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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 2, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 2, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I PG. p .................... ..  MASON CONITTY JOURNAL FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1920 Patriotic Exercises July 4 II I i Under auspices of all Shelton Churches DR. F. A. LaVIOLETTE who will deliver his instructive and thrilling lecture "THE BATTLE OF THE MARNE" Patriotic Services begin at 11 a. m, Morning 0ffering for Memorial Fund ADMISSION IS FREE, AT KNEELAND HALL, SHELTON Unusual Tires IRES that are different in. their distinctive good looks and m their construction. An extra ply of fabric, I DECKERVILLE I Those who attended the pie social at the Hatchery Saturday night re- port a fine time. Mrs. C. O. DeckeT and daughter ttazel returned home Saturday from several days visit in Shelton. Mrs. M. C. Fezer and son Lewis of Satsop and Mrs. Berry and daughter of Olympia called at John Culiton's Thursday. Earl and Helen Ford spent severe! days ,f last week in Seattle and Wacorna. I.ud Engblom -elu, rcd fro "1 Ye- a'tie Sunday. Says the baby ;s doing fine and they will soon bring him home. M,'s. Hazel Cooke and ,.'on ot Shel- ton 'pnt the week-end at C. O. Decker's Claude Lonsberry has sold his ran'ch near Ford's Mill. The many friends of Selma Ron- quist will be glad to hear she has so far recovered as to be able to take a business course in Tacoma. TXR&TZNH 'v-WIB'nZ ZDIIST'2" Log and lumber Production in Oregon and %Vashington may be seriously In- terfered with by the shortage of h:el oil. One of the leading companies has sent out notice to the effect that the situation in the fuel oil supply" is becoming more stringent every day. That orders are anticlpted,to dtscon- tinue deliveries of fuel ell to all not protected by written contract; and. as these contracts expire, leliveries are to immediately cease. The withdrawal of fuel c,ll supplies from the logging industcy means that many operations will cease during lhe fire season by reason of the grea men- ace to standing timber in the use of fuel other than oil. A few years ago the logging indus- try was induced to change over from coal and wood fuel by reason of the fire hazard. The hazard continues; therefore, without ell, many operations will temporarily disconfinue. The re- turn to wood would entail great ex- 3ense in changing equil)ment, and o SeCllre coal is out of th (Ioosi'on, even If lhe cost was not prohibitive. l,]fforts arc being made by tl iwd'a- try to show the ell producing ,:;.:- n.nies thai lumber is more essential ;hart ,loy-rJdint£; and tha fuel Oil Sll )tlld iM [iurHihed il'l prc fererlce to the gasoline refinement. ITnless lilt onlttal'p'¢) O13 ftlei ell for ]offging and ltlnlbering operations is lit'ted, ther,, may be. a shortage o[' ]tlnl- bet when the fall buying sets in. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly influ- enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh. It is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the ] System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is composed of some of the best tonics known combined with some of the best I biood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is what produces such wono derful results in catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.. Toledo, O, IIIII!111111111111 PF.00RL OiL SMITH an extra heavy tread and generous SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS Cigars, Tobaccos and High Grade Candies. Guns, Ammunition & Sporting Goods Try our fresh roasted peanuts" oversize make a tire of remarkable W.H. SfllTH endurance. Next Time--BUY FISK SHEL TON GARAGE I00I)-TOP All the Daily Papers SHELTON INDEPENDENT i Auto Stages i i Leave Shelton- Leave Olympia 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a. m. 10:80 a.m. 11:00 a, m. 2:00 p.m. 1:30 p. m. 4:45 p.m. 5:30 1  Shelton to Old Kamilche.. .50 Shelton to Snider's Prairie .75 Shelton to Olympia ...... SL00 Olympia to Sniders Prairie .50 Olympia to Old Kamilche. .75 Olympia to She]ton ..... 1.00 Leaves Olympia from Bracger's Place, opposite Bus Station FRED THOMPSON AND RUFUS DUNBAR Headquarters: Shelton, Hotel Shelton. Olympia, Knox Garage * C0nstipati0n HERE IS NOTHING equal to Chamberlain's Tablets for constipation. When the proper dose is taken their action is so agreeable and so natural that you do not realize that it is the efft of a medicino. These tablets possess tonic proper- ties that aid in establishing a ntural and regular action of the bowels. Chamberlain's Tablets havo cured many cases of chronic constipation. FOR SERVICE, CALL :" The Olympic Garage :, , ,,v, .. Phone 461 ."- 7,. ....................... "TA,.. ......... .": ........ A nice roomy car for hire at all hours at reasonable prices. Stop and see our wire-grip tire with a 7000-mile guarantee at the same price you pay for a 5000 mile guarantee. We still have some second-hand car bar- gains. A new Briscoe coming this week. Drop in and see it. PLEMONS BROTHERS, PROPS. That Great Day the Fourth of July, we sug- gest a dish of our delicious ice cream made of white vanilla, topped with red cherry, and some blue-green pistache cream to make up the red, white and blue ef- fect. Our ice cream is made from pare flit juices and best materials. FAULSOrfS SOFT DRINK STORE SHORTY THE ONLY TAILOR IN TOWN New spring samples have arrived so order that new suit now Cleaning, P{essing and Altering Ladies Gentlemen Suits sponged and pressed . . 1.00 Suits sponged and pressed . . $1.00 Suits cleaned and pressed 2.00 Suits dry cleaned and pressed . 2.00 Skirts ...... . . 1.00 Coats ....... 1.00 Jackets ...... . . 1.00 Pants .... 1.00 .. ., 'Pants sponged and pressed . . Dresms " • . . 1.75 up Overcpats dry cleaned and pressed 2.00 Fancy Dresses cleaed and Overcoat dyed ...... 5.00 pressed ........ 2.25 up Suits dyed ........ 5.00 J. T. WALSH, Box 216, Shelton WHEN VISITING INSEATTLE--TRY Hotel Holland Modern and Fireproof Reasonable rates for transient and week] rates for permanent guests. Fourth Ave. at Jefferson Opposite new court house, four blocks froz depots and docks Eugene Brunner, Mgr. STR, S,.G. SIIqPSON THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE Single Fare $1.51. Round trip $2.72 (Daily except Sundays) Leave Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Tacoma 3 p. m. The morning trip. connects with the 11 o'clock Tacoma to Seattle boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seattle to Shelton should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'clock p. m. Seattle freight should be delivered to Pier 8. ii i i SHELTON TRANSPORTATION COMPANY ,l :1 ,t : € ; .4