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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 30, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 30, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00g.00tP ......... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 words or les (mlnlmum charge) 75c single insertion. $1.25 two insertions $1.50 three inser- tions• Adiitmnal in,ertlona 20e ex&apos;h, Lr/er a, at;. rate of I', fur each 5 word above 25. Beader notices 15e per line, 75e minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks. $I,001 original poetry 50c per inch; elasiilfied di- play rates on request. Advertisements accepted over the telephone from tThone sub- scribers. Cash should accornpany all other orders or payment made within five (5) day of tbe first insertion to save expense of hill- ing. An extra charge of 10e will be made wheat b||llng la neces- sary. PHONE leo Classified Service PLDWING.,)rnt,:. ex('a- vatlng, harrowing with trach,r. C.all Phiillp IIardle, Route 1, 1:,, .L37, 766J1. 3-i0t fn OI1 stoves anti fln'nac0 VltCUUnl lleanad. Free eslinltlts, }'hont 3.186 aye, 7026 evenings, tJlyniphl Wash. P3-2.1t in. aERHaNT;INTL-iN'flORa(in bl.','. ()RATING, Phon. days 2X. nlviiN 763RS• M i'6,2311 (i. 'ROTOTILLINC, power pr)}ylt and arden service. Phonc, (:)r Box H. Journal. }t3-qlt in, I H J [ Stoves and Furnaces SI-IEL)N-KASON COUNTY JOURNAL ................. ' ...... "!'! ........... J.' _ .7 ' ''. ' ..... ' . _ . ' ' ' " ,i l**l A a A A. ,I. AII aa ,i A A ,i ,lIA,A.ali& REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 10 acrcs. 2-bedroom log house. Mostly furntslted Log barn. chiek,n Iv)use ferlecd, fruit, three cows and chickens. New tractor, garden planted• Good soil. Year 'round well, Gus W. Kohler First road to left on Lynch Road, ' • 6-16-23 EQUITY in iw0:Yar:¢lid l']0-d r bedrOolll home, completely furnished, clecti'ic range and hot water heater, ga;raIj, . four -- blocks from high SChOol. write .l.IOX P, C-O Journal• P4-21tfn. Ft)H SALE: By owner -- d-room ))llidern tto(ll, hardwood floors. (d(,01 ric tlutliulatic liilA,r heater. laundry tray, located at 1321 E, Ellhior wllh view of OiynHfics lind bay. f}(,ll .#or .qniail eqU tY Se Clifford Hurtbttt at 1321 E, "Elllitor. 6-30--7-21 I[ [ ZINTHEO'S VALUES COMBINATION WATERFRONT home and chicken ranch; 10 acres, 1 acres cleared, orchard, some pole timber, well, elec. pump, 300 gal. Lank; large chicken house; 6-room odern home with 3 bedrooms; h"eplaee, hardwood floor, picture vindows; several hundred, feet Uighway and water frontage; only our miles from Shelton. close to ,,rocory sore. Price and terms on • 10qt ti l"y. ',i3;E :]0-.[:'OOT Lf)TS on Ang'le:dde, ii Ch,tr(,d vtnd ou Ii coriler, for VACUUM CLEANED Phone 576-W 620 Cedar St. J it "'  - .... " -,,V $1500, one-third down; or will for :ull any two scparsl.ely. }:7i.Y .',{00t) for this ,1-roolI1 cot- :n-n v.'ff.h b:tth, utility room and !am;dL tray:; very easy ternls, N]AH.LY NEW attractive home (in .%[t. View, 5 ro((ms, bath and r<u'.