July 2, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 2, 1920 |
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Local and Persona =-I
M. W. Logan was an Olympia vis-
itor on Monday.
Joe Forrest is spendir a few days
in cattle this week.
Herbert Angle left yesterday for
a simrt visit in Seattle.
Bert Kneeland left yesterday for
Tacoma to spend the Fourth.
C. E. Barnard came down T,esday
to spend the Fourth here.
Clarence Oyler left last Friday for
his home in Middleton, Idaho.
Mrs. A. S. King, of Matlock, was
shopping in town on Thursday.
Wm. Shelton of Tacoma spent last
Sunday visiting relatives here.
Edmund Skelsey left this morning
to spend a few days in Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hutchison and
daughter spent last week in Seattle•
Mr. and Mrs. George Lovett m,d
family left Thursday for a visit to
Master Art Hartson has been sick
the past week but is now much im-
Miss Marguerite Gordon of Seattle
is spending tile week with her sister,
Mrs. F. W. Graham.
Mrs. F. E. Southard left Wednes-
day for a two weeks' visit with old
friends in Portland.
Mrs. Emma Brumbaugh was vis-
iting her sister, Mrs. Will Callow
t Charleston last week.
Will Tucker is home from the
camp near Tumwater to spend the
Fourth with his family.
The Skokomish Gran.ge No. 379
will meet Saturday evening July 3rd.
Scores of Shelton peoole celebrated
with the Elks at Olympia last Sat-
The county oommissioners will be-
gin their •egnlar sessions next rue. ;-
C. L. Gilbert was called to officiate
at the wedding of Ernest Booth and
Miss Eleanor Shorter. at he home of
the bride on July 1st. The wedding
was quietly observed only the imme-
diate family being present, and be-
cause the gas supply woull not ad-
mit of the intended trip away, the
lmppy couple will spend their loney-
moon in a quiet camp down the bay.
The bride is a (hmgher of Mr. and
Mrs. George Shorter and with the
groom is a native product of Shelton.
A host of friends among young and
ohl will wish them long and prosper-
F. S. Bell and family of Tacoma'OUS life.
drove over and spent the afternoon I
here Tuesday•_ I ISOM-WISS
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Hodge of Camp I Miss Minnie Wiss was married in
4 are spending the Fourth on a trip Seattle on Friday to John Isom of
to down Sound cities. I tnat citv, a former employe of the
IWashingt°n Lop'ging Co. The bride
The Skokomish Home Economics is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Club will meet with blrs. J. Richter Wiss of Agate district, grown to
on Thursday, July 8th. maturity in the community and with
[many i:riends to wish herself and
The Ford Sedan tickets are going husband full measure of p.rospenty
like "hotcakes." It's the chance of land happiness. Mr. and Mrs. lsom
a lifetime. Have you your ticket are still looking over the city and
'et. have not yet returnt to their fi'iends.
The marriage of Miss Viva John-
son, daughter of Mr• and Mrs. An-
drew Johnson, to Charles Gunstone,
1)oth of Potlatch, took place at Olym-
pia on Sunday. Both are well-known
Olvmpians,teml)oraril residing at the
Rc'selwation where tle firm of John-
son & Gunstone arc logging govern-
ment timber. The young people re-
turned to the Cmnp home after en-
joying a few days of sight-seeing,
and are being congratulated by their
Justice Hauptly, Shelton's cele-
brated marrying parson, who has tied
the nuptial knot for many in his
time and at 90 years of age still does
a good job, was called upon July 1st
to officiate for Thomas Peterson of
the Jkokomish, and Miss Irene Kross
Methodist Episcopal Church
Sunday Services
Morning Sunday School 10 o'clock.
Preaching 11 o'clock.
Evening Services at 8 p. m.
Prayer Meeting 7:30 Thursday
The public is cordially invited to
these meetings.
There will be a social given by the
Ladies' Aid at the parsonage Wed-
nesday, June 30th at 8 p. m. Light
refreshments. Social time. Every-
body invited. Silver offering.
Rev. J. C. Harrison, district super-
intendnt w will be with us Saturday
evening for fluarterly conference and
Sunday morning to preach at the
regular hour.
W. H. Thomas, Pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Morning service at 11 a. m.
Young People's meeting at 7 p. m.
Evening service at 8 p. m.
Prayer Meeting on Thursday night
• t 8 o'clock.
