July 2, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 2, 1920 |
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Dr. Francis A. LaViolette thrilled Last Friday a tck loaded with
' eighty swarms of bees passed thru
,BIGGEST unl"lv' a thousand members of the staid ,-- q
IS chamber of commerce at lunch yes= town bound for the Sater& Hoffman
terday by his depiction of the dar- be'e farm near Lake Cushlrm. The --r-
ing and bravery of the American shipment came from North Yak!ms BROTHER -- g YEARS
fOR CAPITAL CffY soldiers in France on the Marne. His ano was brought over the mountains
delivery is as dramatic as it is fluent, by the truck which managed to se- ..,
his oratory impassioned and his stor- cure enough gas to start on ithe
ies are nothing short of a succession return trip Saturday. Misses Sater FATALITY RESULTS WHEN LIT-
THOUSANDS OF BROTHERS FROM of oral movies.--Pittsburg Dispatch. & Hoffman have managed to secure TLE B A R B E,R BROTHERS
ab'out 200 swarms of bees to add to
ALL OVER COME TO HELP , tleir apiary, and they report the TUSSLE OVER LOADED
., OCCASION WA K E H [ wholesale way for the coming "-
, OFF HONORS AT FAST One'of the saddest fatalities i f.e
Olympia had its '"oiggest day" last U P history of Mason County, resulting
"Saturday when the Elks dedicated GAME HERE SATURDAY ALL READINESS FOR in the death of 4-year-old Jackie
their new home there. Thousands of Barber at the hands of his six-year-
visiting brothers came from all over BEST CELEBRATION old brother Floyd, occurred at the
the nolthwest to take part in the THREE MOST INTERESTING home of H. C. Barber on the Cash-
exercises and help with the celebra- GAMES OF SEASON SCHED- EVER STAGED HERE man fmTn near Kamilche last Sun-
tion. day.
The city was turned over to the ULED HERE DURING THE A shotgun left within their reach
:Elks and their friends and "Hello CELEBRATION caused a tussle between the two
:Bill" was the watchword of the day. COMMITTEE SAYS PROSPECTS small boys, the older evidently try-
.An elaborate program of entertain- BRIGHT FOR ENTERTAINMENT ing to take the wealon away from
ment was given which included an The local nine ran in.to a hard- OF LARGEST ATTENDANCT I the you,g(r, when it was discharged.
'Elks parade, free vaudeville both hitting bunch of baseball players VWA¢ [The charge tore away both thumb.
:afternoon and evening, a big smoker when they tackled the American IN ...... land entered the baby's throat, cans-
Legion team of Aberdeen here last -- ]ing instant death.
nd several dances. The -beautifql Sunday and the result was that the
ew club house was the center of visitors walked off with the honors. With the program for the Fourth] An older brother had used the gul
attraction and so popular was it that Tle score was 9 to 2. celebration in Shelton arreed upons..oting crows in the cherry trees
it was crowded to the doors during After the first inning, when the and the funds raised, now the corn-land oming into t]x¢ louse tho:ght he
the enttire day. re!trees are hard at work making' h'd removed the shells.. With th
A thousand Seattle Elks were visitors scored four runs, the boys
• present v:ith their 100 piece band manage to keep the lid on them preparations to insure the besteenter-ed to father.m uerheooysWent°Uta¢ nen!eav'ngmnner'a" lneW°
and a like number came from Ta- pretty well except in the fifth when tainment Shelton has ever off : " - : " " " "
.coma with their band. A delgation a stroke of good hitting brought an- the public. The gas situation is a shot hurried them back to the imuse
was present from every Elks lodge other quartette in for the Harbor :little easier so that it is reasonably to tind the damage done. Jackie was
in the state. Nearly every Elk in lads. Throughout the game the luck certain thnt county people can have t!e victim and I,b,yd the umittin
the city took part in the parade favored the visitors and was against enough fluid to make the trip o cause cf his death.