%, utll!ty room, automatic elec- tric tank, lalmdry trays; hard- wood floarr plastered, fireplace, Vmetian blinds; corner lot, fenced; ,:-ii'ible for G.I, or F.H•A. loan. Priced at $9000. FULLY EQUIPPED cabinet shop for $3700. on terms, Q ANGLILSIDE HOME of 4 rooms and bath; wired for range, auto- marie hot water tank, laundry 'tr:ty:q one corner and one inside hit all cleared, 120x100 ft• Should se, ll quickly at $4250, on terms. IMMEDIATE CASH LOANS SEE EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE PHONE 540 120 Smith Third Stret;t, Shelton, Wa;h. ............................................ 8-R(iOM HOME at Union over- LAWNMOWERS  looking Hood Canal; large fire- Sharpened - Adjusted JIM MOORE {}2'/ Summit Drive 6-16-tfn _Jl [ [[ [[ [ . Title E L I. Ab & Title (!l). Inc. 119 S. fth (Bvll l,hlg.) Shulton Wn. PItONE 65 ason County agent f(*r Puget und Title Iasurance Com- pany of Seattle deuiber Washington lalnd Title Ass'n, American Title Ass'n. l tflace; fruit trees, shrubs; corner lot. NEARLY NEW 4-ROOM modern on East Elllnor; hardwood floors automatic electric tank; linen clos- et; large lot; abuy at $5650, very $ $'" $ FOUR-ROOM MODERN house on large plot just outside city limits; furnace in basement; good condi- tion; fruit, berries and garden, $6,000. M. C. ZINTHEO __=. ...................... !! ........................... =.J L tj_. Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 157 v . v. hVl4£v X 73 .... , Shelton, Wash. . , I I L [ FOR SALE: 15 acres of land on high= way four miles from Shelton (Day- ton Road) $1.OO0. $500 down. Write or phone 14F22. Rose Phillips, P.O. Box 424. 6-25-30 FOR SALE: 4 view lots at Birch and 10th St. Phone 601. K6-16tfn. FOR SALE: new slx-room --d home. Radiant heat, hardwood floor- ing throughout, fireplace, garage attached. Located on 115 x 75' cor- ner Jot in Northcliff Schultz Addi- tion. Call 1000 during the day, 851- W evenings. SS-Stfn. 1WVE $i2000.(J0 "'eqtllt; 'ln $.}-,500AI0 Seattle North end Lake washington waterfront property (5 room house 150 ft. frontage) to trade for Hood Canal house. Might conider water- front or view property nero" Shelton. Call Union 343. r'l-13tfm crest, oil floor fnrnace and range, fireplace, some furniture, basement has one room and garage. Will sacrifice. Phone 945W, ask for Mrs. Edwards, 6---16-80 F0-R--ALE- by owner, aodern ,8-room. home. utility, ouble garage work shop, four lot all fenced, Arcadia road Just outside city llmlte. Phone 763R1. after 4:30. V6-12tfn, 3 large bedrooms located at 405 Franklin St. Paved street and side- walks all in and paid for. Will consider hill property in exchange. Some minor repairs needed. Also renovating, See M. B. Sehumacher, .108 .anklin. 6-30 F-(')-k-S'LE--: 6-room modern home and one acre excellent loil. Basement, furnace, electric hot water heater. laundry •trays, electric pumping Sys- tenl, nice lawn, flowers, garden, berries and fruit, Would consider trade for small Imme close in. A. O Charlson at Milk Creek on Olym- pic Highway. " 6-30 tfn III I FOR SALE NEW HOME Living room and dinette, kit. chen and service room, 2 bed- rooms, unfinished attic. Over 2 acres. $7700, FHA approved. Terms. SECOND HC)USE EAST OF SAEGER'S STORE On Arcadia Road For Sale Sign In F2"ont Yard E6-23-tfn [[[ J 4 BEDROOM MODERN home, with full basement, fireplace, au- tomatic oil heat. Garage in base- ment, two full city lots. Nice neighborhood, fruit trees, big back yard. Located short distance from city center and schools. Price $8,400,00, bank terms, * * $ 5-BEDROOM MODERN in city center on Franklin St. Can be ex- cellent income property. Some in- come at present. Double garage. Home is old but in excellent state of repair. Price, $9,000,00. Down, $3,000.00. 