July 3, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 3, 1969 |
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SHELTON GRAD George Z. Heuston
received the American Legion ROTC
General Military Excellence Award silver
medal at the 18th annual President's Review
and Awards ceremony at the University of
Puget Sound recently. The award was
presented by Legionnaire Burt O. Beal, past
commander of Rhodes Post 2 of Tacoma.
Cadet Heuston, a 1966 graduate of Shelton
high school, is the son of Shelton
Legionnaire Frank Heuston and Ruth
Recommends More Federal Money For Jails
£1ter ltansen The letter to the President was
or incrG+ased prompted by letters from
of law California Governor Ronald
Reagan and from the Washington
letter State Law Enforcement
said: "1 am Association uring her support of
State and full funding for the Omnibus
cidc upon Crime Control and Safe Streets
ake as to Act of 1968.
for these "I have always supported tttis
Penalize legislation and will continue, to
of do so," the Congresswoman said.
to arrest She then wrote the President
offenders voicing her support of full
feet criminal funding.
provide for Rep. Hansen, D-Wash., askecl
Reagan and the law enforcement
You include group for their comments on her
for suggestion that additional funding
Mrs. be provided for correctional
nt. facilities.
The Congresswoman noted remedy law enforcement facility
that, earlier this year, she inadequacies. ! refer specifically
happened to inspect the Gallup, to the honor camp system, to the
N.M., jail and found it "in a youth correctional centers, and
disreputable state." She said specifically to the institution at
officials told her funds were not Shelton.
available to repair the facility. "Unfortunately, all States do
"This situation, or others not have through their Enabling
similar, may well prevail in other Acts or their Constitutions money
areas and 1 wonder what the states to provide this kind of facility.
and the law enforcement Therefore, as we look at the
programs are doing in longer aspects of the problem, !
contemplation of new facilities," am conviniced that Federal,
she wrote. "Facilities are one of State, and local officials must
the most important aspects of the decide upon the course they will
rehabilitation of prisoners. They take as to construction funds for
are also an intimate part of good these facilities and not penalize
enforcement. What benefits rehabilitation by inadequacy of
arrests if no facilities are provided funding. It is one thing to arrest
for; 1) rehabilitation and 2) marijuana users, juvenile
decent quarters while awaiting offenders, and the average city
further trial action?" street criminal and another thing
The Congresswoman also wrote to provide for their correction in
Cautio Abo Fi t,o President: "Since 1939 the facilities available.
ns ut re State of Washington has been a "May I urge that you include
leader in advancing new and this in future programming for
Over Holiday thoughtful programswhichwould crime control planning?"
ing for the recreation increases, and so does ,, '
of July the hazard of man-caused fires," Hur00Supphekmayb00l,mited!
+at r that he noted.
in order,' Tourist numbers are also
of Keep increasing yearly. Last year an
thisweek, estimated nine million
deceptive as out-of-staters, many unschooled
Pointed out. in fire prevention, visited
he end of Washington.
ton "It adds up to a continual need
critically for caution-with matches and
little hot cigarettes, campfires, debris
danger, burning fires, fireworks, auto
odes," exhaust sparks-anything which
could ignite ground cover," the Prices good Thursday through Saturday Only
number °f Keep Green Direct°r c°ncluded' I1 BRECK CREME R'NS' I
outdoors for
Regularly $1.75 NOW 591
i i i
252's. Regularly $1.39 NOW 89
as,, PORTABLE Regularly98€ Now 73
POOL ,, ,ust r'3;' l & l SOFF PUFFS
for the k .
Practically 39 ¢
indestructible. More
practical than 260's. Regularly 79¢ NOW
Inflatable pools.
"Ray Prouty, Owner
!rid 5-3111
32 ounce size.
Regularly $1.98
.ow s 1.19
5th & Franklin
im Im
Teenagers Give Help
With Bible School Classes
HOODSPORT - All too often hectic summer routine these past
teen-age delinquency screams out few weeks. Recently they have
in the newspaper headlines leaving had house guests Mrs.
little room "for the subject of Notenboom's parents, Mr. and
teen-age decency. Enough of that. Mrs. Gerald Alford, from Lake
Hoodsport would like the world Oswego, Oregon and their
to know that there is another side daughter Jan. Jan stayed for her
to be seen. Shortly after the summer vacation with her sister
beginning of summer vacation the and family. Other house guests
Hoodsport Community began its who followed later included Mr.
usual summer Bible School for and Mrs. Mac Moore from
children in grades from one to six. Olympia with their four children.
