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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 2, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 2, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-30 Shelton—Mason County Journal Thursday, July 2, 2020 .ijl L) (4 DD IFIE llll—‘lII r_) U I Illr- 360—426-4412 / Deadline Monday 5 pm ADVERTISING REACH 20,000+ local readers per week. 20 words for only $12. Re— member, the more you tell, the more you sell, and each word beyond the first 20 is just 20 cents extra. When you buy weeks, the 4th week is free. The deadline is Monday 5pm (if there’s a holiday on Monday — then the ad deadline is Friday at 5pm). Email classifieds@ masoncountycom or call the Journal 8am-5pm Monday-Friday at 360-426- 4412. (J tfn) AUTO PARTS SERVICES GILLIS AUTO Center Ford, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge. Warranty forever! 360-426-5585, 800-365- 4096, FAX 360-426-5935. www.gillisautocentercom. PO Box 10, 180 W. Hulbert Rd. (G tfn) Entertainment Center For Sale ' Excellent condition 66” wide x 58” tall TV space: 37.5" wide x 32 tall 5250 360-432-1677 : Jerry's Tree BOATS MOTORS BOAT‘SPECIAL Boat ads include 50 words, photo, border, headline $49 for 4 weeks (flat fee) call 360— 426-4412 (J tfn) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WHO YA gonna call? When you’ve got a project that needs to be done, call the local company that wants your business so much they put an ad in the paper! Call the experts! See the Business Service Direc- tory in this week’s Shelton- Mason County Journal. For more information, call 360- 426-4412. (J tfn) AUTOS FOR SALE CARS $995 and up, Sun Auto Sales. Large selection of low priced cars, trucks, vans, SUVs. Cash priced Service I Hoodsport, WA 360-463-2953 geraldwreinhart@gmai|.com Licenseil 604496834 Insured Mst Leaners.. No Problem Will Cut to Firewood Lengths Reasonable Rates! U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development EOUAI. HOUSING OPPORTUNITY to sell. From Shelton, take State Route E. towards Belfair. Located at 5961 E. State Route 3, Shelton. Call 360-426-2907. (S tfn) card by phone, or mail check to: Shelton-Mason County Journal, PO Box 430, Shelton WA 98584. (J trn) GILLIS AUTO Center, your one-stop shop! Chrysler, Ford, Dodge, Jeep. 360— 426-5585. Hwy 101, 2nd Shelton exit.|lisau- tocentercom (G tfn) OOMPUTERS COMPUTER SERVICE at your door and more. Dave’s Computer Service 360- 898—3800. No travel fees, free estimate (D tfn) OEALS STEALS $50 UNDER items run 1 week Free under this clas- sification! Call 360—426- 4412 now to put your item in next week’s Journal! (J tfn) EVENTS PROMOTE YOUR regional event Statewide with a $325 classified listing or $1 ,575 for a display ad. Call this newspaper at 360-426- 4412 or WNPA at 360-344- 2938 for details. (W tfn) FOR RENT FOR RENT Rental ad spe- cial 35 words includes pho- to, border, and headline. $25 per week. Call 360- 426-4412 (J tfn) FOR SALE SUBSCRIBE TODAY 1 year in Mason County $62 ($55 seniors), 1 year out- side Mason County $75 ($68 seniors). 6 months in Mason County $43 ($37 seniors), 6 months outside Mason County $55 ($48 seniors). Print Plus digital add-on service $10 extra (email address required for this). Call 360-426-4412 to subscribe with your credit We Do Business in Accordance With the Federal Fair Housing Law (The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988) It is illegal to Discriminate Against ‘Any Person Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Handicap, Familial Status, or National Origin I In the sale or rental of housing or.residential lots I In advertising the sale or rental of housing I In the financing of housing Anyone who feels he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint of housing discrimination: 1-800—669-9777 (Toll Free) 1-800—927-9275 (TTY) I In the provision of real estate brokerage services I In the appraisal of housing I Blockbusting is also illegal US. Department of Housing and Urban Development Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Washington, DC. 20410 SELL SOMETHING (or things!) with a listing here. Buy 3 weeks, get the 4th week free. Call 360-426- 4412. (J tfn) FREE GIVING SOMETHING away? If so, we will be happy to do that too! We’ll run your “Free” ad once for free! Call 360-426-4412 (J tfn) GARAGE SALES HUGE GARAGE sale. Men’s, ladies, kids and baby clothing. Bedding, kitchen and misc house- hold items, furniture and Harley Davidson parts. July 3rd-5th. 9 am to 5 pm. Tim- berlakes, on East Case PL E. (07/2) IT’S TIME for another huge sale. We are loaded with stuff. Will fill tables everyday. Friday, July 3rd 9am-4pm, Sat. July 4th 9am-4pm, Sun. July 5th, 9am-2pm. Skokomish Grange Hall, Highway 101 N. to 22020 Skokomish Val- ley Rd., Shelton, WA. Com- plete home beer and wine making kit, bottles, caps, corks, everything you need. Metal plant stand, some small tables, bunk beds, baby boy clothes, deep fry- ers, waffle iron, coffee pots, silvenlvare, box of old res: taurant ware dishes, nice rugs, some tools, pottery, clothes rack, wicker pedes— tal flower baskets, lead and lead pourer, exercise ball, clocks, folding chairs, box— es of old candles for melt- ing, greeting cards by the bag full, office supplies, old quilts, picture frames, col.