July 2, 2009 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Lady of the Lake an-
nounces a huge 4th of
July weekend sale on
all house stock includ-
ing wicker, patio sets,
yard art, chair swings
and more! In addition,
throughout July clothes,
shoes, bags and beach
hats will be 50% off!
New stock is added ev-
ery week! July 1 lth and
12th, 10-5PM, will be
the spectacular Lady
of the Lake Art Fair,
with dozens of local art-
ists from stained glass,
photography, jewelry
(numerous), metal art,
crafts, bejeweled cloth-
ing, reliquary, sculp-
ture, and something
for everyone! For this
event some artists such
as Walden (stained)
Glass have reduced
prices of pieces cur-
rently on display at the
Lady. In addition, some
of our participants will
be selling locally grown
produce which we hope
will evolve into a week-
ly (Sat/Sun) produce
market. Vendors who
have not yet applied to
participate in the Fair
should do so immedi-
ately. New this month
is an exquisitely carved
ornate 17th century Eu-
ropean mirror backed
china cabinet large
enough to hold all of
grandma's fine china,
stemware and silver. A
must see! Also, there
is a gorgeous walnut
burl top dining table/
leaf that could as easily
serve as an entry table
as a focal point in any
dining suite. Bring a
friend and "staycation"
at the Lake There
are restaurants within
walking distance and a
beach within a stone's
throw. You'll be glad
you did! Lady of the
Lake, 1085 E. Picketing
Rd. (across from Spen-
good, $1,500 OBO.
Bushnell 525X tele-
scope with tripod, $50.
buildings. Big and small.
Get the deal of deals!
Placement to site. www.
scg-grp.com. Source
#1AQ. Phone 360-406-
4202. A7/2-9
SP with charger. Excel-
lent condition, $40.360-
427-0925. D7/2
DOG RUN kennel,
chain link, 7'x14'x6'
high, $150 OBO.1231 E
Mason Lake Dr. E. 360-
427-1469. K7/2
Ranger sailboat. 2
backpacks and miscel-
laneous gear. 360-427-
7005. H7/2
for lease by owner at
Alderbrook Golf and
Yacht Club, Union WA.
One player unlimited
golf; seasonal (March
- September) $125
month or year-round
$90 monthly. Two play-
ers, unlimited golf; sea-
sonal (March - Sep-
tember). $220 monthly
or year-round $180
monthly. Adherence
PGA golf etiquette and
Alderbrook golf course
rules is a condition for
this lease. Leases will
be renewed annually.
One time $150 lease
administration fee will
apply. Call Fred at 360-
898-4937. $7/02
D.R. BRAND wood/
brush chipper. 18hp
Briggs & Stratton en-
gine, road towabte,
good tires. Chips up to
3-1/2 inch branches.
$2,400 or best offer.
Phone 360-427-1805.
cer Lake Resort) open
Thursday-Monday O R NAME NTA L
10-5/accepts VISA/MC GRASSES. Many
- 426-8632. L7/2-23 varieties, reasonably
priced. 360-426-8487.
ITEMS: rugs, kachinas,
pots, baskets, books, GRASS HAY for sale,
misc. Thursday, Friday $4.00 per bale. Call
and Saturday, 360-427- 360-427-2402. B6/25-
8311. B7/2 7/02
227,000 miles, power Garden - A fun, old
everything, A/T, sun- fashioned priced store.
roof. Looks and runs Antiques and collect-
-- Summer
Septic Indallafion, Site Prewati0n
* Driveways Graded & Graveled * Land Clearing* Excavating
* Hauling * DangerTree Removal * Demolition * Drainage
* Forestry Consultant * We Buy Timber
t 36o.432 0971 36o.866-4500,4
www.mdurnalenterprises.com BILLME981BN
Journal's Super
ibles galore. Jewelry
and hats you'll adore.
Sweet scents, oils and
more. 422 North Third
and Alder St., Tuesday
thru Saturday, 10am-
6pm. E6/25-7/16
Ramps and decks. 4x4
deck was $562, now
$499, etc. Woodsmith,
360-426-0820. L5/14tfn
Johnny's, July 2nd at
6pm (preview 10am-
sale), johnnysauction.
com or 360-791-6085.
