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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 2, 2009     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 2, 2009
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FOR RENT FOR RENT Auto shift, canopy and liner, 4 studded tires on wheels. 44,000 miles. $8,250. 360-426-9207. B6/25-7/16 1993 DODGE diesel 1/2 T club cab with 5-speed manual transmission, jake brake, towing package, CB, canopy with self-loading boat rack. All reasonable offers considered. Asking $7,500. 360- 426-9684 message. C6/18-7/2 1994 FORD 4WD F250. $500, call for more info, 360-490-9380. A6/25- 7/2 2005 DODGE Grand Caravan with wheel chair rear lift and Jazzy Scooter SXT. 36,000 miles. Call 360-427- 5490. B6/18tfn 1969 KENWORTH log truck and trailer, Model W900 Longnose, new clutch, batteries need charging. 475HP De- troit 8V92 and has 20,000 miles on last "in frame" rebuild. 13-speed. The trailer is a Peerless with new on-board scales (never used) and a new two stage reach. For fur- ther information, call 360-427-2730. $9,500 OBO. Will consider all offers, trades. $6/1 ltfn CARS UNDER $3,000! Good selection. Sun Auto RV Sales, 5961 E State Route 3 (Deer Creek area - Shelton). Buy, sell, trade or con- sign. (360) 426-2907 S1/15-ffn WANTED: CARS, trucks, RV consign- ments. Let Sun Auto RV Sales sell your unwant- ed vehicle. Low com- mission rate. Fast re- sults. 18 years at same location. 5961 E State Route 3 (Deer Creek area - Shelton). (360) 426-2907 S1/15-tfn MASON LAKE. Prime waterfront. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Fully or par- tially furnished. Large deck and dock. Single car garage. $1,000 per month plus deposit. No pets, no smoking. Avail- able September 8, 2009 until May 31, 2010. Call Shirley, RE*USA North- west 360-427-4488. R7/2 TIMBERLAKES 3 bed- room, 1 bath, single car garage. Large yard, good condition. $795 per month plus security deposit. No smoking. Call Shirley, RE*USA Northwest, 360-427- 4488. R7/2 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath. No smoking/pets. Gas fireplace, 1-car ga- 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath rage, large yard. $1,200 apartment. W/S/G monthly plus deposit, included. $775, 3 month Available 8/1/09. 360- lease. 360-426-8986. 259-4202. M7/2-23 GRAPEVIEW, RUSTLE- B6/25-7/2 WOOD, 3 bedrooms, BELFAIR WATER- 2 baths, woodstove, 2004 DUPLEX. FRONT - 2 bedroom deck. $800 per month Excellent condition, townhouse, clean and plus deposit. No stuck- 2 bedroom, 1 bath, cute. No pets. W/S/G ing, no pets. Call Shir- garage, W/D. 1622 paid, $750. Senior dis- ley, RE*USA Northwest, Adams St. Shelton. count available. 360- 360-427-4488. R7/2 $750 rent, $500 275-3639; 253-261- deposit. 360-275-0974. 0153. A7/2-23 RV SPACE walking dis- B6/25-7/2 tance to town. Laundry room, quiet park. $350 monthly including wa- ter, sewer, garbage. 206-849-3446, 360- 432-0699. R7/2-23 DELUXE/SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM, 1.5 bath LAKE CUSHMAN, 2 LARGE ROOM with NICE 1 bedroom HUD --Newer two bedroom townhome. Close-in bedrooms, 2 baths, private bath for rent. apartment for Seniors, duplex, vaulted ceiling, Shelton location. W/D master bath and walk- Lovely home in Terrace 62 plus. HUD rent based park-like fenced yard, hookup, carport, nice in closet, woodstove in Heights. Share laun- on 30% of income. Must garage with opener, fenced yard/surround- large family room, elec- dry and kitchen. $600 qualify for low income. ref/dishwasher, W/D ings. Pets negotiable, tric forced-air furnace, all monthly, 360-427- Fir Tree Apartments connections. Excellent $715 monthly plus de- appliances, W/D in sepa- 0713.6/11-7/2 managed by Profes- insulation = very low posit. 360-701-3888. rate laundry room, lotsof sional Property Man- heating costs. Quiet R6/25 tfn storage, large covered CAPITAL VILLAGE agement of Illinois. 