5-BEDROOM MODERN' home in downtown area, with apartmerfl: in rear. This is income property and in best location to city and schools. Building in good repair. Better than 10 per cent income on invest- ment. Price, $15,000.00. $ $ * DUE TO OTHER INTERESTS owner has been forced to put an excellent busiss up for sale, Small investment required. Sheet metal mechanic with some heating equipment experience necessary, Enough work order backlog to pay for investment in six months. Bus- i,vv,ww...,.,v.-.v,...,**.. ............................................... iness will FOR SALTS: Mainland orl emlt we,fT, i West of St(anlboat Islanl ll(:i!l' Ar- fadht 600 It, (lapth It) rlir;d, prel, ly tveii. VieW. good soil, 108 fl. lilt)nil sliore., Splendid fishinff. $1575, lerlns lneltidtng oysl(r land fronting 0a { OYster Bay, t,.barh's oiners, O.rapevlel; l)houe 871-J-I 5-12 tfn ' 0 You Can Still Buy Go d Property Along ltod Canal at Reasonable Prices Here are 5 examples of good valUes aI0ng Soutll Shore , . , aVatZable now at prices rang- ins from $1650 --- 85900. i(1) 2-beth'oom summer tlVl'm-, fire- : place, 50' tidelands. (2) BeautifUl undeveloped tract, Nearly seven acres on crecR and conal, (3) Large tract with log" calHr.. Road on two Si(;h:a t)f in oi:)erty Access to watel,t'],o)t, i (4) Nice 2-bedroom home. bsa- meet garage, l.raDfl O1}:rnDt¢ View. Many kinds of fruit, berries, gard(,t tud flowers, Good irrtg'ation system. No tidelands. (5) O 100' tractm oil both sides Of :road at 35 cnd $15 per foot. R. W, CADY, Jr. BELt AIR, W A:,tl. Belfair 5-4212 or Do!i)h IQ<huiston, Union, Waah,. t3ellair 5--tS86 6..30 ,, J II fill . J I FARM FOR SALE HARSTINE ISLAND 40 acres, 30 cleared, four bed- room house, well, barn, pack- ins shed, ,chicken hollse, gar- age, fenced, one acre grapes, over 200 prune trees, stream on edge of property, a, ll for $3,5OO,OO. Hans M. Ander:on REALTOR 1004 Washington Ifldg., Tacoma, Wsh. Office ph0ne:, MAin '3550 Residence: PRoctor 6194 6-30.- .7-7 ,--T---- ..... 7---7,V ......... " ..... HOME? Build It Yourself 8 Lots in Olympic View Addition Re, asonabla Price Reasonable Terms Sewers Installed and Eaid For. Water to the Alley, Inqulre at 1419 Mason St. or Phone 58-M P-5-12-tfn net right party over J J--L .......... _1 .!___.,. $600.00 per month. For further .information phpne. Full price $3,- 250•00. Terms can be had. * $ $ I HAVE BUYERS for two oi three bedroom homes, Must have central heating plant and garage. Not over $10,000 for quick sale, Phone 908 days, 537R evenings. JAS. B. TROVATO 124 E. Grove St. Adjoining Bill Pearson Phone 908 days, 537R evenings II II . I I , , J ) t , ,, -- m, " SEE OUR NEW HOMES ON ANGLESIDE - 12TH AND TURNER DICK KIEBURTZ CONSTRUCTION CO. PHONE 899 Builders