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Obituaries two-year sta'uggle with cancer.
S'mce 1972, she has lived in
Continued from page B-1. Hoodsport and Lacey.
She was bern March 25,
She was preceded in death by 1934 to Donald MacArthur
her parents and huslmnd. Boulten and Helen Lovejoy
A memorial service will be Boulton on in Evanston, m.
held at 3 p.n~ en July 13 at She attended Albion Col-
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic lege and graduated from Iowa
Church in Seattle. State College.
She married John Bryant
Anne Boulton Perkins Perkins in 1957.
She was a poet, home-
Anne Boulten Perkins, 77, maker, musician and teacher
died June 20, 2011 after a of piano and cello. Her family
shared that
she was ar-
Ustic and
ous and
a spirit of
Perkins cheerful
nity. She
enjoyed canoeing, campfues
under the stars; family gath-
erings, traveling and she had
a life-long assodatien with
the 8t~ts and the United
'Tm back in the saddle again,
thanks to Capital Medical Center!"
- CarolSwindaU
Carol Swindall is so glad she's back riding her hone, J.IL, on her farm in Shdton. Less than
a year ago, she thought her horse riding days were over because of a bad hip.
"The pain in my leg was so severe, I couldn't swing my leg over the saddle,~ explains Carol.
=It was affecting my whole life."
When Carol decided she needed hip replacement surgery, she did plenty of research before
choosing Capital Medical Center. "Having surgery was not a decision I took lighdy," she says.
At a seminar conducted by Dr. Patrick Halpin, an orthopedic surgeon, she learned that Capital
Medical Center offers anterior hip replacement. This less invasive method, performed ona
specially designed operating table, avoids the cutting of any muscle. The benefits arc many~ less
pain, shorter hospital stays and faster recovery. She also discovered that the Joint & spine
Center at Capital Medical Center was designated the best in Washington State in 2010.
Carol also participated in Capital Medical Center's Joifit Camp,'where she got to talk to
her mescal team ~.~re her surgery On December 14, 2010. =I just can't say enough about the
care I received during my hospital stay," says Carol. =[ was absolutely thrilled. On New Year's
Eve, I was able to dance with my husband. And by mid-February, I was riding J.R. again.
My hip is pain free!"
3900 Capital Mall Drive SW
Olympia, WA 98502
C, mrr Meo u.
Please help support our effo s to make 5heltoa
shiae with its gorgeous flower baskets.
We are waH to goal aeed Hour help.
You can send your donation to the
Shelton Mason County Chamber
of Commerce (SMCCC)
PO Box 2389
Shelton, WAr 985~4
Phone: 360:426.2021
Or bdng your donation to our
office across the street
from the Caboose
215 W Railroad Avenue
Shelton, WA 98584
Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 30, 2011
Methodist Churck She was
a 50-year member of PEO and
a founding member of PEO
Chapter GQ in Masen unty.
Her family stated that she was
cultumA prac cal and
She is survived by her hus-
band of 54 years, John Per-
kins of Lacey; brother Robert
Boulton (Elizabeth) of Medi-
na, Ohio; sons Brian Perkins
(Anne) of Thomastov. Maine,
Daniel Perkins of Breckin-
ridge, Colo. and David Perkins
(Terri) of Olympia; daugh-
ter Ruth Huling (Patrick) of
Olympia; grandsous Benja-
min, Nathaniel, Samuel, Mat-
thew avA Wdlium Perkins.
A memorial service was
held on Saturday June 25 at
the First United Methodist
Chumh of Olympia:
Donations in lieu of flowers
may be made to Assured Hos-
pice of Thursten/Mason Coun-
ty, 2102 Carnage Dr SW, Bldg
D, Olympia, WA 98502, or to
the Boy Scouts of America,
Pacific Harbors Council, 5737
Linderson Way SW, Tumwa-
ter, WA 98501.
Wiiam G. Potter
William (Bill) Potter, 70,
died Wednesday, June 15 at
his home. He lived in Shelten
for many years before leaving
to attend college.
He was born on August
9, 1941 to William (Jug) and
Juanita Potter in Long Beach,
He married Linda Dalton,
January 14, 1970 and his faro-
fly said they celebrated 41
yearsof .
He worked as an air'tra~c
cont~ller for 25 years, re~v-
ing many awards for outstand-
ing service and saving several
He enjoyed doing geneal-
ogy, was an avid reader and
was active with the Episcopal
Church of the Good Shepherd
in Federal Way.
Bill is survived by his wife,
Lind daughter Debera
granddaughter Lindsay;, sis-
ter Nita'Frye (Jim) of Shelton;
brother Jim Potter (Nancy)
of Shelton; numerous nieces,
nephews and cousins.