Everybody welcome.
Addison Self, Pastor.
"St. Edward's Catholic Church"
On 2nd Sundays first Mass is at
8 a. m. and second Mass at Skoko-
mish at 10:45 a. m.
On fourth Sundays mass at 9 a.m.
Benediction after mass.
Mass Monday morning.
Father Benedict Schweizer, O. S.B.
More Millinery
The season's new creations
are here for your approval.
You'll find our hats correct
in every respect. There's
one to suit your taste. And
the prices are moderate.
Mr .and Mrs. Dave Lytle came in
yesterday to spend their Fourth
among friends in the old town.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nordling and
v2xildren were down from can. p Thurs-
day preparing for the Fourth.
John P, Hammond, who is now in
business in Ballard, was in town yes-
Camp 2 ball team made the trip
to Chehalis Sunday and played with
the nine there. They didn't win but
tim boys,had a good practice game.
Owing to the gasoline shortage the
Fourth committee will be unable to
furnish the car promised to collect
food donations and ask all who pos-
sibly can to bring their donations to
the" Odd Fellows hall.
The wedding bells in spite of the
low start rang out June in lively
peals, and broke the record for the
marriage month. Eight home cou-
ples and two from outside points
were victims of the little God of the
The suit of John Ols.m ot Skok,-
mish Valley for $60 damages o his
car caused by collision with one of
the county talcks, was tried before
Justice Johnson yesterday, and re-
sulted in dismissal at the cost of the
Burnett Plemons has started an
,auto stage run direct to Tacoma,
leaving Shelton at 11 a. m. daily,
and on return leaving Tacoma at
3 p. m. Connection is made wiA
Seattle stages both ways at the bus
station in Tacoma.
of Puyallup. This popular young na-
tive couple have a host of friends
and will make their home at Lake
Cushman, where the groom is em-
ployed in one of the cam]s. They
are spending the week in Tacoma.
At the residence of the bride's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Buruett,
terday on a short buspess trip. The comin down of the loggers Saturday, June 26th, Alvin Butler
__ rom the varmus camps brought tO-land Geneva Burnett were united in
Mrs. John 01sen, of Dayton, was gether the usual fleet of passenger imarriag e by Justice Hauptly. Both
called to Seattle Monday on account autos, and fully a score of machines are young people grown to maturity
of the serious illness of her aunt. were on hand to take the boys out
in all directions. One car bore the in" Shelton, and with many friends
• ,, - ,, was among the young folks. Their hdrae
Mr. and Mrs• Warren Lin'doln were sxgn eattle-vancouver, an ........ !
Will oe mane nere
visitors in town Wednesday from the bound for wet territory. • ' .
ommh Reservation
farm on the Skok • • ^^ .m - + .:o a MASON-FRAZIER
............ ............. ^_ ---- * "sti-e Hau'tl '' ,,e-
• nd Mrs J L Purdy of Union rare treat in the address af l)r. La- . un omy x arria e seie 'fr E
Mr a .... nda on ormeo ne m g
• " da off from the Vmlette at Kneeland Hall Su , . , •
Cxty were taking a Y .............. €1,, ,€ M'.n, ,, ,mhmin David Mason, chef at Ford s .M.ll,
store Monday an:l were msmng m n.e. .a 7 .... ::'-, ""2"-'"'-'-,.:7;Y":S.. ' and Mrs Alley C. Frazier, posmls-
town nlsorlcal as wen a partuwc xca- • --- " "i t 1'
• __ " lures. Dr. LaViolette was with the tress at 1Iatlock. Theyl.mmeaa lYe
• for lei1; ior {1own ouno pomps a €
Mrs. Frank Price of Potlatch and boys on the Marne and speakSNon e postoffice will be in other hands.
nnin nam o them in a uramumc way.
her brother Kenneth Cu . g ............. .'- --e Their friends will wish them the best
Dewatto, were visitor m nel;on snoulu nuss nearing m uu, . . , -
.... - o uck.