of Shelton's Finest Homes 4-14.tfn m ..... ,J ,) n , |, F()l SALE:, ctU)lce 20(I ft• waterf)nt @vvvvvvw, vvvvv on Hanlmersly lnbA. close In. No r0',T'ltlr tqf'nl'lYU- ,)l' l't)ad I)uilding, jnNt bring un--e-tll wvvv :cot;" htmb,'r and start building, Will vvvvvvvvvw,e,vvv iol! all .r 1)art lo one party. Phone SALESMAN WANTED: for RawlelKh 6)1.. K6-16tfn i,<('( 'dAIJ,7:" l..,U;i' ami 6)e wr'f business whlch Just bceamc avall .r(dnld :qx )'()()iris wiih nook bath able. Good Oppol'tt;m'ttY for wlllll%g worker. Write ]Rawleighs, Dpt. 0, ,, i(ih,t t t, ai's electric hot we- I Oakland 20, California. 6-28-80 h i. ank. oil f i'l)ttce $5,000. ]h0ne .... , ,, n of all kinas. Any odd jo, large or small. Alao rototiller plowing. Call 59-W. {-ltf. FOR WAND Fwiii--']fi-loTia-K s tulnlale,• Ws'Daniel ead Fief- . crier Logging uo,, P.O. Box 81f, 01af Is, Wash. ll-4ta. QUICK SALE modern home with property 120x 85, including oH range. Ix)cated close in and will take $450 down and $45.00 a month to reliable, tevdy party . , . Priced at $3,875•00. IaOR SALE 5-ro(ml modern home witll /il'eplace, wired for electrio range, automatic hot water heater, basement and oil furnace. Well located with e×cellcnt yard and garden tract. This is a nice home and a good value at $7,600 with some terms. Herbert G. Angle L II J II II I [ )urttus evi  ul-eal llllma lll-J. Ora.yl ltla'bor ia_dl.-- tiii, :1 I,l'/ ili, WXiY-KIZ-TiTKG 7ireYSiTiKb'i • age children In my home. Mine housework. Phone 720M, U8-16.30 T want to buy, e-i== change eatle of any klad. J'. Clark, Box 28, Elms. Wuh. -17tfn. a)ty length, for new street signs, Contact Roy Peach or Dick J, acobson phone 221IA or 46R. C 6.30 with reliable middle aled couple for light work and care ot send-|eyelid. Ifi.9_ul,'e 1121 Rallr0ad. C-23tfn. Phone 378W, M6.3--7-7 ANT TO BUY: old h)rses fur Mlk feed. Myers and tansep Mink Farm, Olympia.  Phone 4878 collect. 1-1till E :-WAN T-Dq Chrietnfak cards wlth name, 60 for $1. sell futl Make up to 100 per cent on $1.00. "Leader ' Christmas plastic Jvenla* tlon,, others, Assortment on approval. R imprint ilmples. Stylart, 1310 Santes, Dept. 27, Los tm$ol 5, Califorma. -0 • v .... vvw v vfvv ' v w'vvvv ............. v vv, WID FOR SALE DO YOU WANT it reliable baby sitter? FOR SALE: Chieken fertilizer cow If so• phone 671-W, H6-30---7-14 manure, Skokomtsh top soil, t'actor , plowing. Phone 483-W. O2-24tfn LOGS WANTED Highest Cash Price Paid COSELMAN MILL CO. RFD 3, Shelton. Arcadia Road 2 Miles East of Hillcrest To the "Sign" Miscellaneous NEED A BABY SITTER? Reliable high school girls• Night or day. Phone 206W or 543M. H6-16tfn VACATION WITH US on "wo-'-d's-]-on- - est beach. Clean. modern furnished cottages. Good beds.. Reasonable weekly rates. Write: Midbeach Cot- tages, Ocean Park. Wash. Phone 67616. G6-30---8-25 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Dachshund. female, 8 months old. Reward. Write Box 640, Rt. 2, Bellevue, Wash. D6-16-30 FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS : one and two bedroom units now available at Airway Court, Airport, phone 761R5• AS-2t fn. FOR RENTA modern cabin-.