- lectibles. Women’s design— er clothes, shoes, heels, purses, several women’s leather jackets, new and used jewelry, cast iron pans, small appliances, toys, board games, yarn, bedding, CD’s, DVD/s, WOSIIIIIQIOII lmuact arts QOI I'OSUIIS' VHS, books, magazines, collector books, vases, ice chests, luggage, mirrors, wall shelves, wall decor, several sets of wine glass- es including some Princess House, several lamps, art, pictures, print. Hope every- one comes out to see. us. (H 7/2) SHELTON SPRINGS HOA Community Yard Sale Sat- urday July 25, 10am-4pm, new housing across from SHS. For Mapquest, use 102 Tarragon Ave. Over 50+ homes to shop from in one spot! (N 7/2-7/23) HUGE SALE in Timber— Iakes. Household, deco— rative Something for everyone. Don’t miss this one July 3-4 5th, 7am-5pm.231 E. Skookum Dr. (T 6/25-7/2) FREE SIGNS with ad pur- chase. Garage Sale adver— tisers receive a free Ga- rage Sale kit with 3 signs, price tags and handy tips. Remember, take down your garage sale signs af— ter your sale. Call 360-426- 4412 to run your ad. (J tfn) HEALTH AND WELLNESS TINA BARNES, an inde- pendent business owner with Herbalife Nutrition, is . looking to rebuild relation- ships in Mason County. For details, 360-970-0007. (B 6/11-7/2) HEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL and well-informed Mason County residents read the Shelton-Mason County Journal, becaUse knowl— edge is power, especially when it comes to the best local news including health news. Live longer, Subscribe today! Senior discounts available. Call 360-426-4412. (J tfn) HEATING A/O ARCH MECHANICAL af- fordable. Refrigeration, cooling, heating, food service equipment repair. Heating, air conditioning, Reach 2 Million Readers Festivals, Fairs, car shows, resorts and golf courses love the results they get! inquire at [his newspaper or call 36Il~34+2938 o adséflwnpa. Putting People First, Keeping People First... G E N E HART IWAsiimeroN I'll/tr ll/l‘ in (rm/r //.//‘/. Rid \ ll/V Illi/‘lr/ll, ll l ‘4 items and more. . refrigeration. 360-229: 2139. Licensed, bonded, insured. EPA, PTCS, Fry- master certified, NW Duct- Iess “Master Installer," WA Contractor License ARCHMMI902MN,V www. archmechanicalcom (A tfn) HELP WANTED CLERK of the BOARD/ Records Specialist with Mason County Support Services $4,172-$4,955/ monthly Mason County job application required available at www. or Mason County Human Resources, 411 N Fifth St, Shelton WA 98584, Closes 7/13/2020. (M'7/2-7/9) TAXI DRIVERS: Two taxi drivers needed. Must be 25+ yrs old. One daytime driver and one night time. Commission plus' tips. Clean driving record. No recent felonies. Call Chris, Sunday-Friday 9am~9pm (360) 490-4212 or (360) 426—TAXI 8294. (M 7/2- 7/30) SEASONED PAINTER, minimum 3 years experi- ence, pay depending on experience. Call 360—229- 1874 (M tfn) LOST FOUNO BLACK AND white full- sized domestic pig, in the Lake Limerick area. Seen but not caught. Fairly friendly but afraid, possibly injured. Posted on multiple Facebook pages; if you lost this pig you can call 253- 691-3821 for information. (C 7/2) LOST IT? Found it? Call 360-426-4412 for an af- fordable listing here. Did you know the Journal will run found pet listings for free? It’s true! (J tfn) MISG. ARE YOU behind $10k or more on your taxes? Stop wage bank levies, liens audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, resolve tax debt FAST. Call 888- 315-2645. (W tfn) ATTENTION: OXYGEN users. Gain freedom with a Portable Oxygen Con- centrator! No more heavy tanks refills! Guaranteed lowest prices. Call the Oxy- gen Concentrator store: 844-495-7230. (W tfn) BOY SCOUT compensa- tion fund. Anyone that was inappropriately touched by a Scout leader deserves justice & financial compen- sation! Victims may be eli- gible for a significant cash settlement. Time to file is limited. Call Now! 833-545- 0824. (W tfn) DONATE YOUR car tO’ charity. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. 'Call for details, 855-635—4229. (W tfn)