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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 1, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 1, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[ I ' '1 " I Nuel Curtis Auxiliary Sets First Meeting Of Fiscal Year Tuesday The first meeting of the fiscal year for Nuel Cnrtis Auxiliary 5372 Veterans of Foreign Wars will be held at 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday in the Belfair Mass)nee Temple. President Grace Hunt will con- duct the meeting assisted by :Miss Valley WeSley, Sr., vice president; Mrs. Hattie Brooks, Jr., vice pres- ident; Ms. Gordon J. Squire, treasurer; Mrs. Phil Hanify, chap- lain; Mrs. Einar Johnson, conduct- ress; and Mrs. Jame.~ Huffman gliard. Business on the agenda will in- elu(to,a report oil state convention by Mrs. Polk, Mrs. Grandy and Mrs. Hanify; a hospital report by Mrs. Matson; and July picnic re- pm't by Mrs. Macomber. There will also be discussion on serving meals during the August Puget Sound Retriever Trials at Belfair and advance plans will be made for the Halloween Carnival. Mrs. Phil Hanify was re-elected secretary-treasurer for the De- partment of Washington Aux- iliary to the Veterans of For- eign Wars at the June convention held in Everett. EAGLE CONVENTION Attending the Eagle State con- vention tn Port Angeles June 17- 19 were d~legate Myrtle Swear- ingen, alternate Opal Lancaster and Past Presidents Lester and Jean Dorset,. II IHlll II I I II TRAVEL ACCIDENT STOP AND GET 'TRAVEL ACCIDENT' POLICY BEFORE YOU LEAVE ON ANY TRIP. ISSUED WHILE YOU WAIT FROM 1 DAY TO 6 MONTHS. , i .... , ........... Ill I I ~l~II J ' ' Ill' '' I ' ' t II ' i 'I"i "'I ' ' I ORCHID AND WHITE THEME IS USED FOR BUTLER-FAULL RITE MR. AND MRS, DONALD FAULL s1~ ~I: $ 'I' An orchid and white color the~e che.r at the organ with Miss San- ~,as.chose~, by Miss Cheryl Sue dra Lewis as soloist. Butler for her marriage, to Donatd The bride designed and made Faull June 5 in the First Baptist the gown she wore when her fa- church. Lighted orchid tapers on the pews and platform and white bows with orchid centers on the pews complemented the baskets of orchid gladiolus with calla lilies at the altar. Rev. E. C. Knautz and Rev. Warren Hale of Winlock perform- ed the 8 p.m. double ring cere- mony far the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Butler, Shelton, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Faull, Bremerton. Music was fumlished by Bill Ar- ,her gave her in marriage. Six l~rge roses accented the full skirt of the lace over taffeta gown with chapel-length train and tapered sleeves. A single strand of cul- tured pearls, gift from the groom, graced the Scalloped neckline. Her veiling was held with a large satin rose and she carried a bouquet of gardenias and feathered carnations centered with a lavender orchid corsage. Miss Sherry Linden of Portland was the bl:ide's maid of honor with Miss Brook Bntler, tim bride's sis- ter, :Miss Peg Faull, sister of the groom, Miss Li~da Leman and Miss Sharon Hale as bridesmaids The color theme was carried out in their floor-length orchid satin sleeveless satin gowns styled with scooped necklines and cummer- bunds of the same material. Full length white gloves and pins which were a gift of the bride accented the costumes. They wore head- pieces of ~atin bows and orchid veiling and carried bouquets of at- ~MASON COUNTY'S IIII THE OYSTER HOUSE RESTAURANT 3 miles West-ofBeifaii;on-H-0-o'~i-Cal~al ........................ tificlal carnations and rosebuds We Take Pride in Our with net and ribbon in orchid HOMEBAKED BREAD and ~ASTRIES tones. We specialize in. a wide variety of homec~oked meals. O~ehid nigh, light material was Serving--Breakfast--- Lunch ~ Dinner used for the jacketed full skirt Seafoods -- Steaks -- Chicken, etc. dresses of the candle lighters, :Miss ..................................... Kathy Butler, sister of the bride, and Miss Cam Dohm~.y. Pearls and HOODSPORT MARINA & COFFEE BAR short white gloves, gifts fronl the -* Attentdon Filherm--en::a-nd-~-~iy--Ri-ae~'s ...... -- .... -- bride, completed the outfits .... , Open 6 a.m. for ~eakfast - Luncheon Special Daily Flower girl Debbte At,ken wore, a full skirt dress with puff sleeves" . Elec. Elevator Launching - Any Tide of orchid nightlight material and . Bait--Tackle--Gas--Storage Phone 877-5362 pearls and gloves to match the other attendants. Best man for the groom was his brother Gary Faull, with the bride's brother, Dave Butler, and. Bob Makins, Tom Oldham and Tom Tobacco ushering. Mrs. Butler wore a hat of pink flowers and net and a gardenia corsage with her two-piece dress of pink and white lace. Mrs. Faull chose a turquoise flt)wer hat .and white orchid corsage to go with her golden beige two-piece dress. The wedding reception was held in the chuch parlors following the ceremony. Here again the orchid and white color scheme Was car- ried out in the decorations of wed- ding bells, flowers and candles. A four-tiered maltese cross cake was decorated with orchid .roses and silver leaves and topped with bells. Serving were :Mrs. Viola Jorgensen, Mrs. Thelma Banner, Mrs. Virginia Leman, :Mrs. Naomi Stewart and :Mrs. Jeri Stentz. Miss Patty Richey attended the guest book and the Misses Sue ~Valley and Cindy Stentz took charge of the gift table. :Mrs. Ter- ry Dewell acted as wedding hos- tess. The bride is a 1962 graduate of Shelton High School. She and her husband both attended Olympic College. Following their honey- moon trip in the Hawaiian Islands they are at home in Spokane where he is stationed at Fairchild Air Force Base. Shelton Garden Club Picnic Is Held In Tacoma The annual picnic of the Shelton Garden Club was held in Tacoma's Point Defiance Park. After a pic- nic hmch at the Pagoda the 17 m e m b e r s aLlending walked through the park taking pictures of the beautiful delphiniums, peo- nies and roses, all of whirl1 were in full :bloom: A short business meeting was i oonducted by Mrs. Hemy Ha~s- meier, president. A committee of three xwU~ appointed to discuss Bob & June Fredrickson owners Next to Aquarium MILLO'S DINER On Hood Canal near Potlatch on Hwy. 101 naar power house LUNCH -- DINNER .--- Out, Specialty -- • BREASTED CHICKEN (finger-ltckin' good) We feature SEAFOOD, tool Phone 877-9788 -- Take-Out Orders! WALT'S ROBIN HOOD LODGE 1 !4 Mile South of Union on Beautif~fl Hood Canal Open 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. LUNCHES ---DINNERS -;- BANQUETS Featuring: Steaks, Seafoods and ~outhern Fried Chicken Try Our Fabulous Home Baked Pies TIMBER'S RESTAURANT 7th a Railroad planting the post office grounds with postmasl~er, Jack Gray and Mrs. Johnson of the Dirt Dobbers Club. The new p~esidenb, Mrs. Craig Eliot, appointed Mrs. V. T. C0nntdly and Mrs. Roy Baker and agreed to join them. Mrs. Eliot also urged members to take exhibits in horticu!ture and flower arrangements to the Mason County Fair, especially corsages. She is growing mari- golds and na;~turtiums in cartons to be placed in fiont of Exhibition hall a.nd m'ged others to do the same. Mrs. Hansmeier told of her visit to a group of eight garden clubs in Boco Raton, Fla., and passed their attractive year book around. She alSO thanked the members for ! their fine cooperation throughout i her two' years as president. New officers were installed by Featuring Flavor Crisp Chicken Home Made Pastries and Bread Open 6 - 10 Daily Courteous Service and Good Coffee For :Orders To Go Call 426-2441 TIlE SHELTON HOTEL Dining Cuisine at Its Best Visit Here After Daughter's Graduation Recently Mr. ;~n(l MF:-;. A. 1.'