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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 3, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 3, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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gSI J00ESI Welfare Program Changes Are Told New program changes in I'ublic Assistance, effective July l, were announced this week in ()lympia by Sidney E. Smith, Director of Public Assistance. Recipients of AFDC will be able to keep a part of their earned income as an incentive to work. The I)epartment will exempt the first $3(.) and I/3 of the balance of total family lucerne when computing family grants, lucerne earned by students will be I00'/, exempt. Other program improvements include tile updaling of all grants, in all prtgrams to reflect tile current cost of living standards. The maximum grar, t will he raised from $325.00 per month to a $350.00 maximum July 1, Smith said. ('hanges in tile medical progr;,m include the use of approved drugs for special needs of patients. '[hey have reduced the numher of office calls from 4 to 3 per n10111h. Starting July I. recipients can be treated in any hospital their altending pilysician recommends. This is of particular interest to King ('ot, nty residents wh) live outside the greater Seattle area in lmumclaw, North Bend and I:alls (:ity. The residents el these cities requiring hospitalization were often sent to King ('ounty Ilospital for trealmcnt. After July 1, they will be admitted to hospitals nearer their home, Smith added. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NEW INTERNATIONAL Air conditioner -- 3 ton -- still in carton. Phone Hoadsport 877-5528. A7/3 UNIVOX AMP. 30 watt 15 inch speaker, 2 channel with reverb $110. Like new. Phone 426-2278. M 7/3-24 FOR SALE, eletric range, double oven. Double sink, bathtub, doors windows, venetian blinds. SCENE • July is jusl of year to shoot otT and other of the "'older" everybody runs llearesl "safe" Id and shoots them to run to these at,st Shelton and merchant that is Sale. Just a few that way this "REITz where Ottemiller is and 44c sale Better items, as OWner of (]!NT[-R, m now in tile day sale, so !me getting m .'ed a swimming ways to get Proul y's Store where Ured at a special tn discounts, sl ()re. Illleron keeps a n d Prices. so slop hat w(m'l lake )ur summer :lley, wner ALLEY has just Lhe form of at's right, take loads and check it I)o you burn easily when you're (tll o11 the beach? il so, betler check with Nell E, vander, owner of NELL'S PttARMACY. Neff has just the item for you lronl sea alad ski ..... I)on't forget to shod the family buggy so you'll be safer than most on the highways. And, one of the best places to go for new or re-cap tires is MERV'S TIRECAP & CARCARE CENTER' Merv offers some of the finest services in town, so stop in there today and see for yourself. ..... (?hnt Ih, rrington, manager of PENNEY'S' is featuring some special lh)liday hargains just in lime for the 4th. Better make this a nlusl as somc of these specials will not be offered again .... John Ilalvorsen, owner of JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX, has recenlly started a "top ten western music hit" list. The list vppears regularly in tile Journal, so get crackin' you western fans. Now you know you can get the hits at Johnny's! ..... I)ess and Edna Ilaines announced this week tile opening of HAINES BREAKFAST IIOUSE the nexl time you slart oul early, don't forget I)ess and lidna at Iloodsport ..... That's --30-- for this week, but remember to drive carefully this F'ourth of July wcekend. Figures released from the National Safety ('ouncil say that in 19€)8 55,200 lives were lost on U.S. highways. l)on't let yours be among the 1969 total. SOME 928,000 single family homes were built in the Ll. S. in 1967. Their average size was 1,570 square feet. Recipients of Old Age Assistance, Aid to Tile Blind and Disability Assistance will benefit from the updating of the grants along with recipients of AFDC. They will also receive more social services than they have in the past. ['mphasis will be on specific services such as Homemaker Service, Protective Service for Children and Adults and Adult I:oster ('are, Smith explained. Anew streamlined, mot efficient method of delivering Publec Assistance services to recipients will also be " inrplemented statewide July I. '[i]e new systen is called Declarat ion-Specialization, Smith said. Dec-Spec will result in applicants receiving needed services much sooner than they