-weds will live at Air- way apartments. Mrs. Russell graduated from h'ene S. Reed and is employed at the Unemployment Compensation office in Olympia. Mr. Russell is an employee of the Simpson Log- ging Company survey crew. Stenberg, Hepner Exchange Marriage Promises at First Baptist Church In her beautiful dress of white Mrs. Roy Eels, Mrs. Eads and Mrs. satiil Elaine Stenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac O. Sten- berg, walked down the aisle of the First Baptist Church in Shelton on the arm of John H. Johnson, who gave her away, at 8 p.m., June 21 to exchange marriage vows with Edwin Hepner, son of Mrs. Cora Hepner. Rev. J. O. Bovee; who gave a short message before the wedding party arrived, read the double ring ceremony amid the large baskets of white syringia, blue delphiniums and pink roses which decorated the church, The decora- tions were further carried out with the white ribbon that was fastened at each pew by a yellow rose bud• The bride's gown was fashioned with a low inset neckline which had a collar all around covering the shoulders. Long sleeves and buttons down the back completed the designs• Her veil, which was held in place by a coronet of seed pearls, was long and it covered the train on her dress. A string of pearls was her jeweh'y, and she carried a bouquet of pink 'rose buds and white sweet peas. ENGAGEMENT TOLD i Maid of honor Frances John- Mrs. Careta Nutt announces the son, wore an aqla taffeta gown engagement of her daughter, Nan:i having similar styling as the cy, to ugL uarry asmns, son o l bride's gown, but was varied in its Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Haskins of lpuf f sleeves and it had a bustle Norfolk, Neb. No definite date nas l effec t in the back. In her hair been set for the wedding, i she wore pink rose buds and Miss Nut has just completed I around her neck pearls. her first year of nurses training Go " -~-' ..... ; • . [ wned m yellow o-t,- ....... at Deaconess Hospital in Wenat- I had a shirred front, puffed sleeves ched. She will return and resume land a athered skirt Alice Marie • e va'  ' her, tralnlng after a three-we k " ] Silvers was bridssmaid. She also cath)n with her mother, l accented her hair-do with pink Sift. Haskins is stationed at rose buds. Both attendants car- Moses Lake air base in eastern ried bouquets of pink rose buds Washington. MEETING IS POSTPONED Tim regular monthly meeting of the Mountain View Community Club will be held at the skating rink on July 9 instead of July 2. Sale WITH OUR POLICY OF OFFERING THE IN FURNITURE AT THE BEST PRICES POS- WE ARE MAKING ROOM FOR THE NEW FURN- WHICH WILL BE ROLLING IN AFTER NEXT MARK]T IN SEATTLE, SO . . . Harold Chase. Mrs. G. Breit- specter cut the cake, Ernestine Walker presided at the coffee urns and Cora Cole served the punch. Mrs. Ivy Daniels had the guest book and Mrs. Roy Daniets, Mrs. A1 Goodwin, Mrs. area Parks and '.Irene Chase took charge of the gifts. l Out-of-town guests came from I Eglon, Kingston, Edmonds, Enum-] claw, Bremerton, Seattle, Tacoma, [ Ke*I, New Mexico, Elma and Los] AnE'eles. [ For her honeymoon to Canada! Mrs. Hepner changed to a r0sel gaberdine dress and long dove l grey coat with white accessories. Her corsage was pink rose buds. Both the bride and bridegroom were graduated from Irene S. Reed, and they will resume studies at the Bible Institute of Los An- geles next Fall. I Pink, Blue Shower Is Given June 22 and white sweet peas. Penny Lee Parmenter, Enum- claw, cousin of the bride, was flower girl and she wore a pink taffeta dress which featured ruf- fles around the neck and skirt. Pink rose buds were in her hair. The candles were lighted by Wayne Stenberg, brother of the bride, and Jerry Goodwin, nephew of the bridegroom. Dick Hunter served as best man, and Roy Deffinbaugh, Dick Har- rison, Lynwood, Calif. and Alfred Chase were ushers• Preceding the ceremony Orval Nyland of Seattle accompanied by Janet Swanson sang "God Leads Us Along." During the service, he sang "Safe In His Keeping" and "Oh Jesus, We Have Prom- ised." For her dauffhter's wedding Mrs. Stenberg wore a black crepe dress with white accessories, and her corsage was of Pink rose buds and lavender sweet peas. Mrs. Hepner chose an aqua blue dinner dress for the occasion. Mrs. Frank Wokojance was hon- ored "guest at a stork shower given Wednesday, June 22, by Shirley Anderson at the Ander- son residence. The traditional pink and blue was used as the color scheme for the decorations. The table was centered with a wit of pink and white roses with pink candles on eacl side. A stork carrying a baby figurine wrapped in pink watched over the table. When refreshments wjlre served, napkins folded as diaers were pas:ed around. Pink and blue Harthill, Austin I Exchange Vows The "church 1 arh)rs of the First Christian Church in Bremerton " was the setting' for the afternoon wedding of C'Dale Harthill and Henry O. Austin both of Allyn. June 26. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. George Harthill and Mr. and Mrs. William Austin, Sr. Rev. Fred Opperman read the informal dehble ring ceremony be- fore the fireplace. A bouquet of sweet peas was on tim mantel and white streamers went to the bas- kets of bhl.e delphiniu:tns which were on either side. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a pink gab- ardine suit with white acccssof ies. Accenting this were a perky hat and a corsage of I;ink ro.e buds and a gardenia. Mrs. Don Shellgren, the m:i r,)t'. of honor, wore an aqtm .qit \\;.vii]. white accessories ttlld hev coPs:g(. was white carnations. Kay [:{;Wl- hill, sister of the bride, w;m bridesmaid and she was :dAired in a grey suit and wiite accc.¢:orm:. She had a pink carnation corsage. Tile bridegroom's brottmr-in- law, R. E. Schurfenbcrg, of Bremerton, was best hill.n. Rrtd Fred IAndsey of Alln was usher. Wedding music .s I)laycd by Mr. Lynn Sherwood. Mrs. Harthill wore an aqun printed silk dress with white ac- cessories and yellow roses cor- sage. A grey printed silk dress with black accessories was chos- en by Mrs. Austin for her son's wedding. Her flowers were pmk r'oses. A three weer wedding lrip to Elkhart, Ind., the bride's former home town, wilt include visits with relatives and friends of the bride. The young couple will make their new home in Allyn upon their re- turn. The bride graduated thi: year from Irene S. Reed, an(1 tile bridegroom graduated with* the class of '42 from Irene S. Reed. He attended CPS after being in the navy during the war. He is paper plates carried on them ice cream, pink in color, and cup cakes with pink and blue icing• The favors were made of blue, crepe paper with white paper doilies cut as baby nightgowns with blue satin bows at the nec.k- line. Games were played, and Mrs. Bill Hunter and Madeline Walden i won the prizes. The guest list included Luanne Adams, Jeanne Mallinger, Made- line Walden, JoAnn Tice, Mrs. Bill Johnson, Betty Johnson, Frances Alger, Joyce Frisk, Mrs. Bill Hunter, Carol LaMarsh, the honored guest and hostess• Bar- bara Fuller and Winnie Weyerts attended from Elma. t Post-Wedding Shower Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Cowl- ing were honored guests at a post-weddingshower given by Mr. and Mrs. A. Charlson, recsntly. I Those present were Mr. and Mrs. I A. O. Schuffenhauer and Arlene, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schuffenhauer , now employed at the Paget Sound Navy Yard. A reception at Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Scharfenberg's Bremerton home followed the wedding. The lace- covered table was centered by the three-tiered wedding cake which had a miniature couple on it. White candles were on each side• Those serving were Mrs. John Austin, Mrs. William Austin, Jr., and Barbara Valley• Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Lloyd Neckolauson, Elkhart, Ind.; Mr. John Sullivan, Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry King and family, Corvallis, Ore., and Mrs. Joseph Tschida and son, Chester. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. John Austin and family, Mr,, and M's. William Austin, Jr., and : family, Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Aus- tin and family, Mr. and Mrs, Per- ry Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wynn and family, Don Shellgren, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Clark, Sher- ry and Leilani Harthill, brother and sister of the bride; the par- eats and the bridal party• Carnations were her corsage.  