. Boylan of ShelLol~ wore ho:ds it) their daughter anti son-in-law. Col. and l~rs..lane E. Mill~ of i,'mt Stewart. Ga. The Mills etiil/t. to all.end th,, graduation of thei~ daughter Jean. from the Univcrsil.y of "~glisllinR- ton. Col. Mills I.hen returned )t) Fort Stewart where lie is thc I)ost executive officer. Mrs Mills will spend tile next fcw weeks visilinta friends and relatives in the north- west before returning to Gcorgia. DIIUr I)OBilEliS PLAN FOOD SALE FOR FI;NI) Specializing in .PRIMI~ RIB OF BEEF Open 6-10 weekdays 6-12 Friday & Saturday Dancing to Live Music FrL & Sat. Nights TAYLOR-TOWNE CAFE -~0n" Highway I01 6 ndles~-~Iton • Thursday Special -- 8-oz. ;New York Cut Steak $1.75~ • DelicioUs Home Made Pie -- Manila Clams -- Fresh From Bay • Dave), Crorketts for the small fry Every Day 6 a.m, to 10 p.m. Phone 4~.11~01 MAMIE'S GRILL 1934 Ol~~#--~"o~th on Mountain View BREAKFAST -- LUNCH .-- DINNER Special Dinners Dally --- Fried Clams -- Oysters • Buckwheat He,oaken Anytime • WE MAKE OUR OWN PIES! GOOD COFFEE Open Sunday during the Summer Seafood, Chicken, Char-Broifed 6Teaks ~] Prepared to perfection by our own chef~f Cocktails in the Liars' Den Banquetl---Parties~ Phone 877-5388 for reservations ~ "~/~'~" Open 6-10 p.m. Dally--CIoRed Monday ~ "~ IS I The Dirt Dobber Garden Club l will sponsor a food sale thin Fri- day iu the Sears Roebuck catalog office. Proceeds will be donated to the Bud Franklin fund. Donations for the sale will be accepted from non-nlembers Hs many peoplc have expressed a de- sire to help in this way. Mrs. George Cropper with Mrs. Hansmeier pinning tile silver pros- ident's pin on Mrs. Eliot. Mrs. Eliot exhibited a certifi- cate and red ribbon which she won at the recent state convention in Spokane for her paper, "Her ticulturc on Herbs". She also won a pink ribbon for being on time for every event. Mrs. Eliot is co- operating with the city gardener to get annuals planted in tile tri- angle. Sunday 1-6 p.m. Tex Payten THE PIZZA GARDEN 114 2nd Italian Foods • Home Made Pizzas Open Tuesday through Thursday --- 3 to 10 p.m. Friday & Saturday -- 3 p.m. to 12 midnight Food O~!rl t~ Go -- ~lll 424.8011 OLD MILL TAVERN & CAFE Located In Ho0dsport on Hwy. 101 , ' We Feature Steaks & Seafoods Dancing en The Water. After fl p.m, MRS. BY ON HER 89TH :MRS. L. D: HACK :I: ~: :iq The Mason County Women's Republicau Club picnic meeLing held at the Hood Canal home of Mrs. H. C. Sterling last week hon- ored the 89th birthday of Mrs. L. D. Hack. Minnie Brooks Hack was born June 17, 1876 in Chicasaw county, near the little Brown Church in the Vale, Nasua, Iowa. When ask. ed how long she had been a mem- ber of the Women's Republican Club she said, "I don't know. How long have we had one?" She has been an active supporter of the club for many years. A red, white and blue decorat- ed birthday cake was a feature of the picnic meeting. ~Irs. James Huffman of Belfair made and pre- sented Mrs. Hack with a rose cor- sage. Mrs. George Shackleford of Belfair was co-hostess for the af- fair. Guests included Bernhard Win- iecki and Seldon Vander Wegen, Republican county chairmen. The next meeting of the Club will be held July 21 in the home of :Mrs. George Brewer and will also be a picnic. DEGREE OF HONOR Degree of Honor E x e c u t i v e Board will meet at 7:30 p.m, next Tuesday inthe home of Gladys Nelson in Kamilche. All members are urged to be there. .... ,,,,,,i,i ,, .......... We Offer You HEARING AIDS: Eyeglasses, Behind-the. Ear, Special Fittings for Nerve Losses. SERVICE: Fresh Batteries and Cords -- For All Makes. GUARANTEED: Earmolds and Repairs -- For All Makes. Come to see our representative, Mr. Harry Bodensckatz, at Eells and Valley ' Appliance Center Friday, July' 2, 1965 from 10 aam. !o 12 noon He will be glad to give you a FREE electronic hearing analysis and demonstrate ,how you may hear better with Beltone. No obligation• 357-3521 DANIEL E. BRUNER 106 E. 4th Avenue, Olympia I I I I I III II III II I REPUBLIOAN :Y TO NAN( JOHNSON MARRY t t MR. AND MRS. WESLEY M. JOHNSON of Union have announced the engagement of their daughter Nancy Catherine to Joseph William Lynch Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph William Lynch of Spokane. A late summer wedding is planned. Miss Johnson is a graduate of Annie Wright