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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 2, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 2, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00SON JOU00XL PAGE SEVEN J ] i  :it, j i ?i" t t' 4 : j ¢::wl Royal Needlewoman. The R,tvd School of Art Needle- wlrk, South Kensington, London, Eng., ha lind committed to its keeping for exhibition purlme:- a mnmiflcent piece of early rose pr)lnt |lice, nttrlb- llled Io lhe Ile0dle of Ml|ry Queen of calS. nlld gl'¢ell to the convent of the lrlh lallnS of Yl)res hy Jlunes II., n;,d :lls l/ stq elf VeIIIHIlIlS Ill II V¢Oll- decl'ul llalian In'(cade €)f lhe sixteenth Ct'lllllry. [l'he hl'oc:ldp WllS W'Ol'n Dy the Ar(.hduche':s lsabclhl, daughler of Philip II. ,ff Sp in :NOTICE O1  HEARING l)el)¢lrlnl,llt of l'ublic Lands, Ollice of (( Illl II li .;sl Oil er. In le Applleatloa No. 12778 for tlle 1.ease ,d' Certain Tide 1Atnds of the eeLnd ClAss ying bol w Extrenle Low Tide for Oyster L'ulture. NO'I'ICI}] IS 1-1EItlgBY GIVEN that a hearing will he held in the Couuty Conrt ]{oonl of (,to County Cenrt House at Shclton, Mason County, V.rashtngton, ' ou July 7, 1920 at It o'clock, I). m., in l.he matter of application No. 1277s field by l)anlelLynel, ,It" 'or the lease elf the following described tide l,nds of tile second class for tile purpose of oyster culture, to-wlt: All lands owned by the State of VVashlngton, lying below the line of extreme low title and Included Ill a tract desc'ribed by nletes aud bounds as followS: 13eglnning at a point on lhe line be- tween the norlh and the south nleander eorllers to l'racthmal st.ctions 9 amt ill, townshl]) 19 north, ranl4"e 3 west, V. 1.. said 1)otnt b(.inff N. 4 ° 08' 28 ecs. V.191.19 feet dislant from said soath nltall tier eorllel' and running thence N. 56" 1,]. 63.(;4 l'c,t, N. S9 ° 1;]. 357 feet, S. 48 ° 31' E. 210 l'eel, and N. ,17 ° 19' 51 sccs. I!L 33S.30 l'o,t to the oll[ll\\;VeSl Ct)l'ntl' of a tract (If oyst(!l" htmls dc,'(hd I)y  the Stat, of \\;Vashing- ton |*) lIllllll)hr(Lv N ]5 11 l¢.bru;irY 6. ][c0, Ulld,q' tl)l)lieaiim No. 7562; thence N. .l ° 3{1' 1!]. a h)llg' lho west lille of said Nelson tl'a(:t 217 ['eel ; thence N. ]2" 5IF 20 s(!Cs. \\;V. 131;.37 l'ecl, N. S degs lu;' \\;V. 20.t.5.1 feet. N. 19 ° 17' i']. 89.57 feet, N. ;!)" ,11' hL 189,.t2 feet, N.' 72 ° 26' F. 213.8.t feet, N. S0 ° .t6' I'L 196.5.1 feet, S. 88 ° 16' E. 81.57 feet, S. ii ° 17' E. 45.65 feel, East 4S.;.q feet, N. 30 ° 39' V. 73 feet, N. 74 ° 02' V. 71.94 feet, S. 8'l ° 2S' VT. 82.!1 ft.,,(, S. 8l ° 1.t' ,V. 237.17 feet, S. 65" ,t9' \\;V. 89.52 feet, S, 77 ° 15' \\;V.279,71 feet, S. 2; ° 19' ,V. 74.52 feet, S. 2 ° E. 2(M,4,t feet, S• 5 ° V. 225•05 feet, S. 186.30 feel, S. ,t0 ° 06' 40 sets. V. 182.27 re, t, N. 30 ° 46' ,V. 177.31 feet, S, 82 ° 35' XV. 478. feet, S. 54 ° 07' 30 sec.'. ¥. 677.31 feet and S. 4 ° 08' 28 sees E. 68 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 5.547 acres, according to the plat there- of on file in the olllce of the Commis- sioner of Public Lande at Olympia, Washington. The purl)ose of this hearing is the investigation of an adverse report made by the State Fish Commissioner under said application, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6811. of Reming- ton's 1915 Code; and, unless at such hearing it be conclusively shown to tile Commissioner of Public Lands that in the matters at issue the St&te Fish Commissioner was in error, he will re- fuse to issue a lease on the above de- scribed lands, or any portion thereof, and the application will be reJem'ted. Dated this 25th day of June, A. D. 1920. CLARK V. SAVIDGE, (Seal) Commissioner of Public Lands. 7-2-1t OA v-T- ]l'O]il :aZ:l)8 1'O]I,  00I- BTUOZO O1' 400 1;JIJUb I'IB' O1' GII 31,11, TIOTIO] O1' ]11rIBT.ATO:It'S SAX,| O]E' BAI, ]EISTAT - AT l31gI'AT ]1 SAT.]