July 3, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Reunions Are In The News
n has come back
after a week
and downpours
lightning anll
downpour there
hail. With the
es the geoduckers
Working very
elusive grand
are much in
Mr. and Mrs.
went to
Lrnily rented all
house branches
afar. About
there. Four
Smters of the
Lily were there
and all put
'e were five
A nephew to
in the
able to attend
this Year. Last
Viet Vain. The
Warm along the
beach but everyone had a
marvelous time.
The family reunion of the Orr
family was held at the home of
Mrs. Erma Roesel this last
Saturday and Sunday. About 40
members gathered from all over
the Northwest and Virginia. They
were Mr. and Mrs. ltarold Orr and
family of Ush, Wash. Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Orr and family, Mrs. Emma
(Orr) Ramsey and Gerald Orr all
of Newport, Wash. Mr. and Mrs.
Pat Nilson of Union; Mr. and Mrs.
Ernic (Joyce Orr) Knell of
Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Orr of Carlton, Ore. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles M (Ona May Orr)Guire
and daughter of Barbell; Mr. and
Mrs. Ab (Nethe Orr) Hatching,
Alderwood Manor; Mr. and Mrs.
D. Rossell Orr and family of
Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Orr and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Orr all
of Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs.
Patrich (Beth Orr) O'Leary of
Seattle; Tom ttandley of Belfair;
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roessel and
daughter of Virginia and Mr. and
ONe, W during Capital Savings' 49th Annivers-
,i0';' ;brore hard-to-eome+y S"ver
Of e.- Y Opening O new savings'account
13 "+9'00 or by cdding one-half this
dlV nt to your present account. These silver
,urs are in limited unnJu. See one of Capi-
IQIs Crew in blue obou;,/;urs tomorrow.
Fifth & Irankltn -- 943-1,131
Sl;&LrON -. Fhtt a.d Fr;!,-oed -' 426.r/11
OL'/MFIA-A¢+,N*ESAP(L b ,:l t.)UV:-:, S EL]ON
Mrs. Gene Roessel and family of
Ellensburg. All had a wonderful
time as this was the first reunion
in a number of years.
Mr. and Mrs. James Chahners
enjoyed a lovely weekend with
their friends Mr. and Mrs. It.S.
Jacobson at Central Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob (;win
received unexpected company
Sunday evening when Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Bingley Jr. dropped in
for a chat.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bittlc
returned home Thursday from a
vacation trip that took them int8
Colorado. it was a hurried trip
East to start with so they could
arrive in Fort Collins Io surprise
Mrs. Bittle's father on Fathers
Day. After spending a night there
they went on to Pueblo t¢ visit
her sister for four days. They then
journeyed back to Fort Collins
where they went on a sight set'ing
trip with her father as far as
Cheyenne, Wyo. On the way
home they spent the night ill the
(;rand Tetons, then went on to
Yellowstone National Park for a
day. The children especially
enjoyed seeing the bear and elk
there. ]'hey took four days
coming home from there enjoyiug
the scenery and just taking it easy.
1'he weather was just right the
whole time they were gone and
had a wonderful time.
Mrs. Lucille Livingston just
returned home front attended the
Conservation and Outdoor
Education Workshop in Iliddcn
Valley which is sponsored by
Central Washington Stale College.
Sixty teachers from all over the
state attended the workshop June
16-28. Mrs. Livingston went this
year as a teacher. Also going front
this area was Mrs. Jean Moore of
Union and Mrs. Thclma Jackson
of Shclton. They both ;eceived
scholarship grants to enable them
to go. Mrs. Moore received hers
from the ifood Canal Women's
Club and Mrs. Jackson from the
Si'ntpson Timber Company.
Lo ,,es Club Meets At Grange
MATLOCK ...... Matlock Ladies
Club held its meeting last week at
the Grange Ilall with I)orothy
Adams hostess. Mrs. Augusta
Portman and Mrs. l)ottic Ford's
birthdays where celebrated. The
next meeting July 9 was
postponed as The Riverside f'lub
invited Matlock Club to picnic
with them at Schafer Park July
10th. Visitors at Club were Mrs.
Mamie Atkinson, Mrs. (;[adys
Carter, Mrs. (;race Bernard, Mrs.
Mildred Nordrum.
Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Anderson
and Alfred of Port Orchard were
Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ilerbert lielin.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Valley, Mrs.
Gertrude Elson and Mrs. Bell
Grant of Shelton called on Mrs.
Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman Friday. Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Valley of Agate, Mrs.
Florence Lawton of Shelton were
luncheon guests at the Portman
home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. R.[:. Bradberry
attended Ihc wedding of Miss
Sllsall Mallory and Milton
I)em.,dey at Ih¢ ,]cl]lO',lisl ('hurch
in Sheltm N;durlay url¢lllOon.
