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Xi Gamma Psi
crowns new
Xi Gamma Psi has chosen Patrick Stanislav
Robi Martinson as its 2009 Kanicky, 30, Shel-
sweetheart in coronation ton, and Tamie Jean
ceremonies at Vern's Res- Brown, 37, Shelton.
taurant. Outgoing sweet-
heart is Lisa Williams. Kyle John Wil-
Other officers in Xi Gam- liams, 18, Fort Lewis,
ma Psi include Jill Jagnow, and Brittany Marie
extension officer; Denise Deyette, 18, Shelton.
Eklund, recording secre- Benjamin Martin
tary; and Lisa Williams, Holloway, 45, Bel-
treasurer, fair, and Anissa Lynn
Xi Gamma Psi partici- Burch, 41, Belfair.
pates in OysterFest each Kyle Taylor
year to raise funds for earl- Celebrating with Xi Gamma Psi 2009 sweetheart Schmidt, 23, Shel-
ous causes. They provide Robi Martinson is president Jeri DeMiero and ton, and Ann Rachel
several scholarships to col- vice president Brenda Bamford. Elsen, 23, Shelton.
lege-bound graduates, and
on holidays they provide Xi Gamma Psi is a chap- women's organization. For Jonathan Dale
tray favors for Meals on ter of Beta Sigma Phi, an more information, call Lynn Holton, 34, Belfair,
Wheels for the homebound, international business Boothe at 426-7529. and Jamie C. Mull-
bock, 32, Belfair.
Kenneth Lee Er-
Woman q 00leb r ares
her loot a birthday
Helen Haugan celebrated
her 100th birthday June 27
with family and friends at
her home at Colony Surf in
Helen Anna Seger was
born June 30, 1909 in Se-
attle and lived there for 93
She went to B.F. Day Ele-
mentary School and in 1927
she graduated from Lincoln
High School in Seattle. Her
children attended the same
elementary school and also
graduated from the same
high school as their mother.
Haugan worked for a tele-
graph company from 1927 to
1936 and during World War
II worked at Boeing, where
she retired in 1974.
For more than 50 years
she has been a member of
Doric Chapter of Masonic's
Eastern Star.
Her children are Elaine
Knebel and Robert and
Nora Haugan of Lilliwaup.
Grandchildren include Andy
Knebel, Tracy Hancock,
Lisa Wohlfiel and Cristine
Haugan. There are eight
great-grandchildren and
one great-great-grandchild.
I ( Up / I ick°' 9' H°qua'
T " i:: :::: ...................... : and Donna JeanNabi-
,c e weds at pour, 60, Hoquiam.
£ c00esar s Palace I
__ ::,. ........
Darin Hall of Olympia and Cari I 28,andGrapeview.Tabitha Bayne, :':::::*': ::¢, -'::'
iL% ...... :-%
Pintler of DuPont were married ear- lllll [ John Arthur Mar ...... :i:/::Y
lier this year. I: / I
shall, 50, Tahuya, and
Hall is the son of Charlie and Linda 1!: [ Christina Ann Brown,
Hall of Lacey. Pintler is the daughter : I 40, Tahuya.
of Curt and Joan Pintler of Lacey. I
I The wedding took place on April 24 ":: I Nathaniel Leon New officers, left to right, are Ruth Casebolt, At--
[ at Caesar s Palace in Las Vegas, Ne- :::.:; " I Martillus Bybee, 26, lene Larson, Laurie LaMarre, Cathy Barber and
I vada. Following the ceremony, a re- " I Belfair, and Amber Mahri Brennan.
[ ception was held at Planet Hollywood. / : I Rose-Marie Negrones,
I The couple plans to reside in Olym- : I 26, Belfair. &
pia. Mr. and Mrs. Darin Hall
I ....... ] Joseph Patrick TOPS annou ces
Burgman, 39, Lacey,
and Sarah Marie Bar- p t
ron, 39, Lacey. new cha q.00r officers
Summer music series begins next week Mario Sabile Tan-
Maia Santell and House Blend will start off the
Music in the Park series on July 9 at post office
park with a mix of jazz and blues.
Music in the Park will
begin its 2009 summer sea-
son Thursday, July 9, at 7
p.m. in the post office park
with Maia Santell and her
backing band, House Blend.
Santell and her jazz and
blues band have been per-
forming around the Pacific
Northwest for 20 years.
The band consists of vo-
cals, guitar, saxophone,
bass and drums, and, in
addition to jazz and blues,
performs swing, big band,
jump blues and rhythm and
blues. Other bands sched-
uled to appear during the
series are The Varmints
July 16, Freckles Brown
Band July 23, Runaway
Train July 30, Little Green
Men August 6, Reincar-
nations of Rock and Roll
August 13, Randy Baugh
Band August 20 and Swing
Fever August 27.
KGY Radio 1240 AM and
are proud to announce the appointment of
and Christina Louann
Monroe, 32, Shelton.
John Phillip Macy
45, Shelton, and Krys-
tal Amber St. John,
24, Shelton.
Kevin Ryan
Haynes, 24, Shel-
ton, and Chrissa Lee
Beleele, 29, Shelton.
iji!!i!#i: :, experience to Olympia's historic radio station KGY. iiiiii:i!)ii
i! She and her dedicated staff of professionals stand ready to :iiiiiii21i
iie: help meet your advertusmg needs. Call now (360) 943-1240. ;:,
TOPS 1188 Shelton chap-
hueco, 43, Shelton, ter officers have been in-
stalled for the coming year.
The following members of
the chapter's executive com-
mittee are:
Leader Laurie LaMarre,
360-427-9293; co-leader
Mahri Brennan, 360-427-
1717; secretary Cathy
Barber; treasurer Ruth
Casebolt; weight recorder
Cathy Barber; and assistant
weight recorder Arlene Lar-
+ + ' S°oPS l188 has been sup- Boulevard.
porting healthy weight-loss
efforts in our community
for many years. Visitors
are welcome to attend their
first TOPS meeting free of
charge. After that monthly
chapter and yearly interna-
tional dues are charged.
Chapter 1188 Shelton
holds weekly meetings ev-
ery Thursday from 10 to 11
am. Meetings are held at the
Shelton Christian Church,
105 Arcadia Avenue, corner
of Arcadia Avenue and Lake
/27= ----y:.
*All prices subject to change-without notice
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Thursday, July 2, 2009 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-7