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July 1, 1965 |
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Pnge ',"
only re-
as the
~'olf teresa-
lay under
qsion. The
With a 72
m at 75;
division at
group, 11
coast to an
prize win-
: 2
dislodging Clyde Coots as the lead-
Bud Pauley moved into a tie
for second place with Gary Nic-
Rick Walker, Dave Jackson, Bill
Jackson and Bobby Turner (left
to right) were division winners
in the second annual junior
golf tournament held last Fri-
day at the Shelton Golf Club un-
dee sponsorship of the 19th Hole
Club. See adjoining story for
~,= *=b"
loy with a net 69 while Guy
Beckwith and Rudy Flakus join- net with Lucille ~Voodard and Bob
ed Ray Rice with 70s just behind. Olson second. Bud Pauley and Lu-
Up to this point birdies have cille Myers had high gross. Val
been scored by Nicloy on the 15th, Sienko and Joan McComb had the
Bob Olson on the 8th, Beckwith on fewest putts (13) for the nine
the 11th, and L. L. McInolly onholes, Ge,rt Batstone had the long-
the 3rd. est drive off No. 4 (playing with
The newest 18-hole cards in theGlen Ferguson), and Homer Wood-
W L rf ra
SF[ELTON ................ 7 1 95 14
McCleary .................. 7 3 65 38
Olympia .................... 2 2 22 19
Corrections Center .. 3 5 37 94
Bucoda ... ................ 2. 3 5 33 55
Aberden .................... 2 8 ,3.1 6g
l,ast Week
Shelton 21, W.S C.C. 1
Shelton 4-15, Aberdeen 1-1
Olympia 4-10, McCleary 0-11
"W.S.C.C. 12-3, Bucoda 5-6
This Weekend
No games due to 4th
Three more triumph in the past,
=areek strengthened the Shelton
Loggers hold on the Timber
League lead, aided by McClcary's
division of a Snnday twin bill with
the circuit's new entry, Olympia.
The victories, by 4-1 and 15-1
over Aberdeen on Loop Field Sun-
day, and by 21-1 at the Correc-
tions Center in a mal.,e-np game
la,~t Wednesday, ran tile Logger i
record to 7-1 in league play and
13-3 for the season.
The Loggers came up with ev-
ery ingredient of winning base-
ball----good defense (two errors in
three games), excellent pitching
(three runs in three g~ames), and
strong offense (37 hits including
three home runs, four triples and
seven doubles).
THEY ALSO CAME up with a
new pitcher. Jack Mallory, who
has confined his ball playing chief-
ly to catching wilh a fling in the
outfield on occasions, took a shot
at the slab in Sunday's opener
and tossed a flossy 8-strikeout 5-
hitter which came within one out
of being 8. shutout.
The run scored off him came in
Tile box scorea:
I"1 ll~,'l' (;AM I'1
Al.,rdeen ab r I/,~ w t I nb r h
IQ Snnford c 3 0 (ilJ. l¢lmthl, ss ,I t1 ]
Ilnlhaway 2b '3 0 2]D*msh-y If3 0 0i
Lot(h!s I) 3 l) 0] Kiml,el 2b 3 1 0
T. Saiffm'd ss 3 1 liP. Bhufld. 3b" 3 2 1
Cn lee n 1 ~ :l 0 1]Ton!l)h" lb 2 0 1
Quinn 3b :t 0 0[ Jr. M ~ o "y %' 3 1 2
~,Vall¢oski ,,'f 2 {I 1JR,me rf 3 i~ II
WvmilmPg if 3 l) (}[ Ahlf (' 1 II 0
T~.i('herson rf '1 0 0]Jk Malh,ry l) q 0 '2
To}Isis 2.1 l 5~ 'rolal8 25 .I 7
Ahm'deen .: ............... II {} 0 {I 0 {l 1 1
hils .................... I l 00 0 12 5
Shollon .................... 0 20 0 '2 0 x I
hits ................... 0 l '2 0 3 1x-7
SUMMAP, Y: ltR-P..Bloomfivht.,h,r-
r:¢ Mallory. 2b-JorP.,) Mahn'y. T. San-
ford. SH-DonshLv. RBI-P. l¢lomnfiold,
Jerry Mallory, Wall{()ski. E-T. Snn-
ford. SO-Mallory 8, Walkouki .I. I1B-
Malhwy 2, ~,Vnlkomkl 4. WP-~Vifllu)ski,
RRF-Walknski 3, Mallm'y I. LC)12-
Shellon 7, fl.I){,rdeon 6.