He was preceded in death
by his parents and sister, Lin-
da KinnamarL
A memorial Service will be
held at i p.m. on Friday, July
8, at The Episcopal Church of
The Good Shepherd located at
345 South 312th Street in Fed-
eral Way.
Memorials may be sent to
the Episcopal Church of the
Good Shepherd, 345 South
312th Street, Federal Way,
WA 98003.
Betty Jewel Soronio
Betty Jewel Seronio, 76,
died June 18, 2011 at home
in the care of her husband,
daughters and youngest sister.
She was a resident of Minot,
N.D. since 1998.
She was bern on March
12, 1935, to Edward and Lucy
(Campbell) Whinery in Prairie
Grove, Ariz. She attended el-
ementary school in Nebraska,
Colorado and Washingtor~ In
1953, Betty graduated from
high school in Shelten.
On March 4, 1953, she mar-
fled Richard Pickerel in Shel-
She was a homemaker to
the couple's three daughters
until they
lei~ home.
She then
as a care-
taker for
the elderly
dfizens of
Soronio Douglas,
She moved to Minot to be
dosar to her daughters af-
ter the death of her husband
Richard. While in Minot, she
worked for Trinity Homes as
a Transporter where she met
her current husband Deenisio
Soronio. They were married
July 26, 2002.
Ladies Night Out
Wine Tasting & Golf Clinic
Thursday, July 7th 5:30-7:00pm
S25°° per person
All Ladies Are Welcome To Attend
Her family shared that
she was a wonderful seam-
stress, cook and loved to
organize. Betty especially
enjoyed spending time with
her grandchildren and great-
She is survived by her
husband Deonisio Soronio of
Minot; daughters Sheila Hal-
strum of Worthington, Minn.,
Shirley Becher, of Minot and
Sharon Doran (W'~iam) of
Peoria, Ariz.; six grandchil-
dren and 22 great-grandchil-
dren; st~p-children Dionilla
Robertson, Dhoana Soronio,
Juliata Soronio, Grazel Sero-
nio, Fernand Soronio, Jake
Soronio and Mark Soronio; 18
step-grandchildren and three
brothers Edward Whinery
Jr. of Olympia and Donald
Whinery of Shelton; sisters
Gwytha Ferris of Shelton, Vi-
olet Dobbs of Sumpter, S.C.,
Luella Fullmer of Springfield,
Ore., Bonnie Gosser of Aber-
"deen and numerous nieces,
nephews and cousins.
She was preceded in death
by her parents Edward and
Lucy, first husband Richard
Lee Pickerel, brother Marvin
Lee, and brother-in-law Don
A memorial service was
held on Wednesday, June 22
in Minot, N.D.
Elmer Charles Sytsma
Elmer Charles 8ytsma,
102, died Wednesday, June
22, 2011 at Shelton Health
and Rehabilitation Center in
Shelton. He was a resident
of Shelten for more than 80
He was bern on Novem-
ber 30, 1908 to Charles and
}~leline (Dudden) Sytsma in
Butte, Mont.
He married Marian Clark
in Port Orchard.
Sytsma was a foreman for
the Rainier Company in Shel-
ton, for 36 years and retired
from the Hiawatha Evergreen
in Shelton.
He en-
joyed hors-
es, wood-
bird hunt-
Sytsma ing, dane-
ing, stag-
ing, wine
making and telling horse sto-
He is survived by his son
Lewis Sytsma of Shelton,
daughter Gail Edmiston Of
Shelton and grandchildren
and great-grandchildrerL
His parents Charles and
Adeline Sytsma, wife Marian
Sytsma and three children,
preceded him in death.
A memorial for family and
friends is scheduled to be held
from noon to 4 p.m. on Satur-
day, July 2 at his home, 226
East J Street, Shelton.
McComb Funeral Home of
Shelton is handling the ar-
Online condolences may be
sent to the family at www.mc-
Ricky Joe Yanddl
Ricky Joe Yandell, 62, died
Friday, June 22, 2011 of natu-
ral causes at home in Satsap.
He was born on June 26;
1949 in Oklahoma to Dorothy
Willis and Frank Moflit.
He was a long-haul truck
driver and
known as
He en-
joyed mu-
sic, poetry
and fish-
Yandell ing.
H e
is survived by is son Jer-
emy Yandell of Boise, Idaho;
daughter Regina Sage of Shel-
ton and his girlfriend Gloria
Boswell of Sateap.
There will be a potluck cel-
ebration of his life at I p.m. on
July 7 in Sateap at 205 Sixth
Street, Satsap, WA 98583.
The family welcomes all who
knew hinL