July 3, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 3, 1969 |
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• County-City "'w'*r"'" CASH
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Clark, Cornelius H. Mast died Sunday Mrs Mary Arzt, of Tomah; one
125 East E. St., a boy, June 28. in Fir Lane Terrace at the age of brother, Vincent Mast, Rockford,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Wilbur, licenses Born on April 14,1886, in I11., and three grandchildren.
Star Rt. 2, Box 196 A, a girl, June Tomah, Wise., he has been a Funeral services were held F', Your
28. resident of Shelton and Mason Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in the
ILDING PERMITS Earl Macken reported a mobile Mulligan, St. Rt. 1, Shelton,
approved by home broken into. disorderly conduct, $100 forfeit;
OUnty Planner's Donald Nelson reported a Milton S. Nelson, 1212 Olympic
Past week were steering wheel and control line ttighway S., disorderly conduct,
Paul taken from a boat. $22.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Timothy
Jacob Barnett, Mason Apts., Shelton,
camp shelter, Mrs. Ralph Simpson reported a disorderly conduct, $100 forfeit;
Akre, summer minibike taken.
' Les Fields, Mr. Gordon Craig reported ID Timothy VanCleave, St. Rt. 1,
' Box 101, Shelton, negligent
$2,500; Max cards lost. driving, $37.50 fine, $2.50 costs;
cabin, $4,700; Mrs. Gordon Squire reported a Rex C. Nell, Rt. 1, Box 292,
house, garage cabin broken into. Shelton, failure to use due care
)wer, $7,500; Mrs. Itarvey Banks reported a and caution, minor consuming
$10,000; billfold lost. liquor, $42 fine, $5 costs.
cabin, A car driven by Mrs. Grace Washington State
summer Latzel and a bicycle ridden by Patrol
Bryant, Debbie Howard and Vincent David Buxton, 2122 lOth St.,
tee, $3,000; Henderson collided on Cascade St. Bremerton, negligent driving, $35
$5,500; Glen Foster reported a welder forfeit; Duane Gatewood, Mason
add to tavern,
en, residence, missing. Apts., Shelton, no use fuel permit
Debbie Arkin reported her displayed, over legal weight, $50
add room, vehicle hit byanother which left fine, $1 16 penalty, $100
rge Simpson,
land Stillwell, the scene of the accident, suspended; Baron Ramo, 22618
Nathaniel Alex Kuhr reported two 16th S. Des Moines, no vehicle
windows broken out of Mr. OLive license, $15 forfeit; Bruce Russell,
cabin, Lutheran Church. 4608 Daton N., Seattle, following
Miller, add to
Halford, sun Mrs. Ronald Dickinson too closely, $15 forfeit; Janet
reported she found a small dog. Schultz, 412 NE 44th, Seattle,
ttarold Shriner reported a speeding, $12 forfeit; Peter
'$OFFICE lunch pail and a pair of glasses Sorsby, 232 Washington,
reported a car taken. Bremerton, speeding, $15 fine,
fishing in the A vehicle owned by a Mr. Graf $10 suspended; William West, Rt.
rolled down a hill and into a 5, Box 5335, Gig Harbor, expired
reported a vehicle owned by a Mrs. Tylczak. operator's license, $12 forfeit;
SHELTON POLICE Frank J. Wood, St. Rt. 2, Box
a rifle COURT 273, Bremerton, speeding, no
operator's license on person, $25
reported a Appearing on the docket forfeit', Robert J. Baker, 1720
before Judge Rolla Halbert Stevens St., Shelton, failure to
reported a Monday night were Hazzie N. stop at stop sign, $15 forfeit;
broken out Eagle, 2630 Marine Dr., Thomas Bunnell, St. Rt. 1, Box
ltar=OtlrePorte d Bremerton, $35 forfeit;George R. 188X, Shelton, failure to dim
aboat Brewer, 11 Skyline Dr., Graham, headlights, $15 forfeit; Marte
driving while intoxicated, $125.50 Caldwell, Box 4, Joyce, failure to
It0klta reported a boat fine, $2.50 costs five days in jail, keep right of centerline, $15
suspended; Sidney tlerrick, 1125 forfeit; David Jubb, 1663 Delanty
Iibel reported gasoline Olympic Ave., Shelton, no arteriel Rd., Shelton, speeding, no valid
lteat, y stop, $20 forfeit; Gary M. Giesick, operator's permit on person, $25
reported a sign 2425 First Ave. W., Seattle, no forfeit; Gretchen McCarthy, 900
operator's license, $25 forfeit; Olympic Ave., Shelton, failure to
Pr0bst reported tools Harvey Andrews, St. Rt. l, stop at stop sign, $15 foreit;
Shelton, disorderly conduct, William McCullough, 223 Juanita
$22.50 fine, $2.50 costs; John P. Way, San Francisco, following too
closely $15 forfeit; Paul F.
