July 1, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Percy M Pio
6017 8.E. 86 h Ave
Portland, Ore
July 9 for
btlildLng on the
L north
cd yes-
be 7,350 square
masonry unit
beam and
to Bill Conk-
iWh° designed the
~ A A ~. A A 8 A N
79TIt YEAR NO. 26 Published in "C,hristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington 16 Pages -- 2 Sections
~i ~ 1.. t ~ Ente, red as second class matter at the post office at Shelton. WashingtOn.Cota.98,)84 .~u1 t~ ~Jf~'a~ht~ Pc1" (~x~nv
Thursday, Jmy ~, 196o , under Act of March 8, 1879. Published weekly at 227 West
................................................... ............ L- ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Money and l)lcdges to thb Bud throughout the county to ,consider
Franklin Kidney l,h]nd rolled on in projects for the same purpose so
a swellip,g tide of donations Lopped people of the rural areas, grangers
by a $1,000 contribution from the and non-grangers, cna have oppof
l{{tenalianal Woodworkers of Am- tunities to contribute to the fund
i cries this past week. SOME OF THE contributors to
Not countinv the w(mdcrful IWA the ki,lney fund so far are: I.VV.A.
contribution, there was $3.394.6b $1.000. Shelton Rock & Mineral
officially recorded at the Shelton So:dety $25. Vicki Lee Auxiliary
branch of the Seattle-First Nation- $14. Dirt Dobbers Garden Club
al Bank, where the f]md is beth? $100, Olymt)ic Chapter Gold Star
handled. Mothers $10, Moose Lodge $100,
Three major events in which the.lpb's l-)aughier:~ $10. DcMolay $20.
public can parLieipate tomorrow' Sh,'tlon I)ul)liv.ale Bridge Club
and Satt~'day are also pledged to $100. Clq.¢s of '43 Stmlton high
the fired. Friday mormng Job's school $12~.50. Shelton High School
Daughters and the DeMolay boys Latin Club $75. Welcome Chapter
trc co-sponsoring a breakfast be- ) O.E.S. $5(I. E p i s c o p a 1 Yonng
:weerl 8:30 a.m. and noon in the Churchm[,n $25. Lending Hqnd
Club tLauric James and Steve
interior ilium-
lotion, Conklin
Will be raised to
on each of the
?radewcll parking Iot.
ALSO FRIDAY, the Dirt Dob-
bets Garden Club is spmlsoring a
bake sale at Scars Catalog Sales
Office in Evergreen Square, while
Saturday night a benefit dance. ,its
being sponsored by the N]mrc.
Club in Moose Hall at the ail])o)~.
in which all services involved are
Hanson) $5, Jay-ettes $25, Laurel
Court Order of Amaranth $50,
Calholic Church $115.2 , Navy
Mothers Club $10, Faith Lntheran
Chm'ch $77.55, Mann Real Estate
$:10, Hoodsport Market Center $20,
Los Fields Auto ParL'~ $10, AI
Coleman Logging Company $25.
being donated by the Nimrod Clnb. t3 & J Mm-l. $25, Hoodsport Care
Lhe Moose Lodge, and the Alien $25, Airport Grocery $10. Jarvis
orcl~c.~tra. Oil Co. $10, Stone's Candy Cane
Another development was l.he (~0mpmav $t00, Rauscher's O.K.
official formation of the Mason Tire Stt)]'e $2, Sportsmen's Hawm
County KKIney Foundation Inc. $5, Canadian Anlerican Christmas
Monday night which became the Trcc Company $5, Simpson Tim-
ber Company $100, Progress
official sponsor of the kidney fund G,range $10, Ma.son C()unty He~llth
Arnold Fox was elected chair- & VCelfare Council $19.27, Class of
man, Charles R. Savage vicc-chair-
lnan, Joan Davidson secretary, Dr.
B. N. Collier treasurer, and Dr.
W. R. Sehun]acherfresearch libra-
hireling will be held Monday.
