July 3, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 3, 1969 |
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Boneless Hams
Agar Canned, Sold
by the can only
5-lb. Can $3.95
+.79 c
I -
. ' . ...... ;7 ...... i ::;...:! !:) ! : i i '.::?:) ? ?: :!iE ...... . .....
Fresh Salmon
.oa.,s..rs, o, 89 c
The Season
Silvers lb.
P • / l" / New at Safeway!
Prin 1i€ Breaded and Cooked
i||U |i||,|• ReadytoEat lb.
rlb Safeway Skinless 12oz +
I 111,111 lit Great for Hot Dogs PKG" ,,i
Chuck Roast c:,n:lBSSe, lb. 89
Ground Chuck PQeuTiiy m. 75
Chuck Steak 00eh;ieC;BBo;ee f .79 ....
Fa.l00i F! ur Kitchen lOlobg88 c /l°Ye/ea l"Ta/l/cJ D°Jv/'/F°Yget! eJ'e
T D,, ., A +or+,+,, o,+ Sl+ 9
Craft .op ,.-,U,., +++++,oo ,, Ground Round o:,. +89
. .. 6+OZ.
i.00ii00 ..... ,b L un00n 00,ea, ++a,+,+ +"
Cr 0 For Salads ..oz.39c Rump Roasts u si09 • .... o,++o.,+o 35'
beeT bTeaK .,+, ++, ...,,,,,,, ,hickS,c. Pk+.
o, loin, ,o,,,e i'i00
" Veal Steak :,...,: ..... '"+.*: 89 Sliced Bacon .,:,;+;+.... 'g;:79'
Mayonnaise Nu-.o,e "39
Smooth Pal; Fryer Breasts '#:::,'?:+ + 59 Seafood Specials
Cube Steak :',,:',:;:+, + Sla* Kippered Salmon Tips
P k dBe s 5 Sl ...... 00e,o
I!, Snacks lb.
or an an High- 30-oz. Boneless Stew ,,..,,+,, .... 89: Zg'
way Cans
Potato Chips PartyPride ,0.oz.39 c
Your Best Buy! Pkg.
It a//a Wall° "Twice Nice
Green Beans
Cut Asparagus
Diced Carrots
wo,,a wo,a 6,,,+.o..$i00
Cut Style Cans
woo ,0 v:29c
Walta 2 16°z" OOc
Walla Cans l_ 1
5 ':,: Sl oo
WcHIo Walk+ Cream
Slyle o Whole Kernel
Peas & Carrots ,,,,oW°"° 5 ,,.o,.oo, SlOO
Green Peas
wo,,++o,,o 5 ,,.o,. SlOO
Med Sieve Cans
walla wallo
Bite Size
Wallo Wallo
Blended Spears
6 +O,+o,+ SlO0
Can ,J #
l)ak 7 l)e/icate.uen
Grade AA Butter'
,...'aneCue 68 c
I'o"'ne'u"e,...'l +-
Potato Salad Loeroe p+,,, 35 ¢
Quart 65c Ctn
Lucerne Yogurt FlavorsASst'd 8+OZ.ctn 25 '
Mild Cheddar ,:hee.e . 85
Swiss Cheese Oua,+,y ,b89 c
Dessert Topping ,ossomTimeooOa,ry "°'47co,
Lucerne Cereal Blend .oo. p+o,25
Dairy Cto.
Whipping Blend ,Oo.Oo'ry'°'er"O ,O,,p+o, 29
I iea/th and Bea, uty Aids
Truly Fine 13-oz,
Hair Spray was.. ca,,59
P,,.. 71
Milk of Magnesia ,o, Eo....
Dristan Tablets ,,.°s ,,,P", SlO
Secret Deodorant ,,was ,°,Ca,, $1
was Co,. $149
Vick's Formula 44 +,,+ Bot..e
t Atk ++., .,+,+.+,',, P,i, 49
{7:1 .)eltzer w,, e ,., .,
hp ,.o,.
l Macleans Toot aste Tube66 c
i i ii iiii
Page 12- Shelton'Mason County Journal - Thursday, July3, 1969
Bartlett Pears
.,,,w., 3,0 slog
29-oz. Can
Charcoal Briquets
Hi-Country ,0.49 c
"[ Barbecue Bog
Ozark Briquet Lighter Fluid Qt. 39€
Sandwich Cookies
,,u,,,+ 4 Sl
I Vanilla, Fudge, IO-oz.
Devils Food, Ass't. Pkgs.
I Busy Baker Snack Crackecs "" 35€
,, ,,,
t%z, en Food Va/ues
Ice Cream . SnowStor Hatf..O C
Gallon $136 Gal. (,,0
Lemonade soth +.o..
roa, cool0
Scotch 6-az. $1°°
Orange Juice ,.eat 5 Coos
Hawaiian Punch RosY, od 6 aos6"°'" Sl00
Bel-atr 9-oz. ) ,ji C
Beans in Sauce ,o.otte, PkZ:.