Spencer Lake Swap
Meet. Saturday, July
18th, 9am-5pm. Park-
ing lot of Spencer Lake
Bar & Grill. Artists,
craftsmen, vendors, ga-
rage salers are all wel-
come. For your FREE
space contact Kim at
360-426-2505. $7/2-16
RAGE sale, Friday, July
3 and Saturday, July 4,
9am-4pm. Eagle and
doll collectors thinning
down collections. Lots
of miscellaneous trea-
sures. Rain or shine,
all under cover. Follow
signs from Shell Gas
Station to Schoolhouse
Hill Road. C7/27828.
JULY 10TH and 11th,
N 100 Tillicum Beach
Lane, near Potlatch
State Park. 10am-
5pm. Miscellaneous
great stuffl! A7/27828.
RELAY FOR Life sale -
July 4 and 5, 9am-4pm.
Fire District 13, 13375
W Cloquallum Road
(Shelton/Elma). Mostly
by donation. Bucks
Prairie's hot dogs &
rootbeer floats. All
proceeds go to A.C.S.
$7/7828. B6/25-8/10
Saturday, 8am-noon.
Meridian Park, 7th and
Sunset Court. Old and
new things for guys and
gals. L7/27828. B6/25-
TIONS for a residential needed. Call 360-427- Class A, OTR. Sign-on FRONT RV park. 98
Journeyman Electri- 8684. C4/2tfn plus more bonuses. 10- spaces, grocery, retail
clan. Must have all 14 days out. www.heyl, rental, clubhouses. 4
current licenses. Must CDL DRIVER, part- net, 800-973-9161.Heyl parcels. Asking $2.1
be trustworthy and time, local hauls. Must Truck Lines. A6/25-7/02 M. wes@sharpcom-
dependable. 360-877- have valid CDL, current mercial.com, 360-701-
0455 or mail resume to medical card, minimum IN SEARCH of a bright, 5602. $6/11-8/27
P.O. Box 1208, Hood- 2 years experience with motivated individual.
sport, WA 98548, M7/2- 40' flat. Must pass drug Medical billing, profes- WOOD PRODUCTS
screen, insurance re- sionalism, computer manufacturer. Profit-
quirements, and provide skills, typing and cus- able, serves Mason/
current driving abstract tomer service is a plus, Thurston. Excellent
at time of application, as you will be interact- shop, employees. Nets
Call Dale or Mark for ing with patients. Full- over $100K. Asking
appointment, 360-866- or part-time available. $206K. RE available
2010. O7/02-30 Send resume to Blind also. Seller financing!
Box 669, C/O The Jour- wes@sharpcommer-
nal, PC Box 430, Shel- cial.com, 360-701-
ton, WA 98584. $6/18- 5602. $6/11-7/30
TATES Water Company
looking for a part-time
Operations Manager.
Send resume to 50
Skyline Drive, Shelton,
WA 98584 no later than
July 15th. $7/02/09
PIST needed. Full- or
part-time work. Apply
in person at Advanced
Chiropractic, 628 Alder,
Shelton, 360-426-6325.
PERS. Earn up to $150
per day. Undercover
shoppers needed to
judge retail and dining
establishments. Experi-
ence not required. Call
877-334-7794. M6/25-
Camp, July 6-31. Ages
3-15. Contact Peters
Theatre of Dance, 360-
426-1827. P6/25-7/16
3pm, July 10-11. Tools,
equipment, auto/
boat parts, household
goods, art/frames,
clothing, something
for everyone. Hwy 101
to Lynch Rd to Allen
Rd, follow signs. E7/2-
97828. B6/25-8/10
IT'S TIME for our
huge 4th of July sale
at the Mason County
Fairgrounds Big. 13. 9 a.m.-4 p.m, Satur-
Friday-Saturday, 9am- day-Sunday, Hwy 3,
4pm; Sunday 9am- Agate, Crestview. Fol-
2pm. Over 50 tables low Signs, Shorec-
rest. Books: Self-help,
of items collected from Metaphysical. Qual-
estate sales, storage ity Clothes, Curtains,
units and auctions. Small Furniture, Trea-
We have all house- sures. Cell Phone,
hold goods, including Morel L7/27828.