Seminary, Tacoma, studied at Wil- lamette university, University of Hawaii and was graduated from the University of Washington. She was affiliated with Delta Gamma sorority and is now employed as the public relations and sales representative for Alderbrook Inn. Her fiance studied at Notre Dame university and is a graduate of Gonzaga University Law school. He also holds a masters degree in business from the Wharton School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania. He is associated with Henry Broderick Inc., Seattle in commercial real estate. Howard Yules Feted On 25th Anniversary About 90 friends and relatives helped Mr. and Mrs. How;~rd Yule celebrate their 25th wedding an- niversary Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Yule. T, V. Dunning of Port land, Mrs. Yule';~ molher, helped with preparations for the cwmt. Assisting with serving were Mesdames H. L. tlergert, Cha.rles Sheppard, Merrill. Eells, William Mallows, Jim Moor< Cecil Crowe, lV[erv Leman, Claronce Cornell, Stanley Smith and Miss Jenny Smith. ASU" "- WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU BUY A 1965 FORD? PLENTY. YOU GET A CAR THAT RIDES QUIETER THAN A ROLLS-ROYCE.* (AND QUIET MEANS QUALITY... DEEP-DOWN QUALITY.) BUT THAT'S ONLY THE BEGINNING. NOW CHECK THE MANY SPECIAL COMFORTS AND CONVENIENCES THAT ARE STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON EACH FORD MODEL,., With cny '65 Ford you get--tile strongest Ford body ever.,, a new frame that "tunes out" vibrations. ,. new coil spring sus- pension. And every Ford gives you extra knee room.., extra foot room.., and a trunk that holds four 2-suiters upright. ' And there's more..o FORD GALAXIE 500 LTU EXTRAS AT NO EXTRA COST: LTD's are the most luxurious Fords ever built--with styling that was cited by the American Institute of Interior Designers. You get: Big, new 289 V-8. • Cruise-O- Mati¢ transmission with three speeds. • Decorator-styl~ interior. Thick nylon TO Johll relilcd as a F'I. Lewis aS ~roili~ds cuts gra~ aerates" rolls • and does Test on HI We • If you're a veteran home loan eligibility, a may be closer than yoU Capital has them Contact ! n/zed manual transmBs|on" Fords--you get more in major compctitors' cars. The Galaxie 500 Msc dard fcatures with the 1965 Ford Galaxie 500/XL 2.Door Hardtop • Electric dock.. • nated g speed electric aluminized muffler body members. • Handy Keyless door locking, s maintenance schedule. brakes. • Long-life door latches. • seat belts. And more,. There's no features--and no any of the '55. Visit your ] *Leading acoustical in which 1965 Fords and LTD H mid automatic new Rolls-Royce. Thea~ the U. S. Auto Club. carpeting. • Rear-seat pull-down arm rest, padded dash. • Choice of six nylon quilted seat upholstery fabbics. • Walnut- like vinyl inserts on doors and dash. • Silent-Flo ventilation (in 4-door hardtops) for fresh air with windows up." Full wheel covers. Much more. FORD IIALAXlE 500/XL EXTRAS AT NO EXTRA COST: The ultimatc in buckct-seat luxury. You get: Big, new 289 V-8 (200 hp). • 3-speed Cruisc-O-Matic with T-bar "stick." • Fult- length console. • Individually adjustable front bucket seats. • Bucket-styled, foam- cushioned rear seats. • Automatic courtesy and safety lights on door panels. • Full- chrome dash controls. • All-vinyl uphol- stcry trim. • Loop-pile carpeting. • Full wheel covers. FORD nALAXlE 500 EXTRAS AT NO EXTRA COST: A great family car, the Galaxie 500 has the same solid construction and spaciousness as XL's and LTD's. You get: A thrifty new 240 cu. in. Big Six (150 hp). • Fully synchro- Top all of Ford's extras with even more savings. Right now most are holding special Summer Sales with excellent buys on a models. Another saving--the new excise tax cut. Save at your Ford Des ~1~ WAL¥ DI~NEY'S MAGI0 gKYWAY AT THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY PAVILION, NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR 501 Railroad Ave. Ta~ Drive Total Best year yet Shelton, Wash. /