. In the Superior Court of the State of ,Vashingion, in and for liason County. (in Prohatc.) Case No. 546. In l{e Estate of OSCAI{ L. TIIOMP- St)N, l)eeeased. Nt)TICI'] 1S HI'H.E13Y GIVEN, That In ilnrsuallco of tin Order of the Snl)erior t;oUl't t,f tile State of ,Vashingion, ill and for tl)' County of 5I¢S(111, nlltde tin lilt; liJLh day of June, 11120, In the ntat ° I.t'l" of the ti:st&te Of ()Seal' L. Thonll)- son, d eCctLstd, the Uiidersign.d, the \\;(tlllillls/l'aior of tile I,.'st:tte of said Deceased, will sell at l'l'iv:lle Sale, In ()lit! or 51l'e I'IIrFC(!IS, tO the hight'st bidth'r, ill)till iht, I!rlllS ;(lilt (!Olldil iOllS h.roil)Illtt'r nlelltiollt:(l, alld sllbiect hi ('(1111 ] i'llllt t iol I l)y balil ,%' ullel.iOf Court, on o1' afl,.l' Sat/ll'dlly, the 241h day of July, lq20, all lhc rlght, title and in- tel'oSt of tilt' sahl Deceased at tilt! tilile of hi' death, which was the whole and )lv tht,rein of, In and Io ]those certain L(ts, Pieces or l'arcels of land, situate lyhlg and belug in the County of Mason, State of "Washtn'g- ton, and described as follows: THI,] N O1UF]-t HALl" OF THE NORTHIgAST QUAI{TIR, AND Tttl,] NORTH HALF OF THE NOltTttWEST QUARTER, OF SECTION TIiIR'F Y. TOVNSH1P TWENTY, NORTH, OI "RANGE 'P]-tltli]E, WEST, V. M. Terms and Conditions of Sale, CASH, tn lawful money of the United States of America, ten, (I0) per cent of tile l)urchase n)oney to be paid at time of sale, balance on conflrmatlon of sale. land. subject to Stale, County and lnheritanc(' Taxes. All bids or offers must he in writing. land n)ay be left at tile Law Office of M. XV. 1,ogan, Shellon. ,Vash ingt(m, a\\;liorney for sfti(l Administrator, or may b,' delivered to said Adn|inlslrator llcrsonally tn said County of ]las()ll, or lnay be filed in lhe ()lllce of the Cleric of 1his ('otlrt, at lilly lillIO th(! Ill'st ])ul)lIcalion of this N,dice .'tnd bpl'or* the making of lhe Sale. l)lLled i,t Shclton, \\;\'ash|llg[on, Juue ]9th, 1!)20. \\;r J. 1}l'ICh "IH, Adnlinlst)':t(,r t,f Estate of Oscar l,. Tllonll)son , (lec(ase(l. Attorney for :\\;dlntt)lslt;ator, wJlh Olliee and Poslr*IlIce Address at Shelton Vttshhll4tOll. Date of first pub]tcfttion, June 251h 1920. 6-25-7-23-51 No. 565. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETI- TION FOR APPOINTbIENT OF GUARDIAN. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of Mason. In Probate. In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Estate of MARIE ANNE HAUMESSER, an Insane Person. [OX¢ m Ol  IIA.T O17 SA se Jkr a appraised ,by the. Board of State L&nd Conlnlissloners In tne maner p - Notice Is hereby given that on Tuee-]vided by law, a statement of which is day tile 6th day of July, 1920, be'lnow on file In the office of the Auditor tween the hours of ten o'clock in the I of said county• forenoon and 4 o'clock In the afternoon, I Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid commencing at ten o'clock In the fore-I on the day of sale. ..---^^ - - -- ---  unt ourt- noon of eaid day, in front of the maan[ The .timber on the above descrlbed .... uuur u u o ' I lands is off,wed for sale In pursuance Of o.sin tatCeitoYf rShhln,n CgltY r an ordcr of the Board of State Land O ' • , ' Cenlnllss[oners and ell order of salt b the County Auditor of said county, dul' sm,,,a..',a .ln,.a hu tv,,-, o.,,,. Y .... te  .,'.'..e .............. e .......... o] by a member of the Boaru o[ ta "  • " " of nllssh)ner of Puhlie I ands of tile State I and Commlssloners of tile tate ''.. .. •  • - "' d t i_ .¢rasnlngton no%v on file in the \\;'ashlng ton the following uescrxve ... " ' " " ' .....  --e omce of the County Auditor of said • sLate hinds., togethor, Wlttl tne lnlprov - ments situated thoreon, will be sold at county. )ublie auction to the highest bidder CLATICI,3 V. SAVII)GE, therefor, to-wit: Application ISTo. 7750. All lide hinds of the second class, hS (h,lined by scclion 1 of chapter 36, of the Sessh)n of 1911, owned by the Sutte of Washhlgton, situate in front of, adjacent to or ahultlng upon lhese 1)arts of lots 6 and 7, section 10 townshlll 19 north, range 3 west, W.M., llleasuI'l!d along tile nleander lin0 as folh)ws : Ileglnnlng at an angle point on said meander line In front of said lot 6 from which the point of intersection of the east line