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Anna Ruth
(Walter) Allen
Anna Ruth (Walter) Allen,
61, died Monday, June 13, 2011
of heart failure, at her home in
Union. She lived in Union for
60 years.
She was born November
1, 1929 to Howard and Gwen
(Tate) Walter in Ladysmith,
fled Rich-
ard "MCk"
Allen on
28, 1951 in
Allen worked in
the ever-
grsen industry for many years.
Her family said that she re-
ally loved the outdoors, camp-
ing and fishing. She enjoyed
taking pictures, working in her
yard and being with her chil-
dren and grandchildren.
She is survived by her
daughters Christy Hess of
Union and Cherie Allen of
Shelt ; sons Rick Allen, Rocky
Allen and Bret Allen all of
Shelton; sisters Pat Wright of
Bremerton, Jean Kimball of
Shelton and Joann Foutana of
Bremerton; 14 grandchildren
and several great-grand-chil-
She was preceded in death
by her parents Howard and
Gwen, husband Richard, broth-
er Roland Walter and sister
Marie Stanflll.
A celebra~on of her life will
be held at a later date.
Forest Funeral Home of
Shelton is handling the at-
Billy Glm' iJl"
Aus Sr.
Billy Glen "WiLl" Austin Sr.,
83, died Thursday, June 23,
causes, peacefully at her hcme Fourth ofJuly and other easusl
in SheltorL She was a resident get- at the Cleveland
ofShelton for 44 years, will be remembered for
She was bern April 17, Iff29 fun and an open welcome to all.
to Gordon and Edna (Johnson) His interests outside of work
Snydor in Toppenish. included hum g and boating
She mand.ed Claud D. Blake and en~ being in the moun-
Jr. on ~ 31, 1945 in tainsouthotmilofabuck, or
Auburl~ They were married 65 out in a beat on PW~t Sotmd.
years. He ended rock
She was a housewife and with his friends. He and his
mother, wife had many special me,no-
The family stated that her rias from the several spec~d
love of family and friends was mad trips and boating east-
an m~ te all ~e mat- m~ made ~b doee J~i.exls.
ded m,.g am1 am1 her O-e of tm,odte ps r, e8
husbandgmwuptogethordm~ was wa~ tug boats pull
ing their 65 years together, she logs and barges past their
was a gardener and canned Imme.He the
the food they grow. The finn- many pleasure beats o ne and
ily shared that she loved ani- go on the inlet and the peaceful
reals and was a salty fer all the beauty ofthe water in the early
on_es that wandered in over the mornin~ and late evenings.
years. She wrote poems and Cleveland's greatest passion
eUioyed watchingthe elkthat was his family, they sham&
came to munch ou tho pasture He deeply loved his wife, chil-
and app.. gran n_dm and grea
She is survived by hor hus- grandchildren and enjoyed
band Claud D. Blake Jr. of spending t2me with them
Shelto daughter LaJummHe is by his wife,
Smith of Tacoma; s~m Claud Stella Cleveland; ~ Bob
D. Blalmmandl ckBlaimof Cleveland (Becky) and Dan
Shelton;ninegrandchildmn;17 Cleveland (Chris);, daughter,
grea and Jaynee (Len , grand-
grea~~dcerL children Tirade Williams
She was preceied in death (Dave), Jeremy Cleveland
by her parents and sister Jo- (Jami), Tam Ward
eannOst . Aaron Cleveland (Chelmy),
Forest Funeral Hmne of Jou W011~mA(J~ua),Jeffzey
Shelton is handling the W'flliam Laume(AJ)andnine
He was pmceiad in death by
Robe E.'qSob" his pam Ansou E. Cleveland
and Lflllan G. (Case)
Robert E. Cleveland, andsister, DcmJoues.
82, died Thursday, June 23, A memorial service will be
2011 at his home in S~zm at 2 pm ou July 2 at the First
on Hammersley Idet of nata- Church of Shaltou
ralcauseaHewasalongtme cared at 428 West Cota St.,
resident of Shelto~L Shelto~
HewasbemNovemberl8, ~ Funeral Hene
1928 to Ans~ Edward and of Sheltm is handling the ar-
LflliunG.(Case) cle Jamlin nmgeme Men .al &ha-
Everett. tins mn be made te Char-
He graduated from Irene ity I.eunan/Nyinbuli Pmj
had an amazing breadth and
depth of knowledge on world
history, politcs, music and a
myriad of other topics. Rarely
could anyone bring up a topic
where he didn~ have a base
of knowledge. The family said
that he made friends easily,
striking up conversations with
ease with
from across
tho country
and wad&
He is
by his wife
Kenney Jose fine;
Bill of Col ado Sprk , Com.;
chikh m CharBe (Brenda) of
Redfo M a, C rge
ane) of Allyn, Jhn (Marie) of
Sh~t~ Lds (Randy) of Myr~
Frank (Ne~aa) of L~gvie~,
15 grandddldren and six great-
He was preceded in death by
his parents and siblings James,
Georgia, Juanita and Lois.
