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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 30, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 30, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• :% 19,t9. gI-rELTON.MASON COI&apos;TY .TOURNAL t ........................ i .................... --.12:Z:2,::-:2-,-j-Z:: ¢,n modi- ] t ( | ill t IoI,O(-)I{S SANI)EI) and 12.EIi'INISIIED: i al l- ass slant.o, (br' I Nc'w h:lrdwl)lld fh.Drs in,t:llled, old I ti,bllF, E'+IJol't" 'wori:. ll.'lchill( lllado YOIII' (IO('tIIF'N el' n(!vi r hcHlll!s, J. A. *c|lllLn.fe, llllx ] I,iltt,n Ill'ties, 10 a,nl, t() 5 0 p,lll., t(,ro. Serond I 1t)-3 tin WE REPAII- 28, ::011"air. i'llone lh,lfair 5-3931. ! .108. C.,)ia 8tree1. S.-21ifn 7-17-.17lrn. i 1¢()1I St"ENtH!IR FhltNDATIONS an,l Yi:d.als. [)tit: All makes of RADIOS, il It t i II mlpporis, llhone 799-J for liltpidnl. Wells, 405 Ar- .......................................................... llll,llt or call at 1416 Stlltliilit Drivl,, Arcadia and WASHING MACHINES and .. ................ 9-2fi-16If n 2-28-tin blo charges. Illlllle }" a No oll- Ji)tlrnal ill CHINE CO. Olynu)ia BROS. G MEN 6-16-30-3t SMALL APPLIANCES Expertly and Reasonably HOlD ELEffRI( E. F. FULMER DECORATOR Painting, Paper Hang- ing, Spray Painting PHONE 100 or write me, Star Route, Allyn ACCORDION and SOLOVOX PLAYING for Dances, Parties J. G. Halvorsen PHONE 202 6-30tin I II I I PLUMBING HEATING Sexauer System Repairing Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and PlUmbing Fixtures. Licensed Master Plumber Ernest Swearingen Phone 405-W Star at. 2, Box 97, Sh/lton 12-9tin. Septic Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES Contents I-laulcd Away Quick Service ]714 'East 9th, Olympia Phone 3486 or 7026 1-15--tin. I I I I II I Your Headquarters FOR • FAMERSON Radio and Television 5-19-tin II hi](?.()l 1( ILICS ANON YMl)tJ riwvl TIll "sd IV even rlg' at 3 II.lll. at W(i- luan's Chill Bldg.. 10th & Washing- Ion, Olympia, Wash. 3-17tin. i ii Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Maaon County Medical Assn. Or Direct to Yoq Service PREPP'S Drug Sore 2rid & Railroad Phone 119 IIII ]]] [[[J ] ]] [ State Farm Mutual Automobile itsurance Collision Coverage On Cars as Old as 1937 For Qualified Applicants Rates, Service for Policy Holders Transfers Now Available at BOB ERVIN MOTORS 833 South First Street Phone 673 Delivery ACETYLENE WELDING AND ARC "With the Latest Tpe Equipment FFICIENT, REASONABLE SERVICE o OAT, UTILITY, AND STOCK FOR RENT OR SALE o WELDING SHOP ENGINEERED ELECTRICAL SERVICE HIGHEST QUALITY/WIRING CRAIG P. ELIOT REGISTERED LICENSED and BONDED Engineer - Electrical - Contractor • P.U.D. Warehouse Bldg. K St. Mountain View P. O. Box 158 Shelton - Phone 788 PHONE 826 North of Needham Food Center LEGAL PUBLICATIONS NO. 2053 N(iTI('I," el,' IlEAl,lING (IN FINAL ACCOI'NT, IlleA'OIIT ANI) I'I.'.'I'I- TItlE liF ICXI,;CI"I'()il FOIl I'Yr- T IA,'M i,H'r, Ill.Till Ill'TIeR ANll lll,('ll A lit; I,L IN "l'lllq Si't>El.IiJl{ ('(d;iur )F TItE STATE ()i,' ,VASIIIN(IT(IN IN .\\;NIl l,'()I{ TIIE ('()TJN'I?Y iF 3I.