of said lot 6 with said meander line hears N. 44* E. 193.20 feet, more or less, distant and running thence N. 44 ° E, 399 feet, N. 65" 2"2  E. 176 feet and N. 83* 09' E. 375 feet to the terminal point of this description, with a frontage of 14,89 lineal chains, more or less, measured along the me- ander line as shown upon the plat of Skookum Inlet Tide Lands, filed in the .olIlce Uf the Commissioner of Public Lands at Olympia, Washington, De- cember 7, 1916, appraised at $8.00 per lineal chain or $115,12. Said lauds will be eold for not less than the appraised value:above stated nnd upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing: Terms and Condltions of Sals.Not less than one-tenth of the purchase l)rice must be paid at the time of sale to the oIIl(r making the sale. The )tlrc}ltt}l', If he be not the owne, r of [le lnll)!'ovelllelll;, nlust forthwith pay to lhc oHIcer nlalt|ng the sale the full nnlouiIt of the nl)l)ralsed wthle of the iUll)rOvcltlelltS, as above stated. One- tenth of the purchase price must be I)aid annually thereafter with Interest on al I deferred l)ayloents at the rate of six per eentunl per annuln, together with acerued interest on ally balance at the salne rate: rovided, That any l)urchaser may make full payment of l)rineil)al, interest and statutory fo at ally time and obtain deed or state patent. The l)urehaser of land contain- Ing tlmber or other valuable materlals is prohibited hy law from euttlng or removing any such timber or materlals without first obtaining consent of the Commlssloner of Public Lands or the board, untll the full amount 3f the purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All eales of state lands ars made subject to the reservations of oll gases, coal, oree, minerals and foeails of every name, kind and deseriptien, Notice is hereby given that C. I. and to the additional terme and oon- Pritchard has filed in this Court a ditions precribed'in the s:et of the le4- petition praying for the appointment of a uardian of the Estate of Marie Anne Haumesser, Insane, wherein it is aIIeed that said Marie Anne Haumesser is insane and is a non- resident of the State of Washin .n; and is the owner of property wlthln the State of Washington that needs the care and attention of a Guardian. You are further notified that the hearing' upon said petition in this Court, is by order of the Court, set for Satmxlay, the 171h day of July, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court House in Shelton, Wash- inton, and that all -ersons interest- led shall appear at such time and place and show cause why a guardian should not be appointed for the es- Notice Is hereby given that the Board of County Commisslonere o! 1ason County, Washington, will re- ceive sealed bids for the construction of 400 lineal feet of guard tall on Permanent Highway No. 3. Location tate of such insane person. of work is opposite and ,south of Tom Witness the I-Ion. D. 1L Wright Chapman's house. Guard rail ehali Judge of said Court and the Seal extend from Station 21-75 to Station 25-75 of Permanent Highway No. 8 ]of the Court thereof, hereunto affixed and shall be along the right shoulder this 19th day of June, 1920. of the embankment, parallel and nine [ HATTIE E. RUCKER-GARFIELD feet distant therefrom. Bids to be opened Tuesday, July 6, 1920, at the Clerk,of said Superior Court. hour of 10 a. m. Plans and specifics- ALDEN C. BAYLEY, tions on file in the office of the County Attorney for Petitioner, Engineer and the County Auditor, at Shelton, Washington. 6-25 7-16 the Court House in Shelton. Each bid must be accompanied by certified tu¢¢k for 5 per cent of the amount t,id. Comnalssioners reserve the right to rJect any and all bids. Date of first publication June 11, 1920. IONE W. DOYLE, (Seal) Auditor Mason County, Wash. 6-11-7-2-4t PROFESSIONAL CARDS, MaxwcU Maternity HOITIC 711 West Fourth St. Phone 981 OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON Office lone 441. Res. Phone V1 N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and locabed in the c4v of the late Dr. Wells. H. G. BRADBURY DENTIST Postofllce Building, Sheltou, Wash. Open 9 to 12---1 to 6 Evening by sppointment& A. LBELL Abstracts and SurveTing Draughting, Real Estate, I.mms and Insurance. Horn Bldg. S heRon, Waeh. CHAS. R. LEWIS ATTORNEYAT--IW, Phone 463. SHEL%No WAS] (Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermen Bld) ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWYER Mason County Abstract & Title Co. Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Sheltoa PHONE 281. Shelton, Wash. Passengers, Baggage and Feight REASONABLE RATES PHONE 41. D, E. BARREI GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Commissioner of Public Lands. 5-28-7-2-6t CALY OR BIDS Bids will be received by the Board of Directors of School District No. 25 at Mohrweis for tile erection of a Teach- ers Cottage. Plans and specifications can be secured at the County Super- tntendent's office or from the School Clerk. Bids to be opened July 5th, 1920, reserves the right to reject any and all bids, MRS. V. E, PETERSON, Clerk. Sellool District No. 25, Potlatcth Wash. 6-18-7-2-31 1rOTIO1 O1  BAV-I O1  HTATE .AIDS Notice Is hereby given, that on Tues- day, the 6th day of July, ]920, be* tween the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door te the County Court House in the city of Shelton, County of Mason, State of Washington, either by tile county auditor of said county or by a member of the Board of State Laud Commis- sioners of the Slate of rashtnglon, the following described state land: together with the improvements situ- ated thereon, will be sold nt publle auction to the highest bhider thcrefur to-wit: Real Estate, Insurance and Conveyandng Fire, Life, Health and Accident and Bond Insurance. '. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON Said lands will be sold for hot less than the appraised value above stated lslature approved March 20, 1907, being and upon the tarms and conditions fol- section 2 of chapter 26 of the Laws lowing: of 1907 ..... T' amd OomMo ot tl--Not Bald lad will be sold sunle w . -- ls than on-tntk of the purohase the terms, conditions aria reservaoml ..., ! n .t *h ttr. n¢ 1 We rioe ..... v ................. of chapter 109 of the Session La ef [: *h= €. m.t.. +u. .   11, relating to emnts for rights- " ...........  .... " ..... ' ..... tlaber I per@haser, if ke b not tbe owner of way anu the crrylng OI  "ue* over I tke improvemmts, mt forthwith pay :,s.$1neri and other pro. t. [t te':ofO.r ma,g, tke sa.,. the run _. .. . ' ..... l ameuat o the appraeu vame of the Trio above deaerlDed tanus are O.rrereQ l imprvements, as above etated. Ono- for tulle In ursuance of an orslr oItth of the purohase price maat be tbS Board o? State Lanai C|pald anaually threaft wlth interest ers aria an order or sate .ut' ]mt.[o a all defe-d payments at' the rate anu eortifled by the Commleslon or ef .... mix per osmtum per annum, together Public Lands of the tata of wasmg- with aecrul intert on any baianoe ton now on file in the omce oI tua at tk m rate' 1. * .v t ...... " .....  ....... county auditor of Bald coun y._ _ purclmer may make full payment of CLARK V SAVI ^=o,.,. k'e v,,, ,. principal, interest and statutory foes at .................... '-g;-., , t" any time and obtain deed or state u-o-,--, patent. The of land contain- STATE :LAI[D Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, thc 6th day of July, 1920, bs- tween the hours of ten o'clock ia the forenoon and four o'clock in the after- noon, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of ths main entrance door to the County Court House in the City of Shelton, County of Mason, State of Washington, either by the County Auditor of said county, or by a member of the Board of State Land Commissioners of the Stats of 4 Washington, the timber on the follow- ing described state land will bs sold at a No. 563. IOTXC TO OZwDXO In the Superior Court o the State of Washington for Mason County. In Probate. In the Matter of lhe Estate of JOSEPH PULSIFER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has heen appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the Eetate of Joseph Pulslfer0 deceased; that all persons having olaime against said deceased or against acid estate are hereby required to eorve the same, duly verified, on said administrator or his attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the earns witbl the clerk of aid Court with proof of! such servica within x (6) month: after the late of first publication of this notice, or the same will be barred. Date of first publication, June 11, 1920. WILLIAM C. MILLBIR, Administrator of said Estats. Address Potlatch, Wash. CHAS, R. LEV¢IS, Attorney for said Etate. Rooms T and 8, Lumbermen's Build- public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: ApplLoation o. 10976. Timber on NI of section 16, town- ship 23 north, range 1 wet, W, M., containing 160 aeres, more or less, a- cording to ths government survey thereof, appraised at $6840.00. Timber on NWNt of seotion 16, town- •hip 23 north, rangs 1 west, W. M., ooutaining 16# aeres, more or lese, ao cording to the governmt survey thereof, apprais¢l at $49.05, subJ$ot to an eaemet for right of way for state road, aixty feet in width, over and across eaid land u srveyed and platted by te tate Hlgkway Commie- aionr, according to ths plat therf filed iu the ofllce of the Commlmoaar of Public Lande by maid tate Highway Commiaioner, which asement for ead right of way Is forever reerved to the State over the N of the NWt ad • WM. of NW. Timber on W4 of eeetiou I0 Iowa- ship 23 north, rane 1 wt, W. M., 160 aores, more or lm, ao- oordlng to the government survey thereof, nppraisd at $4685.g0. ing, Shelton, Mason County, Wash- Timber on 12Nt of etion 18, towa- ington. 6-11-7-2-41 ship 3 no¢th, rage 1 wt, W. M.,  ...... o Containing 160 acre, .more or lm, No. 4Z. cording to the government survsy OTX OF Q A v- 15. therecof, appraieed at $4140.0. O]gT A TgO O a D- The valuation of above timber  eub- 2UTXO. Ject to adJuetmmt, as it ie baaed UpOn a eruiee made in '1916 and a recheck of In the Superior Court of the State of the ttmber wilI be made prior to the Washington for Mason County. In datsofsale Probate. _ . .  Said timber ou d land will be eold In the Matter of the state of JOHN Ire r not lem than ths appraised vaine, NY.E, D,eceaed. ...... ]as appraised hy ths Board of tate 2ouee IS nereoy given tnat 1% a. [ t.n.,! mmfeinn¢. in fHa maw Fleser administrator or the estate I .... 4a, b y 1.,,.,, m tafamant @ ib John Nye, Deceased, has filed in the ['.' .._ om fils in the -ffic of the is  ....... office of the clerk of said Court h -. ......... Final Report and Petition for I)istri-]AUalts°f  °eu..tYas. to 'e 'aid button, asking the Court to settle .ldl Y2. ........ ' " " " Report dietribute the property to the l°nt ns .u. ,u..t.^ -.^-- ^.^. persons thereto entitled and to di- *uu -,-, ,,- .,. ..a.. .,.. ands is offered for sale in purauan of an order of the Board of State Ldad Commietoners, and an order of sale duly iued and certified hy the Com- missioner of Public Laads of the tate of Washington° now on fllo in the office of the County Auditor of mdd oounty. CLARK . BAVIDGI0 Commlaaioner of Publto Lande. 5-28-7-2-6t Notice is hereby given that qn Tues- day, tho 6th daF of July, 120, be- tween the hours of ten o,cloek in ths forenoon and four o'clock in the after- noon, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the County Court House iu th City of Shelton, County ,of Mason° State of Washing- ton, either by the County Auditor of said county, or by a menber of the Board of State Land Comisslonere of the State of Washington0 the timber on the following described state land will b sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: Application o. 11059. charge said F. A. Fieser; and that said Report and Petition will be heard on the 10th day of July. 1920, at 10 o'clock A. Z4., at the Court room of the Court House in She)ton, Washing- ton. Dated this 8th day of June, 1920. HATTIE E. RUCKER-GARFIELD, Clerk of said Court. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate. Rooms 7 and 8 Lumbermen's Build- ing, Shelton, Wash. 6-11-T-$-4t 1o. 648. • rOTIO| el' |TT-IM]'T el  , ACOOUT In the Superior Court of the State of Wmshington in and for Mason County. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Gust Johnson, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that J. W. Nordstrom the Adminlstrator of the estate cf Gust Johnson, deceased, has rendered and Presented for settlement to, and filed in the Superior Court of said County and State his final account and Petition for Distribution as such Administrator; and that Saturday, the 10th day of July, 190, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the court room of our said I Superior Court, in .the Court Room of the ;ourt rlouse, n said County, has been duly appointed oY our Superior Court for the settlement of the Final Account, at which time and place any person interested In said estate appear and file his exceptions In wrnj ' ing to the said Final Account and. coatest the aam Witness, the Hen. John M. Wilson, Judge of the said Superior Court, and the seal of aatd Court affixed thle 9th day of June, 1920. HATTIE E. RUCKER-OARFIELD, County Clerk and Clerk of said Super- ior Court. eliAS. R . LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate. Rooms 7 and 8 Lumbormen's Build- ing, Shelton, Wash. 6-11-T--4t STATE BANK 0F:SHELTON i = = HOTEL SHELTON - -- [] [] _-m -- - [] 00ImARDS POOi00-A C00EAN spoRT = Application 1o. 7747. All tide lands of tile second class, n delln(d by secli,lu 1 of chapter 3(; ef -- o--fetioner., Cigars an a all Soft Drinks = the Session l,aws of 1911, owned bY tim i -' u,. a. ,  u ,_ State of Vashingtnn, siluate in front I= = of adjacent to or ab)ltting upon lot 5. , [] sc'(¢lon 10 township 1',)nl rth ra)ge 31[] EDWARD H FAUBERT, Mgr. [] • . ,  , , , , m m west, W. iI., with a l)'( o[ 26.G1 [[] lineal chains, more or less, measured] along the meander line, as shown upon --" the plat of Skookum Inlet Tide l,ands _u filed in tile ofllce of the Commissioner |i||||]]|||||I|||||||||||||||||H||||||I|I||||||||||||||||||||H||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||I of l ub]ic Lands at Olympia, rashing-I ton, December 7, 1916. Appraised all $5.00 per lineal chain or $133.05. ubJect to such right, title or inter- est as may have been acquired by the purchaser of any part of said tide land as tide lands suitable for the cultivation of oysters under any deed W W. BARRETT heretofore iesued by the State of Wash- ington. • Jng timber or other valuable materials is prohibited by law" from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtainh)g consent of the Commissioner of Public l,ands or the board, until the full anaount of the purchase price has been paid and deed iesued. All ssles of state lands are made eklbJect to the reservatlons of oils, gag,,es, co0.1, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and con- ditlons prescribed in the act of the leg- Islature approved March 20, 1907, being section 3 of chapter 256 of the Laws of 19a7. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of 1911, relating to aements for rights- of-way and tha carrying of limner, stone, mineral and other poduots over th same. The abovo deori  a offer- ed for aaie in pursua of an order of the Board of Stats Lad Cmmle- aionera, and an order of male duly laed lind eertlfied by the Comml- atoher of Publte  of tbe Btato of Washington now on ills  the of the county auditor of said comty. CLARK Y. BAVIDO. CommiasMmer of Public Lga. -8-7-$-6t Ne. 3241. FOIIGY, OU O' T aw ]hXm It the Superior Oort of the State of • Fashington for Maon County. JILl B. ROBINSON, Platiff, VS. OORA C. NIIL, and Lot 2 t. Block 24, of David Shelton's Sd Addition to tke Town of Sheltoa, Tahlngton, and all persons uuknown, if any, kavig or claJmkag to have au i- terest in aad to the real property kereinnfter dorlbl, Defendants. TB STATB OF WASt[INGTON to Oma C. Ndl. and Lot S, Bkdk 4 of Dav! Shelton's 3€1 Addition to t1 Town of Shelton, Washlagton, and all persona uaknown, if any, having or elaiming to have am trut in and to