The family will held a pri-
vate remembrance in A1]yn.
I~ague. She was involved
with South Jefferson County
IAttle Leagus for 30 years and
coacl'~l baseball, t-ban and
soRball. She also has coached
soccer for the Jefferson County
Rec. Soccer League and spon-
Osxlis Lea Joimston sered many little league teams.
She was a Pathfinder Master
Candis Lea Johnston, 65, Guide and was the Brinnon
died Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Pathfinder leader and Adven-
at Harbcrview Medical Center, ture Club leader. She spent
Seattle. She was a resident countless hours making sure
Brinnoufor 37 years, children had actvites to do
She was born June 21, 1946 and sent many children to Sun-
in Portland, Ore. to Eugene S. set Lake Summer Camps that
andMarthaO.(McGhee)Avey,could not afford the expense.
She attended high school at Along with her husband Stan,
Auburn Adventist AcademYshe donated the land and built
and Walla Walla AdvenRstthe Brinnon SDA Church.
Academy before graduating Her family shared that
f~om Shelt~m. High Schoolin she most er~oyed spending
1963. She attended Wallatime with them and giving to
Walla University and graduat- people. The family states that
ed from the University of Puget she helped countless people in
Sound with a BA in Educaton many ways and enjoyed shar-
and a Masters in Educato ing her em rdinary faitl
She married Stanley Nor- t~m was the coordinator offam-
man in Shelt in ily gatherings and muniom.
2011 at home in Sheltor~ He S. Reed High SChool in 1948 ~ Aid ~ 1964. ~ had many ~, espe-
~l~sidmtof~f~,m~t~~~ ~~: ..... ~SIm~Waamd~djt~be~ami!y ~musicam~~. She
He was born September 14,
1927 to Vern and Frances (Wil-
son) Harris in Jerome, Idaho.
He served in the U.S. Navy.
Aus~n Sr. married Thehna
McGee in 1988 in Sheltor~
He worked as a ~n, uck driver
for Glacier Sand and Grovel in
Seattle for 41 years.
He enjoyed NASCAR, bird
hunting and traveling in his
motor home and was a member
of the Seattle Teamsters local
No. 174.
He is survived by his wife
Thelma Austin of Shelten; smm
Richard Austin of Shelton,
Gerald Austin of Seattle and
Robert Austin of Belfai~, step-
daughters Norma Obremski
of Shelton and Diane Schmidt
of Olympia~ stepsons
Jerry Obremski of Shelton and
Bill Obremski of Shel-
ton; eight grandchildren; 15
great-grandchildren and one
grsa t.grandchflcL
His parents, son Bill Austin
Jr., brother Robert Austin and
sister Violet Gothalls preceded
him in death_
There will be a graveside
service at 11:30 am. on Satur-
day, July 2 at the Shelton Me-
morial Park, located at 1605
Buren St., in SheltorL
He wont to work for Simp
son Timber Camlmny in 8bel-
ten, where he werked for his
entre career. He was a t~naber
feller and cut~2ng ~ for
S mps , woddng in beth the
Grisdale and Govey camps.
The family shared that he
and his wife begin their mar-
riage in a small house in Shel-
then ved at Camp Gris-
dale for about four years~ This
was a unique expeie of the
logger lifestyle that has since
After mov-
ing back
to Sbeltou
fer a
cated to the
Cleveland ish Valley
for seve
yearn. In 1967, they mov to
a home ou Hammemley Inlet,
where they have lived fur 44
Bob retired flxm his 37-year
camer with Simp m Timber
Company in 1983, opemng
his own dmimaw m air and
mrvi q b's F¢
mg st=a -" He 0perated that
budm for about flmm yearn
before he wout into full time m-
IL 60014 www~m.org or to
the Aumric Cancer Society
2120 First Ave N Seattle, WA
For your convenience
mmiolenms may be sent to the
family at www ccembikcon
Joseph (Joe) Vincent Eemy,
80, died Sunday, June 26, 2011
psacofu a ter a long nlmm.
He was a reddent of Allyn and
had been surroundsd by fam-
ny and ends in the days and
weeks bofore he died.
He was born ou October 27,
1930 in Wayne County,
to Charles Kemy and Eva
Belle "Tiv er.
He was dralted into the
Army in 1951, ree~listed and
tarred untn 1966, reach tho
rank of Sorgemt, He served in
Germany and ou the front lines
He manied Josefins Ber-
ber of Gomm ou
29, 1961. They
S0th wedd
m mry.