Aberdeen " ab r h],~lieltoaab r h
F. Sanford c ,3 0 0lJ.Rhnl'ld.-ss 5 0 1
Loi{les lb 4 1 2lMyerm ef 4 2 1
11aihaway 2b 3 0 01Kimbel 21) 3 2 1
Gaterlin 3b 3 0 2t P. BImfld. 3t) 4.2 2
T. 8anford SS 2 0 0!Temple lb 4 1 0
Quinn p 3 0 0j Jr Mallory If 3 3 2
Walkoski ef 3 0 l lSnyder rf3 2 2
Westberg If 3 0 0] Kadonn e 3 2 3
Rlchrdsn rf 20 0]Miekelson p3 1 0
Totalm 26 1 51 Totals 3215 12
Aberdeen .................. I 00 0 0 00-- 1
hits .................. 2 0 0I 1 01--- 5
Shelion ...................... 7 0 05 0 3x---15
hitm .................. 1 1 14 0 5x~12
SUMMARY: HR-I~imb(,l. 3l}-Jerry
Mallory. 2b-Jerry Mallory, Kadoun
RBI-Kadoun 2, Snyder 2. Klnlbel 2,
J. Bloomfield, Myers, Temple, Jerry
Cup play: ard was closet to the pin off No•
In Out gr hp }let 3 (playing with :Dot Willour).
Bud Pauley ........ 43 42 85 16--69 Frank Travis had a 40 for low
Rudy Flakus .... 52 46 101 31--70 among men playing without part-
Guy Beckwith .... 39 40
L, L, McInelly .... 44 41
Jim Archer ...... 47 45
Andy Tuson ........ 45 42
D. Denniston ...... 45 48
Dan Carl .............. 49 47
79 9--70 hers.
85 12--73 * * *
87 10--77Shelton's golfing girls will start
93 16--77play next Tuesday, July 6. at 9:00
96 18--=78 a.m.
June's activities found Cay
Smith winning the Hidden Hole
Rick Walker 44 OUT FOR THIRD
closest MIKED 2-BALL 4-SOME play last week. Barbara Pauley
Brown Forty-four particfpated in the and Ruth Heuston leading the
eal White sec-
Turner 93;
closest to'
97; closest
t~ill Jackson
75; closest to
-~Y 13 feet 1
Rich Rice
Jim Ar-
third mixed two-ball four-some tombstone competition the previous
event of the season last Thursday week, Dot Hillier and Ruth tak-
evening at the Shelton Golf Club. ing honors in the low net play the
Clint Willour and Helen Rice week before that. and Ann Correa
had low gross with ,Pat McGrady leading the match against par ac-
and Ruth Heuston second. Jim Me- tion which started off the month's
Comb and Ada Oltman had low activities.
The full program of Ranger-
Naturalist campfire programs,
conducted trips, and other inter-
pretive services has started for
the season in Olympic National
Park; Superintendent BenneLt T.
Galc annmmced today.
has been very popular with Park
visitms interested in learning
about the natural history of the
Olympic :Mountains as seen from
HurricaneRidge. Self-guiding na-
ture trails are also available in this
ed trips twice daily at the Hoh,
72, Bob
m Archer
the seventh titter an opening dou-Mallory. Mickelson Gatterlin. SB-Ka-
ble, then two strikeouts, then tlle doun. E-Kadoun. T. 'Sanford 3, 'Gat-
rbi single just ahead of the final terlin 2. Leiden, Richardson. SO-Mick.
strikeout. He also whiffed the side elson ~. ~B-Mickelson 3. Quinn 7.
in the third and had a pail. in the RRF-Qulnn 5. Mickelson I WP-Quinn
first.. 2. LOB-Shelton 5. Aberdeen 6.
