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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 3, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 3, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 26-4412 d e,€% For Sale BONANZA TRAIL MINIBIKE, 5 hp. $250. 6 piece drum set. $150. Call 426-3181 after 6 p.m. 426.8460. T7/3-7/10 LOGANBERRIES! 10c lb. -- you lck. 25c lb. we pick. ncultivated field. Bring buckets, containers. Harstine Island, cross bridge, turn left, 31/z mi. Loganberry plants & Used fence posts cheap. Please no calls after 8 p.m. 426-4907. C7/3-24 TANDEM AXLES from large trailer house complete with brakes, new 10 ply tires and wheels. Would make fine light equipment trailer. 877-5345. $6/26-7/3 MOBILE HOME FURNITURE ...... We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furniture you're always welcome, 4th and Cote. 426-4702.4/14tfn FREE KODAK FILM' Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163. 5/25tfn 1000 QUALITY business cards only $7. Best prices also on all For Sale WALL--TO--WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation, Your satisfaction is uaranteed. Free estimates. ou're always welcome at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O11/18tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Cells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5tfn H i ,, i ELIOT BLUEBERRIES Get your orders in early. They will be delivered when ready. They are early this year. 35c a pound, delivered in bulk. Phone 426-8337 evenings. 1t Sporting Goods For Rent FOR SALE or trade for what FOR RENT 2 bedroom have you -- 20' inboard unfurnished house. References convertible boat, asking $900. required. $77.50 per month. 426-3483 before 5:30. H6/19tfn Phone 426-4000. W7/3tfn business needs, letterheads and Speed-Eze Duplicator, 105 No. Columbia, Olympia. 352-0420. 26/5tfn FOR SALE or Trade -- Gas winch, 2 floating drums. Ph.426-2718. W5/22tfn REPOSSESSED ;-, I year old Lowrey piano $o:)0. Cost new $805, Johnny s Music Box, 205 Cota. 426-4302. J 12/12tfn SlLVERTONE Alto Saxophone, excellent condition, $135. Sex stand, new, $10. 426-2878 B6/12tfn PRO FOOT row boat. Call 3 BEDROOM unfurnished hou¢.e 426-4096 in evenings. C6/19-7/10 $85 per month. References required. Call 426-4000. W//3tfn Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for unwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls accepted. Florence Crittenton Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178.8/28tfn REGISTER NOW for 16' PACIFIC MARINA boat, 50 ............................................. Junior-Senior Life-saving classes h.p. Evinrude. Priced to sell. FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM beginning Monday, July 14 at $350.00 or best offer. Hoodsport furnished apartment. Close to Pool Nuotare. For information 877-533686/19-7/10 downtown, $75. Call 426-4000. call 426-3913 or 426-3073. W7/3t f n P7/3- l 0 GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrude, Homelite. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union 898-2252.2/15tfn TRAILER HOUSE FOR RENT' Call 426-3169. B7/3tfn FOR RENT -- Furnished one ...................................... bedroom unfurnished apartment. Holly Hill Apts, 426-6593. B7/3tfn OMC and MER CRUISER stern drives. Evinrude and Homelite motors. Factory-trained mechanics. Hood Canal Marina, Union. 898-2252. 4/3tfn 14 ft. STRIP--BUILT boat, good condition, 12 h.p. motor with Petal Livestock trailer. Phone 426-2148. See 417 So. 2nd. P6/5tfn FOR SALE-- 10 yr. old sorrel-- PHONE 877-5274. One 9' Pram American saddle gelding. Plenty Boat, $20. One in-board of spirit and looks. $200.00. 5 yr. out-board 14' boat and trailer. old black Welch gelding pony, $35. 225 gal. oil tank and oil gentle and sound, $125.00. furnace $30. J6/12-7/3 including 426-3668. H7/3-24 envelopes ................................................................................ AKC SILVER POODLES, toy, 2 males, $50 each, female $75. Work Wanted Phone 426-8939. W7/3-10 PRIVATE TUTORING, seventh rade math and English. Ph. 26-4256. R6/12-7/3 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wants baby-sitting jobs in Shelton, days. Phone 426-8410. D6/19-7/10 REGISTERED SMALL miniature poodle puppies. Registered barrel racing quarter .horse. Phone 426-3648. H 7/3tfn FREE! TWO GUINEA PIGS with cage. Phone 426-2030 or inquire 1127 Laurel. Z7/3 FREE! YOUR CHOICE of four kittens. Good mousers. Phone RELIABLE high school girl wants baby-sitting or housework for 426-2878. B7/3-10 summer. Has good references. .................................................................... 