and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter The parlors of the church were Charlson and family, Mr. and decorated the same as the church Mrs. James Shrum and family, for the reception which immedi- ' Verne Schuffenhauer, B e t t y ately followed the wedding. The Brownfield, the honored guests ............................ table was centered with the three- and host and hostess. STARTING JUNE 30 EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR STORE  } :With the Exception of Fair-Traded Merchandise- WILL BE SOLD AT .AT(H U l k) %1 U U 11 | PURCHASES II mIlllll  There will be a gl'et many items at substantial reductions which may be purchased at the regular Ray's Jewelry I DOWN- 12 MONTHS TO PAY 117 Cots Phone 633 tiered cake on which rested a miniature bride and bridegroom, t VISITiN WlTH--PARENTS In charge of the reception were,. Richard Dunbar, son of Roy V, Dunbar of Shelton, is home for a summer vacation. Richard gradu- ated from Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh, Penn., where he majored in prmting ad- ministration. He is employed in Chicago by Inland Press, Inc. VISITORS FROM OKLAHOMA [ Lt. Col. and Mrs. J. E. Mills and daughter arrived here last week from Oklahoma to visit Mrs. Mills' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Boylan. Before returning to Fort Sill, where the Lt. Colonel is an in- structor at artillery school, the trio will visit with Lt. Col. Mills' oarents in Portland. Ore. DANCE IS JULY 6 Shelton Dance Club will hold a dance for all teenagers at 8:30 p.m. July 6 at the Memorial Hall. BENEFIT WE: ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THESE FAMOUS NAMES NEW, LOW COSTS For minimum costs and maximum utility, pleasure and savings! Buy now ac these slashed prices.., enjoy frozen food- its fresh flavor, its time, work and money-saving advantage* 20% Qown; 24 Months to Pay KIMBEL MOTORS 707 S. 1st St.- Phone 601 II I MODEL !Z:C '4'7.50 FOR LARGER FAMILIES Freezes ond stores 553 Ibs. of frozen foods. B;g 15.8 cubic-foot capacity. I IIIIIII IHI I I I I I I I JUBILEE DINNERW ARE '-vrmg-Air, Simmons, Balboa Chrome iii;!;i!iiiii!iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii!ii!00ii!;iii0000000000? K I T C H E :las Chrome, Cowen & Tuchin Tables .. sp.,;,:.. ..... GAS RANGES 00S0N MODERN LIVING ROOM SUITES ,o0,, s Living Room Furniture and Davends ] ;:':,:  [:).."":i'l' i. i o-,:, o, ............ f.". C. Meyers Custom-Built Furniture t ,:'']::I::ii: : i ;':t:.::::":':;i months for / 'l clth oven broiler and tory ili ':i::',' "i;".,i'.:/,':;'i!!iii::i/:: : • cam artme.t, as all ii:'::' .... m°:k[:; €ooklnl :" ..... ":''"/;':=...'%:." €.ac,.aut'm'tlamp---.whl,e enomelfeabuceyatlm' DRAPERIES ARMSTRONG LINOLEUM 'ROOM_._.._ SUITES  Theresa klq.efIed ,, LIVING .. or €o fi!'[: !TL,!o:r;t:!is: !' You can use the attached coupon--but HURRY Tll ,RU{;S MA{;E RU{;S Lee Imported Oriental  Lamps a, Roller, Lampmaster Lamps ORTHWEST CHAIR, UNITED FURNITURE SUITES, ALBERT CASE GOODS, HERITAGE- NATIONAL . . - because we cannot offer there ranges after this shipment Is sold. !  IN BULK TANKS OR BOTTLES DICK MATHENY, BRANCH MANAGER P. O• Box 24 • P.hone Z.2943 * Olympia, Wash• i " - Furniture ........................... . .................................................................... ADDRESS ............................................................................................... Phone "SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING" 94 CITY ......................... : ...................  .....  .......................................... 6-PIECE SETTING )open stock) $3.1.0 GIFTWARE DEPARTMENT with wmhed-'fo00 peice tag00 Now, visit our showro,tn and ]nsl)eCl this identical kitchen. See every one of the m a,y Y(nmgsl:(wn features. Check the marvelous fi,ungstown KiLchcnaider cabinet (, sink- the spacious base and wall €'al)incts. Be sure o ask about the price. It's the kiml of price I you've wished for! We'll show you a host of other kitch('m plans. 3tLungs- ,,s town nnits are engineered to fit any kitchen area--old ]:tome or new. Stop in aml see this Ybungstown Kitcheu soon. I,earn how easy it is to own the kitchen of your dreams. Dishwashing% easy with thi gleaming 66" twin-bowl Youngstown Kikhenai&r cabinet sink. 'lvo giant compartments, sliding shelf• Rirse spray, swinging faucet, no-splash bowls. BUDGET TERMS ISY MULLINS HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Established 1895 i m