Mel Mickelson repeated the 5-
hit performance in the nightcap, MAKE-UP GAME
giving his z~n m the first on a Shelton ab r hI~,V.S.C,C• ab r It
pair of singles sandwiched aronnd P. Blmfld, p 3,3 3 Barre 0 l 0
an infield Ollt. Rose cf 2 2 1)Pearmon ef3 0 ()
PETE BLOOMFIELD. who has Densh,y If5 2 31 Comer 2b-p 1 n B
done a lot of sla~)work in his Jk Mallory c 3 2 :t!MeNatt l}1 0 0
lengthy diamond career, tried his J: Blmfld ms 4 2 21Burnett p-3b 2 B 1
first mound job of the season at Snyder~b 4,2 2 S('oti~s 3 O 0
the Corrections Center and turned Danford Ib5 4 lIHunt rf 2 0 I~
in a two-hit performance, yielding Kadoun ,.(i 0 0 ~u,'ehl'Id. Ib 2 0 0
his run on a pair of walks and a Myers,Pf 2 2 0 Shearer 3b-2h 3 0 1
single in the third, which at that. Sheedy 2b2 0 2 Namm~ If 2 0 {}
moment made the count 1-1. [~ilnbel 211 . 3 2 11T~)tnlm 19 I 2
The Loggers responded .immed- Totalm 34 21 lgI
lately ~ ith fonr runs ixt the fourth,sCnltE BY INNINGN
l0 in the fifth and/six ih the sixth Shelt'on ........................ 1 n fl 4 10 6---21
to turn the tight one into a rout. hits ........................ 0 2 '2 4 8 :t--18
Bloomfield and Mallory, who w.s,c.c ........................... 0 n 1n n 0 1
was catching ill this one, each had .hits .................... 0 n 1I 0 0-- "2
34o1'-3 days .at the plate, each SUMMARY: 3b-P. Bloonffield. Rom'L
with a triple, Pete with a double Ja{'k Mnlh)l'y. 2b-P. Bh)omfi(,ld J.
as well. Each walked" twice. Dan Rh}{mlfiohi SI-I-P. F;hwmffiold {fly).
Densley also had three blows; all RBI-P Ph)omfiohf 5. Rose 2. Dens cy
singles, in five official trips, while
JetTy Bloomfield, Brian Snyder
.a~d Tim Sheedy ha.d two{aPiece.
J'~ck Mallory supported his own
pitching cause in Sunday's opener
with a pair of doubles in three
trips and brother Jerry ,resting his
pitching left arm this week, had
a double and a two:run homer.
The other two Logger runs came
on Pete Bloonffield"s two-run ho-
ROY KIMBEL celebrated his
87. Dave
:{ 58,
0 88,
~t 105,
}l 113.
8, ~ud
No. 2,
72 2
Illustrated talks on the Pari~ are Kalaloch, and Mora. In the Hohreturn to di:amond action With a
presented n'ightly at the Heart O' Rain Forest the Rangel•-Natura- two-run circuit wallop in Lhe sec-
the Hills, Elwha, Fairholm, Mora, lists start from the the Hoh Rain end game. d~iPitlg a 0-run fom;th,
and Hoh campfire circles. TheseForest Visitor Center and takeJe['ry Mallory had a dauble and tri-
programs start at 9:30 p.m. during visitors for a trip out througl~ a ple in this one Terry Kadoun a
e f ' n
July and at 9:00 p.m. during Aug- specially designed trail which dis: P ,r ect 3-for-3 with a double, S y-
ust: In addition thea'e are ~nightly plays the fascinating, features o~ der and Pete Bloomfield two hits
programs on the beach at Kala- the rain forest. At Kalaloeh and. each.
loch at 8:30 p.m, M6ra there are trips along the" For the three games Pete had
"The Olympic Elk" movie is beach at low tide and through the six hits in 10 trips, drove in seven
shown each Wedfiesday' and Sat- coastal for{st during high tide. and scored seven. The Mallorys,
urday night at 8:00 p.m. at the The staff of 15 seasonal Ranger- playing in two Of the games, had:
Pioneer Mmorial Mnseum. Sub- Natm'alists includes 12 who have Jerry 4-for-6, four runs scored and
jccts presented at the campfire returned one or more seasons td three batted in; Jack 5-for-6, two
progl, ams include: "Wildlife'of the Park. These men have consid- scored and one batted in. ]
Olympi~", "Ice -"Olympic's Sculp- erable depth of knowledge about •This 4th of July weekend there
lure", "The Olympic CoasU',. "The the natural history of the Park. are no league games scheduled.
Olympic Rain "Forests", "Olympic Most of them teach science in c01- Next action~ for the Loggers 4,i|i
Alpine Country", and "Seeingleges or high schools during tile be at McCleary July 11.
Olympic National Park". rest of the year. Tiley work under
THERE ARE' ~EVEN different the supervision of Chief Park Nat- Up at Lake Cushman the sil-
talks oT moyies ~:h.ich repeat each uralist Glenn D. Gallison,
week. The programs are prdsented * * *
for the benefit and enjoyment of
the campers, but are also of in-
terest to local residents who are
invited to attena. "
A copy of the surn~er Natu-
ralist Program can .be-obtained at
the Pioneer Memorial Museum
which is open daily from 8:00 a,m.
to 9:00 p.m. until Septmnber 1.