614 deck overlooking creek, duplex. 2 bedroom, N. 4th St. Shelton. 360- area, two miles north TIMBERLAKES: 3 storage shed, RV hook- 1 bath, 1-car garage, 426-5666. EHO. P4/2tfn of hospital, outside bedrooms, 2 baths, up. $800 monthly plus newly refurbished. city limits, (no high city utility room. 2 car ga- deposit, includes W/S. W/S/G paid, small AVAILABLE SOON - utilities). No dogs, one rage. Fenced backyard. 360-877-5997. T6/18-7/9 yard. Absolutely NO Lawton and Gateway cat OK. Rent $765. Good condition. $875 PETS! $650 rent, $650 Apartments. Studio Expected availability + deposit. No smoking, NICE 3 bedroom, deposit. 360-426-4603. apartments starting at date, 7/15/09. Phone No pets. Call Shirley, large corner lot, fenced M6/18tfn $420 and 1 bedroom landlord at 360-791- RE*USA Northwest, yard, two-car garage, apartments starting at 1949. Mc6/25tfn 360-427-4488. R7/2 $880 monthly. 360- $550. (360) 426-0674 432-0971/866-4898. P1/15-tfn Mc5/28tfn MASON LAKE water- front: Furnished cabin, 1 bedroom, plus loft. 1.5 baths. Wood burning stove, deck and dock. Available September 1st. $700 per month OWN A new, energy ef- plus deposit. Call Shir- ficient home for much ley, RE*USA Northwest, less than what you are 360-427-4488. R7/2 currently paying in rent! THREE BEDROOM, Includes new appli- 2 bath in LakeLand UNION, WA. Water- ances! 0% down! Addi- Village. New paint and front.Outstanding Hood tionally you may qualify carpet. Very quiet, with Canal and mountain for the first-time home deck overlooking golf view. 2 bedroom, den, 2 buyer $8,000 tax credit, course. $1,075. 360- baths. Excellent condi- For more info about the 275-7060. L6/25-7/16 tion.Wrap around deck, home and to see if you pellet stove. Storage qualify visitwww.afford- 3 BEDROOM house. shed. S1,095 per month Month to month, $750. plus deposit. Call Shir- or call 360-239-9333. Small garage. 360-951- ley, RE*USA Northwest Mc7/2-23 1449.W6/25-7/16 360-427-4488. R7/2 2 BEDROOM mobile home on 10 acres, fruit trees, garden. References required. Kamilche area. 1st, last, $350 damage, $600 monthly. 360-490-1763. B6/25 3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, in town. All amenities, fenced yard, $950 monthly. 360-888- 2931. $6/25-7/2 NEAR TOWN, 1/2 acre, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, large carport. Recently remodeled. Available August 1. $795. 253- 537-9215. A6/18-7/2 ONE ROOM cabin, completely furnished, includes utilities. Rent by day, week or month. 360- 898-1247. U6/18-7/9 BRAND NEW! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, community pool, W/D hookup. No smoking, no pets. $1,000 monthly, $1,200 deposit, background check. 360-490-7068. N6/18-7/9 DELUXE NEWER, quiet duplex close to Shelton. 2 bedroom, of- rice/den, 1 bath, 1-car garage, W/D hookup. Spacious yard. $725 monthly. 360-490-2870. R6/18-7/9 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis, To complain of discrimination call HUB t011-free at 1-800-669-9777. The t011-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275 ,.-. ' OPPORTUNITY APARTMENT FOR rent. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, W/S/G, W/D, covered parking. No pets. 1 year lease, good credit. Call 360-427-0559. F6/11- 7/2 DUPLEX, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, Walker Park area. $525 monthly. Available June 15th. Call (360)427-2730. No dogs. $6/1 ltfn 3 BEDROOM, 1.5 bath singlewide manufac- tured home. Wood- stove, WSG paid. Cable available, close to town. Available now, $745 monthly, deposit re- quired. 360-426-2015. E6/18tfn PLACE YOUR ad here. Just call 360-426-4412 and get 15 words for just $9.55 per week. TWO BEDROOMS, small den, 2 baths, Lake Limerick. 