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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 2, 2009     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 2, 2009
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.... ..... ....... ''" ily "t _Pi" NEW CLUB MEMS|R| t||| iNSTANTLY RECEIVt Fam un anned Saturday at Walker Park FR PLAY ' il  om, each wa, an oun as te*ie ro, ls ac. o,ter stew ao e. sian- other activities are planned Another free, guided tour style steamed clams. this Saturday, July 4, to called Honey, I Flushed Information booths will celebrate Oakland Bay. the Kids! will be hosted by highlight the beach moni- The free, fun-filled fam- ily event will get everyone outside to explore the won- ders of Hammersley Inlet as the low tide on July 4 re- veals its underwater trea- sures. Terri King, Washington Sea Grant outreach and ed- ucation specialist, will lead a tour starting at 11 a.m. Saturday at Walker Park. The tour, she said, will open up an exciting world of shore crabs, sea anemo- nes, gunnels and other life Shelton Sewage Treatment Plant Manager John Ozga at 10 a.m. sharp. The tour will last about 45 minutes and give visitors plenty of time to head from the treat- ment plant to Walker Park for the beach walk and sea- food frenzy. From noon to 1 p.m. at Walker Park, five-time Oys- terFest shucking champion Xinh Dwelley will teach participants how to shuck oysters, sharing a recipe or two and a tasting of her toring results, shellfish grown in Oakland Bay as well as activities and op- portunities to improve wa- ter quality. For more information, contact Washington Sea Grant at 432-3054 or e- mail wsgcanal@u.wash- Saturday's project has been funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under an assistance agreement to the Squaxin Island Tribe. Sheriff to use grant for laptops in patrol cars The Mason County Sher- iffs Office will use over $77,000 in grant funds to equip patrol vehicles with laptop computers which will increase efficiency and al- low deputies to respond to calls without broadcasting through the dispatch sys- tem. The award of $77,445 from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assis- tance Grant will be used to purchase 12 mobile data terminals (MDTs) and 15 software licenses along with applicable hardware. The uncertainty of the current budget revenue streams for the sheriffs of- fice made a decision as to the best use of these funds difficult at best, according to Sheriff Casey Salisbury. He called the decision to use the funds for the laptops "a solid investment." This purchase will not provide every vehicle with its own computer but most vehicles will be outfitted with the mounts so that units may be transferred at the end of a shift, Chief Dep- uty Dean Byrd explained. He said the prime consid- eration of this use of funds is the safety of county citi- zens and sheriffs deputies. The MDTs will be connect- ed to the Spillman system, which includes a  computer record of calls to the dis- patch center and the com- puter recordkeeping system providing the capability of instant access to state and federal databases while in the field to determine the status of suspected persons and vehicles. Deputies will be able to see the calls as they come into the dispatch center and allow deputies to respond silently, Byrd said. "That takes a lot of air traffic off the (radio) frequency," he added. The computers will also afford responses to be coor- dinated with other deputies and agencies without warn- ing lawbreakers who moni- tor police frequencies. The county's dispatch service, referred to as MACECOM, is already ca- pable of using this equip- ment. The Squaxin Island Tribe purchased the server software that is required to utilize the same devices. Byrd said local law enforce- ment agencies that are partnering in this endeavor need only to purchase unit licenses and hardware to be operational. The Mason County Sher- iffs Office Traffic Unit pur- chased laptop computers as part of the initial outfitting of their vehicles. They are seeking funding for the com- munications software used on the mobile data termi- nals. The addition of the grant-purchased equipment in other patrol vehicles is valuable in providing effec- tive, efficient law enforce- ment, according to Byrd. MORE Dining and E ertainment on page CS We're Here To Help Sometimes in life we have to rely on those around us to help with things we just can't do completely y ourselves. We certainly find that to be true in our family life and realize it to also be true in our professional life. Quality dental care is not created by the dentist alone. Treatment excellence requires a skilled team that works well together. Our office successfully assists patients in receiving personalized treatment that is tailor-made to fit individual comfort and treatment needs. From regular check-ups to implants and full mouth reconstruction, allow our team to help you serve your dental needs. Evening. _ppointments Available New Patients Always Welcome Dr. Steven H. .,w, ....- 426-1664 ,,., BAR & GRILL 114 WEST COTA "SHELTON "426-2221 Home of the Mason County "Idol" Come be the next one i!i:ili!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ..................... Steak Night Mondays 6pm Choice of a big, juicy, 11oz. sirloin steak -58.95 or New York Steak - 10.95 with garden salad, baked potato, roll & dessert llll [O181 lie] l£"]|[UJ| | ! 11[e7:1 L| 1141EII] [el ll,ld i;ii!:g: w|mplayoer .... ; :.!!:.!:: : LS Vegastr)ps. j FREE POOL TUES AllDayLong! and during Happy Hours 7538 RE;GULAR ONION RINGS REGULAR FRENCH FRIES SiDE SALAD iiiiiiiii!::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiilililiiiill ¸ ...... %;;;;];;;? :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii]iiiilililiiiiiiii !iii!iiiii!i!iiiiiii!iii!i!iii!i!i!i!;ii!i!iiii iiiiiii!iii;iiiii!iiiiii!iiiiii!iii!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii7;! ?ii!iii!iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i]i!!ii]!iiiiiiii!iii!!i;ili iii[il]iiiiiiiiiiiiiili iiii]iiiiii]iiiiiii[]iiiiiiiiii]iiiii]iiiiiiiiii]iiiiiiiii]i]iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii]i]i]iiiii][iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii]i ::''i!i!: ii]ii]iiii!i!i]iii[i!iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiii]iiiiiiiiii][iiiiiiiii[iiiiiiiii  iiiiiiiiiii]iiiiiiiii;i]iiiii[i]iiii][iii]iij]i[ iii]ii;i]]iiiiiiiii]iiii]  i!iiiii]iiiii]iiii]iiiii]]iii]iiii!i!!ili!]iiii  iiii]iiiiiiiiii]!]iiiiiiiii!]iii]ii]iiii]i]iiiiiiJ]i]iiiii]i]iiii!`i ]iiiiiii]i!iiiiiii]iiiiiiii]i]iii!iiiiiiiiiiiii]iiiiii • o Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 2, 2009