In the Hurricane Ridge area one
or two Naturalists are on duty
each day to present informal talks
on the tem$ce,of the lodge and .to
lead conducted trips on the trails
around Big Meadow. This service
Those of the fishing yen appar-
ently paid more attention to, the
extreme low tides of, the past
week than to dipping a line in any
of Mason County's many good
angling waters.
However. Jeff Johnson of Olym-
pia managed to coax a 16-1b. king
salmon from Hoodsport waters
with a cut plug Saturday and Cis,
co Hicks used one of his own spe-
cials to take k 5'-lb.king in the
same area the same day.
vers have been grabbing every-
thing offered and fishing for 1~
to 2 lb. rainbows has been excel-
lent. Some of the more successful
have been Roy Hussey Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Ltifidbdl'g, T, O. and
Agnes Caffman.
~owever, excitement is building
up over the landlocked king sal2
men which have been busting up
the gear of many of the fisher-
~uen,. so look fo~ someone to be
lnmg u w~
• P 'th 6he of those amaz-
ing giants which come out ef
Cushman every so often, as soon
~s' someone uses heavy enough
gear to hold them.
2. 8nyder 2. Kimbel 2. Danford. ,I.
BIoomfi,qd Ja(.k Mallory, I~uPn,,ii. E-
Sh(,ar~w 3. 'Scott 2. ~arr. J. BIo, m)l'ield.
SB-P. Rloomfi(qd 2 Rose I)ensley,
Snyder. Danford. Myers. ]'P-I~,tn'lnH1
4. Conlor 1/:{. RRl~-t]lo{inlfield l, Bill"
nott' 3. Conmr 4. McNltlt 3. SO-Bl,mm-
field 9, F, urnett 1 ComcP 1. BR-Bloorn-
fi,,hl 6. Comm' 2. ~,IcNatt 1. 1-1uvnott
,q. Ba]k-BurnotL MeNatt. HBP-lqam
I)y Rio,toil'told: WP-]]h)omfh'hl. Flue-
t(} rightcenler hehind Bob Mills'
walk 1:{} put Slle]ton out fronl in
the first, then cP:~shed his honw
run 1{) left in 1he thiPd bei~ind '17o]]1
Marshall's double.
]1] lhe second .mlCeX~8,~five (][}ublcs
by Tilp, Rose t,) Pig'ht center and
Ben Danford dmvn the leftfield
line t)roducod another Shelton tal-
ly. Rose triple{! in the fi£th bei~ind
walks to ]Mills and Mnrshull as
Shclton \,.,,}un(l lip its scoring for
the game.
Meanwhile. Rose turned out a
typical glitlering slab job, Silver-
dale got four hits, one a weakly
hit infield grounder, onc a solid
triple to lefteenter in thc second
by Dennis Wallace which was
turned into the only run on Dick
Frender's fly to the same field
There were no further scoring
• S ") '
thleat .... Bt u{e Herman's doub;e
with one out in the fifth the most
THE VICTORY hoisted Shclton
onto the league's top rung all alone
when Vashon suffered .~ 6-3 defeat
at the hands of South Kitsap Tues-
This evening ShelLon is at P0uls-
be to meet North End in a leagne
encounter, then Snnday gocs - Lo
Longview to participate in the an-
nllnl Kelso-L(mgview Anleriean
Legion 4th of July tournament for
the fourth c{msecutive yoar.
'Next league action for ShcltoD
brings West Bremerton to Loop
Field nexl: Tuesday, July 6.
The box score:
~hPIton al) r IVg|lverd:lh. ab r h
Kills cf 1 2 01 ('h:dhnan 21) 3 0 6
HePPel cf II n u (h}lt ms ..3 0 1
Marshall 21) :1 1 2 Kendall cf-D 3 0 0
Riehal'ds (. 3 1 2~Thorsen p-el3 0 1
Cole c 0 0 0 1). Wallaco 11) 3 1 1
Millor us '1 I ~ Frcnder'e 2 0 0
l~.oso p d 1 2 2" Walhwo 3b2 0 0
Danf,,rd lh 2 0 1 i~ushlael~ 3b I {} 0
].,:tn{tis ll) 1 0 [I l]erl)uln tf 3 tl 1
Armstnm h 3 [I | St'llesC]l~' rf 1 {'} 0
APll~sl.ltg. :~l} 3 [)] l~.lthlt~ rr1 0 0
Da~,~son If 3 (7 n Totslm 25 l 4
,Tonh:er If 0 0 {}
SI}fll'l~.s l'f 1 ) I}
8ny(h'l' I'l" 2 II II
I~-IldOlllt Pf II II (I
T,d;lls 27 g R
Shelhm .......... I I "2 n '2 0 0--6
hits . 1.'2 "2 1 1 01---8
Silvol'(lnh. . ........ U 1 I} (I 0 fl {}--1
hils .............. 0 1 I0 ] I0--4
SITMMAHY: lll{-Hiohnrd;.< :;h-R~('h-
:u'da. l~,h,,,. 1). ~rt,,linc,,. 2b-Mllrul',:dl.
