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Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 30, 2016
We are in the
nndst bf sunny
days, headed
for a whole lot of fine
summer weather.
This weekend marks
the annual Tahuya Day
Parade. For those
adventurers in-
clined to adda
nature component
to their festival
wanderings, con-
sider pairing the
sweet-n-silly an-
tics of the Tahuya
gathering with a
potentially mind-
expanding experi-
ence at Menard's
Landing, 4 miles further
up the road.
Menard's Landing is a
vastly underused county
park languishing at the
furthest tip of the Ta-
huya Peninsula, about
18 miles from Belfair
along State Route 300,
which becomes scenic
North Shore Road.
Mini canal and homes
for boats to get through.
far from worldly cares.
River teeth, like
prehistoric beaks, lie
scattered along the low
spots Rendsland Creek
-- now dry -- carved in
the sand.
Close up, you
can hear the
pull of the tide
as its watery
edge inches up
the oyster beds.
Hear the slosh
of your san-
dals, the gnash
By MARK of gravel, the
WOYTOWICH brittle crunch
of sharp-edged
oyster shells.
Hundreds of crabs, no
bigger than a quarter,
duel for food and domi-
nance in a warm, ankle-
deep world of rock and
shell shelters.
Now look up and
around you. No other
tidal shore in Mason
County, not even stel-
lar Theler, draws such
a picture of distance.
At Menard's Landing
you can cross a quarter-
mile of rocky tidelands,
rich with seaweed and
grasses, then a wide
strip of oyster-strewn
beach before you reach
her shores.
Out here you can
barely recognize cars
moving along U.S. High-
way 101. Look back to-
ward your own car, little
LIFE IN THE VAST more than a dot.
A sense of diminish-
LANE ment, of insignificance,
If you can visit akin to looking up at
the Landing during a starry skies, is right
"minus" low tide this here as you gaze across
summer, you too might the steely sheen toward
agree that walking the white-tipped Mount
shoreline isolates you as Washington, or toward
though you were stroll- the cloudy sediments of
ing on a deserted island Hood Canal's most influ-
for the week of June 30 through July 7, 2016
ALLYN I Case Inlet
30 1:56am 15.01 2:45am 15.0 2 3:33am 14.8 3 4:22am 14.6
Thu9:13am -0.1 r~ 10:04am -1.4 SatI0:51am -2.3 Sun 11:37am -2.9
4:02pm 11.6 5:11pm 12.8 6:07pm 13.96:56pm 14.6
9:10pro 6.1 10:20pro 6.7 11:23pm 6.9
4 12:20am 6.8 5 1:13am 626 2:04am 5.37 2:55am 6.0
Mort 5:11am 14.3 Tue6:00am 13.9 Wed6:50am 13.2 Thu7:41am 12.5
12:22pm -3.1 l:06pm -2.9 1:49pm -2.3 2:32pm -1.5
7:39pm 15.1 8:20pm 15.3 8:58pm 15.3 9:36pm 15.2
SHELTON I Oakland Bay
30 2:34am 15.01 3:23am 15.0 2 4:11am 14.8 3 12:29am 5.9
nm 10:19am -0.1 Fri11:lOam -1.2 Sat11:57am -2.0 Sun 5:00am 14.6
4:40pm 11.6 5:49pm 12.8 6:45pm 13.9 12:43pm -2.5
10:16pm 5.3 11:26pm 5.7 7:34pm 14.6
4 1:26am 5.9 5 2:19am 5.76 3:lOam 5.57 4:01am 5.1
Mort 5:49am 14.3 Tue6:38am 13.9 Wed 7:28am 13.2 ~hu8:19am 12.5
1:28pm -2.7 2:12pm -2.5 2:55pm -2.0 3:38pm -1.3
8:17pm 15.1 8:58pm 15.3 9:36pm 15.3 10:14pm 15.2
UNIONI Hood Canal
30 12:49am 11.9 1 1:35am 11.8 2 2:23am 11.7 ] 3:12am 11.6
]hu8:07am -0.3 Fri8:57am -1.6Sat9:45am -2.5Sun 10:32am -3.1
3:10pro 9.6 , 4:11pm 10.8 5:04pm 11.85:53pm 12.5
7:59pm 63 9:07pm 6.7 10:09pro 6.9 11:07pm 6.9
4 4:02am 11.4 5 12:01am 6.76 12:53am 6.37 1:45am 6.0
Son 11:18am -3.3 Tue4:52am 11.0Wed 5:41am 10.5 Thu6:30am 9.8
6:38pm 13.0 12:02pm -3.0 12:45pm -2.4 1:28pm -1.4
7:22pm 13.18:04pm 13.1 8:45pm 12.9
30 1 2 4 5 6 1
Sunrise 4:20am4:21am4:22am422am 4:23am4:24am4:24am 4:25am
Sunset 8:12pm8:12pm8:11pm8fllpm8:11pm8:lOpm8:lOpm 8:09pm
Moonrise 1:37am2:18am3:04am3:57am4:57am6:01am7:07am 8:12am
Moonset 4:03pm5:14pm6:21pm7:21pm8:13pm8:58pm9:35pm lO:08pm
New moon June 4
Tidatlnformation courtesy NOAA I Astronomical Data courtesy U.S. Naval Observatory
adjacent to Menard's Landing County Park,
ential river, the Skokom- and sporting w
ish. around benche
It's far, far to any- cooking grille c
where, table to make i
LOCALS food prep table
The locals love Men- make some sen
ard's Landing, and, in- space.