Construction of a 12-unit apalt.-
menL complex on ML. View by ~l
Tacoma builder will start next
week, according to Kurt Man]-,.
Shelton realtor.
FroperLy acquirc~ /or the proj-
ect is located between J and K l July ~2, at 7:30 p.m. in Memorial
abova streets and will face Jefferuon Hall to which the lmblic is invited
and memberships st)lieited at, $~
[evelopmentstreet, which rmls parallel to tbc each. The l~om]dation has seem'-
court. Olympic highway one block to tbc ed P. O. Box 602 as its offici;fl
t° provide hardeast. ~mailing address Lo which lnembev-
.and parking for, THE PROJECT CALL8 for ibc ships can be sent.
apartments i,o be built tn units of
three 4-plexes. Earn 4-Rlox will
consist of three 2-bbdroom apart-
ments mid one one-be~.troom atmrt-
l'n on!.,.
AI} units will h'tvc wall-to-wall
' carpeting in the living room, hall-
ways and bedrooms, plus built-in
oven, range, refrigerator and
dral)es, Mal~n annonnced.
. i [:hdlder-contxactor will be Lund-
f" Of Tacorpa, a ~rirni 'pr0scntly con-
structing a nunlber of 3-bedroom
homes in the Olyml)ic View addi-
'~"of the St.tion on South First and Second
• none, tradestreets which are being ramketed
Y to the A!. by Mann Real Estate.
a)ay of Selai~ TARGET DATE for completion
official today: of the apartment complex is some-
partner- time in Septembcc.
Grape- Questioned as to the feasibility
firm, an- of building more apartments in
The N(mn(lalion is laying l)laus
for ~ belief it dillller for the 13ud
Franklin l,~i(lncy Fund in abouL
thrcc \recks.
Today tile National Bro;tdcasL-
tug CompmD~ will bc m Shelton to
fJhn scenes for part ()I an holll'-
lono' show to be released ill No-
vember on kidncy treatment. Lo-
cal acLivilles related to this will
be fcaim'ed by NF, C in the fihn.
At its J(m}~ meeting htst week
l.he..~ason County Pomona gra))gc
voted to make a donation to the
kidney fund and at the same time
m'ged" all subordinate granges
Young and enthusiastic Mason
Comaty s,vimmers numbered 495
Monday at the Pool Nuotare dur-
log the first day of Shelton's sum-
mer recreation swim classes.
Program director Randi Tuso~,
her assistants Lcanne Armstrong,
Lynne Stevens and Coralie Ander-
son and pool owner Lee Kiefer
sent the aquatic aspirants Lhrougl~
seven ]lOllr-]ol|g classes f]'om 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. The majority of
those participating are of the non-
swimmer, beginner and advanced
beginner classes, Randi said, but
there are (:lasses for swimmer aad
junior life saving, she added.
WE WILL SPEND nlost of the
renlainder of this first week group-
ing the students, the director said.
The swimming tutors plan to con-
centrate on safety instruction and
preliminary strokes next week.
Largest individual group of tl~c
day was the 130 students which
attended one of the morning ses-
sions. While most groups ran is
the 90s, the number in the classes
varied from 130 to 18 in an after."
noon period.
Randi said she cxpccted tl~e
number to level off somewhat to
the steady participants aftcr Lltc
first few days.
=I: :1: *
Shelton at this time, Mann, always
was the optimist, said he fell certain
Sore- the tinting is right for. the venture
W. (Bill)its the conlnmnity is growing con-
the firsttinually and every apartment
in tile which has been built here of late
Howard, has filled up quickly after comple-
firm in tion.
oper~ ....................................
as a fain-
Thc fatli- Firecracker
.o, ated Poppers Take Heed
on Fireworks must be marked
Will re-safe and sane to be legal in Ma-
of the ~on County.