RI)S(' D~ nl'{w(t. AI'II iSl l'Olll.'. ~1] -lPl'ell*
d,,r (fly). RBI-]~ichard£ :4. l~,)m, l}tll]-
ford Fl','.ll{|eP. t']-M:ll'sha]l. AI'IBstI'{,llI2,
Fr(qld{'r.SB-M illm '2. M:n'~halJ. SO-
l, ore(, 4Tliol"~o~l '2 K{'ll(t,'lll :1. FIB-
Thol'.~en 1. K,,ndn]) 4. IH:~tP-]h}s(, 1.
ThOPU('ll '1. Kondnll '2. i"l}-Thm':u'n 2 1,/3.
]~ou,q'-Th(q'.~','lL Elldl¢olX'I•
• 2' 17,:: ..... ' ,: •• "
BEACH ANO' BARN/~CLES of st~ellfish seekers. Oys;¢ers, here" is the area adjacent to ....
clams, crabs, goeducks, scallops Minerva State Park looking
Extreme low tides of the pa:t and "other crustaceans were back toward the .Indian Hole
week high, lighted by a m!nus~,~ olaimed in great quantities as
' " oseo -"" where Hood Canal makes the big
footermally hiddenYeSterdaY'expanseseXp of =y'-'"l+ the receding waters uncovered bend toward the mouth ,of the
whter beaches ,throughout Ma- usually_safe h'abita:~s'for.theseSkokomish River.
~o L caun, ~y, :,and lu,r, e d thousMt~s~; , .,~ types ot Sealife The scene shown
will follow the rest of the week
P,s there is a meot at the Univer-
sil.y of \,Vashington.July 10 with
jllldOr, senior an~ open cl~tss(~s to
cover competition for all ages.
Sevmal other tl'~ck meets will
be following in close order, Brick-
err said. offering a good snmmer
program far all interested.
Combined for Hood Canal
Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and
50 rain. later and plus 3.0 ft.
Friday, July 2
Low .............. 2:23 a.m. 6,7 ft.
High ............. 6':56 0:.m. 10.6 ft.
Low . ............. 2:13 p.m. -2.6 ft.
High .............. 9:38p.m. 13.0 ft.
Saturday, July3
Low . ............. 3:24 a.m. 5'.9 ft.
High ............. 8:0'1 a.m. 9.8 ft.
Low . ............. 3:04 p.m. -1.3 ft.
High .............. l0:22 p.m. 12.8 ft.
Sundn,y; July 4
Low .............. 4:30 a.m. 5.0 ft.
High .............. 9:17 a.m 8.8 ft,
Low .............. 3:57 p.m. 0.3 ft.
High .............. 11:07 p.m. 12.5 ft.
Menday, Jtfly 5
Low .............. 5:37 a.m. 3.8 ft.
High .............. 10:50 a.nl. 8.1 ft.
Low ............... 4:53 p.m. 2.1' ft.
High .............. 11:50 p.m. 12.2 ft.
Tuesday, July6
Low . ............. 6:41a.m. 2.6 ft.
High .............. 12:36 p.m. 7.9 ft.
Low .............. 5:55 p.m. 3.8 ft.
Wednesda,y, July 7
High .............. 0:34 a.m. 11.8 ft.
Low .............. 7:40 a.ln. 1.5 ft..
Hiffh ............. 2:17 p.m 8.5 ft
Low .............. 7:03 p.m. 5.2 ft.
Thursday, July8
High .............. ,1:16 a,nl, 11.4 ft.
Low ............. 8:32 a.m. 0.5 ft.
Higtl .............. 3:38 p.m, 9.3 ft.
Low . ............. 8:15 p.m. 6.2 ft.
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