\\;I()N, IN I'Ill)IIAT I', Ill l|li' Mtlllor lit th,! Est:lt*' i>f J;lllll'14 LILI'N/III. ] )('('lKlSl'd. N(I'I'ICf,J IS ilb]I:lql;'," (IIVI,;N, it:at [JllUi:4 l 4'. Lal'41ili, E):l,('lllll' <)1' [hi' liiill\\;'i l I sltilO, lla fih'd li('l PIll his final m - ('l,llllt, i'l,lJlllq ililll p('Lili-n flJr m,tth,, i till,ill llll(t distiibuli.n fd Ihr i'sl:lh' *,f thl' tII'I'IltS('¢I, wlii.rtq II l]ll, ("*)lll't iS lu'kr(l Ill lilllH'tl%t' Sili(l l('('l)tlllt Illiil /',-- I>(r[, :ltt(l ill/d((' (li•lriblllilil ill' lh(! t:ii;lll >, ;lll(I ;h.;t'hal'( ' lhl. i,\\;l cillfil+. Nt)TTCIq IS I,'[YlI'I-'IIIJL( (lIVEN. thai hi ll('t'lll'diillre with lll i'(tl+l' iH' said ('litlrt iilllllt, :lilts i,lltl,ll,(I llll Ihe 21th ( i)' ill JUliO, 19d11, i: hl'lilill;; \\;VIII t,o h:l(I Illq'l,l(' tile ('.l,llrt lil :,'aid finlll at ciitlut, i't,ll( if'l+ It ll(I Ill'f. it ilili (ill [fri- day, tile 29th div id' July. lq.P' at • -,., ill (l'rloek. tl.ill,, oil said (hill, ill the ('lgll't l.ll)ill id sllh| (Tllllrl hi Ih- (.'L,ill.I. tllllisl, at Shlqhn, Wilshinl41101. lJlil(l ltli 21ih liar of Jtilll,, 1!).19. ] lARRY I.IEYIiVI"TI'L Chq'k lit thl' Stlpq'hlr ('liurt tel' illNiln (.'lllllliV, Witsh. ALDEN C. IIA\\;'IJI']Y, AItorney f(ir till. Extq,tlior, "-Pill(, hisHr'i]l('r Btiilllinl4, Sheltl)n, \\;Vashi Ill.0.t m. l;-.lll-- 7-7-1.I- 21-.-.1t. NOTI('i,.' OF IIEARING {IN ASII,:SMENT ROLl. (iF I..i.D. NO. fl NOTICE IS lIlgltb3HY (;].VEN that lht' assl,SSltlent roll f-r L.].D, Nil. 6 has l.lo(,n duly l)U'lq)art,d m I)rilvillt'd by iflwand fih.d tn the offh,c lt' tile I'!lor .:. II ' t " i, ( tY iJf Sill' ton• Wash- inl..ion. NI)TICF. IS I,'URTIIEI{ ('lIVEN Ill;It lllo hearing on said rllll will lie .held sin Fridiiy, Lhe 15ill day r,f .)'ill),'. 1949, .'it tile li(lllr of oiglit o'clock p.ill, in the (J(linliiil4sion (Jlilllahers ill till, (} ty lhitl. ShPltoll, Washinglrm. NOTICIC IS .I,'UIITHFIR (lIVEN tllfli tilt iii,F.=;llns who llllty Ilt',<;iFI ' |o td)jeet illort,ill shall lliake S/IC]I olljeclion,- ill wrilJng'and illtle tile salnl, will1 lhe Indersigned Clerk at in" prior 1.1) tha date fixed fill" said h,aring; that at said lliIw and place ,'tl fixed and at ,'.u('h oth0r lhiies llH the iiearing allay hi, continued to, the (.'it)' O()lnlnissJoll will sll as a 1)oair'd of (.qtlal'ization for lhP l)LiPl)osp of considering' sl.ich roll ant1 at such hearinl4" ,ill eoilt.tidor su('ll ()tljeetions llltld0 th0ret(i ()r any p:lrl the'out and will (.orrP(t. revise, rais(. low0'. 'rhaigo r 1  f.v sues rill, ¢ll. any part tht,roof, i,r s+'t, ashl, su('h roll and order tllt ueh assPssilielil lie lnade dr! no'¢l, a, |l) stil'h 1led)" shall appear iust and o(itlilahle, and thtm pro/'eed 'i.o confirnl the sttnle I:iy ill'liana nee. DATED this 21s d:l:,' of Ilzo, 29,19. ALMA K. CATTO, Clerk of the City of Sh.ltn, Washlngt,m, 6-23-30---21. Classified Service )AY OR NIGHT Rllaranteed service on home or auto radios. Free estilnatos gladly given if deuil(L ReaaonablP i)riePs, tVree ph:kup and delivery. Closed Friday evenlng and Satur days, or leave work at Killmer Elee tric. RURGESON RADIO SERVICE 1221 Franklin. near Loop Field, Nott nw nhone N. I145-W. 5-20-tfr i NOTICE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED AREA IS HEIEBY DECLARED A Region of-Extra. ,Fire Hazard LOGGING COMPANY AREA: (Mason County) 4oiP 21 North, Range 6 West: Sections 12, 13, 14", 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, ,30, 31, and except along designated trail from the south line of Section 23, Wnship 21 North, Range 6 West northerly to lake and a strip 50 feet wide extending argund Dry Bed Lake. 21 North Range 5 West: Sections I to 10 inclusive; WV2 Section 13, and ons 14 to 21 inclusive. € p 22'North, Range 5 West: All of Sections 1, 2, 3, and 9 lying south of the Orest Service Road; Sections 10 to 15 inclusive; Sections 21 to 29 inclusive; _" and sections 32 to 36 inclusive. WWashi... r 21. North, Range 4 West:. That portion of Section 6 lying west of the alorth Fork of the Sl$okomish River. 