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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 2, 2009     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 2, 2009
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READERS' JOURNAL: More public Editor, the Journal: The pending interlocal agreement between Mason County and the City of Shel- ton allows for the expansion of city development require- ments into those portions of the urban growth area that are within the jurisdiction of the county. It is the Shel- ton-Mason County Cham- ber of Commerce Board of Trustees' recommendation that additional forums be provided where public con- cerns may be presented and subsequently addressed pri- or to the upcoming vote by the county commissioners. In our opinion, while this may be a great idea, the agreement itself has serious flaws as presently worded. Some sections are in need of clarification, others in need of further definition, and this issue of whether, in light of current economic conditions in our county, it makes sense to implement such an agreement needs public debate. This is a time when we need to encourage coopera- tive efforts to attract and retain businesses to expand employment opportunities locally, not rush to adopt ordinances which may dis- courage such potential growth and drive existing employers elsewhere. Dick Taylor Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce Voter support Editor, the Journal: The 2009 elections for Mason County fire commis- sioners will be very impor- tant for Mason County Fire District 18. Frank Phillips will be a candidate for com- missioner for a second term of six (6) years, Position 2. He, in my opinion, has done a magnificent job work- ing for Fire District 18 and the citizens of the district. As a former firefighter/ EMT, fire chief and commis- sioner of Fire District 18, I have seen his concerns and work for the district. I truly believe that Frank is the most qualified person for the position and I encourage the citizens of Fire District 18, Lake Cushman, to re- elect him this November for commissioner, Position 2. Bill Weed Hoodsport Project engineer Troy Saghafi, project manager Mike Ollivant, Bill Dodge of Rodarte Construc- tion, Inc. and City Commissioner Dawn Pan- nell took part in a Kneeland Park pump station groundbreaking this past Friday. Officials say the new facility is a crucial part of efforts to im- prove the city's 30-year-old sewer system. Pump station contract off by 99 cents By KEVAN MOORE station to send city waste- City officials celebrated water for treatment. The a Kneeland Park pump sta- project will include the con- tion groundbreaking this struction of a 4.5-gallon-per- past Friday and came back day submersible pump sta- Senior shooter charged to work on Monday to slight- tion and electrical building, ly amend the construction installation of a new grinder with 2nd-degree assault contract- by a whopping at the main treatment plant 99 cents, and hundreds of feet of pipe- Trial date set in August By MARY DUNCAN An 85-year-old man who is accused of shooting a rifle at the head of a man doing work on his property in Ta- huya appeared for arraign- ment last week in Mason County Superior Court Oliver E. Brooks, of 201 NE Collins Lake Drive, en- tered a not-guilty plea to a charge of assault in the sec- ond degree with a firearm enhancement. He is sched- uled for trial during the jury term beginning August 11. Brooks was arrested after an incident reported April 23 when two men came to his residence to complete a landscaping job. When one of the men approached him about paying the balance on the work done, Brooks al- legedly went into his trailer and came back out with a rifle, which he pointed at the man's forehead and fired, but the rifle jammed. He then reportedly reloaded and fired, with the bullet coming within inches of the man's head on the second try. A typo in the original award to Rodarte Con- struction out of Gig Harbor had double zeros after the decimal instead of the ac- tual 99 cents that the firm had bid to do the work. As such, city commission- ers amended the award on Monday from $2,067,574.00 to $2,067,574.99. Previously, due to a sepa- rate printing error, the com- missioners were unable to sign the actual contract be- cause a document with only the odd-numbered: pages was put befor them. The new tation will as- sist the Front Street pump lines. Some of that line work will also include crossings underneath First and Park streets in order to avoid traffic delays. Restoration work will involve improve- ments to Kneeland Park, including a walking trail, landscaping and an asphalt basketball court. City Engineer Mike Mi- chael said that after work on the new pump station gets under way next month that it should be operational this coming fall and all of the associated work should be fully complete by next spring. Deer Creek Store thief gets 60 days He was intoxicated at the time of the crime By MARY DUNCAN A 21-year-old man who broke into the Deer Creek Store and took beer and cigarettes was sentenced on Monday, June 22, in Ma- son County Superior Court. Joshua James Kilts, of 52 Moonrise Lane, Union, pled guilty to burglary in the second degree and then was sentenced to 60 days. He pled guilty to break- ing into the store with a co- defendant. His court-appointed at- torney, James Foley, said his client was involved with alcohol. "He was working hard and in the last year he had some troubles with a girlfriend and did some stupid things involving al- cohol. I think his bell's been rung," he commented. "He understands he has a felo- ny on his record." "This has really been a wake-up call for me," Kilts said. "I'm looking forward to getting into treatment." Judge Toni Sheldon told him, "This was an extreme- ly bad idea. You wanted to buy some beer and the plan didn't work out so you broke into the Deer Creek Store. It really looks like you're in a downhill slide," she said, referring to his prior convictions for minor in possession of alcohol and driving under the influ- ence. "It's very critical for you to get into a treatment pro- gram. If you fall back into using you will be back in court again," the judge added. She ordered him to pay $1,613.50 in court costs and fees. Kilts will share the restitution of $398.96 for damage to the front door of the business, two 12-packs of beer and six packages of cigarettes with his codefendant, 20-year- old Benjamin R. Tweed, of 303 East Boardwalk, Shel- ton. Tweed received a sen- tence of 45 days for second- degree burglary. This of- fense does not have any community custody. Man dies of alcohol overdose By MARY DUNCAN The Mason County Cor- oner is investigating the death of a 27-year-old Shel- ton man who died Tuesday afternoon from alcohol in- toxication. Coroner Wes Stockwell said that Raul Garfia-Marti- nez was transported to Ma- son General Hospital early Tuesday morning after he was found unconscious and unresponsive by his friends. Stockwell said that Garfia-Martinez had been drinking tequila and that toxicology tests revealed al- cohol levels that can cause death. "Garfia-Martinez never regained conscious- ness and died Tuesday af- ternoon," he added. The coroner said that the cause of death was acute ethanol intoxication and has ruled the death an accident. "1 Complete this form, clip it and mail to RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 You can order by phone (360) 426-4412 with your credit card. I $37 (Mason County address) Il $51 (Elma or Bremerton address) I [ $51 (in Washington State)  $61 per year out of state I Please check: [ New  Renewal r? Please charge my subscription to my credit card $  Visa  MasterCard I Card Number: I Signature: Expires: 3 digit security code Phone: I Name: Address: I LCity:__ __ __  State: Zip: J -1 p.tion I Complete this form, clip it and mail to ROI Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 I You can order by phone (360) 4264412 with your credit card. I 1 $37 (Mason County address) I 1 $51 (Elma or Bremerton address) I  $51 (in Washington State) t $61 per year out of state I I Please charge my subscription I to my credit card $___ __ [ Visa  MasterCard I Card Number: I I Signature: _(? Expires: I Name: J City:. 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