small appliances, lin- B6/25-8/10
ens, towels and bed-
ding, camping items, FRIDAY-SATURDAY,
coolers, some small 7/3-7/4, 9am-4pm.
tools, yard tools, weed Kitchen stuff, micro-
eaters, small furniture wave table, desk,
items, lamps, several pantry, TV stand,
sets of dishes, Royal clothes - 50 cents,
china, Noritaki, Oneida. misc. household,
Canning jars. Baskets, tools, trundle bed
hardback books. For (twin bed stores un-
the collectors we have der other twin). 1986
music boxes, Russian Chevy 4x4, $1,500,
ceramic eggs, Rus- way below Blue Book.
sian stackable dolls, Toddler bikes, Little
Chevron cars, designer Tykes mountain, isle
sunglasses, art pictures table, jewelry. 140 E
and prints - all sizes Beaumont Dr. (Spring
and scenes, Ty Beanie Rd. to Island Lake Dr.)
Babies, baseball caps. C7/27828. B6/25-8/10
Some costume jewelry,
jewelry boxes. Clothes HARSTINE ISLAND.
- all sizes. Children's Sofa, Ioveseat, king
toys and games. Come bed, metal sheMng,
see us for coffee and pegboard, display
cookies, the whole grids, slot wall, knick-
gang will be there - knacks, table and
Sharon, Sandi, Kirsten, chairs. 3100 E. South
Island Drive, Saturday-
Jeri, Dixie and Ray. Sunday, 9am-3pm.
H7/27828. B6/25-8/10 E7/027828. B6/25-8/10
Crossword Answers WN,D: OLD lawn DO YOU love dogs?
Shelton Health & Rehabilitation Center
* Immediate opening for registered Nurses
• $3,000 Sign-on Bonus!
Competitive wages! • All shifts available
Come join our friendly caring team!
Please contact Leah or Linda at 427-2575 or stop by
and see for yourself why we are Shelton's
e premier nursing facility
(''j_"*. Shelton Health&
1 1 00 O44/'/ Rehabilitation Center
153 Johns Court
OLD MAN (26), new
plan (college). Some
have called me "strong
as an ox" (I've certainly
been as dumb) and I'll
work like a dog, Indoor,
outdoor/all around la-
borer. Shane Patch,
360-462-9829. P7/2-23
ING AND dinner, $80
daily. CPR card, food
handler's permit. Great
for Seniors. Union area.
When I leave, you have
a clean house and great
home cooked meal.
Once a week, once
a month. Call Wendy,
360-898-9300. G7/02-
PRIVATE care - to help
you with everything.
CNA active license,
state caregiver training.
Available days Monday-
Friday. Excellent cook,
first-aid, CPR, referenc-
es. 360-464-5554; 360-
432-3539. B6/11-7/2
daycare in Lake Limer-
ick with two openings
for over two years old.
Pioneer School District.
USDA Food Program
and DSHS subsidy ac-
cepted. 360-427-2607.
OPENINGS available
now. Highway 101 and
Ryan Road. Licensed
for 15 years. Call Yon,
360-427-3195. D7/02-
DAYCARE (small in-
home) has openings
for any age. Preschool
curriculum for 3 and up.
Two licensed adults. For
information call 360-
427-7828. B6/25-8/10
weeks old. $275 girls,
$250 boys. 360-432-
0171. G7/2
Childcare has one full-
time and one part-time
opening available. Your
child will receive un-
conditional love and
fun-filled days. Large
fenced playground and
bike area. Country set-
ting only 2 miles from
town. Lots of referenc-
es. USDA Food Pro-
gram, DSHS accepted.
for sale. 1 purebred,
newborn male available
now, $400. 1-year-old
purebred male, white/
checkered, available
now, $500. 360-490-
1982. O6/11-7/2
ING business in Kitsap.
Seller financing! Nets
$50K. Asking $90K.