Alter leaving the Army, he
worked Ferd Motor Omapa-
ny, aRer23y a ARer
Tatithk, Kalskng, and Yaku-
tat~ Alaska Her family said
she enjoyed her experiences in
Alaska and made ~ips back to
visit the many friends she had
She worked as a waitrese in
Hoodeport before beceming an
extremely successful business
ownsr and bookkeepor. She
has owned Hoedsport Texaco
and a dot,hing store in Quili-
cine and was still an owner of
Johnstm Realty with offices in
Qu dne and Heed-
sport,. Jetfinou County Es-
czow and Title, Olympic Well
Drilling and a legging businsss
all in Brknx L She was also a
teachar at Buona Vmta Adve~-
tm Schoet Poumo Advenast
Schoel, Adven st
Schoel and Sheltm Adven t
School She had financed a pri-
rate mol
of her own
in Brinnen
and tau#t
there for
mine year~
taught sec
Johnston oud grade
at Bnnnou
Elementary School
She evjoy bemg invotved
rage, as she is a descendent of
Chief Siting Bun of the Lakota
Sioux Tribe.
She is smvived by her sens,
Wade J~ (Lisa) of Brin-
non, Reid Johnston of Brinnor~
Tim Avey of Poaatc daugh-
ter, Sherri Johnston of Brin-
non; brother, Gons Avey (Le-
cla) of Unien; sister, Mary Avey
of Poaat grandchildren,
Joshua Johnsto~ Daniel John-
ston, Andrew J~ Tarrin
Avey, Tia Aver, niece Anne
Av~, nephew, Mark Avey and
all of her ceusins and aunt.
Her huslmnd, Stan N. John-
ston of Bdnmm and parouts,
Eugene S. and Martha O. Avey
of Potlatch, preceded her in
There will be a viewing from
r~mto 7 p~m. ~ Friday, July
I at McComb Funeral Home in
A memorial service will be
held at 4 pan. on Satmday,
July2 at the Sheltou Seventh-
day Advent£st Church located
at 210 W. ~ Valley Rd,
WA 985S
Comb Funer Home is
h mng the m zem ts.
ll _e f mily rsquest that me-
morial douatons be sent to the
Brhmou Seventh~hy Adven-
Brinnon, WA 98320.
For your convenience online
condolences may be sent to the
family at www.mccombflxcom
M #e Mae Laatz
Margie Mae (Johnson)
Laatz, 87, died Saturday, June
18, 2011 in Shelton.
She was born on May 17,
1924 in Chicago to Roy and
Florence Johnsor~
Her family moved to Seattle
when she was a small child.
They settled on the east side of
QueenAune h U.
She attended John Hay El-
ementary School and Queen
Anne High School. Later she
attended the University of
Wasl~ where she met
and married Lorenz Laatz in
1944. In the
mid 195ffs
she took
a pioneer-
ing step for
women of
her age and
mmmel to
Laatz the U:W. to
finish a de-
grse in edUcatorL
After the war she and her
husband settled in Magnolia
Bluff area of Seattle where they
lived and raised a family.
She became a first grade
teacher at Coe Elementary.
Most of her career was spent at
Magnolia Elementary School
in Seattle. She was awarded
teacher ofthe year in 1976 and
videos of her classrooms were
treed as early primary educa-
tion training model~ even aRer
her ~ont in 1980.
During the 1960's, she and
her family spent most sum-
mere at Bayshore beach cab-
ins near ~neltan. Friends, and
a joy of that area, lead them to
build a house on the 18th fair-
way of Alderbook Golf Course
in 1982. She and her husband
sper their re mment years
entertaining, traveling and en-
joying family. The family said
that her walls were adorned
with pictures of all the grand-
children and that ahe anticipat-
ed the birth of two new greab
grand dre
She is mtwived by her sis-
tees, V~tla Gating and Barbara
Tanner;, sons John I tz of
Bremerton and Robert Laatz
McComb Funeral Home firement, refiring from F~d, be moved to in community affairs and was
of Shelten is handling the ar- His family shared that ho A111mtobedoeertonmatoftho the pmsidmt of the Hoed Ca-
rangements. Online condolenc- was "Pops~ to all the geaera- kids aud grandkids hal Women's Club. She was a
es may be sent to the family at tic~wofhisfami]yandtoman7 He was an ardent outdoem- past member of the Brinnon
www.mccombth.com, fi'iends, who were like adopted man who e~oyei fmhing and Fire Department Women's
family. They said his gmexms, htmfing. The family shared Auxiliary and current member
VdmalV~trie friendlyandpatimtnaturewas that he and his wife (and their of the Brinnon Booster Club,
(Snyder)Biake best seen wt~ he was shat~ dogs)Waveled, aa~ssthecoun- BdnnouPTOancltheBrinnon
his home with othem, hehada lrymanyfimesintlmirmat~zSDA Church as well as being
Velma "Vickie" Marie (Shy- way of making ttmm feel ~ lmme. He had a special ~the breasurer. She was past
der) Blake, 82, died Wednes- part of the family. The holi- ness for his dogs, izeafingthem president and treasurer for the
day, June 22, 2011 of natural day gatherings, espedally the like family. His family said he South Jefferson County Little
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 30, 2011 - Page B-7