which "extended nearly a mile in the Shelton team. The game was Shclton and return on one or more The case is particularly sad be-
livened by the presence of the Band the (lays The garage men say that cause the mother had left her family
ength. which was appreciated by the large if reservations are made by phone or and the father was trying to care for
The Olympian, Olympia's new 6- which attended, letter they will care for their patrons the younger children as best he
held in itts spacious dining room.
or the first time on that occasion Baseball fans will have the oppor- to this extent, although no surplus is could: The funeral was held from
and helped take care of, the large of witnessing three fast games I available for distant trips, the Chapel here .Tuesday morning
g the Fourth ,celebration ' A grove of trees is being set on attendc, d by neighbors and sympa-
numbers of visitors who remained in ;his week-end. On Saturday the local the grounds opposite the Kneeland thizing friends.
Hall and here ,#ill be found the
he city over night. One of the pop-
ular dtnces given 7¢ the Elks was boys will meet the fast Camp 2 team
held in its spacing dining room. which has given good account of it- ooths. for eatable, drinkables and
Because of the fact that the ded- self here in the past. The Sunday's various amusement, ,under the di' DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL
!cation was so near the Fourth, game will be with Teddy's Tigers of _| fleet!on of the ladies and any funds C000E00ION WORKING
'Olympia will hold no other celebra, Tacoma and on Monday the boys secured in this direction will go to
"tion this year. Shelton is expecting will take a wallop at an aggregation the Mason County Memorial Fund.
to entertain large numbers of its from McCleary. In order to add to Here also will be staged the bi AT SAN FRANCISCO
neighbors from the Capital City on the success of the celebration an With 00n,00C00-eho Indian Powwowon ]V[onday evening,
effor was: made by the committee_to Celebrate with a company of Indians from the
that day. pick the most attractive games for fl under direction of Tyee Frank Allen _..___._
this week. Skokomish Reservation. This will beADMINISTRATION FORCES HAVE
'JRGE MEMBERS TO Following is the box score and a novel and interesting feature of SO FAR WON ALL
summary of last Sundays game. And Boost the Mason County Memorial Fund t ob,.atto.. ISSUES
ATTEND CONVDrrlON Cary,ABERDEEN--s ........ S 0R H0 PO A2 E0 Something Doing All Three Days Cbrtinn O, St,rday
Bush, Cf ........ 5 1 3 2 0 0 . The celebration really opens Satur- The Democratic national 'conven-
TUBERCULOSIS LEAGUE Parker, c ....... 5 2 2 81 ........ day afternoon With a ball game'be-tion organized at San Francisco Mon-
Dean, 3b ....... 5 3 4 3 1 0 \\; tween the Shelton team and Camp day :with te administration forces
Johnson, lb ..... 3 2 6 0 SATURDAY, JULY 3 2' crack team, which has been in majority €ontr01, and at the close
GIVE NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS Rondeau, 2b. .... 5 1 3 5 3 0 record. The game begins at 2:30 dicate the definite settlevaent of any
4 o t 0 0 0 BASEBALL, 2:30 p. in ..... Shelton vs, Simpson Camp 2 touri.g afar and is maki.g a good of the fourth day results do not in-
AND MEMBERS OF MASON Tebbs, rf ...............