-TEe Pines, Motptain View• LS-19tfn T. two bedroom unfu-rnTs- apartment and garage, also 3-room apt. and bath, partly furnished. Phone 69W mornlnga or evenings. D6-16tfn. one mile north of Hooaaport,$2b Der month. ,Inquire Dusty Rhode ]Resort. Phone Hoodsport 15-W-11. 8-10tfn, Phone 922. Mr. View Lockers, Star Route 1, Box -B. 8-24tfn CAN GIV a fu{nished apt, to a n]-d:- die aged couple for janitor work and companionship. Phone 91. D 6-30 "'RT'.c-as fir rent $20 per month. Water and lights included. Inquire Maple Court. B 6-30 modern cabins. Phone 615R2. M 6-307-14 road Ave. Old aged gentlmen wen come. 06-23--7-7 I FOR RENT 1 3-room apt•, furniaed. 1 3-room apt., unfurnished. Space formerly used by Elaine's Beauty Salon. Cameron Hotel Phone 513 6-23-1t I APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hilco Electric Floor Sanders Johnson Electric Floo Polish- era Sterling Electric portable hand Sanders IeavT" Duty Clark Electric Floor Waxer. LAWTON LUMBER 420 S, 1st Phone 58 2-10-n l)R SALE FOR SALE: One 30-gal. Day and Night Bottled Gas hot water heater, Used 8 ross, $50.00. Magic Chef Bottled Ga cook stove with regula- tors. Excellent condition. $130,00. Must sell. Have all-electric home. Adams and K Streets, Mt. View. M• Grllle,. 6-30--7-14 Jl I I We don't have fleas We don't have lice. We do have lumber that's low in price. Our "mill to consumer" sell- ing policy is .talking awfully loud. We deliver. 2x4 $4S, plenty good .... $49.50 2x4 S4S, good lengths.. $30.00 2x8 $4S, plenty good .... $49.50 2" Dimension Shorts good $20 Selected knotty cedar paeI= ins v Jointed ............... 12½€ Surfaced lumber in all sizes and quality in fir apd cedar. Fir lop cimtom, sawed. Wood $1100 load delivered, about 2 cor. R.F.D3, Slates, 2 mUe East of HilIcrest d Aroadla Road to the "sign." COSELMAN MILL CO. Phone 87-R-1 Jl • I USED FURNITURE 1 8-pc. Bleached Dining.Set like new I Bed Davenr(':::::::::i:::::::: g49.50599"50 2 Rockers (like new) .................... $29./$0 & $39.50 1 Comp. Lea. Chair ............ $49,50 I Simmons Chair ................ $29.50 I Matching Chair and Rocker .......................... $14.95 ca. I Oil Range (all enamel) $89.50 i Elect. Apt. siz Range .... $69.50 1. Domestic Furra, 2 Bbls. and copper tubing ............ $50.00 1 IES Lamp & shade ........ $16.95 Olsen Furniture Co. 321 Railroad Phone 102 , FOR SALE SUMMER SALE now flu•t% Jiffy 2. All fishing tackle 10% off, caJh sales only, ItilLcrest Hardware. ViIRR%2 TIiL-EI-dtLTiVAOl' luw= eat priced on market, $139.50. t,e It at E. A. Carr Electric Title Insur- ance Bldg. R6-2tfn. f k-- --S-A- L z----5i=:Y '-oTa----w-t l¥--H wood, not slab wood, tiny length. Sac load or a hundred• Prompt de- livery, C. R. (Cliff) Borden, Ptlone 216-J-3 mr Dick .Borden. 1028 Rail- road. 5-26-tfn IT)WIds-MtXERS -afiTi- j]iiFers-i"(;}"Mix- masters at Eclls & Valley Appliance SUMMER SALE now thru July 2. Center. 