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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 1, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 1, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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S E(:.T NO. ,191 N.. d91 I. C(nlniy Eoad th(l Nm'lh ;1)o('ii'iv:ll IV .- 10. T, iw ishilI W.M. I;Y COMMIS- inl~'nli(in lid dl'iYoways lh'-.iPl.I l)-.12g are : ll coal) 0 bo llOl'l'li , I ('(1 ill I '{ lll'd,tlll('(' tile ~talidlil'il anll lli'idlsi, od lly Mason RI~SOT.VEI) Ihat t~iili{I 111'1 )- llll*l', alalt (lit' l)rll jP !1 ar. (is ' l'llllows : .............. $2700.00 ............... $27l}11.00 IJrllJe¢'i heroin PEt:DARED to . aad tile (!-untv {EBy ORDE IU,.'D !DoI't and liiqi- l)rovidiHJ. day of Juno 7/1 It NO• 7652 r, OFFICE RE- r Higgins lin~,[ on (ill Legal Publications N {'illll~l' No. 8922 NIi'I'I(!E OF NIIEIIIFIe'N NAI.E IIF llle, Al, ESTATI,: Undt.r (~ellt.ral I,:xeellt ion IN Tlll,] SUPERIOR ('()UIVI" ()1," TIlE STATE OP WASHINGTON 1;'O1~ MASON C()UNTY A. i. A IA!]XAN I)I,]R d/b/a COAST CRIeA)IT SIeRVICE, Plahlliff, vs. THOMAS 11. JAMES AND JUIAA MAIUli] JAMES, hushand lind wih.. 1)t' f~qlllllll(, lhider itnd liy Vil'Itie of a gen(wlil (!Xt'¢'lllilill iSSllod IIHt o(" lind tlllder lhc sl,al lif ilio Stlporior Col|!it of tile Slillo of Washlnglllll, tn alibi for said (211ilnly, (ill the Ilih flay ~if .it(no, 1965. [l Walchtower Convention I'i, Ii An atiendnnce i>f 15,575 at the lll~ i! Seglillo ('.h'~l]SOIIlll, Sllll(hlly ,]'lint) 27, IIIb [iheal•d L. hi. lillg'llll, district rep- I I resenlalive of the V(atellhlwer l=ii- ..... " ..... ~ I bie an(I Tl'iict SoeJely, speak on tilt? Sheriff's ciffi(e dluin~ the cast :subject '\,Vorl(I G(lvel'llnlenl (in the v¢ock wel't,' I~arly Alan Prailte Shouldct ol Ihe Frinco of Peace," t She, Iron, nlinol' ill' possession and '.John (.]ill, prosi(ling lllinister of constllnptlon of alcohol; Wayne E. th(, local cmlgreg'ltioil, slated lilat Kingery Sllelton niinor ili pos- , nlally fl()nl the Immediate arell scs,-'i¢)n :lll,l eoflsiinlplion of lllel)- ; %,Vel'O l)l'(~selli. boll I-hl!'otd C• Mllore .h'., Shelton, The speaker was followed at- i d hi 15 AI ende ,575 i£ssemhh~ct ( wns tile re- I lease of a nl, w hook: "ThinKs in i\Vhich It Is ilnpossible For (l~d To Lie." It is a 416-page I)ook ]with ovor 100 beautiflll diawlngs ,to ilhlstrnte the texl: It iwill be ilSe:l ill place of the worht's second I)csl, s(~ller, "Lel God Be ~Tl"ue" whlcl~ has reached ft eircll- !lation of i)ver lg million in mare Ihan 50 h:niguages. I). I~. h:illian. in releasing the new bool¢ stated, "This bobk will be used to lekindle i See the All New SUPER-2 Starmaster and Curv-Star Retread America's finest tires with a Nation-Wide Guarantee. lllillll II it dgJilO It rOll(tOl'e(t ill S 1 ( (;Olll'i Oll'illl' J:lih day of Jllne, 1965, ill J'll'l'(ll' ill' A. 1. Ale\hi(tier d/b/a (].lisl (h'e(lil Soi'Vil'l' and ,'igllinsl Tho- ' (tillSI1. Jillii~'s iilid ,llllhi Mill'h' JalllOs, i hli~thalld and wife, jtlliglli,Hll dol)tors l'lll' tilt' Stllll of ()lie llundl'l*d S xiv Six (lid I~il'S alld 36i' i 0(i dollal'S, tllffeillcr wilh llll(il'lll'y'S (COS, hlh'rP,~t, ('llsis all,I illi'rcas('ll l!(isls, alitl hi lilt' dirt,clod and Ill'livl'i'l'd, I dhl on lhP 15th day (if JIIllO, 19115, leVY Ill)l)ll ,'ill lhe i'iglit, lille lind ililori'sl of said judgliit,al d(qilors in illlil lo lilo flillowing do- scribolt llrOll+.l'ly hi salisfy sahl judg- lilt!nt, h)-wil ~eelilln 16• Tl~wnship 2"1, Riinls"e 3, (Iic¢l,riiiiicnl Lol 2 ('xct'lll right (il way Tax 1110 Tax 115-I S~ction 17, SW ~,~ NE ~:i and Si~, SEii NE':~ except Tract I and righ't ofN~y-'~ SEll NEIq - NEli NEI~ - Tradf I -.f SE!I NELl. NOW TIIEREFORE. NOTICE IS IIEI~,EBY GIVEN, Thai on Friday the a0ih day of July, 1(,)6;3, at 10:00 o'ch)ck in the foronllon of sam day, I will soil the above descrll)ed l)rOl)- Cl•ly, or so nlllch tbel'eof as lnlly be lleC(Lqsal'y to satisfy sltid judgllienl, hlgelher willl atlornoy's fees, illterest, costs lind increased co.