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Continued from page A-1
survivor at Shelton's
"I'm a 43-year can-
cer survivor," she said.
"When I was 8 and a
1/2 years old I was di-
agnosed with a malig-
nant brain tumor."
After eight surgeries
and years of recovery,
she was cancer free,
but it wasn't until her
mother got breast can-
cer that Toni Hauge
was inspired to volun-
teer with Relay for Life.
"We were part of the
first committee for Ma-
son County Relay," she
Johnston said that
along with the support,
she relay's for aware-
hess and to promote
the preventative medi-
cine that caught her
cancer early. One of
three people certified
in the Reach for Recov-
ery program, Johnston
actively works to pro-
mote mammograms
and colonoscopies.
"I really think about
relay as - it teaches
people what they need
to do to catch cancer
early," she said.
Many team mem-
bers never stopped
walking, including
Johnston's daughter
Terri, who walked all
night, a total of 32
Dave Hauge said
that struggles like hers
symbolize the constant
struggle of fighting
"Cancer is a 24-hour
a day disease so that's
why it's a 24-hour
event," he said.
Continued from page A-1
Abuse Task Force, the
county's public health de-
partment has been coordi-
nating efforts to plan and
research how the tax could
best be used in the county,
and trying to gauge public
opinion on the tax.
Last week the county
commission approved a
more than $30,000 con-
tract with a consultant to
do some of this preliminary
planning and research.
"The next step, Kirkpat-
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rick said, is to create an the commission with a fi-
advisory committee to re- nal recommendation by
view the possible tax. Septenzber. At thaC~ofnt
Kirkpatrick said that the commission could vote
the consultant, task force, on it, or put it on a county-
and advisory committee wide ballot early next
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Courtesy photos
Above, caneer survivors line up for the Survivor's Lap at Shelton's
Relay for Life last Friday night. At left, supporters of Relay for Life
practiee Zumba on the track.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, June 30, 2011 - Page A-7