6-2tfn. Semi-gloss enamel, reg. $5.15. on sale S'i-YMMER-SAl.E-ll-('w--(:o'(Igh-July 2 for $4.79 at Hlllcrest Hardware. Lunch kits with vacuum hotth,s, rog- ....................................................... ular $2.75 vahLe, sale I)rice $2.4!) at SUMME[t SALE now thrn July 2. Sash HH]crest Hardware, cord. rou. $2.25, now $1.50 at Hill- crest Hardware, MISKELLA SUPPLY MOVED TO 416 LEGION WAY Oylmpia, Wash. Your "BEST BET" for REFRIGERATION, Garden-Tractors, Pumps, Aluminum, Etc. 9-2-tfn I I I LOOK FOLKS, IT'S MILL WOOD Many prudent ones who lost out last Fall, account mill closing down for the winter are now ordering their win- ter's supply. Quick delivery now, $11.00 load. About 2 cords, slabs, edgings, planer ends. COSELMAN MILL CO. Arcadia Road East to the Sign Phone 867-R-1 FOR SALE FOR l e INEXPI,]N,¢;[Vi ;] hoJn in;ihlinv, l,lill Ft)R SALE: ;L;t'l}ll)lo(]. }!]dSy It) #!I't'C[. 1)ItECI - witll calf• SION lt()MES. $22bti tip. hidividual- K. E. ILy ;:ll tOW cO;q.. Fur' in['t)l'Olll i(i(l • write P,O. l}ox 26, Gii4 1alqhn', Wn. .46-23---7-7 SUMMEJ{ SALE ...................................... oil heaters. FOR SALE; one gra:v sa(hlh ht,I'.q(% 7 reduced now years Old. "leJghs about 1][)0. Star Itardware. l{I "2. L>oX 66. (}('rir(l(h! Scoll. 6-23--7-7 F())4 SAI,I,]: EASY SI'INI)RIEtl WAS]lER. Vuy 4ood clJnditiotl. Ncal'ly /iew, A real , lltlV al $69. Pil:ui' 896. 'rG-23tfu. X)R SALEi-registered lolf-Hereford bU}l. One. Iwt). IJiree y(,:ir rdd.L PIiollO 7611{1 ['6-2%'10 SUMMER SAIA'] -nuw {hru July 2. Paint tbinn,,r 50(' g'allon while H lasts. Bring contalitcr. I-I i 1 l c r e s t 1tardware. ' 'Lo(JR C0 qE-RI dS-i -tile 5i-" i{i£iLUm. pSff-g:ii,-.:-30r40--dt=l-d.--$g:-G,--ii Installed or lay It yourself. Easy terms. 3 years to pt. '. Law,on Luln- Ellis, at. 3, Bdx 170. Phone 960R3. - bcr, 420 S. First , phone 56 6-16-30 3-Stfn. FOR SAiL-E-: dining room set. large I.-ff)T-NE;---P(5KK---b-I:IA-/N--sX,VS buffet, table and four chairs, walnut sales, parts and service, limhel Me- finish. Also kitchen table and four tors. 707 S, /'irst Stceet, Shclton. chairs. All in good condition. P, eau- 5-19tfn tlful Jewelled wrist watch, very reas- ()IL--sTbvE gEiWi(YE-:-cieandf;Hs shah|e, Phone 219M. S6-23-30 and repair• Phon,. 61-J. lJS-}fJIfn, -ffl{ii k--S-ALi --Kerr-" { h?{Tfi giT-J-h 17 -i ......... AUTOM O1::I IA I;USlNESS ......... Garden Ilose renmants, reg. 13(: foot, SERVICF STATION LIIotor and body sale pries 12c at Hi/lcrest Hardware. shop in centrals b]:)('k. 2-sH)ry buildinff, dowlllown trCllcl'on, sol]- F()It-S-A'LE"--6 w-.-'k-()icl • l)-g;---Vi--J- lng n(,w AIIst(n and Crl)shy and tor Bisser. Island Lake used ('firs, Invtuit'y at wilolosale B 6-30--7-7 less ]5,,,. Total eQtupnlont, parts, iFoi%--SA-LE:--Rin()w-n-oiV-=ange, eom- etc.. $8.900.0(}. Terms if needed. plcte with coils. Black and white Phone Br(,ni:rton 1700J. enamel, perfect condttlen. Can be ]%1" 6-30---'7-7 seen at Roger Bros. Gara, ge, two F(:)I---SAI--E:---St-)ck trailer. 50 and" intles ont on Olympia highway, used washing nnlchine. $]5. In- G6-30--7-7 quire Maple /uto (?t,/n'l.  6-30 ie-O--ff-S'.L-E-7---30Y06-i-g'l--eoidii]o. SU-lVI-1QI-iR SALE now thl'ti July 2 qtil'e A, L. excellent deer gun, good selling Garden hoes. reg. $1.98. saLe $1.75. price.._Ph°n.e 227R. _ .............. L 6-30 Garden rakes, extra hea y, reg. FOR SALE: raspberries, you pick. $2.35. sale $2,10 at ttillcrest Itard- Bring your own containers. 