Ben, ........ a 0 t 0 GR n BALL AT KNEELAND HALL at the Fmr Grounds. In the evening of the auestlons for which the con
COUNTY ANTI-TUBERCU- Foster, p . 4 0 0 0 1 0 ..... / the first grand ball will 'be given, vent!on is assembled. The platform
LOSIS LEAGUE ....... - ..... ,., with good music by the Olympia Or- committee is working on its draft of
Totals ....... 40 9 S 2V 8 2 • SUNDAY, JULY 4 ' chestra, the numerous party planks, and up-
^ ' ---'-i- "s ZELTON AB R H PO A E Hall Sundaywihvbgkqjxzflflfffltcmfwy parently has ÷cached an agement
Th Washington Tubercum - _ *- "- -- ^ D 0 2 1 2 ................. T .... ._ w ...... -__ For the exercises at Kneeland Hall to recommend a treaty with eser-
ociation will hold its annual meet- Freason, it ..... . MEMOKIAL ADDrw, ano 'al;rlOlC Jxercl, xx m. Sunday July 4th, the committee "has rations lank. No mention is matte
g in Yama o Ju.v 8th d 9th. HaU, 35 ........ 4 0 1 2 * Kneoland Hall b fortunate in securing Dr. F. A. of the rohibition question in the
A full two-day program, is. emg owe, c .;. ...... , , 1 0 .... - ..... " . LaViolette, of Bremerton, to deliver committee draft, but both these ques-
-planned and while some detrain are arson, XVo ..... ? " t 0 Rev F; A. LaViolette, who was wtm me D0ys in rance sis famous lecture, "The Battle on tlons are due for hot fights on the
vet to be settled, it promise.s go e oreaux; r .... 4 1 0 " . ......... ___._.__ _ ..... the Marne," which is descriptive, pc- floor of the 'convention with some
meetin e nero mer, ZD o nver an lneresln ana l:nrllllilg tttltlre t •
the most valuable ".g Y " P'. ...... - " " 2 2 Wlll ae g I triotic, inspiring and well fi ted f.ot doubt as to the outcome. .,
iAieeoUr;innhrr :::eyl:e. ' !ae'rOinf p .... i i i 0 0 "The Battle of the Marne." . , t!!ngCCr:gAflp!kPiscSei!i ! iYph:es::Vnest°v!ie e
e on' ssoclatmn She BASEBALL 2 30 p. m • " xmto n la a er G rd
tary of the Or g A . " " ; ...... - "- - --5 : _ "' ..... " "" " ." ..... ': ...... |pared for v'." rs but o spec 1 t- ,McAdoo, Cummings, Palm , e ra, r ,
will show pictures and give ae¢as Tom s ....... . ............. hell;on vs. zeaay riders oz xacoma |traction will be held fhere. These I Owen, Edwards, Smith, Merem.m;
concerning the work of the Portla. cl Score by Innings " grounds will be open to ........ picnics and Iithcock and Cox It is expecea,
Open Air School. The I'ammgh. tAberdeen ..... 4 0 t 0 4 0 _ - - MNDAY. JULY 5 /family groups for the day. In the|that the olat-fonu issues wll
am 0 0 0--9 be
Experiment.. .will. be presented . the Shelton ...... .0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0--x I ........ ' afternoon Shelton, will. meet the Teddy [ fouht out and adoption_ .made before
Nutrtlon Chmc recently estab!!sh.ed Summary _ "KTI'I'Dri " O n /Tiers of iacoma, m a ball contest, the selecion of the presxdential can-
b the Kin County League wall be Two-base hitsDean, Hall. Three- t BAND CO,.,, . ,- ............................. __ r.. ^, .... , I !date ' is re9cled, and this may run
" g Monday Lu.s ,,$ ,w d .