22 North, Range 4 West: Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30 lying west of the North Fork of the Skokomish River and the Lake man Reservoirs. open to fishingwithin the above described area on the fgllowing stream, lakes and limits: DRY Designated trail from the south line of ection 23, Township 21 North, Range 6 West northerly to a strip 50 feet wide extending around Dry Bed Lake. -'tion of the above described area against fire the following rule will be enforced: Entry into this area except as provided by law with reference o permanent residents and industrial operations. of the foregoing rule are subject to fine of $10.00 to $100.00 or 90 days or both. Effective from July 6, 1949 to October 15, 199. J. V. ROGERS, Director Department of Conservation and Development, State of Washington. NOTICE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED AREA IS HEREBY DECLARED A REGION OF EXTRA FIRE HAZARD, CREEK-KENNEDY CREEK-SUMMIT LAKE AREA (In Grays bor, Mason and Thurston Counties) 18 North, Range 3 West: Sections 5, 6, Section 7 north of Summit Lake, nS. 19 North, Range 3 West: Section 31. 18 North, Range 4 West: Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, NV.2 of Section 7, N/.2 8, NV,2 of Section 9, Sections 10 and 11 north of Olympic Highway, 12. 19 North, Raue 4 West: Sections 19, 20, S!/ SW/ of Section 25, S/2 Section 26, Sections 29, 30, 31 except State Highway, Section 32 south Sections 33, 34, 35, 36. 19 North, Range 5 West: Sections 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35 of the above described area against fire the following rule will be enforced: Entry Into this area exoept as provided by law with reference to permanent residents and Industrial operations.- of the foregoing rule are subject to fine of $10.00 to $100.00 or 90 days or both. Effective from July 6, 1949 to October 15, 1949 J: V. ROGERS, Director Department of Conservation and Development. State of Washington. -- SIGNS -- Of All Kinds Neon Sales & Service MODERN SIGN SERVICE Phone Shelton 21 3-I7-tfn PROFESSIONAL CARDS B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON ATTORNEY Angle Bldg. Shelton Phone 166 IIERBERT ROTTER PUBLIC ACCOUNTING SERVICE Title Insurance Bldg. PHONE  170 Shelton, Washington CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER P.U.D. Warehouse Bldg. K Street - Mt. View P.O, Box 158, Shelton Phone 788 CIIARLES R. LEWIS[ ATTORNEY AT LAW 119-121 South Fourth St. Bell Bldg. Shelton, Washington i ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW TLtle Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 - Shelton t ELLIOT B. SPRING Accountlng Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 INSURANCE HRBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsier.% Prop. Phone 180 -- Shelton, Wash. GLENN E. CORREA ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Govey l:ltdg. Ph one 22 t* LEGAL PUBLICAT]0NS NOTI('E ()F SAI.E ()F NOTICE IS ttI.tH{I.:BY GIVEN, That t I Tt oSd:ly the 211d day id' Atl!llYt, 1 )49 C¢)llllill'llt'llli' al loll (/elo('l( ill the 1"ll('ll )Is ' Si I lily ill fl'llni id' [hi, i liail! t,ll11'aill',, ill i( ll" lo th(' ('o 1 il).l ,v (Lnii'l Hotw' in l}i city ,f lleihol, (ulut).tv f , .. /is, :I1 L0 .i Wnhin i- t It, ) $, | i (" L V At ( i(ll,' I)f :Itl(l (, Ihi, ;oih,wilU.; lt,' i+l'ilt,'d :dilo lid,' hliid, is, It,141th(.r wi,h fill > lilll)lo\\;o. it11.111!