Seventy five students were After eight days of fighting fire
enrolled this year• Several near Anchorage, Alaska for the
teenagers from this area Forest Service Dutch Notenboom
participated in the program. The returned to carry on as master of
first project was cleaning up the ceremonies to their summer home
bus to be used. They washed and entertainment program.
scrubbed and cleaned until it was Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Scott and
fit for the kids to ride in. During their nine-month old son David
the school some of the teens were spent part of their vacation at the
discussion group leaders and did a home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
real good job of encouraging each Andrew Scott on Finch Creek.
student to participate and express They like the rest of the
themselves. Others were teachers population in this area, went clam
helpers or playground supervisors, digging while Grandma took care
The Friday night program of the baby. They plan to spend
marking the end of Bible School the rest of their vacation ira
for another summer was very well Yakima visiting Mrs. Scott's
attended by parents and students parents. Rev. and Mrs. Gene
alike and plans are underway for Knautz formerly from Shelton.
next years school. The Wayne is now a sales
responsibilities accepted by these representative for the Kraft Foods
teens have benefited the Co. in the Kirkland Bellevue area.
youngsters, rewarded the teens They have their home in Kirkland.
themselves, and will have brought Mr. and Mrs. Freeman from
• to light the sunny side of being Garden Grove, Calif. have been
under twenty, visiting relatives here in
FISHING Hoodsport recently. They spent
• some time with her sister Mrs.
Word from Rest a While Park is Evelyn Nicholson, her brother
that fishing has been pretty good. George Moak and Mr. and Mrs.
An eight pound King was brought Kerzeniewski all of Hoodsport.
in from that area just last week. In closing the community
The rain seemed to bother no one would like to extend their deepest
and the low tides only encouraged sympathys to the Dwight Pierce
them. Needless to say they are family in their recent loss.
booked solid for the week end of . . . --
the fourth. - / "'t FIGHT FOREST
. J.... ,,-" .&rmWAS +)
Sunrise Rejsort did not have - =,/ ...... -..
much to report right now but "" .... I '"
"wait till next week endt" They ' ,: " +
had lots of clam diggers and
fishermen last week end and the +' -+.,
Dunham family proprietors of the '::. ::ii
resort, hosted Mr. and Mrs. Mat - .......
Elliot from Moses Lake that ,E
weekend also.
Mr. and Mrs. T.I. Notenboom
have ben following their usual
free silver
You can have your choice of the 10-inch
silverplated serving tray pictured above, or a
beautiful Navajo serving set or a lovely
3-piece salad set...all by famed International
Absolutely FREE when you open a new
savings account of $250 or more, or when
you add $250 to your present savings
But hurry! Stop by and choose yours
Home Office Branch Branch
Maybe it's time
we all did o
little flog-waving
1 AM YOUR FLAG-1 was born on June
14th, 1777. 1 am more than just a piece of
cloth shaped into a design. ! am the refuge of
the world's oppressed people. ! am the silent
sentinel of freedom, ! am the emblem of the
greatest Sovereign nation on earth. I am the
inspiration for which American patriots gave
their lives and fortunes. I have led your sons
into battle from Valley Forge to the bloody
ridges of Korea and the rice paddies and
swamps and jungles of South Viet Nam. I walk
in silence with each of your honored dead to
their final resting place beneath the silent white
crosses, row Upon row. I have flown in peace
and war, strife and prosperity, and in all times 1
have been respected. My red stripes are
symbolic of the blood spilled in defense of this
81orious nation. My white stripes signify the
burning tears shed by Americans who lost their
sons. My blue field is indicative of God's heaven
under which 1 fly. My stars clustered together
unify 50 states as one for God and country.
"Old Glory" is my nickname and proudly 1
wave on high. in the dark days ahead, honor
me, respect me, defend me with your lives and
fortunes. Never let me down from my lofty
position lest I never return. Keep alight the fires
of freedom and patriotism, strive earnestly for
the Spirit of Democracy. WORSHIP ETERNAL
GOD and Keep His commandments and I shall
remain in the bulwark of Peace and Freedom
all mankind. "I am your flag."
Thursday, July 3, 1969 - Shelton-Mas
Phone 4-
Page 13