did in the past. It used to take three to four weeks for an vpplicant to receive his first check. Under lJec-Spec the first check is delivered within four days, Smith said. Anothe advantage of Dec Spec is specialization. This will free the caseworkers from eligibility determination and audit functions, that will be done by a new F',ligibility Section, allowing caseworkers to give specialized social services to recipients. This is a much more efficient system that will result in recipients receiving better, quicker services and will hopefully go a long way toward heLping solve some of today's social problems. Smith concluded. Legal Publications No. 3933 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BY NEGOTIATION The Superior court of Washington for Mason County GRAYSTONE of SHELTON T00 NE of SHELTON 426.3344 877-5312.$7/3-10 In the matter of the estate of ................................................................... JAMES L. JOHNSTON, Deceased. HAULING TRAILER easily NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN converted to boat trailer, $45. 14' that the personal representative fiber glass boat, trailer and 35 has negotiated a sale on the horse Evinrude motor, good following described property: running condition. SacrificeS250. (1) Lots 5-11, Block 84 of F 7/3 .................................................... McReavy's First Addition to LOFTY PILE free from soil is the Hoodsport, according to the carpet cleaned with Blue Lustre. recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for Mason County, Rent eletric shampooer $1. Coast Washington, Volume 2 of Plats, to Coast. 7/3 ................................................. page 11. HUMAN HAIR fall $50. Trench (2) Lot 5, Block 85 of coat size 16, zip-out lining, $15, McReavy's First Addition to worn once. 426-2770. J7/3 Hoodsport, according to the ........................................................ recorded plat thereof in the office POLAROID 800 camera with of the Auditor for Mason County, flash, bounce light, case, orange Washington, Volume 2 of Plats, filter. Perfect condiition. $50. page 11. 426-2059. $7/3 .............................................. The sale is for a cash price of FOR SALE 2]/z-3 cord split FOUR THOUSAND ONE 16-inch fir wood, $18 cord HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE AND delivered. 426-4118. D7/3 NO/100 ($4,125.00) DOLLARS. ................................... This sale shall be confirmed after 1969 NEW HOME Sewing July 14, 1969. machine. Zig-zag attachments $50 This notice is made pursuant to cash. Call 877-5806 before 9:30 RCW 11.56.100. a.m. O7/3-10 DATED this 30th day of June, ................................ 1969. GARAGE SALE JOHN C. RAGAN thursday and Saturday 405 East C Attorney for St. 7/3 Personal Representative ......................................................... JOHN C. RAGAN HOTPOINT ELECTRIC stove. ATTORNEYAT LAW Double oven. Good condition. $25 SHELTON, WASH. 98584 426-1659. H7/3 7/3-1t DISCOUNTS Lowest prices in town or or your money back! Beoch Towels Regularly $1.98 now $1.37 $ Super stainless Razor Blades 5'sReg. 79€now 55¢ Scotch r....J Fabric Protector. steel. "'"IU .,0,,,, now _2.44 D.ak tt:l Deodorant. Shqmpo 0 Conditioning. FamilYReg. $1.19 no:iZe'88 € FePeS. I[ll ll Regularly $1.75 now $].29 Sprinkler Regularly Lafayette. $5.98 Coverage dial. now PUrse P0rse Cloth $2.99 er Regularly $1.29 now Man Pack "uts 00o,.,o0 screws. 55€ Reg. 98¢ now now $00.29 Regularly $2.99 Regularly $1.49 now Regularly 49¢ now Buhach Insect Powder Good for ants, flies, roaches, fleas, etc. Non-toxic to humans 88¢ and pets. Regularly $1.50 ..... now Lilt Home Permanent 'i'*s°°:'°'Reg. $1.69 now Tooth Paste lpana Family Size. 44¢ Regularly $1.05 ....... now Alka-Seltzer ,00,o0,,ze 44€ Regularly 57¢ ...... now Beach Toys Inflatable and floatable "Speed Boat" or "Canoe". Regularly $1.69 ...... now Towels ith decorative fringe. Regufarly $2.49 .......... now $1.66 120 €ota • Open Daily 9:30-6p.m. County Lifetime Resident Dies Claire E. (Toad) Tozier died Saturday in an Olympia hospital at the age of 61. Born June 23, 1908, in Patten, Maine, he was a life time resident of Shelton and Mason Couuty. tie was enployed as a trec trimmer for the Christmas trees• He is survived by a son, Gary Tozier Case, Maple Valley; his mother, Mrs. Gladys B. Tozier, Shelton;two brothers, Arthur L. Tozier, Shelton, Kenneth (;. Tozier, Shelton; one sister, Mrs. Doris Coleman, Burbank, Wash. Graves]de services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. m