2-car garage, hot tub, located on golf course. Avail- able July 4th. First and last month's rent plus damage deposit. Can be seen by appoint- ment. Call 360-426- 7953. T6/11-7/02 ROOM FOR rent. Pri- vate bedroom, shared household. Large back- yard, W/D, including all utilities for free. Digital cable TV (lots of chan- nels) W/S/G, electric- ity, shared phone - all for only $395 monthly plus $150 deposit. No smoking in house, no drugs and no heavy drinkers. Near Red Apple Grocery and bus stop. 360-490-4212. Ab/14tfn PLACE YOUR ad here. Just call 360-426-4412 and get 15 words for just $9.55 per week. Prestigious 2-bedroom duplexes with den/office, 2 full baths. 2-car garages. Water, sewer, garbage, yard maintenance included in rental. R Vstorage available. Call 360-462-0171 or 360-490-2837 for move-in special 9059 Belfair House Apartments Elderly and disabled only We are accepting applications for 1 & 2 bdrm, apts. Income limits do apply Basic rents start at: $506 1 bdrm. s594 2 bdrm. or 30% of adjusted income 360-275-1400 TDD 1-800-833-6388 belfai 170 N,E, Hwy 3 [] aelfair Ashford House Apartments Elderly and disabled only We are accepting applications for 1 & 2 bdrm, apts, Income limits do apply Basic rents start at: s496 ! bdrm. s604 2 bdrm. or 30% of adjusted income 360-275-1400 TDD 1-800-833-6388 belfait 4170 N.E, Hwy 3 Belfair . JOEUS LANDSCAP- ING. Brush clearing, flowerbed cleaning, trimming, hauling, sod, sprinkler installation, rock/stone retaining walls, pavers, flagstone walkways, lawn main- tenance. Bonded, in- sured. Free estimates. 360-432-1900, 24-hour answering machine. JOELSL*938N7. G7/2- 23 NCOME TAXES - filed an extension yet? Call T3 Tax Terminators, Shelton. 360-463-6009. T7/2-23 MOWERS AND More. Mower repair - all makes. Small welding jobs while you wait. Wes, 360-426-4544. B6/25-7/2 WEB DESIGN by CateByDesign. Personal, commercial, E-commerce. Very resonable rates. 360- 878-7072. www. Call or email for quote, admin@catebydesign. com. D6/25-7/16 TURNING LEAF Lawn Care. Low rates. Full service lawn care, tree work, outdoor cleanup, trails, etc. Dan 360-432- 7935 or 360-789-5570. L6/25-7/16 PENINSULA EQUIP- MENT and Small En- gine Repair L.L.C. Specializing in paint- ing equipment, power washers, air compres- sors, generators, pond pumps, air and electric tools and small engines. 20 years experience. Call Tom Drury at 360- 427-0991. D6/25-7/16 THINKING OF selling ALL REPAIRS, remod- your business? Profes- eling, decks, carpentry. sional and confidential References. Licensed, evaluations. Contact bonded, insured. Call Wes, 360-701-5602, Paul, General Con- w e s @ s h a r p c o m - tractor, 360-427-5941. $6/11- CALLP*922MG. K6/25- 8/277/16 7/16 RELIABLE HANDY- MAN, "small jobs done right". All types of re- pairs, inside and out. Light carpentry, trim and moldings. Electri- cal fixture and plumbing fixture replacement. Tile work, assembly, instal- lation. Licensed and in- sured. HARST*915CP. 360-427-7022, 206- 245-5274. G6/11-7/16 QUEEN ANNES "Green" Landscaping. We do it all beautifully. "Do it yourself" choices: 1) Consultation. 2) Design plan with pictures and directions. 3) Shopping for discounted plants. 4) Delivery of plants. 5) Placement of plants. 6) Installation, coaching. QUEENAL044OR 360- 426-4598. Q4/23tfn SMALL JOBS: Drywall, painting, roofing. Decks, roof cleaning and moss removal. Licensed, bonded, insured. DEYETC* 911B7. D6/18-9737/16 CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Specializing in finish carpentry (including crown molding, chair rail, fireplace surrounds). Quality painting//wall- papering, sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks, fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459-0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOPC981 RE. C11/9tfn JENNINGS CON- STRUCTION Decks, remodels, repairs. Free estimates. Craig Jennings (360) 