These were the warning words
to I~otential 4th of July fire-
~racker poppers from Deputy
Joe Gatchell of the Mason Coun-
ty Sheriff's Office Monday.
r-atohel explained that each item
~oes not have to be marked
safe and sane, but the package
from which the particular at-
title came must be so marked.
lead- State law prohibits the buy-
wine ing. r=elling, possession or deto-
aatlon ,of those fireworks not
-harked safe and sane. Convic-
~as opel'-Lion on a violation of this law
continue specifies a fine of not less than
~500 or rrtore than $1000 or ira-
Will Lake ~risonment in the county jail not
near fu- to exceed one year or both the
several ;ine and imprisonment.
him. He
Mary MacRae, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John C. MacR.ae, Shel-
ton, and Jerry Donahoe, son of
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Donahoe,
Shelton, have been named Lo A1-
)ha Kappa Sigma, highest schol-
astic honorary given by Seattle
Pacific College. Miss MacRae re-
ceived a B. A. in English aL June
13 eolnnlencenlent ceremonies; she
graduated Cure Lauds (3.25-3.59).
She is a 1961 graduate of Shel-
ton High School. Donahoc, a inn-
mr ma.joring in political science,
is a 1963 graduate of Irene S.
Reed High School.
tke his
le pl'es-
1966 She!ton High School $150,
Shelton Orthopedic Guild $5, Li-
ons Club $50.
All eonLributions to the kidney
fund should be directed to the
Shelton branch of the Seattle-First
National Bank.
lnty Pie-
011 ~Ull-
BEGINNER sWiMMER--Instruct°r Lynne Stev-
ns gives a small beginner swimmer help and en
ouragement at the pool Nuotare Monday. dui:i ;
STRONG---Herb Chamberlin (right) and Jim Hick-
am inspect one of the binders Herb invented for
use in securing heavy loads such asl bogs, lumber,
etc. Made of nylon, the binders have great
strength and have been approved by safety de-
By DENNY liINTON respondence with nearly eve,'y
state in the Union trying to eon-
vinee them of the safety oi' his
After over a year-and-a-half of
sweat, overtinle, "bug" ironing-
out and countless dealings with
Strict cnf(n'cement of the dog State industrial insurance commis-
liccnso requirement in Shelton dur- sions, Shelton shoe repairnnl]l
ing the past several weeks has ap- Herb Chamberlin has come up
parenlly resulted in a businesswith a new and easily adaptable
boom a't the city clerk's office. . safety "gimmick' for the trucking
Frank Rains, "acting police chief, industry.
~aid Tuesday that seven SheltonChamberlin's product, a yellow
dog ownei's have been arrested and treated nylon binder, is designed
spntencod in p01icc court in the
i~ih~"t~?6"~v"6¢l~g~£6Y failure Lo 0b- to fo.ko 1he place of .chalLis, cables
and steel corners hOW used for
tain dog' licenses, heavy truck transport and eltmN
THE WORD MUST get around no.to.much of the damage incurred
-Mrs. Alma Catto, city clerk, on the'materials being llauled by
said Tuesday at the city comnfis-
sion meeting that 343 licenses for the chain and cable means.
males and spayed females and 30 CHAMBERLIN SAID he got the
female licenses have been pur- binder idea over a year ago 9¢hen
chased since June 1. Mel Morgan of Morgan Brotimrs
The 1964 dog licenses expire to- Trucking came to him with insteP-
day, July 1. ials and Lhe p~oblem of tying down
In ott~er city comnlission action
Con]missioner Elroy Nelson com-
mended Bob Temple and his emer-
gency crew for their near 12-hour
effort Sunday night in repairing a
break in the main water line near
the city pump house on Mr. View.
The crew worked all night, until
about 5:,t5 in the morning, Temple
said. He reported that the main
line has been rcpaircd and water
pressure restored on Mt. View.
Fireworks Sale
ShelLon Jaycees hope Lo beef-up
their community betterment fund
through the sale of 4th of July
fireworks from two stands in the
city this week.
