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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 2, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 2, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MISO. ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris- blocking gutter protection. Schedule a Free LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off En- tire Purchase. 10% Senior Military Discounts. Call 1—888-360-1582 (W tfn) FREON WANTED: We pay $$$ for cylinders cans. R12 R500 R11 R113 R114. Convenient. Certified Pro- fessionals. Call 312-779- 0402 or visit Refrigerant- (W tfn) PETS GOLDENDOODLES BERNEDOODLES. Pup— pies professionally trained pets, Service, Ther- apy, PTSD, Autism ESA dogs. From the country’s premier Dog Training Acad- emy. 509-710-7998. (W tfn) KITTEN RESCUE of Ma- son County. Cats and kit- tens are available to indoor only homes. Website kit-, contact (360) 427-3167.-(K 5/23 tfn) REAL ESTATE EQUAL HOUSING oppor- tunity We Do Business connecting to your community in ways that no other media form can. Take a sip and read or re-read our award—winning paper Goes Great with Coffee! A great newspaper like the Shelton-Mason County Journal lets you slow down and enjoy in Accordance With the Federal Fair Housing Law (The Fair Housing Amend- ments Act of 1988). It is ille— gal to DiScriminate Against Any Person Because of 4 Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Handicap, Familial Status, or National Origin. This ap- plies: In the sale or rental of housing or residential lots, In advertising the sale or rental of housing, In the financing of housing, In the provision of real estate brokerage services, or In the appraisal of housing. Blockbusting is also illegal. Anyone who feels he or she has been discriminat— ed against may file a com- plaint of housing discrimi— nation: 1-800-669-9777 (Toll Free), 1-800-927-9275 (TTY). US. Department of Housing and Urban Devel- opment; Assistant Secre- ta'ry for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Wash- ington, DC. 20410 (U tfn) ROOFING ASCEND ROOFING Com-‘ pany LLC. Residential and Commercial roofing spe- cialists. New Construction, Re-Roofs and Repairs. Contractor License: CENRCB96MA. Financing options available. Call our office for your free estimate. AS-L 360-868-2730 or Fax: 360- 868-2625. 1800 Olympic Hwy 8, Shelton WA 98584 (A tfn) FIKE’S ROOFING Con- struction. Call us at 360- 490-0013 for a free esti- mate. Fikesroofingcom or find us on Facebook! FIKESRC863LK (F tfn) YOUR NEW roof for as low as $50 per month O.A.C., The Roof Doctor, “We make house calls." 360-427-8611. 1131 W. Ka- milche Lane, just off High- way 101 near Taylor Town. ROOFDI*168N8 (R tfn) SERVIOES MICHAEL’S HOME Main- tenance LLC, roof and gutter cleaning“ and home improvements. Licensed, bonded and insured. 360- 490-3611. (M 4/30-7/16) CARY’S TIRE Repair: Shocks, Exhaust, Lube, Alignment, Repairs. 202 South First Street, Shelton 360-426-9762. Your local trusted tire experts for 25+ , Years! (C tfn) RANDOLPH BRAND, Gunsmith. 1985 Gradu- ate of Colorado School of Trades. 30+ years experi- ence and knowledge as a skilled gunsmith and pre— Thursday, July 2, 2020 Shelton-Mason County Journal Page A-31 31 A33? 3.73 360-426—4412 / Deadline Monday pm cision machinist. Repairs, customizing, refinishing. Monday-Saturday, 9am- 6pm. Shelton, WA. 360- 427-0767 (B tfn) ZJ‘s LANDSCAPING, Con~ struction Tree Service LLC, Residential, commer— cial, free estimates. Brush cleaning, edging, thatch— ing, hauling, lawn mow- ing, drainage, weeding, brick laying, moss remov- al, painting, bank clear- ing, gutters, roof clearing, pressure washing, floor cleaning, concrete pour— ing, irrigation, construction, siding, rock and retaining walls, remodeling, exca- vating. Licensed, bonded, insured. General contractor #ZJLADLK84BDC Find us on Facebook and Google+ free estimates, call or text, references available. Zacharias 360-463—4834. zj.yardmaintenance@ (Z tfn) CHEHALIS SHEET Metal, CSM Heating Cooling, Roofing. “Dedicated to your comfort." Serving you for over 55 years! We’re here ‘to stay. Our quality work- manship is second to none! Independent Trane dealer it’s hard to stop a Trane. Call today for your Free Estimate: 360—352-1996 or 855-OLY-HEAT, csmheat- ingandcoolingcom #CHE- HASM252MH (c tfn) WANT YOUR newspaper to follow you, your family friends wherever you go? We welcome address up- dates, vacation instructions and gift subscriptions. The Post Office will only fonlvard mail for a few weeks. Our goal is for your subscriber address information to be correct, to make sure you get your paper on time. Don't miss an issue! Call 360-426-4412, email circu- or visit www.masoncounty. com (J tfn) SPORTING GOODS mm RANDOLPH BRAND, Gun- smith. Repairs, custom- izing, refinishing. Monday- Saturday 9:00 AM — 6:00 PM. Shelton, WA 360-427— 0767 (Btfn) SUPPORT GROUPS LOSS OF 3 Loved One Grief Support group, NCCU New Community Church of Union — 951 E Dalby Rd. Union, WA 98592, Last Monday of the month, 3:00 pm 4:30 pm (N tfn) acofo WANTED ANTIQUE CAST Iron wood stoves; kitchen, pot belly, parlor, base burner, heat- ers, all types; late 1800’s to early 1900’s in any con- dition. l rebuild. 360-649- 0017 (O 7/2-7/30) WANTED, GRANDPA'S War Souvenirs. Retired Marine seeks items from all wars including flags, swords, medals, uniforms, helmets and old rifles and pistols for display in per- sonal collection honor- ing all Veterans and their sacrifice to this country. Japanese military, and US Marine Corps memorabilia of particular interest. Pay- ing cash for single items or whole collections. Please call Jim at 206-715-5959 (J 7/2) ONE OF the Journal’s 20,000 readers might have something you want. If there’s something you col- lect or are looking for, try running an ad under “Want- ed." For up to 20 words it’s just $12 per week and 20¢ per word over 20. Run '3 weeks, get the 4th week free. Call 360-426-4412, you can place your ad by phone! (J tfn) Call or email us today to subscribe and MASON CUXINTY. THU ., . V ., ed to your inbox- 44, 9 fiRHAY. MAX ‘- \. Cemmission. hestth tequested move to t at governor's teat)