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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 2, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 2, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE THREN i • [ I J "There&apos;s Good Reason for Joy" , says the Good Judge in the Real To- bacco Chew. You get satisfaction. A little of this class of tobacco lasts so much longer than the old kind. And you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often---so it costs you less. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco with Fly Liquid SOLD BY DBALHRS or direct iron/ The CttAS. H. LILLY CO. Seattle -- Portland h I I Hoodsport LumberCo. CALL FOR BIDS FOR WOOD Bids will be by the Direc- tors of" School District No. 306 at Lilliwaup, Wash., for 15 ricks of 16 inch stove wood to be delivered in woodshed at LiUiwaup school house• Bids must reach the undersigned clerk on or before July 3rd. The Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of Directors. Thos. H. James, Clerk. 7-2 Our new mill is now tom- plete and ready to handle any and all orders for rough and dressed lumber• Address HOODSPORT LUMBER CO. ' Hoodsport, Wash. Nick Ward Manager. ]U, DERBROOK : MILL Send in your order for ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER On Navy Yard Highway Postoffice, Union, Wash. H. E. STUMER, Mgr. DO YOU KNOW Insyde Tyres ARE MONEY AND TROUBLE SAVERS (From Jomaal of June 29, 1900.) Martin Bingman returned from a visit to Philadelphia Wednesday night. Mrs. Chas. Cook and Mrs. A1. Han- lin were down from Matlock Tues- dars. R. A. Graham and children were down from Olympia this week visiting her parents Mr. and M. Wm. Cooke. The following teachers were suc- • I cessful m the last quarterly exam-I inations: Edna and Nellie Bellows, Maude Downs, Amanda Linn, G. B. Gunderson, May Mullit and Rufus Woods. C. H. Stone, the veteran who went East several years ago, returned Fri- day and is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Caldwell. Jay Todd returned Saturday from Minneapolis where he has been at- tending school with his brother Kay Todd. - Thomas Bordeaux and Miss Essie Webb were married at Riverside on 27th. Holmes W. Durboraw and Miss Cora Newell of New Kamilche were married June 29th. The Ehna Baseball team came in last Sunday morning after a good trip of four hours but by noon a sharp shower came up and effectively stopped the prospects of a game. John H. Sharp died at he home of his son M. E. Sharp near. Lake Ne- watzel on June 24th. Ragnhild Johnson 12 year old dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson died at Tacoma, June 24th and was buried here on the 26th. Miss Nellie McReavy, of Union City was graduated from Annie Wright Seminary at Tacoma this week at the head of the class. Connolly & Chambers, an Olympia firm of butchers, have bought out the buslness of N. D. Swartout and are continueing business at the old stand. Clarence and Percy Latham, sons of Henry Latham, of Riverside, have returned home from school at Kam- ilche. CALL FOR BIDS Bids will be received by the Board of Directors of Consolidated School District No. 309, Shelton, for the transportation of all pupils in the consolidated portions of t;he district. Definite particulars regarding routes may be obtained from the city supm'- intendent. Bids to be submitted to the undersigned clerk on or before July 3rd, 1920. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. F. C. MATHEWSON, 7-2 Clerk of the Board. CALL FOR BIDS Bids will be received by .the Board of Directors of Consolidated School District 309, Shelton, for 50 cords of 4-foot fir wood and 60 ricks of 2-foot w6od, to be delivered at the school house in Shelton. Bids will be re. ceived up until July 3rd at tim office of the undersigned clerk of the Board. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. F, C. IA'rHIWSO, .7-2 Clerk of the Board. No. 1640. DAYTON T Misses Emma and Ida Hensel call- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. last Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. Wivell and Clarence Wive]l of Isabella Valley called at the Hickson ranch Sunday afteaoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bunnell and family, Miss Mary Ogg and Charles Chappell were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pellischeck of Bee- ville Sunday. t'lrs. Bunnell remaining with her another, Mrs. Pellisheek, for a fray days. Marion Churchill spent Tuesday aftra,noon with Juanita Hickson. Mrs. Adams is gradually recover- ing from her severe illness of the winter. We are very glad to hear that three of our Dayton scholars, Joe Kirk, Elonise Smith, and Ethel Bailey have completed the eighth grade studies and are now ready for high school. Mrs. E. P. McClure visited at Bor- deaux Sunda.¢. llrs. G. E. l[iek.,on an, Jt,.anita ca)ed on Mr.:. J• H. Johnston, Mrs. I,. t". Adams and Mr and M'.,. Gus SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Hensel and family last Wednesday. In the Superior Court of the State of 5I,'. Hen,eel io still quite ill. Washington in and for the County We are ,,mrv that Mrs. M ,rgan is having quite srious' trouble with her JAY B. RANSOM of Mason. MAY COURTER, Plaintiff, ys• FRANK COURTER, Defendant. The State of Washington: To the • said Frank Courter, Defendant: .... You are hereby summoned to ap-' pear within sixty (60) days after the " date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, within sixty days after the 18th day of June, 192,!0. and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated; and in ease of your failure soto do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court .... Th object of the above entitled action is to obtain an annmmen o the marriage existing between the plaintiff and defendant• ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and postoffice address: Shel- ton, Mason County, Washington. .... 