deed, its most charming A single port
aspect is the man-main- let looked funct
rained mini canal that of last Saturda3
forms a watery boundary undated warnir
between the park and Mason County 1
two dozen private homes Trails website c
either facing or adjacent that Menard's I
to the Landing. has no restroo~
The little canal shim- High grass a
mers below the park's suggest this pa
chief manmade features: a maintenance
a small covered gazebo;
three concrete picnic VOLUNTEEE
tables; and a mucky-look- As if to ans~
ing kayak launching spot. next question,
Zero shade for the pic- man arrives on
nic tables. The gazebo, mower. He say~
while cool and covered the grass outsi(
AT THE RANGE Memberships
July 1, Friday 6:00 PM. Gallery Bullseye:
You will be firing 10 man& on eacl
From novice to experts welcome. Fee: $3.00 for members and ',
July 3, Sunday 9:00 A.M. USPSA Match:
fast paced defensive style situational course of fire. Multiple
larger. See website for more information. Runs
July 4,2016 Monday
Independence on July 4, 1776, be safe in your travels and in the e
of the holiday.
July 5, Tuesday 5:30 P.M. Action Pistol Match Mov
and steel targets for score. Firearm requirement is a .38 special,
or larger pistol. This discipline requires drawing from a holster.
merit fist is on the club website. Members shoot for $6.0~
$8.00, and juniors shoot for a $1 when accompanied by a parent
July 6, Wednesday 6:30 PM MembershiI
at the PUD 3 building at 2621 E Johns Prairie Road. The public i
July 7, Thursday 6:00 PM. Steel Shoot: Steel targets arc shot foz
rounds, .38 special or 9mm or larger required. Show up early, 5:3
set up. Very popular and rewarding activity. $6.00 for members.
non-members and juniors shoot for $I.00. Adult
Coming Soon: July 9, 10:00 AM.-2:00PM. The
to the public for a $12.00 fee. Two may share a lane with one J
time. Pistols and .22 rifles welcome. Please have firearms !
July 23, NP, A Basic Pisfol Instruction Phase 2:9:00 A.M.-.
must successfully complete Phase 1 to attend this
up for Phase 1 at www.onlinetraining.nra.org.
W. 521 Business Park Rd., Shelton
Message Phone 427-111
at left. Low
3, has no
r picnic
An industrial cOarcoal
grille alongsid~ a raised
se of this
able toi-
:onal as
, but an
g on the
)arks &
nd weeds
.'k is not
er my
L local
a riding
he cuts
le the
Journal photo by Mark Woytowich
tide leaves no clearance
gate but cannot go any
further. He would do
more if they let him. An-
other woman, he says,
pointing to her house,
has been very good
at pulling out Scotch
Across the canal, a
woman waves at me,
then chases after her
toddler. I hear laughter
from a backyard party.
A TV turned up loud to a
soccer match.
"Ho!" someone yells,
and a shirtless man on
red deck steps raises a
glass of iced tea.
The canal forms the
back edge to more than
a dozen backyards. From
the park side, you see all
that goes on.
Of course Menard's
Landing is a locals' park,
and it's easy to see how
they love and care for
this extension of their
A dike separates the
canal from Rendsland
Creek. A trail follows on
top, the backbone of the
park, actually, running
out 400 yards to its end.
Here locals, once again,
have placed a pair of
white plastic lawn chairs
under a shade tree.
The canal barely
squirts through where
the sand has piled up;
all boats must wait for
high tides to have a
chance of escaping.
At high tide, the end
of the dike makes a
great swimming spot.
At low tide, you can step
right across the mini
canal and into the neigh-
bors' backyards.
In contrast to spa-
cious shores and aspir-
ing views, engaging the
locals feels intimate,
friendly, relaxed---
purely human -- and
just the thing to do.
• Mark Woytowich is
a writer, photographer
and video producer
who lives in Potlatch.
He can be reached at
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