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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 1, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 1, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.,1965 SIiIgLTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Ohrlstmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washin 11 10ree At Hanep Kldd of the churches and Shell on over taney place Elma. Mr. and chil- and Rosalie those at- chm'ch. 10 through time of fun all Rasnmssen, spoke on the Sab- building of our lives. of each kind offered by Would end inK house. choices. the allure- offered by the won- Offers us. Were held on at the Camp pre- camps dur- ]Vlh,s. Dennis on Sunday and Mrs. and Mary A1- Who were ac- Stella MatLson ~ghter of Mr. celebrat- OR Monday were daughters, City, ,ther, Mrs. lcisco. and chil- from her L. H. Trem- Ou Sunday, around the on Friday Calif., Weeks with and Mrs. visited one day Combs and Celebrated her ;. It was really as a grand Son of Mr. of Olym- and Jim e Were home With their Delmer Ig of last week of Mr. and her nephew Mrs. Gary Ore. ~is grand- ||nnoll of relatives were Mr. Shelton, Bunnell, Jack Bun- in the Brown L'l'y, sis- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoffman of Downey, Calif. Candi Kuhr of Sheltou spent Wednesday and Thursday over- night with Elizabeth Hickson. Debbie, Michael and Susan Ja- cobson spent several days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jacobson of McCleary. Tlle Bill Brown and Doyle How- ard families attended a. Berry fam- ily reunion on Sunday and pic- nicked at Kneeland Park. Approx- imately 40 family members gath- ered. Mr. and Mrs. Albert LeGault St. were Sunday evening callers in the Harry Kidd home. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Evans, Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Cuzick and Charlene. I~ECENT OVERNIGHT gtlests of Jamie, Elizabeth and Sheila Hickson were Peggy Smith of Shelton and Susan Hickson of Lake Nahwatzel. Jamie is spend- ing this week with the AllenHick- sons at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Jacobson co- hosted with Mrs. Sam Diggle aL a birthday party on Saturday eve- ning held at Lake Nahwatzel in honor of Sam Diggle. Mrs. A. E. Lemke and Karlene McLain motored to North Gate on Wednesday to the home of Mrs. A. H. Wolden Lo help cele- brate the birthday of Donald who was four years old. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hull and family, Seattle, are visiting with Mr. ~,nd Mrs. J. W. Stoner. Randy plans to spend a couple of weeks with his grmldparents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirk spent Saturday in Tacoma with his mo- ther, Mrs. T. G. Richardson and the Garfield Robbins. Accompany- ink them were Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Harper and children including the newest Hm~er, James Scott, who was visiting his great grand- mother for the first time. The group also called on Mr. and Mrs. George Humphrey at, Lake Louise who were up from California. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin HvlberL were Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKeown, who have returned from a week's honeymoon trip to Canada. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Daven- port ,and Joan and Mark of Turn- water. TIIE ]IIANS LUND family were birthday dinner guests in the Bay- shore home of tile Marvin Lunds on Saturday to celebrate with Laurie on her ninth birthday. Lester, Cindy and Ciint Tib- bits spent the weekend with grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Del Ad- ams. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits, Raymond, visited on Sunday with the Allen Tibbits and picked the children up. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd attend- ed the:25th avedding anniversaIT ~ce@tion of Mr. and lVh's. Eld0n Todd Sr. on Sunday. Later in the evening they attended a wedding reception in the Elmer Strope home honoring the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd Jr. The El- don Todd Jrs. called Monday ml the L. A. Todds to say goodbye as he will be sent to Japan soon with the navy. :::~:i:'i::;~::;::i~!~i~:~i:;~i!i~i~::~?.F:i:i:::;~::;i:;;:~.:.:: : ::i:~ .......... :: ...... ~ .............. ::: :': ............ ~ ............. *: : :.:: BOneless, FUlly Co your Choice $,mha~ked CANNED HAM ~wJft's 5 lb. Can.~=" or8 Rath'Slb. Can $632 FT'" pREMIUM L, Ib r LENNoN'S ,.. Rath,s ski.less sH;MROC ,ro 7 WIENERs ................. cooked, Cu~ \ .................. 49¢ Aver. 'OUtdoor, ....hOUnd ..~ ,4,,.-., . ,uc '~lrlo/rl op ROUND ." ....................... Ib, Fresh . zeak ... * B Washmgto ........ lb. 98 ¢ _, _ REASTS, ,°n. Grown FRy..- ~KS & Backs, I Ib ¢ Hearts ~ ~,. b. 10¢ F;: ......... • $9 ,, t=#ZZards, Ib ~ Yer Livers. Ik -... |h Bran. - " Winos.'l;" Sliced C-- uf uanish E~. -" ¢~¢ =aRea BACON ^,ra Lean ~Q~. BUTT HAL ..... " , / lb. tin ~~" Ib 1 -lb. Tin MANNING'S HI-C W Apple Grape * Orange ~k Fruit Punch * Orange * Apricot 46 oz. Tins County Fair Grade "AA" Cubes l-lb. Pkg. POUND ~ TIN TRADEWELL COFFEE l-lb. 2-lb. ~i Tin Tin Canned Regular Choice of Flavors 12 oz. Tins DON'T MISS THE FRIDAY, JULY 8:30 A.M. TO 12 NOON TRADEWELL PARKING LOT • ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARDS THE l PANCAKES CENTENN,A:M,LLS BUTTER COONTY FAIR Buddy Franklin Fmtd Sponsored by Job's Daughters and DeMolay Boys 50¢ or DONATION of YOUR CHOICE SYRUP SUNNY ORANGE DRINK BIRDSEYE JIM AWAKE SAUSAGE .Y RAOE MILK OARIGOLO CEREAL KELLOGG'S COFFEE MANN,NG'~ CREAM OAR,~OLD Snoboy Frozen Foods }f the series of advertisments, introducing ~son County P.U.D. No. 3, Your Public Art Meter Reader ' aost frequent visitors to homes by the Mason County P.U.D. ye. Art, was employed by the 3, 1952. of Shelton since 1942, Art essie reside at 635 Fairmont. children and they are" Donna '), Betty (Mrs. W. Joslyn), ), Richard Bye, and aie Holt). Art and Jessie also ~n. crest is gardening and he spare time among the flow- say "Hi" to Art as he makes are that you... I B T. WEBB, vice president JERRY SAMPLES, manager 12 oz, 1(~'¢ 6 oz, .l.q~ Tin Rcg, or Crinklc Cut 9 OZ. Pkgs. IVORY SOAP, personal size ........................ Small IVORY SOAP, medium ~/~'~¢ 2¢ off .................... Medium ZEST Bath LAVA 2/29¢ Reg ......................................... IVORY FLAKES Large ............................................... IVORY SNOW Large ............................................ 39¢ IVORY LIQUID 69¢ 22 oz ............................................... JOY22 oz ............................................. 69¢ OXYDOL (10¢ OFF) Giant .............................................. CHEER 2FET E R G E NT 10¢ ............................ Giant75¢ CAMAY SOAP 2/29¢ 3¢ OFF ........................ Bath A,'dcn's ~ Gal, Big Scoop .............................. Ctn. Tradewell 0/2 Gal. ................................................... ctn, Kingsford 10 lb. BRIQUETS .......................... Bag Aunt Jane's Iccbcvg Dills, P, olish, Plain 26 oz, or Kosher . ............................... Jar \ Aunt Jane's Pickle 411v, $1 Relish: Sweet Hamburger oz. Jars Hot Dog .............................. p, iccs Effective thru Saturday ]ul- '{ "(~+'~- No S=,les to ~,;ai:2op'~:;+:r~" R,gb~'l~, ';i~,+,i~ quantity, q Y employer, 4th of July Special: Big, Sweet- Red Ripe'n Juicy Whole IS S&W 28 oz. $1 Tins Tradcwcll • 10V.~ oz. 3 Bag Box ...................................................................................... Box Del ' " 5303 =1 Monte Tins Haley's STins2~+' ~al Tradewell Qt. ......................................................................... .. .............................. Jar All Stores Will Be CLOSED MONDAY J U LY 5th in Observanco of Independence Day