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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 30, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 30, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'Page A-16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 30, 2016 • 517 Franklin St., 426-1000 Showtimes for July I - 7 INDEPENDENCE DAY: FINDING DORY RESURGENCE Daily 4:15, 6:50 Daily 4:30, 7:00 Additional Shows Additional Shows Sat - Sun - Mon 2:15 Sat - Sun - Mon 1:45 Fri - Sat 9:10 Fri - Sat 9:15 Vernon and Marcella Morgus The couple have lived celebrated their 70th wedding an- the Mason County area fol niversary on June 23, 2016. years. They have also livec Their family includes childrenOttumwa, Iowa; Hollyw, Mary Christine (deceased) andCalifornia; Kalama; and ( Geaneece Ann (Fred) Chace; two vallis, Oregon. grandchildren and one great- Vern worked as an indus grandchild, arts wood shop teacher in She in and Olympia schools, and Mar- 61 cella was director of Exceptional in Foresters. od, Both retired in 1980 and flew ]or- around the world, visiting 28 coun- tries during seven months. ;rialThe couple was married in Ka- lton lama. Lights, Camera, Coffee! Now Open 7am - lOam M-F 182 SE Brewer Rd (360) 426-4707 MOVING MASON FORWARD 4) es to AUCE THROUGH THE THE BFG LoomG GLAss Showtimes for July I - 7 Open 6:30pm Fri & Sat • 7pm Sun-Thur • Show At Dusk FRESH A va of SHELLFISH Sea od&O O s I Downtown Shelton. Com(r of 3rd and West Railroad / Call us at / 426-4412 to have the Journal delivered to your home or business! You can also subscribe at V Come in and join us for BREAKFAST every SUNDAY morning. A full menu to choose from which includes coffee & juice. Everyone welcome. 9:00 am to 11:00 am 113 W. Cota, next to Huntington Glass Shelton 426-506{} Ihad the pleasure of being invited to the home of a husband- and-wife Master Gar- dener team for a dedication of a bronze sculpture in memory of their son, David, who gave his life for our country overseas. These truly wonderful people have been toiling for over a decade in an ef- fort to turn their Lake Isabella property into a garden retreat for veterans suffering the effects of war. I've been dropping by from time to time to get updates on their progress. It's interest- ing that several years ago, their garden was on the garden tour and if you'd visited then, you wouldn't even believe it's the same garden to- day. The best way I can describe the splendor that Dave and Karen have achieved is that it is a masterpiece. What By JEANNE REHWALDT makes it especially no- table is that Karen de- signed the entire garden and Dave contributed blood, sweat and tears. With minimal con- tracted services - for placing large granite obelisks and pond features -- this truly is a project they should be proud off Their pride and joy comes across as they take you around to the different "garden rooms." Karen has developed a love of roses and has too many to count. Trees, large and small are strategi- cally placed to fool the visitor into believing they've been there for decades. As I leave the WSU Master Gardener pro- gram to concentrate - or more accurately, spread my work across the county into every sector that is connected with health -- I will continue to enjoy the I've made ing to and 1 these wond Gardener v If you lo, and are lo0 unteer opp~ around the friendships 'hile teach- earning from rful Master lunteers. ,e to garden ring for vol- ,rtunities county, you may be sur rised to learn that t~ere are sev- eral projeet looking for volunteers. IHOPE Gar- den, located just across the street from Mason General Hdspital, will begin its st ship cours~ school stud working in teaching g~ communit) and selling their effort ton Farmel The Pac west Salmt Belfair mmer leader- soon. High ents will be the garden, xdening to " members the fruit of B at the Shel- 's Market. Lfic North- m Center in a pea patch communit garden and really larg hoop house where foodlis grown and some of it sold at the Belfair SatUrday Mar- ket. They ~re in need of volunteersI especially in August ~vhen the two 1 Saturday, July 9 The Mason County Master Gardeners are pleased tO once again host a local garden tour. ~" iSpend a lovely day visiting six beautiful gardens out in the Union area. Tour hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ticket price is $12 or 2 for $20 Tours are self< Tickets can be purchased at the Master Gardeners g pink Garden Tour signs) garden owners or at these local businesses on hand to Lynch Creek Floral in Shelton your questions. Tozier's Ace Hardware in Shelton Call 426-9845 fo Brilliant Moon in Shelton Union City Market in Union more informatior Hunter Farms in Union Laurie's Gifts in Hoodsport Shelton Farmers' Market -Saturdays but be AmeriCorps members - Kelly and Zoe -- com- plete their term of ser- vice. Squaxin Island and Skokomish tribes have been installing gardens with an emphasis on native traditional foods and plants as medicine. A new teaching garden has been built between CHOICE High School and Evergreen Elemen- tary - another place to volunteer in a garden and make a difference by teaching the love of gardening to a new gen- eration. My goal as Master Gardener program coor- dinator ~vas to increase the number of collective food garden opportuni- ties in the county. I cer- tainly can't take credit for all these gardens, but rd like to think that my work played a small role in energizing the community to get up off their couches and go play outside! If you'd like information about how to connect with any of these gardens, or if you know of others not mentioned, please con- tact me at movingm or 427-9670, ext. 543. See you in the garden. • Jeanne Rehwaldt can be reached at 427-9670, ext. 543, or movingmasonforward@