10c per ware. pound. Phone 862J3. D6-23tfn olic supplies and gifts. Also the latest in excellent books. Open eve- nings. Tile Gift Box 200', W. Four, h SAVINGS FOR YOU Olympia, Wash. 6-23tfn FOR SAL: 14 foot flat bottom boat ON THESE HOME with 5 h.p. outboard motor, In- Martin Goetsch, Route 2 (Her- / APPLIANCES quire stine Island). 6-23--7-7 Exceptional Furniture Bargains PHILCO REFRIGERATOR with 50-1b. freezer, floor model. Was $339.50 ...................................... SPECIAL $300 FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR, late model, like new $165 Used DAVENPORT and CHAIR, dark blue mohair ........ $60 Used DAVENPORT and CHAIR, blue velour {an excellent buy) ...................................................................... $85 New DAVENO and CHAIR, shopworn, reg. $225, Now $112 New DA.VENO, slightly shopworn, reduced to ................ $59 Large KITCHEN RANGE (wood), with water coils .. $27.50 TWIN BEDS with springs and mattresses ...................... $40 Used CONSOLE RADIOS. 10 tubes, excellent shape ...... $40 Used BUFFET, good condition ............................................ $25 Used DINETTE SET, made of wood .................................. $15 Olympic Furniture 321 Railroad Avenue Phone 94 1 8-cu, ft. Hotpoint refrigerator, slightly scratched, reg. $229.75, SPECIAL ....................... $219.75 1 Launderall demonstrator. Rag. I $309.95 .................. SALE $199.95 1 Oil Range, regular $189.95, SPECIAL ........................ $139.95 1 lronrite floor model, Regular I $204.95 ................ SALE $189.95 USED OIL HEATERS-- Take your pick .................... $25 USED WASHERS, $19,50 to $60 1 Combination wood-electric range, very good condition ........ $59.95 1 wood range ........................ $49.95 SPRED washable paint, Regular $1.27 .................... SALE 98¢ qt. EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER 123 S. 2nd St. Phone 334 6-23-1t ' $30. Phone I'( ) rt wood slA)Ve, ] I)qUil'e tit lornoons and made, to FOR SALE : with $50. C/o FOIl. SALE: 975J/. Ra] Box 2.12A, FOR SALE: Coupe. Norgo three months. Parr's Apt. NO SUMMER Martin. Hans .4 ',,: fishier will sell 1-lilh'r(,sl PENINSULA Parts. repal ins. Local FOR SALE : 30-gallon. heater. III E LECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone Shelton 650 125 Cota  Shelton Jack Manley 7-15tin IIII NICE FAT WORMS FOR FISHING Any Quantity Shelton Worm Ranch Ist & Harvard Postpaid Anywhere in U.S. 3-10-tfn \\; USED CARS CHECK THESE BARGAINS Down Payment 1946 Plymouth Sedan .............. $395 1941 Pontiac Club Coupe ...... 265 1939 Buick Coach .................... 165 1938 Willys Sedan .................... 85 1936 Chevrolet .......................... 65 1931 DeSoto Sedan .................. 35 1930 Ford Truck ............ : ......... 35 Harold Adam's Used Cars 300 Block So, 1st St. C6-30---lt USED FOR SALE: 1937 Plymouth 4-door sedan. Radio and heater. Sealbeam headlights, $200. 411 Harvard. Phone 478-J. B 6-307-14 FOR SALE: '41 Hudson coupe, needs body work, $425. '39 Reo Speed De- livery, $350. Model A Ford Coupe, good. Frank's Service. Lake Ne- watzel. Star at. 2, Shelton. 