6-18'730 7t r , -- • .' No• 512. NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL RE- ' PORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. In Probate• In the Matter of the Estate of WiN liam Pembo, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that F. C. Willey, administrator of the estate of William Prembo, deceased, has filed in the office of the clerk of said Court his Final Report and Pe- tition for Distribution, asking the :Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said admin- istrator; and that Said report and uetition will be heard on the 17th :tay of July, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m. in the Court room of the Court House in Shelton, Mason County, Washington, WITNESS the Honorable John M. .Wilson, Judge of the above entitled Court and the seal of said Court :hereunto affixed this 16th day of June, 1920. HATTIE E. RUCKER-GARFIELD ankle, the x-r,y having sll,,va that the bone was broken. LOWER MATLOCK Carl Spalding Jr. spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. Meek of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. G. Peste and chil- dren Dorothy and Freddie of Shel- ton Prairie, N. C. Nelson and Hazel Bateman were guests at the Rediska home Sunday• Joe Carstairs motored to Shelton one day last week. N. C. Nelson, Mrs. G. Peste, Mrs. W. Rediska and Mrs. A. J. Beck called at the Bateman home Sunday afternoon A. J. Beck spent Sunday at the Rediska home. George Evers was a Matloek caller one day last week. Miss Hazel Bateman spent the week end at home witk her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rediska'and daughters Mrs. A. J. Beck, Dora and Isabella and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jacobson spent Friday evening at the Archie Daniel home at Camp 1. THE PROPER COURSE Information of Priedess Value to Every Shelton Citizen. How to ct in an emergency is knowledge of inestimable worth, and this is particularly true of th dis- eases and ills of the human body. If you suffer from kidney backache, ur- inary disorders, or any form of kidney !trouble, the advice contained in the following statement should add a valuable asset to your store of knowl edge. What could be more convin- cing proof of the efficiency of Dean's Kidney Pills than the statement of a nearby resident who has used them and publicly tells of the benefit de- rived .M.M. Thein, retired,carpenter, 721 E. 2nd St., Aberdeen, Wash., says: "Dean's Kidney Pills are all right and I recommend them to anybody who needs a kidney medicine. I have taken Dean's Kidney Pills on several occasions when I have thought it nec- essary and they have always done me good." Price, 60c, at all dealers. Don't HORSE BADLY CUT BY FALL Specialists's Prescription Prevents Complication In telling of the accident to his hm•se, Mr. Luther Carmen of Valley Park, Me., state: "My horse fell down and cut his knees all up. I dressed them with Dr. LeGear's An- tiseptic Healing Powder and the. are healing fine. It is a wonderful rem- edy for healing sores on horses." Mr. Carmen is simply voicing the sentiment of hundreds of others who feel that having Dr. LeGear's per- sonal m'escriptions on hand at all times is nearly as good as having Dr. LeGear where they could reach him in a few minutes. Wounds and sores must be taken earn of immediately. Get a can of Dr. LeGear's Antise0tie Healing Powder from your dealer. Dust on enough of it to cover the wound or sore. It forms a protection against insects and infection and promotes healthy healing.--Dr. L. D. LeGear Med. Co., St. Louis, Me. I # \\; <: FACTS I " .you cannot the00 Motorists buy Zerolene because It is good lulricating oil; because it makes the car last longer. More than half the motorists of the Pacific Coast states u Zerolene. Such approval is never an accident; it is given only as a reward to produ of highest quality. The resoures, experience, Imowled and equipment of the Standard Oil Com- pany create an efficiency in the manu- facture of fine lubricants hard to d0pll- care elsewhere in the world. Buy Zerolene for Correct Lubricatiotl, STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( California ) For Tractors There ill a correct rade Of Zerolene for your tractor, Get our booklet on Its Car- rlc't Lubriootlon• Alsk ot' a4Ient for a copy. / O. M. HOFFMAN, Special Agent, Shelton, Wash. #, , , ., , , , , ::i t Distributor for Mason County Clerk of said Court. imply ask for a kidney remedyget, Shelton Wuh CHAS. R. LEWIS, } Dean's Kidney Pills--the same that ' " Attorney for said Estate, . m • Phone 625 W-,,o / oa P. Tamhormen'n Build- Mr• Thein had. Foster-Mllburn Co., -n ............. 1 "'- 6-"i§7 9 4t Mfrs, Buffalo, N Y • -- , • , . • g, Shelton, Was . .. " 2¢llrs., unmo, . x. . ..... - ,. I I i 11 s. III . I ,'IH ' POT , ' A PHO*.'F- 'A-.TY ! $5 Pe-- taoN-rt ,HD THE PAR¥ L--- 15 AI)PED tin, , "-VtOOY  , • IH, POT N bW 'LiN? ktN $1 s--° W,Tfl 1 API,0 , • FOP.? LISTERS N ] , , " THE SHELTON ELKS will dispose of this beautiful Ford Sedan for the benefit of the Mason County Memorial Fund See the placards for particula/rs The car is now on display at the WALLACE JOHNSON MOTOR COMPANY Shelton, Washington