432- 0333 JENNIC1929D7. J6/4tfn SITE PREP, landclear- ing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, demolition work, rocker- ies, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean- up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426- 9047, call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W. Z3/1 lffn Dave's Computer Service, L.L.C. Network System Engineering Services Support - Troubleshooting - Data Recovery ! Repair - Maintenance - Upgrades , °7 i '' / Specializing in Microsoft, Novell & GroupWise Onsite Service for Office 6, Home Call for Free Estimate 360,490,7043 or 360,898,3800 Page D-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 2, 2009 PAUUS ROCK Walls and Landscaping, dedi- cated to your satisfac- tion. Experienced, hon- est, dependable. Free estimates. Licensed, bonded, insured. PAUL- SRL954JO. 360-427- 1011 or 360-490-6670. P4/23tfn7/16 BOOKKEEPING SERVICES for small businesses. Quarterly, payroll, etc. Open year round. Sandy's Bookkeeping and Tax Service 360-427-3188. D6/11-8/27 GILLIS AUTO Center Service Department. Open Monday thru Sat- urday, "Your key to any automotive services." All makes and models including motorhomes. Call us - some services require no appointment. W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-5585. G1/29tfn JOE FASSIO Excava- tion, 20 years experi- ence. Landclearing, septic system installa- tion, digouts, rock walls and logging. Just about anything. Quality work the first time. (360) 898- 7286 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30tfn7/16 Ga00rt00ain0000 , Brush and roll w ,25+ years experience * References * Free estimates 36O-432-8847 360490-4985 Lic GARHAP*942KH  E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction Inc. 10,000 lb. mini exca- vator and operator for hire, utilities, founda- tions, French drains. All types of excavation and land clearing. Call 360- 432-3147 for details. EI- KRIKS950QD E2/26ffn JOE FASSIO Excava- tion, 20 years experi- ence. Landclearing, septic system installa- tion, digouts, rock walls and logging. Just about anything. Quality work the first time. (360) 898- 7286 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30tfn W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new construc- tion and repairs. 50 years experience, free esti- mates. (360) 432-8663. Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn. UNSPIlTId Shotguns, rifles, handguns Full range of services available Stock and metal finishing, custom machine work, parts manufacturing RM BRAND, GUNSMITH Certified, full-time gunsmith with over 20 years experience in Mason County Call Randy at 427-0767 . JAY BUTrLES' TREE SERVICES ,Topping .Licensed ,Chipping *Bonded ,Stump ,Insured 00ding (360) 426.4663 Uc. #JAYBffrS053R2 HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation specialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin (360) 426- 0084. B2/15tfn Journal Classifieds 360-426-4412 Automotive $ewice' Everd.ay Low Prnce .OIL .LUBE .FILTER $29.95* Plus - Quality Care Multi. Point Inspection All Fluids, Belts and Hoses Checked Includes complimentary car wash *Plus tax and disposal shop fees Up to 5 qts 5W.30 bulk oil Some vehicles slightly more 2 nd Shelton exit off Hwy 101 360,426,$585 Nora Haugan Fax: 360.8/'/.0t09 Eric Moore ROOFING SOLUTIONS Licensed * Bonded * Insured Contr. #EMROORS917LA EMERGENCY LEAK REPAIR No job too big or too small All aspects of Roofing: • Metal  'file Single-I ly • Composition" Shakes & More MENTION THIS AD FOR 10.+ OFF SUMMER DISCOU,VI'. lx, cal[y Owned & Operated: Shelton WA 918-1827 A Full.Service General Contractor .All types of projects welcome • New Homes • Roofing • Foundations • Additions • Framing • Excavation • Remodels • Siding • Land Clearing • Garages • Decks • Tree Removal £reeesimates 360432.31007