Ed. Hegaas came in fram. Big plasterers; Plastering ,at the Reed
Lake Tuesda bound to s end nis rqsmence ]s aou compmeea and me
Fourth holidays with frienl in the building ready for the interior fin-
old town, U'nion City. ishers. P.M. Cole, one of the early repe
: mmis dents of Allyn, on North Bay, di
Mrs. Ernest Eaton was over from . The.Mason County Game.gOe d t at the Veteran's Home, Port Orchard
the farm at Skokomish b n.'dge Wen- s m a:s reCe2n t m:elrags C=nt Sunday, and the remains were taken
nesday shopping for supplies Ior me cruse me, seas . . - Y for interment to Olympia where the
baseball basket social, wnenjual l33efanth.ay:aPnlap" deceased had lived for many yea[
an Y .... " He had always been active in M
Mrs. E. J. nd son Ed ar ing the protection will ename the nic and Grand Army circles ' AGED BELLINGHAM RESIDENT
Jr. arrived from Seattle Wednesday birds to get a new start. ' '
evening for a visit with her parents, The Shelton Elks have purchased r John Getty, brother of Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Angle. anew Ford Sedan which will be ISITS THE.OLD HOMESTEAD.
ogereu in aio o me aason wounw
Getty, died at his home in Belling-
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Barger returued Memorial fund. Mrs. Kate Getty and her daughters ham Monday of heart failure, with
Mrs. Maggie McKay and Mrs. Win: the distinction of having lived in the
Tuesday from Portland where .they
spent a week with the big Shriiers Mr. and Mrs Munso, who Cowling, one day this week visited same house for 31 years. The de-
convention and visiting the points of have been spending a few weeks with the old Getty homestead-near Camp ceased had made occasional visits to
the Deer and Munson families, plan i and enjoyed a picnic at the old Shelton and will be remembered here.
__ to return to their home in San Fran- place they left 28 years ago and had He leaves an aged widow, two daug'h-
W. W. Long came over from Abet- cisco Sunday. Lester is head of the never revisited. The old house is in ters and one son, besides two broth-
deen last Sunday for a short glimpse used car department of a large auto ruins and the clearing grown up but era in Canada and his brother An-
of the old town, after an absence of concern and is on his vacation, the several apple trees had survived and drew resident of Shelton.
first in three years. California has grown big. The land was taken u]
also been affected by the gas shortage in 888 and the Getty family lived
and the auto business is not so rush- there four years but Mrs. Getty got IN SUPERIOR COURT
ing as it has been until recently. His ired of the wilderness and frced
line is Maxwell and Kissel Cars. the move to Shelton, where they have
interest. "
a dozen years, part being spent in
Eastern states.
Milburn Reed and Sam Huntg-
ton, who • recently drove up from Los
Angeles, to spend a month of vaca-
tion, were in town this wee] looking
up old friends and noting pogress.
Mrs. Mayme E. Taylor is spending
this week m Wenatchee attending teh
• annual sessions of the Federation of
Women's Clubs, as representative of
the women's organizations of Mason
C. L. Gilbert made a trip to Rai-
nier on Wednesday to visit the school
there, where he will be superinten-
dent next fall. ~ He was accompanied
by State l-ligh cnoot nspector Twit-
meyer of Olympia.
Jay Need_ham and Gilbert Valley
made a quick trip to Seattle last
Sunday and returned the same even-
ing. They made the trip to Sea]e
by way of Bremerton in. 3..hours.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. eny ms
week purchased a new player 'piano.
Veteran H. L. Alden , came over
from the Soldiers' Home yesterday
on a short furlough to spend the
Fourth visiting around among neigh-
bors 'and seeing old friends. He re-
ports Mrs. Alden is improved in
health but not able to make the trip
ever since lived.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Reed' and ehil- owned by the Simps onLogging Com-
dren this wdek moved to their sum- pany and is being logged by Camp 1.
mer home at Oakland and expect to
remain there until their fine new LOST PRAIRIE DANCE
home is completed and ready for
their oCcupancy. The old home has Dance at Lost Prairie school house
been refurnished and will be the Saturday, July 3rd. Come and wear
all the flowers you can. Prize for
best decorated person. Everyone in-
vited, it adv.
permanent home of Mrs. S. G. Simp-
son when she desires the quiet of
country life. Mrs. Simpson and her
chauffeur arrived Wednesday to re-
main for the summer in Shelton.