discussed and two luncheon sessio'ns base hits---Dean. Home runs--telO: AUTO PARADE, 9 to 10 a. m .......... : ......... $40.00/ , ". lover the week. " t
are being planned. . ..... ' !dean. Base on ballsQff Fos". ] rI:AO-r "rT -n -^ 11 ,, ,, The Ply! Monday will be a long clay ot en-I From a distance it appears ma
The association is celermang ] Hit by pitched baU--John__son "z, erDY ] ±,',-xcJL/ A-Jtr, bu x et. a .............. " ,: , z | tertainment for the vmtors," ' accord- I President Wilson has a .strong hand
tenth anniversary by offering. evera! I Sutleriand..., Struck ot--y osa '! GREASED POLE .......... ............... o an. O ing to the detailed, program, ap ear- in the, game and mlght be. offerea, aS.n
ew features, one .bern a...cl.mca 16 bY Sutherland 6 Double ply--[ . Vmtor" Kmg/in elsewhere Liberal prizes Phave/n ha,uv_ solution of dffflcultms
: section, which it is hop.;,nll inter, ary to Johnson, Rondeau to John- HIGH CLIMBING, 11 a. rn ......... ... /bcn offered for all contests and theY!selecti the candidate, but McAd_oo
est the:little group, ozaihful.pnym-]son, Bordeaux, to Lowe, j'reason O|BAN D CONCERT lu. m .............................. |are going to be worth seeing. All|lead s the field and is apparently the
.cians wno are in ne .ngn ana .s,.erye [ Spiker. Umpire--- Kneelana. / A T , rxzc +^ ,, .60 and .401 business houses and as many indic-|.choice of the administration forces. -.
to attract others o noon " 'rn.SmrecuWl, tt Dec_ I ! J/1,11 kr v,, 1 ............... ,,^ ,,!iduals as possible' are expected to!Whether" the cartons" ovposmg" rater-"
held on Friday fore!. ruY.,,._/--.,. ..... ^-, I BUCKING CONTEST, 1 to z p. m ........... v ana V/om. " m" the auto parade wth gayl,|est s can combine sufflcmntly" to co.n-
ter the business meeting a /I'AMFX liI.IINP: PlIK I mTw rV XrAT O ÷r O.1K w , .60|decorated cars. "Ihe paratle win/€tel eve-third of the voes ann um,e
til noon ....... [a=a ,,_f-_ =_-:- ..... [ t.)J vx' vv_-,-x 2 vu ,-.J- la .......... ,:' " ....... r' '___!move soon after nine o'clock, headed|avon Champ Clark or some one 1:o
The Nurses' Round Ta,,m wl.tl a| fllIRTI4 llfll IIIAY.. I BASEBALL, 2:30 u. m ............ 5nelson VS. zvicwiearylby the Shelton Band of 15 pieces.. !defeat McAdoo remains to be seen.
.program of special mteres o nem! avuauaa aav=v, ___| ",',A'TT'X f/"YKTf'l'Drr'g2.Q/ . | The largest of two tall trees stand-Tl e administrat0in is stronmy en-
and the presidents' conference LDe| | . | | |T ] D2-kJN 1/ k#vx ,',xx v .uv p. , ..................... "--'-- :;,| ing on the hill above First street and! trenched in the convention by cab-
in session' simultaneously on 'a.y| t hVLLttt# ,-, ,,- • ! STREET SPORTS. 6"30 D. m .................... u.ou| uermitting a good view from all over !net officers and government appoi-
forenoon also and the Bearer o: Jx-| ! oort ,,,. .... e.,'-^ ,e nH ft .zi ' |own, but better close at hamt, lms I tees from all over tile counry, and
rectors will meet at noon The xe , .yo,u rtt, ± .LU .+,,.,.v,, ' "hi h hne" ex and can&
• " • " .......... y ...... " leen chosen for the 'g ' bets farm the ltform "
• " at this con STREETS TAKE ON HOLIDA - o e " : " "
,cutlve Committee feels.th .... -] ......... nr / 100 yard dash, free for all ... 8.00 4.00 /hibition as practiced in the m d ]date being satisfactolT to tile pres-
ference will be most vamaDte m APPEARANCE A lviis,, ! , • ...... "" ''^ ^^ " .... the man e e]ts i u " r
• ancm the work ' ,, SIT lroaa um tree or all ....... .UU a.uu [ logging, yt ..... Y---P ictor I ldcat"
adv' . | LEAVE FOR VI / . . P, ...... cnis line m xvtason uun W, . I
| TO CITIES | hhgh jump ................... .uo a.vo | King of Camp l has been closen zor t ............. =,,
' " " n 3 00 2 00 the work He was gtven ne nono t 01
50 d dash be s lo ot u der.. • . lO !