~Is, ill all anl- ounthig to the suin of One hlindred Sixty Seven and 86/100 Dollars, plus Slierifl"~ Costs and CoMs of Publica- lion. Said sale will take l)lace ai tile east for door of tilt, C(llll'l }IollSi* at S|lelton, ground wa- vtrashlngtoli in sahl C.ounty and ~taie, ed wllhin and will bc at l)ublic ariel(on, for cash Tract hi hand to ii:e highost and I)cst bhhler. 'll~llip , Paled al Shelton, W.'l.~h., lilis 29ih day of JUllC, 1965, D. S. CI~AB.I¢ Slloi'iff of said County. supply, 13)" Mildred Conklili, DOl)uty, ompani~ .... 7_8-15-2_/1-2 4t rding f Upervis No. 3640 II tMr 1 NOTICE TO CREDI'rORg IN THE SLYPERIOR COURT OF THI~" fficial seal STATE OF WASH1NGTCkN FOR • MASON COUNTY In Prabate Sor of WaterRe- i IN the Matter of the Estate of MAR- 7/1-8 2t THA J, RAND, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undorsigned has been appointed ',and liar qualified as the Executor of the Estate of 1%Iartlla J, Rand, d e c o a s e d; tllat, all persons hay- ill NW!~ of NW', of S ,llion 11, Town- 'a large lrllck 1::]11 off the road, lh'ivillg,' while nllder lhe li!fhlenee lent(rely as he dtsctisse(I the only and bllild people's faith in th(~ County.Ship 19 N., Rang. 6W. W.M., hi Masou hittini~' a slump two relies north of alcohol, hope fo'r mankind, "The trenlcnd- i Bible so tl{ey will know for a fact af Allyn with no injuries. :'., *. ,:, IOtlS problena of wmld g'overnment All)' ol)j0Pli()llS hillS| he fil•Cf/lllpan- Iod i,y a tw,, d,qhu' 152.0(1) i'oe, u'(lin~." Herb Baze, Skokomish Valley, ~llELTON POLICE challenges citizens of this 20thit is impossible fin" God to lie. I'oo 'and filod with Ih,, Sinle Supoi'vis- rlq)ollod his son's cal collided with There were Im al)parent injur- century," lie said. "Men whi) nd- What is presented in Jehovah's 0f (If Wa|Pl' Ri'sliUl'l'l's wilhiil i]lirly (30) days "oin ,Itliy 1, 1965. ilnf)th0r eai• by the second Vance ics when a, 1940 mode, l pioRup v()c:Ltc Inan-nla(te w(Irhi o'ovorn- writlen \Vord tile. Bible, in Truth." Witness nly h:lnd and officinlscnl Creel( bridge. 1~ !t,ruel,: rolled over ()11 its side ell plent al'guo that it lllnsl be sup-' The h)cal congreg?ation will be- this lilh daY of ,i'u,io. 196.,. J An accident at the ill Creek l about 6:50 p.m. The car was lying' Even this would prove inadequate ! holtse-to-house nlinistry in the hi. G. W:\LKEIt the Goldsborollg'h bridge Friday'nnatimml to ruleallmankind, gin to use the new book in their Slnt~ Sui,,vvis,,r (,f V(ator bridge t:n Highway 101 South of i " - ' - "' • ' . • 17.osoureos. (i,/2,1 7/1 21 the city limits was reporteo. I on its left side in the nln'thb(nmd However, we have ii llpon the next few days. a, ceordnlg to Gill .............................. ' Roy Kimbel, Olympic Highway I lane. Driver and ownei of the car llighesl autbority thai lhc pro- who stated that all local ineet- is listed.., as Charles McCaulky, ais((t "Pill c of Pe ice"liDonings at Kingm)nl Hall will i'esunm 2226 O ympie Hwy No n ,,3. I e , . . . , . . . NO. a561 , Soutl'l, repotted people stl¢~iting in[Shelton" whose shoulder the worhl gi)ve:a~- then" sclledule this week. , No'rICE 01,' ~ALE OF BEAI, ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE back of his honie by Mill ureeK. An attendani reported a broken men( will rest. is lnl)re lhan sup- %,,;;:: ......... :-:=--=:::':"":==7 ........... .:7,.7.--: ....... m=:;; ............ .j-- ......... 