Sunday the l:hudberrysattended a
Silver Stars To Ride
In Oakville Parade
SOUTItSII)E - Silver Stars
this l:riday are going to ride in the
fourth of July parade at Oakvillc.
On June 25 the Live Wires 4-11
club held a meeting at the honle
of Nancy Eveleth. They also had a
The nteeting was brought It)
order by president Sharon
The flag salute and 4-11 pledge
were led by ('heryI Bedcll.
The roll call was taken and
each nlcmher answered with
sornething they had done in their
Those present were Sharon
Johnson, Kathy Bailey, Cheryl
Bedcll,. l)ebbie Gohlsby, Laurie
Goldsby, Judy llurst, Vallerie
Rains, l.aurie Rains, Nancy
Eveleth and leader Mrs. Betty
Members discussed 4-tt camp
and their theme .... rhe Three
Some members are going to
work on a skit and others on
decorations for their cabin at
They also discussed the "Meal
Prep." The meeting was then
Most of the members then
went swimming and when they
were finihcd lhcy :tic Ihcn ,wk
IttllL'bt', LIIIL] fqJ}cd ,111.' g,.IIIICS.
R:ll,"dllllClll", w.'rc '.'fvett I'p
N;lll.'y I:vclclh, rep()llett Nancy
I vclel h.
A rclllilld.,.l, lilt' ,ollIhsJtJe
( ;llllge illt.x.Iiil is [)()sl pt)ned until
July l I, hCCJll,,k, ')t' Ihc Ioullh I)l
July hflitla',.
"lhe sltllhMdc (;langc nleClillg
will he hch.I July II :lnd will he a
birlhd,y dinnel at h p.m. and will
bc polluck.
They will discuss the Grange
Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs,
Walter Kratcha aud Susan, Mr.
and Mrs. John Kralcha Jr., Miss
Kathy Kratcha of Silverdale, Miss
Karen Reeves of Brcmerton, John
Kratcha, Mr. and Mrs. (;len
Kratcha, Michael and Shelley and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha
attended the birthday dinner held
for John Kratcha and John
Kratcha Jr. at the thonle of Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Kratcha, Michael
and Shelley.
Pat and Johnny Spencer, Toni
and Shunt Sunday called long
distance front Ohio to talk with
Mr. and Mrs. Kemteth Archer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson
and Jackic and Mr. and Mrs. Jflm
Kratcha Jr. last Tuesday evening
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha.
Reduction Sal e Skokom!sh
1OO Cars, PickUps, Trucks * Community Church
Has Guest Speaker
Custom Cpe.Dyna, FM Radio,
LeSabre Steering, Brakes Tilt Wheel O S 1 860
white Vinyl Roof Now
Full Power,
Convertible Factory Air Now 0 S 1 480
3304Dr. .o0005925
er America n.0d o,toma.c
Custom 500 +
Radio, Steering .o000000,1305
hort Ccupe
ite Vinyl Bucket Seats, Power
Windows, Steering, Dyna Now
6 cyl. Powerglide Now
Full Power
New Silver Blue Finish Now
4 Speed Now
Bel Air 4Dr.
Ilac Coupe
Za Coupe
c Starchief
4 Door Now
Steering Cruisomatic, .$595
Hip v,+, Trim, Radio,
ry 2Dr. . v, .ow
4Dr. V8 Powerglide Now $225
1 Ton Long Wide 352 V8, Cruisomatic, $1 595
825x15 Rubber, New Brakes Now
6 cyl. 3 speed, steering,
New Car Warranty
13,800 miles Now
Longwide 6 cyl., 3 speed
HD Bumper Now
Stepside 6 cyl., 3 speed
HD Bumper Now
Bracket was guest speaker at the
Sunday morning service in the
Skokomish ('ommunity Church.
Bracket, who with his family
recently moved to the Valley, is a
counselor at the Washington
Corrections Center and will be
filling the pulpit until the new
Ino Custom
1/2 Ton
1/2 Ton
1/2 Ton
Long wide V8, 4 speed Now
hold gifts of money. They also
received many useful articles for
their new home.
Stephen Johnson of Milton
spent several days this week with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Johnson. tlis parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ran Johnson came for
him Sunday.
Guests at the Chester Valley
970 pastor arrives. After the service a home during tile week were Mr.
pot-luck dinner was held in the and Mrs. Jack Cogdill of
'church dining room. Marysville, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
$745 Mrs. AnitaDuggernnd Mrs. Pat Davenport, Joan and Mark of
Dugger were hostesses at a shower South Tumwater and Mr. and Mrs.
Saiurday evening in the George Valley. Mr. and Mrs.