,nnnzs nv aemuv | | Y • , Y " " " | '-e is- Mason ounty boy asll)EA'[H U]?" AG
/tltruvt ur uaouumr, AU of the ogging camp of hnis 50 yd dash, bo.vs 12 or under... 3.00 2.00 V:e?Uae avin a ben in se,;ice, lie
/,D/, ][DI /,J , /county closed on.Wednesday, even g/ , ..... ' , ,, _. ,_ r rr o 00 |will climb thg200-foot tree, limbing'l RECALLS SAD ACCIDENT
/Rxll|tll OVVII 1 and the bi exodus of loggers gave DO .VO flash, iree ior air glrm.., o.uu o. / .... the to-- and'
l)UlIlIrl eUnDq&pilthe streets gel Shelton a holiday aP]" / 50 bd dash" irls 12 or under 300 2.00 |la naeug.°s' i:[ oIthe tallPstub,/' ..........
IXr, lli¥1 OllVlqtl[Ullpearance all during this weeK. MOS! .... VA: 'f,,,= ...... "'" " A ........ - }imwin ~ how" the work is done in,LAST FOUR OF FAMILY IN
o the Io 's g.., ..p | I±N : --" ....... "-- _'..'.'2_ actual loin 'Tiffs exhibition be-li OUADRUPLE OF DROWNING
are--that the worst f[checks anthemoney msDursed either / HALb "" '" * -
° 1 et had ood mze ay L)I2-k±N l-'lJ VV VvJW V D 121 .. /l:ltlUl -. • ". ' '
in cash, or in checls on the Shelton " | ' " !
• theIndicati°nSgasoline snormge s over,.atT[and other banks reached into six [ T,'* .... 1^^1 * oth -r refreshments | Fullers and Buckers Exhibit I
1S I10 rOS ec; l[;lal; - X./VII t VVg:&IUU£%. lt:; k/v J- "
though there "_ ], P .]figures. . . -- ! ......... . | Two four-foot logs have been] The remains of Mrs. HarretI. :
can nave at me wan o the careazes me 1 cracions: m
everybody . ;I Except f r ." ._. I an carnlva a . /laced on the square at Second and.|Shaw , the aged mother of Mrs. -
any time this summer. evera owns 'camps are quiet and are no iety e z
ents from Eastern "" i about |ailroad streets, one b ing e'ected!m a Panst, was brought here rom
have "secured shipm ..... il to take on new activity ant 1 .,, / | for the falling contest, Two pairs of t Eldon Vednasday in preparation for
refineries which have netpea mere Jul 20th Some of the men wm rts will mount their chouingl,ment for Seattle for interment.
relieved the drain Y'' "" ' sta at home, ING THE FARMERS expe " -'" " "' .... - " " ome of her
out and perhaps .... lfamflles in camp will .y .... / FARM /boards and cut off a section.agamstlThe deceased ded at the h ..-
es so ma • " ir
on the gular .compare_ : .... u'ei but. others, .w]l. go out wyn me, ] - ! tnne," wlule some of the expert heavy-/daughter of cancer, but w oul nave
• the Stun€are ui is expec u .... ?lvves aria cmmren ana spena a weez| , , .... , , - - - ............. ----,,, lweiht, "buckers" will line the pros-lreached her eight!era :ear m August.
more liberal with its product.in abo,]or wo visiting. , ,, | Tne pOll;lCal armers o ne zarmr arc r,v, ltrate lo and Show how fast a prop-/She was a resident Of Seattle but had
n tne lo'c I • " a banzro,m • " .... 1 . ,, " , i the
two weeks.. In. Shelve car o be- As the logg.es, with f Lt some hne the grangers up and lead them to, vote the socmhstlc erly-filed., crosscutr, saw. .can eat t spent the past few months n
agent s expecting another g el_ go away on me auto s a es t . ..... • " elup. As. $1o0' in prtzes s offered for care of Mrs. Papst. ..