-', :.xiluatvd [I,i.f'l,llll, will Ill, mild tit liullll(' lltit'{i<,ll t. ti:e hittwsi bht411 d'r Ihi.q'ofl.i. t.-.wil : N()TE; N*l <,iu' rX('lq)t t i(Izl'lt:, td' the 1;nitod .P]tal,,:.'. tlr llol..oli:4 lvtl(i llllVi, iit,t.lart,li Ih!ir illl,lltioil [ tW- ('(iliil* ;tlch, ('ell lJiii'cha.o s|ttlr'l:qi(IA, A Illlhlitllill Nil, I Itir, i er|ll, lift#, sill( s r)l [hi' H,,i,i,a(l rl;lis, (tll,,nl,d I) 5' |ill' SttlLo of \\;g;lslllilt',tlllI, til lust I, ill t'l'l ,Ill i)f, adj:tc,'iiL I(, ,,r wi,.l 870 fl,ol ill h,t 1, stq'tiOli II, (twIv.hil I 2'2 lllwth, rllill:,' '2 Wv.'.t, ",V. M.. with n l'rolt[aFl' of 3.514 lin,>al rh:tins, llll ll'l > ill+ [ 'S, li [)lll'tl iSl'll ;11 $(;iLOQllll,'v liiil,al chairl n' $21.1.;11. tl)liliealhln No. 118111 'r|l, ll(lt, lillili t=ll' I1)(, si'riilld rllly, liWll(,tl )y lhe Sth[(' of Washilltton, si[ tlatr in fi'onl All', It d j:i('l'nl/ Ii) ill' lll)lli(in ill)tin I]1( > Wt'l ,,) f(.t ill" |li' 'tisl 250 I'eel of I-i 1, s(.('tion 114, lliwnstiill 22 illil'tli+ i'lult(('  wes[, -tr• M., with it frflllLat4'l, i,1' (J.ll lineal , i,hliln, i r' IJl > it'N, apprahwd ;it Nlil),()li i)er Iitlelil ('llilill. ,i' $,l.1)0, llllllh,alhlii No. 11831 The thh > lan(b; cA" th > ,l,!(,(llld (,l:l/.ii. tlwru,d llv lhr Slat- -f \\;Tllshllil.lql. siltiate ill frolll ill', :llt.iaci,lll It) ill + tibliti iiU4 ill)tin thal lll,r tilili ill' tile norlli I/sit-f lot 3, s,('lhln °6. l(iwn- sliil) 2 itl)i'lh, range 3 we.t W.M',, lyiilg ,,U.lih iff thl, nll•tli 158.6f fel•l of said l.t. with a l'rolllagt%ld' 7.9',1 linl'al clulili,;, IllOrt, ill' loss, a]ll)rlliSt,fi at {El.Ill) Der lhlotil chain, or $B96.50. Alllilll, alhlli No. I lll'tl That I)orlh)n el 1)1e ti(h, lalids id tlw second ('l'l:s, i)wnPd IW I|U' State if WiL4]iilellillii . ill fl'rll lit ha I .t,l?- fllill 20, towrlshill 22 north, range 1 wl'st. W.M., vl,g westerly of a tract ill I,VSlt'l' ]tllld cfillvi,)'ed J)v |hi, tah! of WllshinR'Loa lhrotlgh th'ed isl.ied t(, J m ',a lt,q r Ni)Vt.liihor lf"J, I{X)0, lirl-, ilor .lltllirali+,:l )'o. :10Ti7, !:(i ilh < '13' (if th,! lirll'lh :sill* I)1' litd sec|i¢)n 2(") pl'odMt'<ld a;VI llOl'|hl'l'ly Ill' Ill(' 5t(Ituh line i,l" t,,t . Block If, of tile "l'llWli lit Al[vq lll'ii(ill(,t.d t(I all inlti'seolion wllh Ih< w-'lerly line (if snid o;,slo • lrael, with ,<i frnlage of 11,5 'lirit,al i IlaitliL Illlil t. ill, II,ss, al)ll rll i .It.(I a( $30.00 I)'i" ti:Whl ('haSh. or $3-15.0(I. Ali)'ili('alhln li. 11825 Tile |hb, lands lit itlt. Pi!((il(:l f!]lis, twlll,(t I)j¢ IIw ltil(. ll' Washillgha, siltlah, ill front of, lidjaconl t(, or abuLthlg llpt,l/ the nortii hail ,i' L(t ! 3. seetton 13. town.ghip 2] nl)rl}l, ranl4o wef. V¢.M.. will1 a l'l'mtage ,f 12.62 lillelll ('haill,'.l. all)l'e ill + II"S. lllt- lll'aL'(I at $30.00 j)t,i, lhleal ('hain, t,l' $t78,GD. Applh, lilhln Na. 11812 The lhh' lands +11' tile sll,(in(t class, owned |iy til,. ,Ital,, (,1' iViishillgtoli, .il[ll/lte ill fronl (if> :uljarl,nl ill Ol, tililltling iip,li ihat I)orlil)n, ill' hit 2. .qlelioi, 17. l+lwnshl 1) 22 i+l<lrth, llang'e 2 wit(, \\;V.M•, ;' llg ea;',l tit tlw WeSt! 21,; h'¢'i and ,.vl,.t of the (,at 915 ll'e IF[' 'said lot. wilh it /'l'onl.tllo ill' "J.16 Ihllqil i'tlahis, lilt)l', ,io' h., Ii i- 1)i;lled lit $60.00 per lln0al chain, t,r ,i'l )J. (JfJ. Allpliatlen No. 11811 The lids lands i)f the ,,,eeond r,la,s. I,'rlIvl) ed iw lilt' State of Washingt()ll, ,qt !1;!I e ill Ir o i'll (it'. ad la(]t!llt t() ()r abllltinl£ 111)l)n 1hat portion lit hd 3. NI.t.ll(llt 17. ttIWlli13i[) 22 lior(h t'lllll41' '2 " e:,t W.M.. lying