$895 Skokomish (;range ,lall for Mr. Chester Valley drove to Copalis,
and Mrs. Edwin r Crossan, who where they visited with Mr. and
$535 '"" '"" .on,00 Mrs. Cogdill who were spending
and furnishings by fire. A number several days at the ocean.
from the Arcadia district also Gary Johnson of Edmonds has
.$595 " miniature mobile been spending the week with his
home made by Mrs. Anita Dugger grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arvid
was used for a center piece and to Johnson.
1/2 Ton $895 Save,200Oon ?
1/3 Ton 6cyl.,3speed S495 PITTSBURGH PAINTS +V P
r"attonal 1/.2 TonPa?el .$295 SUN-PROOF
• Latex House Paint ['2,, "°"'''' i
Quick Parts & Service Mon.- Sat. Thepaint that stretches
and shrinks wffh your house.J
lease & Rental Cars MIC Ins. Manv paints crack and peel when vour
house stretches and shrinks with
variations in temperature. SUN-PROOF
LATEX expands and contracts with the
house. Tough Long-lasting No primer Gallon
necessary over most repaint surfaces.
Summer Sale Price
Reg. $8,97"
Summer Sale Savings on Sun4=roof"OiI-Base
House Paint, too! $6.47 PerGallon
"Since 1927"
1st & Grove • Shelt0n • 426-4426
Eacrett Lumber Co.
_ 1332 Olympic Hwy. S. , ............ 426-4522
Silver Wedding Anniversary party
for Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Hardin of
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman left Saturday to spend a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. L.D.
Portman and to celebrate Ma
Portman's and Dumonts
Sandra Calkins of Santee,
California, is visiting relatives and
friends here for a couple weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. liarl Walker took
their folks- The O.W. Walkers
back to Auburn over the week
end. 1"hey have spent lhc last two
weeks here. 1"hey brought back
t heir grandda ughter, Janet Walker,
for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. I'dward Valley
spent Saturday in Tacoma with
Mr. and Mrs. l,loyd Ilouse,
Mr. and Mrs. Wells Mayer and
sm were dinner guests at the Lud
Rossulaief honlc Monday nighl.
Word wus recieved here that
M. nd Mrs. John Mc(;arvie of
Rock ('reck, ('anada, :Ire parenls
ff a baly girl born June 10.
Mrs. MiLdred Nor(hunl of
('hicago. III. is visiting her
grandmother Mrs. M:lutie
At kinson alld her aHIlls Mrs.
(;I,ldys ('arler and Mrs. (;race
Bernard. Mildred will be
reuembercd here as Miltlred
Koidahl. a Iq58 graduate of Mary
M. Knighl school.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ilearmg
spent +l'ucsdy at Rochester with
Mrs. Ireue l)uckwilz.
The Joe Brown flnnily were
Sunday visitors at the Edward
Valley home. The Diggle children
of MeCIcary are spending this
week with their grandp:neuts.
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford
returned last week Tuesday after a
two-week tour of California. They
visited the Chester Singleton
family of Liverntore, (Talif. and
many places of interest.
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
spent Sunday al Ocean Shores.
Superb styling coupled with sublime comfort
• .. a softened step, a lifted arch, All because
of the special cushion flange insole
"the family
shoe store"
107 S. 4th
Equip Your Home for "The Good Life" with
and Dryer
5-cycle automatic washer with special cool-down care
for Permanent Press, 2 wash-spin speeds, 5 water.
temperature selections, 3 water level selections, bleach
dispenser, fabric softener dispenser, self-cleaning fil-
ter and illuminated timer dial. Model No. LTA 7800.
ONLY $ 219 95
Pop. Colors 5.00 extr
2-cycle electric dryer with special cool-down care for
Permanent Press, 2 drying speeds, Moisture Minder
control that auto. stops drying when clothes are "dry
enough," illuminated timer dial. Model No. LTE 7800.
ONLY $149,00
Pop. Colors 5.00 extra
Imperial model SSU-90 features:
Super Wash cycle, 6 pushbutton
cycles, Dual automatic detergent
dispensers Rinse-conditioner
d spenser, 2 full-size revolving
spray arms, self-cleaning filter,
2 silver baskets and small items
Refrigerato -
The model EST-14J features:
No-frost, Glide out shelf Twin
crispers, Separate temperature
,,,...v..-.,..-,if'¢-Mae'"em SPECIAL controls, 11.2 cu. ft. of fresh
food storage and 105 Ibs of
White Only frozen food,
,s., Cu. Ft. ONLY
Refrigerator-Freezer -
No-Frost With I 0 O& fl ,24444
lee Maker, 1 lrlr
Model EST 15 PM JVV
3111 Pacific Ave.
"J" & Olympic
Highway N.
"J" & 01 ,. N. • 426-3264
Thursday, July 3, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -'Page 9