The sale ~arted yesLcrday at
two locations at the opposite ends
of Shelton. The safe and sane firc-
works will go over the counters
near the Burger PiL just south of
the city limits on Highway 101 and
on Mt. View on Highway 101 norLl~
near the OK Tire Store.
'Die firoworks, which are of a
type approved by the State Fire
Marshal, will bc on sale froni noon
to 11 P.m. Thursday (today} and
t:riday, and frolll 9 a.]n. to 11 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday.
a veneer load Morgan was haul-
ing. Morgan explained that he
needed some other kind of mater-
ial to strap down his load be-
cause the cables inflicted too
much damage on his llauh
The Shelton slice repairnmn rec-
ognized the problem and set out
to find a solution. AL the outset
hc saw that reg~flar nylon web-
bing wouldn't work because iL
wasn't strong enough and frayed
easily. The experimenting had be-
gun. Still of the opinion that some
fo]'ln of nyloR was his answer,
Chamberlin teated a variety of ny-
lon treatments after consulting so-
veral chemists. Resulthntly many
of his early experiments ended up
at. the dump.
But finally Chamberlin develop-
ed a process which made the
treatcd nylon a "stronger, safer
and more flexible" binder than
chains. He ran the regular nylon
webbing through a polyvinyl chlo-
ride dip then nnder a 750-degrec
infra-red light which stretched out
the nylon and nearly doubled its
Chamberlin was sure of the ad-
,cqdacy of his new product, but
his battle to get. it on the market
was only half done. Because of
the ma]w regulations on the
transportation of large loads on
state hig!~ways, he carried on cot-
" T: ......... : ........ :7: --*" .-~..----'~ T ";-- ........ "~-----'= ...........
the first day of swim classes. The Shelton summer
recreation swim program drew 495 paddlers on the
opening day,
PoJke, Fire
partments in most o,f the western states for use
in transporting such loads ,on state highways.
Chamberlin has formed the Shelton Binder Com-
pany and will manufacture the binders in Shelton.
The Shelton Civil Service Board
administered written nnd oral ex-
aminations to six police chief and
five fire chief candidates Monday
~nd Tuesday respectively.
13om'd chairman A1 LaISissonierc
said he hot)e~ that the tests will
bc graded by Monday so that the
Board may present its rccomm,,n-
dations Lo the City Commissioners
at that time. The police chief can-
didates who took tim test include
two Shclton officers Frank Rains
and V. J. Santamaria. Others in-
clude Bmlce Mesford. Baker, Ore.;
Richard A. Camper. San Rafael,
Calif.: Norman L. Clowers. Taco-
ma; and Wilbur H. Shepard, Olym-
OF THE FIVE fire chief camli-
dates, fonr are from Shelton. They
are George Hunter, Jim Cross,
Michael Mirka and "Warren Earl.
The fifth is Allan Ncvitt. E]ma.
If the Board offers its police
chief recommendations Monday
night, the Commission may select
the new chief at that Lime. Frank
Rains has served as acting chief
since the retirement of Paul Hin-
ton last month.
The Board may also make its
fire chief recommendations Mon-
day, but the Commissioners will
probably not act until after Au-
gin, r. 1, if iL is necessary at that
time. T. E. Deer has been on sick
leave since last winter and has
until Aug. 1 to return Lo his fifo
chief's job. If he decides at that
Since f,'ehrnary Chamhqrli]l hnd point not tO rel.llrn the new chiog
his two assistants Hubert Chain- will be ctlosen and announee(I
hers and Jim Hiekam ~ave been shortly thereafter. Acting fire
nlanufacturing the new binders for chief is George Hunter.