t'al.t ill |hi, wosl 1:80. J5 let,I, ulid wl'( 1'1' I}1o east 31(I leol (If ,tlhl Iol wllh iL tl'(Jnl/Ig(, i,l fi.11 lJlieal ('hahis llloi'o o1' Io)4.4. ai.i- tJrliil,(l Ill $111).0(I p('r linl='ai ciiaill (li' $36(;,60. Applleatioll No. 11795 The tidt' lallds of the ,',•l'l,lld chl.... liWll(,d I))' the Slate flf Washington. l'[lla I.e LII I Viilll llI'. tHt.]til'O111 ill or tdJutting Ul)oii ilw *a.t g75 t'eot of Io* I. lo.cthtn 23 tt)wri..thill 21) II(iT'L}) 1'31H£1' ', wens V¢'.. wish tl llliltltie i)f J5.45 lineal I:hgillS. ]'IItlFC llI ilq45t al,* lll:ftlsed al ',;50,00 i*'! lill+ :l (:hi(in tJl' Ex('Ppt., htwo;'{:r, ,*LnV el ill(" tll,fIVC (h'svrilmd th|t, b'llld-i whh'h Illay hi' hi- i'ltldett 111 till (lys[l'l' tl'Pf'l Ileedod I.)y lilt, llltv ill Washtll1()ll Ill Atlfh'<'w ( e ty tt \\;" 19 11#0t 'iilll' liIHdll'lil;on N(i '.;:()F)I tllld till ,t ,.ttl,l' D'm'l dol'dt'(l I)%' i hi' iS(lit fli \\;V(t. tt int t ivll [tl J ¢lnas Ei'ick.l)n Ai)ri 12 lJ.)f liil(ler ai)iiii?a - lltlli NIl. '-17(12. Appllcaihla .Ha. |11181 The ILrle ltllids of Lho sPf'onl] (,lass. owned I)y thP State OL }VttMlington, situuh' Ill |'l'On. ill', ¢1(1 i,l('onL to ill" ,<lilt.l| 1 illK ll|)(llt lhlil .lltFi lllll (A£ lot . St,t'l.l(lll 2:{. l(ivrn..4hil I 20 nlliq|h rllltl? :l wosl. W.M . di.,<cril,,'d tl. fl,lh,w:: " (JOtliiliOllcinl.I Ill the ilt/Iq':]"ti ion ill" thl, easl lint ,1 lii.I bll 2, ,,villi the nletlllel" lint, dill.| l'lllinll!l Ihencl, N l-i" V¢ -1.05 ohtill, IIl,l't ill ]l,s.q. Ill an ltngli. ]lilinl ill +ItiJl[ i liidel :illS! Iliad N 49 '> %V 1.I2 ('hai!l: tl, llhe IFIli! ll(iilit lit lIot'lllllltl; Ihis flelqcrilpllon , lholl(.o N 49 <' Vi" t;.' (]iaiil Sill,S'l. ill. lt.f I.O llll Itllt'l II t'[tl?l with a lini, whiell h' IJurltlld tl lili(l 365.5 fool Wi)Sl fl the ea3L liil,' el mild lot 2. with a I'l'l)ll{Itllt' i-l, (';.7 llil,->li i'}lliili l/lOl't, Ill ll!YS. ,Ij)DIOl"";I I:l ',J0.00 t)i'l' lilJoal rhain or t7.f.i, Exl'.eptiug, howolel', anv t)f the abov. deorthed tide lands, if any, wlich may be inehuh+d in in ,)vs|er tract dePded by Ill. Star(. of Washington to An- (h'ow Getty, lLIly 19. 1904. under appti- rathnl N(, 295g. Applleatlo,I No. 1181t2 The tad- hlrdl of the s*eond ('las. O;,'ne(I |)V 1he Slab' of Washingt n sli=Lltllo ih |'l'orlt of ad iflretlt tll ,1 t ).uillll.',( lll)tln ttIP wesl 10t) ft,et of the Ps: NTf) rt.01 ,)1' lot 2 so-tion '/ ship 22 north, i'ange 2 wesl, W.M. wifil . |'r(intag( ll' 1.52 lhieal chains liiOlO ill [e., appraised a 1. l(:J0.(.i|l llt,i Iineti rhaln, or $91.2|1. AI)lllll, athln Nil, 118t The Ildl> lands (,f lh...f.l.ond clas OWil(.(i ilv tht,,' )l" Washillll!lllll, ,<1 111a t i.. ill I'l'i HI t I)f adjal:ent It) tit' abu|ting I.lllon thl" south 161") fet ()f the ll(ir|h 1140 1',0I (I' hit '2 sectil,il 26. l(iwllshLp 22 il<)l't.ll, rallies 3 Wt'lt,. W.M, with a frontage of 2,56 lin(,al chatnm lll{ll.t, ill I I 'Hi't II I)Pl'S isl'd at $60.U0 per lineal ('hahl or $153.60. Said lands will I., void ft.. noi les. thai1 ttw appraised va'Itle above stated an(1 ill)till thl3 ternls anti C()lldltlOnS l'ollowlni : Nt)t ]ePl Ill:ln (lIll-tenth of 1he flat- chase. |)I'leo nlLlSl hi! lliid Ill l.hl! LllLil )f Still . TIll > J.)Llrl has r• lr I # t n it thP #lwnel' of lht tlllpl'liVollll,nl.7, /ItllSl forthwiltl pay to the offal'el lnakJllg 111o sllh lill! full ltlii(,Llnl fit the llD- laised valtll, of |he ilnprl.)v(Hnflll{s, i1:t ab(r.u' state(I. ()lie*tenth of Lho imrehase elIt'S iBll.4| i), + l/aid annuat]y Lhor(,aftm' witi Int('q'eI illl all dl.q'errt>d lle,'rl01" fit thl! rall ()f .4ix per eentum pf!r an- ntlnl : llrovlrh.ll. 