426-4694 B6/26-7/17 ................................................ AII,TRALIAN TERRIER male COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 4/17tfn SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's McCulloch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28tfn dog, Oneyearold, withoutpapers, $35.00. Phone 426-6152. F7/3tfn K-9 Klips, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment, PONY AND SADDLE for sale. 426-6406 or 426-2411.06/26-7/3 INDOOR--OUTDOOR CARPET, $3.99 sq. ,yd. Choose from l] Used Cars ,t t f •  ¢olors at OIsen ,.**.-'=---.--'%--.----=--=--=--..-..-..-..- Furniture. 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O8/1 tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/14tfn DANISH MODERN lounging chaise. A-] condition. Price when new $200.00 Now only $125.00. Must see to appreciate, Pllone 426-2859. A6/26tfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers cut R. E. Wanted EXCHANGE .... What you have .... for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchanger. 426-6592. 8/18tfn Services, 55 FORD V:, Ton, Good motor $300. Phone Union 898-2428. BACK HOE SERVICE .... Eight $7/3 grading, back filling, sewage ................................................. systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz FOR SALE OR TRADE -- 1961 Kadoun, phone 426-6893 7/22tfn Dodge Lancer. Trade for guns, stereo tape player, boat or horse, BEA:I" THE RUSH -.- Have your or whatever you have. 426-3049. school clothes made today! Call N7/3-10 426-2043. M6/26-7/17 1963 FORD PICKUP, V-8,¥4 ton, ELECTROLUX SALES & for sale or trade for small car of Service. Electrolux bags available. Free delivery. Call Jack Manley 426-3544. 1622 Boundary. M8/15tfn EXCAVATING, HAULING, and clearing. Free estimates. Ph. 426-4378. Gordon B. Moore. original owner. $785. 426-4222. M4/4tfn $7/3-7/24 .............................................. CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, and wrapped. Expert cutting and equal value. 426-6490. M7/3-10 wrapping. Shelton Foods. - ........................................ 426-6523 S3/27tfn '68 650 TRIUMPH Bonneville. 426-1180 and 426.8649. L7/3 FOR SALE or trade= 500 gallon fuel tank. Want to buy 14 ft. boat 65 RAMBLER CLASSIC, trailer. 426-6286 W6/5tfn automatic transmission and radio, FOR SALE -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426.4412.8/9tfn '63 FORD FAIRLANE 500 2 .............................................. door hardtop. Standard PLANER SHAVINGS at transmission, radio. Excellent Cran-Deer Lumber Co. Phone condition. Phone 426-2278. 426-8673 office. Eves, 426-2844 M7/3-24 or 426-2839.6/26-7/17 J II II I I I III I II II I III COLOR TaV. See at Olsen Furniture speedy, accurate, Precision rinding. Now at Saeger Motor hop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn BATHROOM AND KITCHEN remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-6241. O]/25tfn , ii iiii i ii i iii Custom Upholstering Samples shown in your home. Free pickup and delivery. Phone McCleary 495-3447 ' S7/3.26 ii i i iiii ii i 1967 LEMANS Pontiac Sprint. 2 door hardtop. Auto. trans. $2100. J6/12-7/3 1963 FORD GALAXIE 500, low mileage, new Polyglas wide tread tires, new brakes, good body condition, $795.00. 426-4645. R6/19-7/10 FOR RENT: Three bedroom house. Angleside. 426-6510," B6/26tfn 8Vz FT. CAMPER on Ford truck, Split rim wheels with nearly new rubber. Phone 426-8814. A7/3 USED CARS '66 MERCURY H.T. '6S FORD Country Sedan '65 VW 8eden '66 FALCON Wagon '64 RAMBLER Classic 4-Dr. '63 CORVAIR Monza '63 ToBIRD, Yellow '63 DODGE 6-Pass. Wagon '63 DODGE Wagon '63 GALAXIE XL '62 CHEVY II Wagon '62 RAMBLER Wagon '62 CADILLAC Fleetwood (Full Power) '62 DODGE Wagon TRUCKS '65 FORD /-ton Pl©kup '63 INT. V2-ton Pickup '62 FORD Y2-ton Pickup '66 SCOUT Wagon '56 INT. 4 x 4 (4-Wheel Drive) ,56 DODGE .ton IS5 RANCHERO '51 INT. ,Picku 4th & Cota 42S-4702 i i iiii, ii ii JIM PAULEY'S BOB -- BU8-- BILL 8th & Railroad Immediate Delivery HOTPOI NT 10 Year Free Replacement Warranty WATEB HEATEB 'Fke Motpolnl eastern Oiassllae water heater pvldee me alti- alste In aetematle, safe, sift- cleat epenltles. And best o( sll., it is basked by le yell' laax splseemeat warrmat¥. F.ells & Valley Appliance Center 2nd & Cota St. Phone 4S-48S3 Cmplete Home FurniahlnqL Center ', 426.8231 i i iiii i ii 1 - 2 BR Apartments $110 Appliancee, Drapes, Carpets, Water, Grbage, Ample Parking No Pets JEFFERSON APTS. on Mr. View Phone 426-8663 12/5 tin ........ MT. VIEW ELWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Available NOW. No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 or 426-6155 $7.95 RENTS a new Stlerman-Clay, South Center, Lacey. Phone OLympia 491-3370. S8/22tfn Help Wanted WANTED: Paper boy for downtown area. Afternoop Seattle Times. Call 426-8965. G6/12-7/3 GIRL TO LIVE IN to help in the home. Call 426-3648. H2/13tfn i Help Wanted Applications are now being accepted for the position of (1) Community Aide and (2) Youth Aides at the Shelton Multi-Service Center, 233 3. 2qd, Shelton, Wash. Applications close July 7, 1969. C7/3 Real Estate ,i piano. Sound / v..'k L ,'Y FURNISHED MODERN apartment, downtown. Water, heat furnisted. Adults only. 119 E. Cedar. 426-4895 or 426-4481. G6/19tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment, w/w carpeting. Heat, water, garbge furnished. Inquire 1119 Franklin, Apt. 5 after 5 p.m. B6/19tfn FOR RENT -- Trailer space. Walking distance to town. Carport and storage. 426-3242 B5/8tfn FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8t fn 2 BEDR' 10x50 mobile home on private lot. Adults only, no pets, $90. Deposit required. Hoodsport 877-5738. T7/3 Real Estate $400 WILL MOVE you into this attractive 2 bedroom home with garage or workshop. On large lot near school and supermarket. Added features include new roof, freshly painted inside and out, new birch kitchen and more. Total price $9,900. 426-8527. K6/26-7/17 "THE ACTION OFFICE" 226 N. 1st St., 5hefton 8 Acres 5 BEDROOM HOME. 800 ft., road frontage.$22,500.O0. 60 Acres Older 3 Bedroom Home, Barn, some farm equipment. All in fenced pasture Plus good YEAR ROUND POND. Over 3,000 feet road frontage! $38,000.00. MOBILE HOME SITE! Water, septic tank, electric all in and paid. $700 down and assume small monthly payments. 26 Acres, LITTLE SKOOKUM area, Excellent View, Some Good Trees & Nice Creek. $22,000.00. 1,000 feet HOOD CAIAL WATERFRONT plus 30 acres backland! $85,000.00. Any of the above properties may be purchased on good terms. CALL 426-1141 NOW!! Eveninga G. John Brush, Jr., Broker 426-8858 Albert WindeiI, Assoc. Broker 426-3681 "Jim" Roush 42(]-8522 226 N. let St., Shelton i ,i i i ii ii i i ii i "Real Firecracker Selections" Custom Built Home .... And its a real beauty. Has 3 bedroom, family room, 2=/z baths, lovely living room with fireplace, 2-car garage with electric doors, and covered patio. Handsome kitchen cabinets, dishwasher, garbage disposal, range and refrigerator. Intercom system throughout the home gives you the convenience of keeping an "ear on the kids". All on an extra large 100' x 100' lot with corner location of excellent homes and wide paved streets. $29,500. Beach Cottage .... This home has many features to enjoy. With approximately 80 feet of execellent salt water front and an outstanding view, this 2 bedroom home is . great opportunity for ret=rement seclusion. Electric baseboard heat keeps you cozy during heavy weather. There is good fishing the year round. $27,500 with terms available. Downtown .... This is an older home but sure gives you that wonderful feeling of being a real family home. With 4 bedrooms and 1V baths there is 31enty of space for the growing family. The outside of the home is ust as attractive. Plenty of lawn, garden space, shrubbery, flowers, and a large 2-car garage with spacious work area. Th=s is an excellent opportunity to assume a good loan since the interest rate is only 5Vz %. You can't afford not to look for only $13,950. Woodland Manor .... A wooded setting for this 3 bedroom, or 2 bedroom with family room home. Lovely Birch panelled roomsand plenty of space for the kids to romp out back -- free from traffic. Poured patio area for your summer cook outs. $13,500. Near Schools .... And all approved for FHA financing. With 3 bedrooms, 1Vz baths, "L" shaped living room with fireplace, and even has small 1 bedroom rental unit out back. You'll enjoy the small brook through the front yard. Many more enjoyable features inside and out. Eel us show you this one. $17,000. Island Lake Lots .... Two 90 foot lots in an excellent location of this natural lake. A commanding view of the Olympic Mountains from the water. One lot already cleared and ready for a new home. $12,600 on this one. The 2nd lot has some small trees for privacy. How about $12,150 this ime. Recreation .... If you have a cabin or trailer