:fore the Fourth and hopes to giv. one must have suggested .at.they ticket. Farmers certainly have enough gumptom to se this contest it Will be a real compe-t The death of Mrs. Shaw re'cults a
the local dealers more suppfies tO|would be fat picking for a hold-up,|. ,,,*h ,.h rdials are lookin after their own interestsltiion in which various camp b6ys/sad occurrence which" happened at
dole out to their patrons., vl aria. a repor spreaa yeseraay morn / • , ' re- will" back their men to win. Eldon nearly twenty, years ago m
The gas shortage has certainlY m that two o.f the stages had Seen and don t ve a hoot for the farmers interests: 1 o '1 Co,,, win be iven at intervals/which four lost their live by drown-
borne hard on business" all over the I hed up a the way to Olympxa' g ld not be inter" c ratmn b' the Shelton| He two dan hters, #Mrs' Smith*"
country, and especially i_n those lines There was nothing in tl mor, arid over, the farmer as a property holder shou . '(1 uag'theceleb severYl new mem-' n Mrs, g "" " two
o n r n confiscation and re I Bradford, wth the re
catering to auto travel:: Very :few it would take a b ld bad man to ru ested m a program which p o ses , bets will nlav the old patriotic airs, young daughters of the :fomer, we
, cars are .passing over me utympic up agains_ a stage_ leas ot nuszy r]ct,d,nv - h= h]dns. The farmers are simDly as well as later music i snapnv|athing on'the beach. One ventured
e ml ht be a nana ,.,.,,,.,,u, v. ,,,, ,,,.-- -- , ' nd was bel car
Highway to enjoy the fine scenery loggers. "rner , g .... Y .......... "'" .... _.___ _. .... A. -I.. ,aA style The closing ball will be gixenlbevond her depth a , .. "ng. -
and anteing advantages all along me man with a gun. _n me vuncn. . Delng leao tnl;o l;ne narlos oi orgamzeu iuvr, ar .- Monclav evenin as a finale for the tied from the bar when me omers
line, and the hotels and resorts are The old stand-bys aria..many oI • ' , n nvwlr,d rPh i.Uo]s llalrllv the six- loha'tion t(" number of suecial went to her relief, with the result
e a ltators t - -v ..... ,-
feeling the lack of trade seriously, the newer loggers ep c o spena , g ...... , --", .... 7 - • .... 1__-__ a.^ ;ca'rares will also be ,rovided to in- that all four were drowned. Mrs.
ith all preparations made to give their Fourth in She;on, either to r a ainst tne 1z-near oa ---me lacier Dell[g blit , . .; .,. , ...... _ ..,. ...... _ .^,^a ,. ..... ;n ,€ h,
................ r o " r non day g _ Y., - • .... eres :ne mslors u au un ...... aaw v ...................... ;'
• ne u).unst a goes. ume, aria ne take pa.rt m me coness o: rootor farmers end of the deal, Socialism under ma name n by the attractions wi!l be tum2d life to the care of two daughterse
ourist anxious o ge ou o me exy their srong men vno uv.. ,a ,, . - -- • • ......... -I .... - .... *- the Memorial Funs, a wormy by Ivlrs ira<tor¢i, an spen par ox
. to .enjoy it the "no gas' signs are will return after a short stay sown won1(1 no!; ge very ar, so me elemen proceeus mmr ,. • -i - ever citizen hr tinge with her remaining dugh
is.king, all the joy. out of'life in this Sound and take it easy until the ,.], ^ L,..^.. :..I/,I.^ .I.'.I.;... isC°Un;Yinterested.Cause xn wncn y ter, Mrs. Papst. "
'hot ola summer ime uct bv auuttwtx bx tttxttt,
camps reopen.