We carry a stock of late phono-
graph records, Victor, Columbm and
Brunswick, and will be glad to talk
phonographs and records with you
at any time. Journal Stationery
Mrs. John Morgan had the misfor-
tune ,to fal at her home on the farm
near Dayton two weeks ago and on
examination by X-ray a bone in her
ankle was found to be broken, After
a week spent at the Olympia hospital I| Leaves Bremerton at City Dock.
she returned home Sunday, ut will I| Leaves Shelton, Hotel Shelton.
be crippled for some week to come--- [| ,mo"- lr,
and the farm work is crowding, i!, , , "
JkT.J', 0-I"1'0 " an. OJLI
with close connection for Seattle.
The Quickest and Cheapest Way
to Seattle.
Dafl Sohedule
Leave Bremerton Leave Shelton
9:00 a.m. 7:00 a. m.
4:15 p.m. 4:00 p. m.
m $S.00
Boat fare Bremerton to Seattle
one way 35c, round trip 650,
Str. S. G. Simpson will be laid off
the run all day on Monday, July 5,
Sheiton Transportation Company.
Marshall Darling, the pione' shoe
maker of Olympia died in that city
Monday at the age of 75 years. He
came to Olympia 38 yeas ago, apd
was in business there until recently.
His wife died in 1910, a daughter,
Mrs• James E. Clark, and son Albert
M. Darting, survive him.
Mrs. Elizabeth Jones of Everett,,
who recently announced herself as
candidate for the Republican nomina-
tion for state school superintendent,
spent a few hours in Shelton yester-
day and meeting as many of the
voters as possible. Mrs. jones has
had long experience in all branches
of school work and is well acquainted
with all the sections of the state
through her work in connection with
[the Boys' and Girls' club work. She
I visited ,Mason COunty in this work
[last summer. Mrs. Jones seems to
]possess also the executive ability de-
lrable for such a position.
The land is now Judge Wright held a short session
of the Court Saturday in which the
following business\\;was disposed of:
In the suit ef W. H. Sayre vs Car
K. Fossum, et al, and Martin Loren-
zen, as guarnishee defendant, judg-
ment of dismissal was granted Lor-
enzen with his costs•
George C. Lundy vs Serapin M.
Lundy, decree of divorce was granted
the plaintiff on default.
In the Estate of W. H. Crosby a
decree of solvency was entered.
Flags and Decorative Crepe at the
Journal Stationery Shop.
Whee er s
Short Orders
John Wheeler, Prop.
For the Complexion
we have a,full line of tested
face creams and lotions.
Every article is sold under
our personal guaralltee, free
from injurious chemicals and
satisfacory in every way.
But remember, this depart-
ment is but one of many in
ur store, all up to the same
We are featuring "Nysis Toiletries"
They include
Talcum, Face Powder, Perfume, Vanishing
Cream, Cold Cream, Toilet Water.
Look for the triangle package
Paine's Restaurant
Celebrate the Fourth in Shelt0n
and make our store your headquarters
nDon't forget our Sanitary Soda Fountain when you desire a
ice cool drink or an ice cream soda. We give you service
hnd the best ice cream obtainable.
Yours for a Glorious Fourth
L, ]], ALLPHIN, Prop.
I1+ I I
E have just received a
splendid assortment of
Form-fit Brassieres. Ten
styles to select from--flesh
and white. These Brassieres
re guaranteed not to rip
under ordinary wear and
against any imperfections
in manufacture. Hooks and
eyes will not rust. Each gar-
ment has the guarantee sewed in the hem. All
sizes. Price ................... $1.75 to .%.00
NEW SKIRTS '" ........
Accordion box and Side pleated in the very
desirable dark plaids. If you are in need of a
sport skirt it would be well to look over this
Logged-off land for sale to atu / LAND
settlers. Priee $3.00 per acre and up'
according to location, topography and For salein this County to Actual
of soft. Liberal terms ox
and interest on dehsrred Settlers on easy terms. Price
at the rate of six Imeant $5.00 per acre and up. Write for
annum. IAbery bonds taken in map giving all information.
at Weyerhaeuser Timber Co.
SIMPSON LOINq COMPANY Tacoma, Waallington
10-pound can of Mountain Flower Honey, de-
livered, $3.00; five pounds for $1.75; 21/2 pounds
i for $1.00.
MOHT£XH" v-OWSm xorHY .I,R,M
OItp ''o Potlatch, WIt
We are expectifig daily a sh'ipment of
ladies waists in Voiles, Georgettes and Crepe
de Chine.
Narrow Leather Belts
Many kinds of the very desirable narrow
leather belts.