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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 2, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 2, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TWO THE MASON COUNTRY JOURNAL County Correspondence. I I ] STADIUM ,L O A large crowd attended Mrs. Sund's barn (lance. As the barn floor was too rough they hehl the dance in the old school house. A mMnight supper was served. All seemed to enjoy themselves, dancing until daylight Sunday mming. William Brink of Olympia, who came down to attend the (lance, re- turned to Olympia on Sunday. He says that all the mills will close down for the Fpurth on July 1st and start to running again July 7. Judge Britton and Erick Odegard were callers on C. W. ]laird on Sun- day. Our postmistress is still on the improve but is unable to do much work outside of her postoffice duties. Wm. Blomgren took his family out for a ride in his ear on Sunday. C. W. Baird is busy haying 1iow, as the weather man has given us some nice weather here lately. Hank Hanson look a crowd to Allyn on last Friday to do their week-end shopping, aml on the way home the hoodoo ship cut up and refused to budge another ineh. Had to hoist a Itag of distress and the launch Chum came to their rescue and towed them safely home. Mrs. Mamie Labor of" Oakland Bay called at Staduim to see' her nieces, Mary and Vera Johnson and her home Sunday evening in their car. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson came home Sunday to see their chihtren. Summer is here, as we note some of the children are taldng their daily swims in the Cove. Our boat builder was getting in some extra training for a foot race :for the l,'ourth, ttc bought a couple little porkers and they got out of the gunny sack before he got them to the pen. They led him a merry chase. ] CAPE HORN I Mrs. Marshall of Tumwater is vis- iting her people at the ranch. 1 • M "s. 2ague of Vmton, Iowa, is vis- iting 'her cousin, Mrs. Inman, the two ladies not having met before in 44 years. Mrs. Tague is enjoying the wonders of the woods and the clams and other attractions of the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and children of Tacoma are visiting the parents of Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Clark of the beautiful Clark beach. Mrs. Munro has rc, tma]ed from her visit to Olympia. Mrs. Tague and Mrs. Marshall called on Mrs. Munro Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark visited at In- roans Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Evans and children, Robert and Jack. 'Mr. Grin(h'od is on the sick list, bu is getting, better. nepheav Master Woodrow Johnson. Mr. Robert Lvans starts for Chi: Some people called at the Johnson ca,.,'o Tuesday. AGATE 1 A. Linton, who has been quite ill for the past few days, is rapidly im- prowng. Bert Hasbrook and family have moved to Oregon, where Mr. Has- brook has relatives living. Eula Daniels has been under the doctor's Care for several days, but is said to be feeling much better at the time of this writing. The little daughter of Roy Dan- icls and wife is ill with scarlet fever. Mrs. George Wiss took the child with her to Tacoma for a short visit with relatives and it was while there that the child was exposed to the disease. Mr. George Wiss is also ill with scarlet fever but at last reports was doing nicely. Marian Meacham spent the week- end with her little friend Joyce West. Mrs. Fannie Johnson spent several days visiting friends in Shelton. Dan Lilly is busy hauling shingle bolts. Mr. Lilly expects to be finished i with the job about the middle of July and will then depm"c with his family for sunny California. Mr. and Mrs: Hilton are putting in most of their spare time pickin peas. At last reports they bad sold l0 sacks, the scks averaging about 65 pounds each. Mr. Matbes, who recently purchas- ed the home of Mrs. Lena Banks, is busy piping, waer into his house. This is the first of the many im- provements that Mr. Mathes intends the strawberry crop, causing the ber- ries to grow larger and more of them. Mr. Steidler sold $80 worth from his patch one (lay, xhich is not 'half bad considering the size of the patch. E. Chm'ch is at Portland attending the Shriners' convention. Mr. Church will no doubt have many interesting things to tell us when he gets back. Julius Jacot)y has been awarded the contract for furnishing the wood for the Agate schook Miss Minnie Wiss an John Isom were quietly