'lllat llll5 IL,lt;all.,, i Ilgr, V Illi](P I'll I [)avnlt nt ( f Ill ' lll•]1)aL interest and stattitllry Fees Ill till]" tllritP ail(t obtain tier'd, The liLIrt:ha,14H" ([ land v(in{ainiill tiilht.r el' otlit, r valuabh, niaterial,g is prohibited by law fFOlll cutthig or rellli,ving any !ll('h tinlh0r in' niatorhlls wttiiout first ob- talnhlg consent of tht. (]lilll:lllsslGlO1 of f tihlie 1.nilds 11ntll lhe fllll 111il- 011111 (if' thP pLlre}las( pries lla.q :loon paid lind do, e(1 llSl.le(1. All lles ,if l.ato. ]andf arc llllitle U. }Pcl %, thl i•eSel'Valllln Of OilS. E|I.OS. foal. orP,, illinortll, arid Posi|Y, Of (?\\; ('1'1 r lJtlll(I, l(illd lilid il@leritdi+)li, alkLl ill) ti tld(l{{i(llal tlwlli,l* lind 1,on(lti - (io;P |ri,s('ril'ed ill seetl(lll :il of ('hop- ter 256 ,if ;hi? ltlW, of 1907• Said land will be soTd slbj(;(',i 'to t.hc lerills, 12¢alditions and rPsrwvath)n Of chaDlel' .'112 Of the SI#Sslon AIW.q of 1!)27, rlating t(I P.tlSOlllt:nls for rights-of-way and the i.arl'v llg tit tinA)01 f.tonP, nlinorall and other pro- dtl(.ts (iv(,i the <iltlnil.I. J'ACK 'l'/ YLO it. COli!liiSlfJril'r d' |llllMil' |,311ds. 6-30 --7-7- l ,I-21-:}8 .--5t. CAl.,i, 1,'O11 Itl]l NOTICE IS I')'ICR]i.'P,Y GIVEN that ealed bids will be (l|lPnl,d by 1he Board l,l" tonllililllonfq's of t' uillie Utility District No. 1 at.a meeting <,( the (J.nlinlssion (,n Jul- 11, 19,19 ai the Department Offi('es, Star RoIlte l Box 203, Shelton. WaMlington. at 8:( P.M. for the frdlowiag: One 1940 : toll Chevrolel :Panel truck, The otlrd reserves the right I.o ae- e0.Dl or rPje0t lln)" or all bid• I I Dated this 16 daY nf Jllli, 1949. I I BOARD 0' Ce)MbII$SIONES, II I'tM (' I!t I tv Ditqrh't No. 1 / 1)ICK tlUIL'CIIE[, ,%'vrr'lllry. .................. !t:?L -':,-:tl'- :,l.;i ..... page 1 N O. 2095   jl NOTI('E TO Clll:DITOll, TO I St, David's i TN 'rile Sttl'Eiltlt ('llI;Wr ill,' TIIE .,.l)lSeOl)lil Chlireh STATE ()I,' WA:II i N(I'I'(N i,'( )l ; !. M:\\;S()N t?(HN'rY 1[ 4th & Cedar St. I IN I'IItII|ATE II ('hurrh F, rho.1 t;'tll ;:l'tll]l,s), ,l:,lll I Ill the Mal|er ,,f lhl, 1.]slai. ill' Mar- I| :l,lil. lil'lilil{ l'r:iyel> :liili St;rllllllt, | gtit,l'ilo |lutrl'dumli, t)(/'.a4'd. I lla.l,i. I N()TI('I,] IS I'fl+:lOf. t>,Y GIVEN that I| |L,'i. Iraaet II. Ilall, lleetar | tltiy fhllchiillltii li:u Iio,il lilqlldntoll i: .... i i tl h;is i i;liifil,d. ;/14 l,].\\;¢,l,llhn' 1" lh. I Will Itill.l ,l Lh' t'; ii11. is' Al,tr'lti,l'ii* 1 lui(.tlinm,n• I)iq,i ,ll.4i ,d, lind lh:tt all (ll,l.q(ll }; ha',ink ('llllii;t  l' ll lht, vtlill l)l.,l.l,h?l(,(I ill' |hi' said t,,:!ah. (ll'C til'l'('}i3' ,,,,,,,,,.,.<i ,,, s,.,..,.,. ,,,, .,, .,'.<, ',' ,,'., UNITY TRUTH , ]icd wilh ',h" :p, !i,:: t' \\;tlch,""y nl- ,,(,h,.,l ,,l,,,,, i,,,. ,,,,,i,.,,:,,,.,t t.',:<./,I,,,. CENTER O1' hi'. lil|lll ll'y of i'l';'ol'(I lit {ti' l'i\\;q "ffi'" < ',l' ('lur.u |L I.('WD', 119 Sl,tllll {tt"t tlockett, Leader ll',tlrth S'.rooi. F'qi;h{l!lt, Sl,,,itt,li, 408 Cots Street jVi:i.tlll (',,llltly. ,'i ': illl'lllI tli' ;>..ilii( t,l'itll (hyiiifi|+ql ;i Ii..' ltlt/v ' fl,y Illl' trall.P.t'ii,m of |lic tu.