6-23--6-30 1945 ARIY WttITE open cab 5-ton tractor 6,(D0 miles; 10-ton 25' single axel trailer, new. 1deal equipment for heavy hauling. Best offer takes. C'orge Davidson 5004 - 17th ave.. N.E.. Seattle 5, "raahington. 6-30--7-7 II I FOR PACKARD CAR AND MARINE MOTORS See Your Packard Dealer Frank Thorp Motors Packard Sales and Service PHONE 6558 222 No. Capitol Way OLYMPIA. Quality Usel Cars , -- I I MUST SELL 1910 Chevroh.t Deluxe 5-pass. Conpc. Radio. heater, fog lights. Excclh, lt niot()r, Very ('lean. $635. Can be financed. Call 716%V after 6 p.m. M6-30 radio and heater, upholstery good, $550. Phone 870J3 or inquire I,en Gunter. Route 1-. Box 26A (turn right at :Pershalls ervicc), -" 6-30-----7-7 F----ff SALE : '3't-" Plymouth---Co Good transportion. $175.00 cash. Phone Hoodsport 8. C 5-26 Ifn .roh,t r lcelnia.- 4-door sedan. One ownli. ('Ill'. A real buy at the price. Phone 7-J. G6-9tfn Guaranteed Used Cars &, Trucks. By Kimbel Motors WHY STAY HOME OVER THE 4th or take "Chances with Your Old Car Guaranteed Used Cars With Low Down Payment Down Payment 1946 Hudson 2-door Sedan .............. $470.00 This car very clean, Has new Air Ride tire. Radio, heater, windshield washers. 1941 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan ............ 365.00 A one*owner car. Very clean inside and new paint. Good rubber. Heater. 1940 Oldsmobile 4-door Sedan ........ 358.00 A jt black one-owner car. Is very clean. Has Radio and Heater 1941 Ford 4-door ............ 385 00 Has good rubber, new inish:"Rad'io,"heater. " New seat covers., 1941 Ford 2-door .......................... 347.00 ew finish. Heater, good tires. 1940 Plymouth 4-door Sedan 300.00 Radio and Heater. " ......... Full Price 1947 FORD LOGGING TRUCK ...... i.$2550 Complet with bunks azad cab guard, ready for the road. 5-speed main transmission, 3-speed auxiliary transmission, heavy duty Clark rear-end, 9:00 tires. 1947 Dodge 3-Ton Pickup ............ :...$1185 A-1 Condition 1942 International "Metro" ................ $1200 (Large Panel) A-I Condition IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New International , 4 and l-Ton Panels and Iickup$ KIMBEL MOTORS 1st & ill Phone 01 pla. FOR SALE : I [i)r auto and Mill SUMMER Porlable qualit'. $16.95. CHICKS ANY BREED" U.S. Certified Also key poult, FA Hfllcrest " MILL $10 D( Our Is or Enitai Phone FOR SALI ;rownie pie 4863 tend Ition, Of}{) miles, $1295. Phone 441. good. good J-1 WE 24 GOOD USED 1947 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio- Heater - Cohnnbia 1935 FORD COACH, Good Motor MODEL A FORD ..................................... REPOSSESSED 1938 FORD 2-dotlr, R ' Anderson Motor Phone 52 1946FORD SUPER DELUXE CLUB Heater, 21,000 miles. New tires 1942--CHEVROLET d-DOOR SEDAN if'his ear is good ..................................... 1941--DODGE SEDAN. New paint, very 1936--Ford Sedan. Radio, heater° Very 1936--Plymouth Sedan, as is Runs good, 1936--Ford. Rough looking but runs O.. ONE 1949 4-DOOR SEDAN, 7,000 AL HUERBY PHONE 16 5TH & USED CARS July Clearance OLYMPIC MOTOR First and Mi/l Strets " phone '1941. Dodge Sedan, below book 1941 Hudson Sedan, very clean 1947 Fraser Sedan,bargain 1946 DeSoto 2-door, aut( MANY OTHERS AVAILABLE, S l YOUR USED CAR NEIDfl OUR PRICES ARE