tk rl property koremaftr d eori: You and h of you ars hreny notl- id tt :ll B. RoblnOn tl holdout of Certificate of Delimqnoy numbered 1255, lasuad on the lth day of June, 1914, by the County of MLon, tate of Tashington, for the amonnt of Twant- Two al 60-15e Dollars, the being tke amount than due and delinquent for taxee for the ysar 1912-1918 to- gether with penalty, intarmt and costs ther$ou, upon reel property assessed to you and of which you are the owner or reputed oner, situated In eaid County, and partioalarly bounded and desorlbed as follows, to-wit: Lot No. Three, (3) in Block IWo. Twsnty-Four, (24) of David Shelton'e Third, (Sd) Addition to the Town of Shelton, shington, according to the recorded plat of Bald town and said Third Addition. and upon which he h paid taxes assemed affainst aaid prop- erty as followe: Year's Tax Date Pad Amount 1914 ........ May 11, 191 ........ $11.90 1915 ....... June 26, 1916 ....... 12.07 1916 ........ June 11, 1917 ....... 12.42 1917 ........ May 31, 1918, ....... 12.09 1918 ........ May 2, 1919 ......... 12,19 Total amount of taxes paid since date of Certificate of Delifiqueney.$60.74 all of said amounts beartng Interest at the rate of fifteen per cent. per annum: and you are further notified that he will apply to the Superior Court of the State of ¢ashlngton, in and for said County, for a Judgment foreeloslng his lien against the property hereinbefore your failure to do so, Judgment will be rendered foreclosing the lien for said certificate of dellnqueney, taxes, pen- alty, tnterest and costs, against the lands and premises hereinbefore men- tloned. Date of first publloatlon May 14th, 1920. Any pleading or Drooe may be served upon the undersigned at the address hereafter mehtioned, M. W, LOOAI, Plaintiff's Attorney. P. O. Address: Shelton, County of Macon, Washington. 5-14-6-15-7t Cascara bark on SE and E% of mentioned, and you are hereby sum- SW% of section 16, township 19 north, moned to appetr within sixty days range 6 west, W. M., appraised at 2 after the date nf the first publication cents per pound (wet), or $160.00. of thls summons, exclusive of the day Cascara bark on NESt of NW of of said first publication, and defend section 16, township 19 north, range 6 this action or pay the amount due. west, W, M., appraieed at 2 cents per together with costs; nnd in ease of THE PIONEER HARDWAR fJTORE Stove, Range, Hardware, PMnts, Otis, Vandsles and Bruku, Ficture Frames, Curtain Pole and Eal All phmblag guranteed as to work and mateHM for me 7ear. • L I '' I Shelton Shoe Factory --:--- AND QUICK REPAIR SHOP Manufacturers of heavy work shoes. We also pound (wet) or $40.00. Purchason will be allowed until No- vember 1, 11920 to remove said cascara bark. Trees must be cut .leaving stump of 18 inches above ground, and stump must not be peeled. , Subject to rights of the lessee under leaso No. 1129 issued for the purpoees of mining and extracting petroleum and natural gas therefrom, subject also to application No. 11065 for the pur- chase of timber thereon• Said timber on said land will be sold for not lee than the appraised valu have a line of serviceable, high-topped logger boots. All kinds of shoe repairing neatly done, HANSEN BROS. -'':'7" i m IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlull II IIIII I IIII i IlfllH IllUllllllil lu IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II I!111 I 111111111111111 .,. 8:30 a.m. $:00 p. m. 11:30 a.m. 4.5 p. m. FARE ONE WAY $1.00--ROUND TRIP $1.0 Tickets on sale at Johnson's Garage--Waiting Room Tickets good until used. .., ....... Leave Olympia 7:00 a.m. 8:00 p. m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p. m. Headquarters at Cereal Bus Station Waiting Room and Lady Atteudant. Phone 22. J. E c0000a00 Shelt0a Market and Ice Mant H ARR Y FORD I I Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shin@les, Moul .ding.s, Doors, Windows. If you are going _to build don't oyeriooz the fact. We tan save you m0M¥. Let u flzre wta you. A square deal to all Is our motto. Mill at Matlok. Yards at Sheltou,