married a* Seattle on Friday, June 25th. Their wedding came as a surprise to their many friends. Mr. Isom is a very ambi- tious and highly esteemed youn man and well known and well liked in this community. Mrs. Isom has lived all her life at Agate and has a host of friends who will sadly miss her. The young couple have the good wishes of the entire commun- ity. The members of Agate Grange are making arrangements to organize a Juvenile Grange for the child,'ca of this community. Children between he ages of six and fifteen years will be allowed to join. Several parties at Agate are plan- ning on pro'chasing a threshing ma- chine to be used in this community. CORNELL WOOD BOARD Cornell Wood Board in sheets as  large as 4x12 feet, for lining houses, partitions, etc. Easily and quickly to nut lq)on the place. Charlie Wiss attended Masonic applied, and panelled, painted or kal- lode last Saturday night. /cimined makes a fine finish. Carried These rains have ctone wonders for'at Journal StationeT Shop. leot your Hrs ae- eordtna to the rod they have to travel: In sandy or hilly couno try, wherever the going is apt to be heavy--The U. S. Nobby. For ordinary country road--The U. S. Chain or UICO. For front wheel.--The U. S. Plain. For best results--. • verywhereU. 8. RoyaJ Cord t There were some preffq long waits 00or,he Do00or in the horse and buggq daqs , AKE it easier to get around and you make h'ealth00er and hap. pier communities. No one any longer questions the worth of the automobile ---or begrudges any le#timate ex, pense connected with it. But millions of car owners are rebelling at the idea that running an automobile has got to mean waste. Every now and then you hear a neighbor complain that "he doesn't seem to have much luck with tires." Send him to us. The minute a man begins to questlon ths service his tires are giving him, he's ready to listen to reason. Our business i built on the principle that me only way to get better t/re service is to get better t/Too to start with. That's why we have taken the representa- tion for U. S. Tires. m U. S. Tires have a reputation for quali W. ]Built up through years of creating better tires. Such as the straight side automobile tires the pneumatic truck tire. It is not by phance that O. S. Tires are made by the olde$t and larest rubber concern in the world. ! We are proud to represent U. S. Tires in this community. J . United states Tires We KNOW United States Tires are GOOD tires. That's'why we sell them• WALLACE JOHNSON MOTOR CO., Shelton THOMAS PURDY, Union City HOOD CANAL IRCANTILE CO., Potlatch VNION LU"ER COj Vnion ns. With knotttdmtect 0 g. . 8. -- Tl00:olFxce boy was a §ooa pie&or IT WAS my busy day. AND I to;d ;heboy. COULD • • . I not see: ^NV vIS;TOR00. AND HE popped bae . • AND SAI there wal, A GENTIEfAN outstd,. WHO WISHED to see me AND I sa;d :NJ." BUT I guess the bo I$ LIKE my wife. AND DOESN'T lm0w t WHO'S BOSS. FOR BAC*K "he*comei, ;AND SAY8 ;h: man. WANTS JUST a wor AND I told°the boy. I COULD°te(I t;e mal. 00usr w.0000E'to 'IN JUST three words. BUT THe- b;y *came baellj • • • AND SAID the man. COULD SPOT me one. HIS BUS;NE88 neede JUST TWO words. ANO I'M a sport. • • • AND CURIOUS tOO. SO IN ha came. AND HANDED me, SOME CI?A:RE:TTE8 to tl., AND SAID "They Satisfy.': AND I 'Jll" state. • • • ",,,,. HE SAID something. "r][HEY satisfy" -- that say f, I Never were finer tobaccos used in any cigarette nnd never were tobaccos more carefully and skill- fully blended. Chesterfields giv, you all that any cigarette could[ give, plus a certain "satisfy" qual- ity that is exclusively theirs, The blend can't be copied. " L E - .................. ,, ,,,, , IT'S INPORTANT that you have us look over your tires and tubes at once. It is bad business to let them go to pieces on you when a little expert repairing will put them in good shape. Come in and get acquainted with our service. We sell Firestone and Brunswick Tires, and they're wonders. Watch them on the road. "For Better Service" Needham & Clothier Maxwell Building, Railroad Ave., Shelton Phone 463 BEAT THE H, C. L. You can still do it if you select your next pair of shoes at this store. We have a fine stock of loggers shoes and heavy and light work shoes. It will pay you to come in and let us fit you to a pair. The prices are the best yet. Shoes and Repairs H. N, ROSEHOLT Shelton New Plumbing Shop PLUMBING and HEATING GENERAL REPAIR WORK Satisfaction guaranteed Phone 83 R. H. HANSEN ..... " Shop in old L. M. Warehouse t