the Shelton Memorial Park. Nina Gilman Taken By Death Nina k. Gilman died last l'hursday in Fir Lane Terrace at the age of 73. Born Aug. 15, 1895. she was a resident of Simlton and Mason ('ounty for tile past 20 years. Site is survived by one son, l:rank Gihnan, Snelton; one sister, Mrs. Christine IJickey, ('alifornia: a brother, Jessie Frasier, (;eorgia; and two grandchildren. Graves]de services ere held Saturday at 9:30 a.m. in Shelton Memorial Park with Rev. Mason Younglund officiation. Tim services were under the direction of the t;atstone Funeral Ilome. Permit Is Requested Application has been received by U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Seattle office from Mrs. Theresa E. Hudson, 3059 S. Myrtle Street, Seattle, for a Departnmnt of the Army permit to construct riprap and to fill shoreward thereof in Hood Canal near Union. Interested parties are requested to submit, in writing, any comments or objections that they may have to the proposed .work. The determination as to whether a permit will be issued will be based on an evaluation of all relevant factors, including the effect of the proposed work on navigation, fish and wildlife, conservation, polhttion, and the general public interest. Comments on these factors will be accepted aud made part of the record and will be considered in determining whether it would be in the best public interest to grant a permit. Replies to this notice should be mailed to reach the Corps of Engineers office not later than July 28 to insure consideration. George Magee Is Director (;eorge I) Magee, 47, has been appointed director of the Slmlton-Multi-Service Center by Mason-Thurston Community Action Council, Inc., according to Sam Jacob, l-xecutive I)irector of the Council. Magce, a native of the (;rays llarbor area, has for the last three years served as an instructor al the State Department of Institutions facility near Shelton. Magee, his wife and four children live in Shelton. 1966 FORD z/z-Ton Pickup 10,000 Actual Miles ONLY $1595 1969 DODGE PICKUP ........... $2345 1966 MUSTANG ............ 3-speed, V-8 ...... $1545 1968 DODGE 440 4-Dr., P. Steering, Vinyl roof, auto., radio, many extras ................ $2595 1961 LANCER Dodge ................ $395 1967 CHEVELLE 4-Door. 3-speed Overdrive .......... $1395 1966 OPEL STATION WAGON. Low Mileage .............. $1095 1963 MONZA Buckets Seats, 4-speed trans .................... $495 1963 VALIANT 200 4-Dr., Low Mileage. Like new ............ $895 SEE 'EM AT PAULEY DODGE Closed July 4-5-6, 1969 For three-day Holiday! Front & Railroad 1 Weather to, l0 w'''''' HITS lligh Low Precip. June 26 67 46 .85 June 27 66 53 .17 June 28 69 54 0 June 29 66 56 .15 June 30 72 51 0 July I 80 51 0 July 2 86 57 0 Readings are for a 24-hour period ending at 8 a.m. as reported by ITT Rayonier Inc. went her st at ion. FIVE-DAY FORECAST "l'enlperatures l'hursday thru Monday will average two degrees below normal. Little or no rain is expected after l'hursday. School Board The School Board will hold its regular July meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Evergreen School Library. of the week for Western Washington this last week week TITLE ARTIST 1 2 "Never More" Stonewall Quote the Raven Jackson 2 1 Johnny B. Buck Owens Goode 3 8 Down to My David Last I Love You Houston 4 5 That's Why Ferlin Husky I Love You So Husky 5 9 The Rib Jeannie C. Riley 6 10 Working Merle Man Blues Haggard 7 14 ays of Sand Waylon Shovels Jennings 8 16 Proud Mary Tony Jones To Make Loretta 9 44 A Man Lynn But You Know Bill 10 45 I Love You Anderson All of the hit songs are available at JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX 205 Cota 426-4302 I I One for the Book lib NINE FOR YOU • . e Every payday, set aside a definite amount.., one out of every ten dollars, perhaps.., for "the book".., your Savings Account passbook. Dollar after dollar, your money grows, and earns more, thanks to interest, compounded regularly. ACCOUNTS NOW PAY 5 1/4 + 1/4 == By putting m.l)ey into .'4tlVIl|g yt)ll will Parn at the (*llrlrenl rat(' of 5'i + 'l 51,=",', com- pounded semi-&nnually, Mtmt,y dl,l)osit(,d by the 10th of each month t'}l|'llS fr, mth(, first and dividends are o;tl'nt!(| for" each month savings are left on detx)sit, Your mavinp earn the full 51 't, whether you detmait .'i or $5,000. Membwrship Open to All Rnident= of Malon County Except Simpson Timber Company EmployRs Pay Yourself FIRST! MASON COUNTY Federal Credit Union 4th & Cedar Shelton, Washinqton 98584 Shelton-Mason County Journal