"FIRST I lIA1) to sell the states market. So Chamberlin's Shelton
.oll the safety of my invention, Shoe Repair, from which he has
proving to the industrial insurance ope/'ated his shoe business at 123 Pancake Breakfasl
conlnlissions tidal il. was going to 3rd Street for tim past 20 years, ~ m m • • • • ~
save them money," Cllaml0erlin now shares building ocupancy with ~IllU|~ ~|~ 7~
said. Although il. itas taken some the' Shelton 'Binder Company. The ............... ¢, --r-
Lime an~ man3; pages of writing, entire binder productiml is taken The Kiwanis Clnb has set July
he has apparently been successful lip in the shol), where the o~vner 25 for its annnal pancake break-
in selling hts idea to the states-- has added two heavy-duty sewingfast in Knecland Park. Proceeds of
a.bnut 40' states have placed their machinc~ ~0 .assume life new task., this..fund-raising event go ontirely
stan!p of approval 011 the binder. ((~,m{inue'd o,, P,(g,' 2) ]to t'he community swim classes.
POST OFFICE REOPENS---Shelton's remodeled
and enlarged post office building was re-opened
Wednesday morning f,m" distribution of mail and
other postal services after almost ten months when
service was rendered in temporary quarters in the
"old Safeway building. At the left is the lobby area
of ~he' new section of the building where bank-
type counters dre in use for sales of stamps,
money orders and other services. At the right is
the remodeled lobby ,~f the old building, where new
post office boxes are now located. The enlarging
• ind remodeling project was done by the Cascade-
Olympic Construction Company of Shelton.
A' group of 42 persons joi0cd
the staff of the Washington Col
rcctions Center today in the hu'g-
est staff increase at the institu-
tion since the first of the year,
bringing total cmployntent to 220.
Included in the latest group ar.~
additional correctional officers,
clerlts, cooks and maintenance per-
i The additions come as the open.
'ing of a second building m the
training center scction nears.
I At l)resent, one of the fore" hons-
ing units in the training center is
in use. Plm s are Lo open a sec-
ond later this monlh.
THE 42 PERSONS added to the
!staff today will be the next to la.~t
large groul) hired at one time. One
additional group will join the staff
In Scptenlher, which will incu(le
17 teachers for the educational
Ti~e teachers have ah'eady been
hired through Lhe Shellon School
District, which will direct the edn-
catkmal progr'un.
George l-lernles, who will be
principal of the GarretL Hcyns
High School al. Lhc Corrections
Center, assumed his duties Lhere
today also. It is anti,qpal.cd that
the school will open in the fall
abotlL tbc s;;mc time classes ill the
SbellAa/ Scho()l Dist]'ict res|]l]lc,
The new enlpioycos spend thch"
fh'st few dnys at tl~e institution
atten(liog orientation classes to ac-
quaint Lhe{n with rnles and regu-
httions and to train them for the
jobs whh!h they will fill.
Those joining the staff today in-
' Correctional officers --- Melvin
Arnold, Gordin BillingLon, Wtlbcrt
'Btmack, Eu tmo CAmx'le , Raymoa4
Dodd Sr., Jam(.s D0ughcrt3, Wel-
[lia]n Franklin, Edward Gadouas,
:Carl Goodbtirn, Ehncr Gustafson,
Klaus Hoepfner, John Holliday,
Donald h'elmtd, Paul Johnson,
Wayne Kneeland, Kenneth Ladd,
Marvin IAck, Odis MeBroom, Dav-
id McCaftree.
Kenneth Miles, Dennis Niles,
J immie Ragsdalc, Thomas Reed,
Gilbert Sanderson, William Schroe-
er, George Shnltz, David Sintnnd-
son, Ahnon Spicer, Lewis Tindall,
Larry Tobin, Met Tennison, Cltar-
ley Heatherly;
Cooks-. ShelLon Davis, Forest
Francis, VVarren StraLLon;
Chaplain (P1 otcstant). William
Carncs ;
Clerk typists .... Vivian Althof
Judith Dereficld, Edith LeveLt
Elizabeth Martin ;
Psychologist- - Franci~ Dahl;
St enographer- -Marguerite Hat]-
The Shelton a.nd Bei-
fair offices of Mason
County PUD No. 3 will
be closed on Monday,
July 5.
The board of com-
missioners wish to an-.
nounc0 their regular
meeting will be chang-
ed from July 5 to July
Member F.O.I.C.