Training included.wes@
360-701-5602. S6/11-
Established automo-
bile water leak repair.
Thurston/Pierce coun-
ties. Runs absentee!
Nets $50K, Asking
$90K. wes@sharpcom-
mercial.com, 360-701-
5602. $6/11-7/30
inspection business
serving Pierce. Thriv-
ing, with net over
$100K. Asking $249K,
seller financing! wes@
360-701-5602. $6/11-
Needs prop shaft. H.D.
tandem trailer, $2,200
OBO. 25hp Johnson,
$400. 360-432-1244.
COMPA18' EZ Loader
boat trailer, $700. 38hp
BMW marine diesel,
good transmission, like
new, $1,500. 360-490-
4874. H7/02
1989 NOMAD 5th
KITTEN RESCUE of wheel. 29', excellent
Mason County. Cats interior and exterior
and kittens available with hitch. $3,250. Call
to indoor only homes, for info, 360-432-1723.
adoption fee. Website P7/2
kittenresq.net, contact
360-584-0594 or 360-
426-2455. K6/4-7/23
RVs, cars, trucks
consignments. Let
Sun Auto RV Sales
sell your unwanted
vehicle. Low commis-
sion rate. Fast results.
18 years at same lo-
cation. 5961 E State
Route 3 (Deer Creek
area - Shelton). (360)
426-2907. $1/15-tfn
creetly searching for 2000 CHEVY S-10
STAR PUPPY or agility
fun? We help you have
both! New classes start
every month. Puppy K,
Basic Manners, Rally,
Agility, Show Conforma-
tion and more! Classes
or private training. Cer-
tified trainer, Karen
Cannard, CPDT. www.
k9kapers.com or 360-
mowers. Will pick up. Adopt-A-Pet is looking 35 to 45 SF for quiet, Call Danielle at 360- 432-1478.06/18-8/6 4x4. 1993 DODGE
360-789-5262. B6/25- for volunteers to be dog responsible (42 year 432-8780. M5/28-7/2 IN-HOME DOG train- diesel 3/4T clubcab
7/2 walkers and socialize old) brother. Never been RE ing and behavior repair, with 5-speed manual
them for future homes, married, has stable job,
Please call 360-432- enjoys fishing, boating has openings. Preschool Gentle, convenient, ef- transmission, jake
I-'LLI: YUUH ao nere. 7850 ......
Just call 360-426-4412. , _ between ? %Juam and camping. Handy- program and USDA pro- fective. 30+ years pro- brake, towing package,
ano tS:upm./b/Zb man, with few extra gram. Call for details, fessional experience. CB, canopy with self-
pounds. Owns home. (360) 427-3763. R1/ltfn September B. Morn, loading boat rack.
360-432-3633. S6/11tfn All reasonable offers
N°n'sm°ker' n°n'drink- 1 ]
er, no drugs. Needs hon- r .................................................... --- ..................... considered. Asking
$7,500. 360-426-9684
est responsible woman message. C7/2
with own interests to Buyers and l
share. Child OK. Please I
l/t" Pick UP I send picture with profile [ ' i 4"door" Air' cruise' full
; to S.E.P. 301E Wallace sellers meet =n i power, rear defroster,
IW.TED I Kneeland Blvd' Suite '' i 150k. Original owner.
224-236, Shelton, WA the classnfleds., 00ever an accident
Calltoschedule ]II) I 98584. P5/28-7/2 ' 4412 f or dent. Recently
your pickup i_;ltll I PLACE AN AD in the t " Mazda dealership. Price
............ " Call 426 condition checked by
With or 60 413 0658J Journal Classified sec- I J $5,500. 360-432-2262,
Puzzle on page D-8 O" 8 Ca,,426-44002t'°n to buy or se, $$$$$ to place your ad.i Shelton. 07/2-23
...... :h-u*iscl*ayl JuiY 2120109: Sh°eiio-n:Mas0n°(3ounty Journal-Page D-3
IIIMI4IIHIflI|I|idBIIMiilIIBfllIIH@IlilBIII]I I11 ll'l I', IIiIil/lll!iiijli! !I; @| i"i, |t;illlie|tllllll