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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 2, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 2, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BRIEFS Free meals available to North Mason students All people ages 18 and younger in the North Mason School District are eligible to receive live days worth ot'breakl'z'ists and lunches to be picked up between 10 a.m. and noon Wednesdays through Aug. 15) at Bel— l'air Elementary School. 22900 state Route 23. The children do not need to be present to pick up the meals w parents, caregivers or siblings can pick them up for the household. Perishable items need to be consumed or placed in a refrigerator. For more information, call the _‘)"" ‘ school district at 360 .1, 1-2300. Drive-in bingo Saturday at HUB The HUB Center for Seniors has drive—in bingo starting at 6:15 p.m. on the fourth Saturday of the month through August. The cost is $20 and includes a parking spot at the HUB, located at lll NE ()ld Beltair Highway. Bel— tair. The parking lot opens at 5 p.m. Attendees must be able to tune into an FM sta— tion in order to play. Thursday, July 2, 2020 — Shelton-Mason County Journal Page A—27 Tahuya Day Parade attendees dressed up, drove or walked July 6, 2019, during the annual event. Organizers recently announced that the annual Tahuya Days, which traditionally takes place during Fourth of July weekend, will not take place this year. Hera/d file photo by Molly Walsh HUB provides free meals to seniors The [IUR Center for Seniors otters grab—and—go hot meals from noon to 1 p.m. every Friday at the HUB, 1 11 NE Old Belt'air Highway, Bellair. The meals are free residents must be age 60 Free dinner from church The North Shore Dinner Church meets at p.m. every Sunday at the HUB Center for Seniors in Bel- tair, 111 NE ()ld Belfair Highway. Dinner is provided for tree w attendees can stay for the service, but it is not required. For more infor- mation. call 360—275—0535, HUB offers drive—thru sundaes for seniors The HUB Center for Seniors otters a Sunday Sun— daes for Seniors event from 1 to 4 p.m. Aug. at the HUB, 1 l 1 NE ()ld Bell'air Highway. The cost is $4 per person for the event. For more information, call 360—275—0535. Mingle and listen to music at the HUB A music and mingle event will take place from 10 a.m. to noon every Monday starting July (3 at the HUB Center for Seniors. 1 11 NE Old Belt'air High— way. Masks are required; seating is limited. Admis— sion is $1 l'or members and $2 for nonmembers. Tickets can be purchased by calling 360—2753— 0535, or by going to httpsz/ MARY’S MEMOIRS or older. For more inlbrmation. call 360—275—0535. I Compiled by editor in chic/Adam Ii’udnick Mary spends time with her father on the Fourth of July First mention [have no- ticed abut rationing food. ’I’h is week is sugar. No man- tion o/‘fireworks. Sam and lllary are planning to sleep outsidc in a tent because it is so hot. Leonard has been accepted into the Navy. Mary late. So hot out! Took Lillian Hendrickson to Shelton to get instructions on sugar ration— ing. Saturday, July 4, 1942 A dark morning but warm. We ate breakfast. outside. speaks ofsclling bonds and Leonard and wife left early. I am wondering if'thcy were By CLYDENE He got his call into the Navy war bonds? HOSTETLER so goes to Norfolk, Virginia, Thursday, July 2, 1942 Another hot day and a madhouse. Cleaned up all post office business and now start 3rd class book. It seems so queer. Went swimming and then rode to Shelton with Sam. He saw the rationing board about canning sugar. Home late and before going to bed took another swim. Friday, July 3, 1942 One of the busiest days we have ever had in the history ofour business. The boys finished all the hay making and celebrated with ice cream and strawberries. Leonard and his wife came out and we had a fine swim and grand dinner of tried chicken. Harry can e down to swim with us. To bed GiVe Them a Great Start in clotimal on Monday. Sam and Charlie went to the store so I cleaned house. Raining now at 12 and start— ing to blow hard. A typical 4th ol'July. Went to see Dad. Henry, Laurice 8; children there. Then in the eve Skenes and Mr. Blanchard came. Henry and Laurice came to tell us they were go- ing to the dance. Pei-ls. We had a line time. Sunday, July 5, 1942 Up late. Now tent is up for us to sleep in and Sam is at the store check— ing Tavern machines, etc. Very warm out now. I’m going swimming. Sam worked at the store most of the day. We had no company so I did a lot. of swimming. It was nice out. Read and really spent a fine day resting late into DA'S COMPUTER SERVICE N0 Travel Fees Free Estimate COMPUTER SERVICE YOUR Doon 7/“ 360-898-3800 t\\\V the eve. Monday, July 6, 1942 To the store early and stayed until late. Then to Scout meeting and we planned an overnight trip to the beach and meals, etc. The M ichaels served ice cream and cookies. We enjoyed it. Then in came Mrs. Culbertson who accused Mrs. Michaels and me oi‘not being "nice" to her since the ocean trip. We were dumbfounded and could not imagine why she seemed so upset. We told her to forget the whole thing. I wonder what it's all about. Tuesday, July 7, 1942 A very busy day. Sam went to Se— attle early and did not return until o’clock. I went to Red Cross Rooms but did not stay long as we were so busy in the post office. We sold 10 bonds and thought it a big day. We put up a lot ot‘bulk stull‘ and then it was o’clock. Home and made dinner. Then finished all the ironing. Now it is 9.30 and I’m through for the day. Lovely out and so cool. Wednesday, July 8, 1942 To the store and worked there most 0 Clean 0 Secure 0 Professional of the day. Went. home about 6 and ate. In the evening Alma Nelson and Mrs. Colby came out from Bremerton and Mrs. Moyes was here. We talked about organizing a Brownie troop. They went home about 10 o’clock. To bed late. don't rememberprivate big [ire— works when was a kid. We had spar- klcrs, snakes, caps and my brother (11» ways had a stash oflady fingers (fire- crackers.) Firecrackers were as big as it would get and we loved putting them under a can and lighting them. which made the can fly straight up in the air. Then we would in the cl‘cninggo down to the old sight ofFort Vancouver on the Columbia River to watch the public fireworks. Now that was a big deal! Thank you for reading this week's diary. I Clydcnc Hostctler is a longtime Bel- fair resident. local historian, media archivist and documentaijv filmmaker o/“Hiddcn in Plain Sighi."Shc has been researching Maiy Theler's life for the past years. She can be emailed at 0 All Size Heated Units r Easy Drive-Up Access W ,. x