• McMorris, St. Rt. !, Box 34XX,
Shelton, driving while intoxicated,
N $125 fine, five days in jail,
suspended, license revoked 30
p days; Benney Smith, Rt. 1, Box
suspended, license revoked 30
QUALITY days; Benny Smith, Rt. 1, Box
488E, Shelton, failure to stop at
traffic signal, $15 forfeit; Dean
;i,;' Hines, St. Rt. 2, Box 218A,
$PtClAL PRE Belfair, speeding, $15 forfeit;
4th ,o.o Hogan, St. Rt. l, Box 250
" Union, failure to keep right of
center line, $15 forfeit; Vernon
LIDAY BUYS Kenyon Jr., St. Rt. 1, Box 163A,
Shelton, failure to yield
right-of-way, $20 forfeit; Ernest
Dean, 1336 Elizabeth Ave.,
- Bremerton, failure to stay right of
center line, $15 forfeit; Edna
C Farrell, 2136 Olympic ttighway
N., Shelton, failure to stay right
of center line, $15 forfeit; Irene
?hire 299 Goldsby, Rt. 2, Box 640, Shelton,
improer lane of travel, $15 forfeit;
________o .... Ronald Slater, 403 Edgewood
Apts., Shelton, driving while
intoxicated, $125 fine, $75
suspended, 30 days in jail,
-'-else suspended, license revoked 30
days; Ronald D. Sister, 403
Ihite S 99 Edgewood Apts., Shelton, driving
while license suspended, $125
I fine, 30 days in jail, suspended,
license revoked 30 days, Thomas
G. Wolfe, 123 Birch, Shelton,
improper lane of travel, $15 forfeit;
VQless" Blouses Kennetla Woodali Rt. 2, Box 561,
Shelton, failure to stop for stop
2/3 sign, failure to stay right of center
GO line, $30 for felt; Douglas
Attridge, St. Rt. 1, Box 344C,
Belfair, towing unlicensed vehicle,
$I 5 forfeit; Ralph Valentine, 603
Cooper W., Montesano, overwidth
equipment, no valid permit, $115
i r=,.., forfeit; Ralph Fisher, 1205 West
th With Bay Dr., Olympia, driving while
,., 0 99 intoxicates, $125 fine, 90 days in
jail, licenserovokedpermanent!y.
,Pads 4"
• Briefs ,.. 9An, on OAZEI
Qricot 3/1oo
burglar stole your hip.
Became car Insurance
won't cover the loss. But
if you s us, your home-
owners or tenants policy
can. Why rts= anyth|niO
Call us todl.., before
Ilobes .u,
7 oo A .==
2 99
t lirl,s
,t Shoes
:30 / 5:30 Iily
Angle Building
401 Railroad
County for the past 40 years, tie
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Applying for marriage licenses was a retired watchman for
Stalman, P.O. Box 89, Belfair, a in Mason County this last week Simpson Timber Co.
girl, June 29.
were: Mr. Mast is survived by three
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. JamesE. Johnson, 31,Tacoma, daughters, Mrs. W. D. (Colleen)
Hathaway, 855 East Fairmont, a and Gladys Selby, 31 Tacoma. Gephart, Shelton, Mrs. Leonard E.
girl, June 29. " '
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel R. William Pariseau, 25, (Ruth) Speece, Shelton, Miss
Batstone Funeral ttome. Burial
followed in the Shelton Memorial
Those desiring may donate to
their favorite charity or the Mason
General Hospital.
P. O. Box 764, 8holloa
Washington 98584
Andrews, 1928 So. First, a boy, Bremerton, and Sherry Hill, 21, Betty Mast, Shelton; one sister, IIDqm''''I""u' b,w,
June 29. Bremerton.
Betty M. Sanders, 32, Shelton, i I
and Tanya Thomas, 26, Olympia. Frederick Need I
Grayland Man James M. Richardson, 27. ;I NOT|CEL I !
Shelton, and Crystal James, 21, Dies In His Home
Succumbs There Lilliwaup.
Eugene C. Sheaf died Friday in Clint Smith, 54, Paulsbo, and Fredrick Need died Saturday i
Grayland at the age of 47. A Mary Fawler, 52, Bremerton. in his tloodsport home at the age
of 86. tie was born Sept.
resident of Grayland for the past 27, 1882,in London, England, and
6 years, he was employed ass Scientist Services has been a residentofttoodsport I Unused commuter Harstine Island Ferry !
farmworker /'or Cranberry Farms.
Mr. Sheaf was born on Nov. "The Lord is good to all: and for the past 15 years. He was a I tickets will be redeemed at the office of the i |
19, 1921 in Chehalis, Wash. lie his tender mercies are over all his retired civil engineer with the
' lumber industry. Mason County Engineer, County Court l
served with the United States works." This verse from Psahns is
Navy during World War 11. part of the Lesson-Sermon on Mr Need is survived by one i House, Shelton, Wash., until July 31, 1969.
niece in Toronto, Canada.
He is survived by one sister, "God" to be heard in all Cilristian Funeral services were held
Aileen Harper, of Grayland. Science churches Sunday. Tuesday at 1 1 a.m. in tile ! I
Graveside Services were held Services at the Shelton First Batstone Funeral Home.
Tuesday at 1 p.m. in Shelton Church, 302 Alder, begin at 11 Cremation followed.
Memorial Park. a.m. L o 4,=, .i.,, , qm. .. , . m,A
_P.,.I !llprneOI41 el • • I !
Evergreen Square • 426-3456
2 FOR 49¢
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-; Jet 50' Ilnttery 2 °31€
I White I lg0uaYrrntee 700fl "-ack$ize /
I Bathing Cups I Golfer's Special ..... T ::;: COOLER
IChil. d's A'7€1 ro DO ............. €
GOLF BALLS '.'.'.,',]li/t' [ 'P ' ' ) ' ' ' :rfl: ( I ' a ' k I
3i119 I POilIABt[
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• , $1.39 - 30 qt,
,.00 Fam,lyS,ze---- I GRILL
ICLOWN BANKS 88 ¢ I Picnic Jug[
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$1.29 ! W ' tS;er°f°am 93'I
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$6.49 Value "lr k IRON REST /I 'rno. coated coverJ
Concentrate SPRAY
Shampoo $1.19 Vain " DEODORANT
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For clean, shiny hair Anti-perspirant action!
Plastic tube, 5 oz. nt. wt. 7 oz. n t. wt.
€ € 9 €
179 s,.ck00.c00 77,, .88
. Thursday, July 3, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3