7"- STATE (:)l,' WASHINC, TON FOR l~[rs. Arvi(t Jotmson, Skokon]ish window l).t the Enco Service Sta- ranational. Hc is slipl'anl).ttll'al, su- ' MA,qON COUNTy, IN PR()BATE perhunian, far beyond anything • In tllo Matter of ll~e Estates ofValley, reported her daughter's en- tion. CLIFFORD K. WAY and MARGUER- gagement ring stolen from home. George Frisk, Kimbel Apts., re- human creatuies can possibly pro- 7 1TE E. WAY, Deceased. Milt Lambert ieported t:ypewrit- ported gasoline stolen flora his{duce. Tliis one will transcend eV- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlmt Betty Woodar$1, in hor capacity as er and shotgm~ stolen from his piekup tl~mk, t erythmg t.hat is natural and will admtnlstrairix of tile abovo ostates, home. Fred MeDowell reported some-il)l:~lve to bi, lhe foretold "Prince will sell at p(iblie auction for cash or the bfst ternls ttvailable certain r(~al estate belonging to tl'le above estatos which is slmeifically doscribed i as. follows. Tract 7, Bhlek I, Walker Park Tracts, located in Mason Coanty, ~,'ashington, The sale wtll be held at the front door of the Mason County Collrthouse in Sheltrm, Washingtun on ihe 2nd day of J'u y, 1965, at 10:{0 A,M. DATED 14 June, 1965. Mrs. Miller, Matlock, reported prowler. John Graesch repmted his cabin In'oken into and fishing poles and reel stolen. David Kinlble reported kids shooting rifles and shotguns heal• Mill Creek. David Kangas reported car in the ditch near North Cliff and Island Lake roads. Citizen reported someone throw- one had broken the radio antemm on his caT'. Mrs. Anderson, Snmlnit Drive, reported noisey Hondas, apparent- ly without nlufflers. Perry Baker reported noisy antes Oll Pal'k Street. Rod Olsen reported it pickup truck had baeked into his car While it was parked in front of the Mason Apts• Pete Stroem reported parts stol- of Peace" by nml¢ing wars to cease to the extremities of lhc earth." ~E!J,OVA!!'S W. !TNESSES look fol'wald tt) tile time when God's I~ingdom by Christ Jesus will bring untold blessings to earlh. "Even countless billions who have (tied will become recipients (if these divine hlessings by means of a resurrection from the dead," continued Dugan. "What earth- BETTY WOODARD ing balloons filled with water at en f1"om his car while it was park- ly, hunlau political ruler could Administratrix passing cars near Happy Hollow ed at the airport, possibly make such promises? All Foster & Fuster .. , .. . P .... . A1torneys and counselors on Hood Canal• Mrs Clifford Scott and Mrs who rest their ho es on these div 501 Security Building Sne Batmsgard, Benson Lake Leonard Hedgers reported the ine promises will never come to Olympia, Wash. 98502 6/17-24 7/1 3t reported prowler around incomp- theft of money from their purses disappointment," he conehlded. leted house, at their home at 403 South 7th StAn u ....... ~. a ...... :.^ ,~ -. S. O. Goritkun reported his " ** * ": h~:Xp.:,+teu surpe**~c t~ the ,State of Washington house entered and check taken. SHELTON POLICE COURT i -~ ............... I)FA'AllTilI[ENT. RESOURcEsOF NATURAI., Lucille Snlith reported a houseAppearing on the Shelton Police ~¥11111hl@ 1"ill Dl~llllil~llA r d e i~v~ iv s.~llul@ Board of Nataral Reiourees trailer entered and several items Court docket and befo e Ju g .... Resolution No, 2t taken. Rolla Halbert during the past ~Av| I~ l l il i,, A p~ESOLUTION relating to rules and Robert Whitener reported a car week were: Jim Donaldson, speed- I II liAII [qll lillllllillilltlll regtllations for the ptu'|)ose of prevent- ill the ditch by the Kamilche gray- ing $12 forfeit; Clarence Niemey-,-, ...... .. , , ..... - -- inK, Coil(rolling, and suppressing for- ' • • ' 1 "'~el't~t)nty I ~,%111 De ~.Vltn (nee" er falhne to obtain dog license, ( est fires within the Glfford Pinchot, el pit. , " " ' (Exodlls 3) was God's assurance Mr. Baker, Okanogan, Olympic, ~no- quabnie, Umatilla, and Wenatchee Na- t(mini Forests. period of July 1 to October 31 of this and each succeeding year. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Natural Resources, Depart- nicnt" 0f Natural Resources, State of W~thhington, this 5th day'of June, 1961. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set nly band and affixed the official seal of the Cohlmissioiler of Public Land~. (Seal) /s/ Bert L. Cole, Commission- (if ,Public, Lands .and Secretary of A citizen reported a dead deer $22 50 fine plus $2 50 court costs; ~ ~ ................... ~ ,., • -- " " , _. , I,u ltluses I~t~lul'~ /ll2 lt2{.I 1.11#2 enll- north of the Harstine Island fer- Harold Carpenter failure to obtain dl.......... " • • ' ........ "ell o~ israel in tnelr escape Iron1 ry landing. , dog license, $22.5o nne plus ~z.~o E-'"-t. How Moses eontinu~ ~ "o , ,. .... * court costs. •,,, • i'~ion God's power in the ~'(i(l~dt'- SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARRESTS ' ness will be brought out in Chris- ooked in the ason County ., E SEE,PE !Zso ,.. !finn Science so, ,icos this Sunday --~----~----------- ~uiiu~lll~ y~ll.E~ ~py.t'uv~,..t ta3 i tlm Raa~d nf n n o v ~ The subject of the lesson is ........ • _ __ M_s_n ..ount~ Corn-. - mlsmone~s Monday included. MOl- . .... Nahwalzel's Mrs. . , • • , God" ,nelnded in the readings ley O. Barnard, wood residence, will be this passage froln "Science John Sommerfeld $7,000; Arnold Jacot, wood rest-and. Health with Key to the dence $8,000; B, J. Phillips, wood ~cnptures' by Mary Baker Eddy: n nu]fUas'naL'" ul~l¢l" residence $1,500; Marion Robbins, "When man is governed by clod, wood double ~'ara~e -~200" William the ever-present Mind who under- Jenkins woo~l ca=bin $4,50; How- stands all things, man knows that By Jessie Tupper , ard S E)avis, carport and remodel- with God all things are possible" LAKE NAHWATZEL --- It s a ing, $'150; Walter= Stansbury, wood (p.180). girl for the John Sommerfelds! A residence, $13,150. [ ............................. seven pound 15 ounce girl, Shari , , , . Lynn, was born to Sandy and John FERRY RECEIPTS ~ ~ [] on Tuesday morning, June 29. Ferry receipts for the Harsi.ine I I]4 ~[] Prond grandparents ale Mr. and Island ferry for the week ending[ ,~ II!1 Mrs. AI Tupper and Mrs. John June 26 were $269.50, the Coun-I~ ~!'1 Bgach, Calif.S°mmerfeld' Sr., of Huntington. ty EngiIteer~,I~ep°rted'I,~IC:ENSES I ~ll~ '~lll The graduation of the first class LIQUOR ~mt "~l of State Troopers in the gover-The Mason County Board of Ili~ ll~. nor's.conference room of the State Commissioneas received andap- ] I~ Im Capitol building last Friday morn- proved the following liquor licens- 1 ing was attended by Sand~'a Sore- es Monday: Alderbrook Inn, Union, ~ merfeld, who's husband, John, is Class H; Mason Lake Service and[ ~ ~LJ one of the new Troopers. Trooper Supplv, Inc., Shelton, Class E. Sommerfeld will be one of seven All P o©eeds To 60 To The I Musk by Ihe 16' - 20' - 24' - 28' On Display $t per Try Them Out J "--- foot ALUMINUM STEPLADDERS 5"$' 6- $' ft. ft. 16' - 18' - 20' Q): ¢ per foot Of SSellon,ut lne 416-4393 Board, new Troopers who will patrol the ''~ new Express Way in the northside of Seattle. A SURPRISE housewarming: party was given last Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Pete Aurstad, at their home on the lake, by their daughter, Mrs. Shirley Drake of Hoquiam. About 50 guests were present for the occasion, including Pete's brother, Otto Aurstad, who came from his home in Maui, Ha- waii. Other guests were fr(nn Ab- erdeen, Hoquiam, Seattle, Everett and Shelton. These rules and reg'ulatit)ll~ were nade at lhe request (if th0 United States Forest Service and under autli- ority of Sectio~n 76.0,1,020 of the wash- ington Fores.try LaWs. 7/1 1~ move ALL of Ihe FURNITURE ~rs. Drake and sons, Kenny a',L