June 30, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 30, 2011 |
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More than 500 students frorwl Bordeaux celebrote reading
On Wednesday, June
22 students at Bordeaux
Elementary celebrated
their reading success at
an assembly where stu-
dent~ were recognized for
being 100 percent readers
for" the months of March,
April and May. In order to
be eligible, student~ had
to dihgently do their read-
ing homework, reading 20
minutes a night at least
four nights a week and
have their plaxmers signed
by an adult. Students with
a 100 percent return of
their reading homework
fbr the months of March,
April and May were given
a ticket {br the bike draw-
ing. One child from. each
grade level was awarded a
bike and helmet.
Masons fi"om Mt. Me-
Courlesy phelo
Bike winners are Ambrosia Johnson, grade 5, left, Christian
Christianson, Grade 4, Talia Santos, Grade 3, Francisco Contreras-
Sandoval, Grade 2, Brittney Stevens, Grade 1, Kylee Moore,
riah I.axige #11 donated of her mother" EmelineClift fer their generosity as
bikes and helmets and Kilber. well as Bordeaux Elemen-
Mary Clift, a fifth grade The staff' at Bordeauxtary parents for their sup-
teacher at Bordeaux do-Elementary would like port in motivating the kids
nated a bike in memory to thank the Masons and to become great readers.
Hood Canal School wants alumni information
Hood Canal School District is models for the students. Submittals 111 N. Hwy 106, Shelton, WA 98584.
seeking submittals of information should include the following in or Submittals will be accepted until
and pictures from Hood Canal alum- der to be displayed: 5x7 inch portrait Adgust 15. This project will be suc-
ni who went on to a successful ca- style photo, dates attended Hood cessful if we have many adult role
reef. We are going to create a display Canal School, career occupation and models to display for our students,
in our entry hallway under the ban- schooling completed after Hood Ca- so pass the word on to former Hood
her "Success Starts Here." nal. Please submit your photo and Canal alunnfi to submit their photo
The intent is to display adult role information to Hood Canal School, and inlormation.
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