<inI':4s ,,f lh,' said Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sunday 'i:/l*,, arid fih' reich viahlr:', ,,ut .... Scho011 8:0 p.m. Servicel. wilh inl[ll tit >'lvi'' with llu, ch'ri.: of tlw al.v,, .,ltitltd I't,lill witllin 6 Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Class Work• iiIolllti:.; :lftrr ll'-' ll;lio lit Iho l'ir:d Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study nlbli('atic,a .f ilil.' ll,,lho, li)-v.'lt : ,Itlil, > 9, 1949, t,i' till va ill:4 li<d s,l :,,i",<'(i 1:30 Wednesday Meditation and fih,iI Mitlil l.' f(.r,,r,.r liicr, d. GUY ]IU']'('IIINSI )N. Healing V¢ork - All Weleome l]xl>('111 I il' Ct/AS. I(. LEWIS. Att, ,, for said Eblllllo Boll Ihlihling', 119 ttlL]l Follrl]l |, ............................................................... Sh,qll,n, Milhlll t!t+qllily. VJtl:ihilliltlll, " 6-9- I(;-.23-3 It, ............................. BAPTIST CHURCH NO. 2098 NOTI('E 'r(i ('lll,;illTt)ll Tit J.O. BOVEE, Pastor I'ftl,;SENT AND I,'!11,', ('I,AIIS Vv'ARREN HALE, Assistant TN THE SI"|'lgJ(I(IR ('(>trRT OF q'tll4 STATE ()I,' %VASH IN(:T()N b'O]l Preaching services: M.ASON COUNTY IN I'IIOilATI.; Bible School, 9:45 A,M. I. tlw Mailer el Ill(' Eslah, ,,1' \\;Vil,. Morning Worshlp, 11 A.M, [ialil 1)e:vet t', [)oceasod• Yolirlg People's. 6:30 NOTICE [S llb:|:{EIPg (1)'VEN Ih,'lt tTarry l)eyetlt' llas i.,oli aPtl(lillh>d and Evening llh.ll'sIlip, 7:30 p.m. has qllallfh'(I as Exoi,iitlr of law V'ill We preach Christ .rtleified, an(| (d' the i,slttlo (i|" Viritliaili l)o3'l>ttt,, [)eceist,d, txlld llL all iel'slltts h;lx,'{lllA Risen and Coming Again, clnilus al-t'ainl ttw sahi I)oro,tm,d i,r A eorililll invitation is extended llll' m,id I'.lllil¢' ill'i  it'll' iV l'l'(l(lil'l,(I |ll s('rw' t|ir 711lilt'. duly orifb>d wi|tt to all. tlle noetlssary ",'(ttll'h '1'.4 ;ll(a('lh'd ill)i,ll tile lindt'riffilcd l]xt'cut(,r i r hi. tit- , • l(irney of l'oe¢o'li lit Lhl' i,lW iJl'fi(:e id' -- ....................... ]-"- ..... (?has, T{. Lewia. 119 olllh [i'ollrlil tl't>l., B-II t;uihling. Sill,lion, .t411v:ll;i County, WliMlJng't,,n, th,, sill .... bOillg ALL d(.ignalo(t tis /til, lil:ll'*, for lll,' l:llls-. a('ti.n ,,l Iht' luwhl"v ...... f till' 'ahl INTERESTED =,.t ISl:tt'+ anll I'l!P lll.Ii i'ltliliis l.lg(+lIDq' with llr(,-f ,q' ,4(,rvir. with Ill,, t?l-ll: CHURCH OF CtlRISI (if tile al)(\\;.o entlil*-.fl ('ollrt wIlhlll I; ii+i(li'ltil, afl(,r thr d,itt' lf lh+' first t)Lilllicali.n (f this nlllice, to-wil: .|lille 23, 1949 .... ' ;ill ':ll s n,,t .... -'rv,.(l vlCeullKS lill(I filed shall I.)t. ftlrvvl>l barrf:d• tlAtlHY DI;Fi'ETTE, Each Sunday A.M. Exeetlt (it. CHAS, R. I,EWIS. For Bible Study Alt*trill'y f(,r said P]sl:ltl, and Communion 'Hell tguildhlt4'. 119 Smlh F(nlrth SI. Call MRS. H. L. MILLER ,'Zllwlt(in. Mas+,n ("litlllly. Wnsllintt.n Phone 72-R -- Or tJ-,23--:lfl - '7-7- I ,I- ..11. • W. KOBEL Phone 614-R-1 ........................................ For Information NOTICE OF MEI,',TING OF ItOARl) el,' I+;(tllAI.IZA'I'I()N Th(' |'hltll'd of I'](lllltiizalilli lf Mt/st)n .J Collnty, Washlng'ltln will lliool Till,s- day. July 5. 1919 tit thl, hlnlr ,)f 9 "--voursquare Church a.ili., SIandar(l Tiliw al thi, off icy of 910 E. Dearborn lht, C, lunty A .'.!e,o r ia lhe (Tllllrt H#,llSi,, Sht'It(,rl, Vi';.l:.'hhlt411)n for lhe Sunday School--9:4 purl.l-s(' ,,f equal i::ini: the ltssesslnent: Worship Service---ll:01 -| th, l' "ell€:' V ill tl.' ,'.ll V alld will Crusader Service6:45 I'lllllillIll' hi Sl';+il,ii fl'()nl tills(', 1o t[irit, fl)r a ln'rlo(t n(iL 1(, ,'xr''tl two wevhs, Evangelistic Service--7:45 VIN('ENT E. PAITL. REV. E, E, FITCH As,t(':(,r, Mtlllil (.otlnly Pastor I; 16-23-3(I- 3t Mt. View Alliance Chapel I Rev. Theo. W. Chapman, 1 Pastor 9:45 am. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. inspirational Servlct A Hearty Welcome to All First Methodist Church "A Friendly Church In a Friendly Community" 4th & Vine --- Parsonage 320 N, 4th .... Phone 276 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 1'1 a.r. WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister t. • ASSEMBLY OF GOD TABERNACLE 130 EAST PINE ST. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m Worship service 11. Evangelistic, 7:45 p.m. Young People's Service---Tuesday, 7:45 p.m. Jubilee Servie( .... Friday, 7:45 p•m. THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISIS First Church of Christ, Scientist SHELTON Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Sclentiat Boston, Mass. Subject Next Sunday: "GOD" SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by this church at ,'102 Alder Street, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'elocR, a"ld Wedncsdays fore 6:45 to 7:45 o'clock All arc cordially invited to attend tim services and vislt the Reading Room. CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET WEEKLY GOSPEL BULLETIN by Charles Thomas Shatter, Minister JUNE 30, 1949. The warning given in the last issue (June 23) of The Joul'nal would not be complete wtthout vl/hat follows In this one. Dur- ing a sesston of the Gerleral Confcrcnce in Tak'oma Park, Wash- ington, D. C., an informal neeting of their Committee presided over by Elder A. G, Daniel,, President of their General Con- terence, a iengthy disciJs$ion took place over the perfect organ- ization of the Roman Catholic hierarchy for world domination. Said Elder Daniels, We are satisfied that that organization is a PERFECT COUNTERFEIT of the Oivln¢ plan for the organi- zation of the church of Jesms Christ. 3"o this saying there was unanimous agrecment by those present. I was present as a member of the District of Columbi branch of the General Con- ference, as well as pastor and elder of the only Seventh Day Adventist church in the city• It was revealed to be the policy anti strategy of the denomination to engage the entire member. ship as workers to infiltrate into tile membership of all Pro. testant denominations, and in every conceivable way entice such members of those organizations, sociat, industrial, pro- fessional, religious, and political, to unite themselves to their denomination. In this they fulfilled tle prophecy of Daniel (Dan. 8: 25) "'And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand: and he shall rhagnify himself in his heart, and BY PEACE DESTROY MANY: HE SHALL ALSO STAND UP AGAINST THE PRINCE OF PRINCES; but he shall be broken without hand." ..On June 30, 1905, I had occas- ion to visit the world famous Battle Creek Sanitarium, and was the guest of its Superintendent at his home, nearby... One morn- ing while talkinq with the Doctor in his library, he said €o me, rother Shaffer. I will show you something which may shok you... You know that at the recent meeting in San Francisoo of their Committee they laid secret plana for the liquidation of this sanitarium. Now I will show you a carbon copy of the minutes of that meeting oent me by their official stenographer, He then went to a large safe in the room, opened it in my pres- ence, and brouqht to me a large bundle of reoords, which I took and read. Yes, I was really shocked and amazed at the die- closures of their plans. Their plan was to utterly denude the Sanitarium o its doctors and nurses, Mrs. White's part in the plot was to fake a vislvn of God, warning the personnel to flee fron it, (Continued from this'point in the next issue of The Journal,)