Bel-air 10,oz./.1 i[,1C
Corn in Sauce In Butter Pkg. L7
Bel.alr 10+oz,
Peas in Sauce ,aBorter pg29
Vegetables ,+,,..,n ,0o,
Eo.er aoce Pkg29
. Be,.°,, ,p.;:35
Onion Rings Fren+h F,,ed
Shoestrings .e,+r 0.o, Sl00
Potatoes 3 Pkgs,
Drumsticks Ch,,+ron's Pk o
Fovorde of 6 7
Pkg. /O C
Butter Brickle Bars o,+.,.
Eskimo Pies ooo Pkg.
Stick o,°59
Hamburger Buns
Hot Dog Buns Fresh
Mrs, Wright's
Coffee Cake ,p,.,e.o,
Oven Joy Bread white
Pkg. of 8 29 c
3 Pkgs. Sl
of 10
22 .oz. JHc
Loaf i-7"
Bing Cherries
+;::0+:o:+:? +,o,, 39 +
Leaf Lettuce
c.o,oo, o, ,@ 90¢
Green or Butter ForllAF
Cherry Tomatoes
Full Cups Each !1
Green Cabbage Garden
Fresh lb.
Crispy Pkg.
Celery Hearts Fresh of 2
Mild 3 lb.
Yellow Onions Slicers Bag
Sunkist Lemons SizeLarge
Large Limes ,s +,,
Reg. or
Roasted Peanuts o,,e +.
Orange Juice Pure Half
O.J. Gal.
39 €
89 €
,,m+,'.',p:::,,: ::+.,:.< + :..::.v.,g,.+ • ::::,..,..:: :8 ¢,.,:;::.,,: :::+ :.. :: ...... :+:::::::::::: :. ::::: ....... :::: : :a:.:..
. ".. ?:.::..:.! :!:";'-::, i: :::'.:.: !::'::b %::!:!!!iiii!!i:i:[:!;!?.!i.:i:!:i:!.%:.::?:!i:!:i:i i ! iiiiiiii:i:i!i:!:i:!:!:i:i:i:!:i:i:! i:!:i:! !:i i iiiii: :i::? ::::?:::.:.::: ili ,
.-, ,',-':..-.: .:., •, . ..... .. • ...,....x......,...,. ' .',..x '.:::::::;:.:.'.: ",:.::'.': :'.',': .> ,". :i.!::
• +'+:+: :++ Zee Printed" Towels ............ ': +:+ +:"
:::::'::: ' :.:: :i::)
!'4 .i:':ii::! :"
, i,+. ' :::!:..::
,:: "..'..
::Colorful Assortment A $100 +
.i{Giant Size Rolls "I' Rolls l iii
?" . • , ,-...,g...,..,,. .'..v..,.,,.,.,:.'..',+.x:...::::::::::::,, sb,.....,>, ,+., ...:.,':,..:..'...:.:::. :, -$.''
>,: g/:.(..`.ai!:::`:::>..`{..`.``:::::i:::*::``:::..:! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i!:::::::!::i:!:i::Gii i:::i::J:,i.
:'.,..',,;:< .......... . ............... :.: '::::iiii;::.:.:.:;:.::;:::.:.'+::.:::::.:: ....... ,..+:.'',.'.:.., ,,../::::,.,.+.:,::,..:.,.,:.:.:::,,.:,:.x.'.'..,<::./?.:.:::.
Family Pak Napkins <?::;o 49
++o, 4 ,+o, Sl00
B&M Baked Beans 0+, on.
B&M Brown Bread +or+ ,0-o.
Warmed Con] 3 c
KooI-Aid .+++,or +o+o, 6 .+.25 ;,'
Assorted Flavors Party pride
Crazy Cups .,e Cream :°°"
o -
White PI " oo.oo, ,0.o,O
aTes ,oc00e loo.
Ore-ld? Potatoes .n:::; ,..+O,.p,+ ,lnv
French s Mustard w+ ,;:35
Dole Fruit Drnk °:::',; "::n29
,.,..,.,,. ::+
s.,.a,y. '][, ':..
reserve te i;iI141'
quantities" '"
Holiday Bar.q, ainSF,o+ m. '+. 2
Marshmallows Po,, .sl
Razz-Ma-Tazz Gre.at 3
Heavy Duty Foil ra',
Pickle Relish Z,py.ar,et,,.,+hre"
• EmpreSS
Stuffed Olives Quo,,y
Cucumber Chips pi,,,,
Zippy Dills Kosher
Pitted Olives To+.OUS.
Select Ripe
Ca+ +