site in mind, why not check with us for the right piece of land and location for your comfort. We have many, many lots to offer. A. ROY DUNN 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 imllle Call: DON BROWN - 42(HklMI8 A. ROY DUNN - 426.44101 Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 3, 1969 Services Bob Ogden INSTALLATION SERVICE Carpeting- Formica- Ceramic and Linoleum Licensed, Bonded & Insured Phone 426-3155 3/6 tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 H 2/17 tfn LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn i ,u i i PAINTING and DRY WALL RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured CALL 426-8773 7/4 tfn iii GEN. HAULING Sand - Pit Run - Gravel 5-Yard Dump Truck Peat Soil TEL. - FRANK - 426-3153 5/29-6/5 Paving Contntor  I ASPHALT PKVING 1 • Driveways I • Parking Lots I BOB KIMBEL CONST. I 426-4243 • Shelton __j Real Estate FOR SALE WOODED LOT and cabin with access to natural secluded lake, $3,950, $200 down, terms. Phone evenings Ed Lizakowski 426-6572, Reid Realty 857-2161, Gig Harbor. 7/3 IoBISSONIERE Real Estate PRICE REDUCED $500 ON 7 FRUIT TREES with 4 bedroom home w/recreation room, newly remodeled kitchen, and almost new gas furnace. Extra large lot with 3 car garage. Total now only $11,000. READY TO BUILD? 5 acres for the best in country living. $4,950. WANTED: Large family for this lovely home. 5 bedrooms, 2Va baths, full basement, 2 fireplaces, large carpeted living room, sep- arate dining room, triple garage, fenced yard with patio and much more. $30,000. LOTS OF LOTS: Choice Fawn Lake Recreation Lots ready for your vacation home or pexTnan- ent residence. Fishing is Great! HAVE RENTERS, WILL SELL: 3 rental units on edge of town, 2 co.pletely furnished. Double garage, excellent occupancy rec- ord. $170 monthly rental income. City water. $19,200 total cost, terms available. THE CHILDREN CAN WALK TO SCHOOL from this 3 bed- oom home with fireplace, car- peting, drapes, gas furnace. Own- er transferred so aee it today. Immediate occupancy. $2100 will take over 6% FHA with pay- ments under $100 per month in- eluding taxes and insurance. $13,- 600 full price. ATTENTION FISHERMEN! The trout are BI-I-I-G at Fawn Lake and this NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME is just completed. Only 4 miles from Shelton and a real buy at $16,500. ONLY $6,000:2 bedroom home near Kneeland Park. Completely fenced yard. Call 426-1641 Bev Thomason 426-$615 Polly Swayze 426-2059 LaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD $3, RATES 15 words o leul  t11.50 • 10 cents for each additional word 0 "r • FOUR (4) insertions for the THREE (3). • Classified deadline= 3 p.m. Wanted Real SHELTON JUNK COMPANY, 1st and Mill. Always buying copper, brass, radiators and batteries. Call 426-8626. S6/261fn FOR SALE: home. furnished 426-2544 or WANTED -- Alder Logs. 9" MODERN diameter and up. Mason Some timb I Hardwood Co. formerly Smith Nahwatzel. Alder Mill. 426-1411. M4/24tfn Haddock, Star .................................... 6/19-7/10 Wani'ed Will Buy or Consign Good Used Furniture or Appliances Kelly Furniture 625 So. 1st 426-2411 FOR SALE: Wanted: Land, real estate of Hubbard Oaniels Rel 6112-7/3 FOR SALE bedroom trees, Anglesid, appc CARD I've just rl enjoyable w Horseshoe just enjoyable Business Opport. Horseshoe Elum, Wa.' thank The FOR LEASE .... Shell Service and all the Station, good location, high this trippo gallonage. Call 426-3322. G6/5tfn MR. REALY "For ' Inde 0 ir O 42 Spacious Country Home Located just a few miles south of Sheltc a lovely, well-cared for home with a little over of living area, 3 bedrooms, lqz baths, large fireplace and view, formal dining room family-size kitchen with built-in appliances acre of land. $24,200. , i New on Mt. View-- A brand new family-sized home on a large bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, family room and lots carpeting throughout can be yours, and it's right into. You'll also appreciate its many bu This is truly a quality-built home. Let us show i King Sized Bedroom!! In this 3 bedroom home you will also find 2 ba air system, a huge family room with fireplace over-sized double garage and the washer, dishwasher are included. The double lot is The price you won't believe -- just $15,500 possession, yet!! A New House Made Newer-- That sort of describes this 3 bedroom home. It is old and the present owners have added a nice most of the floors, installed a dishwasher, made (very special), constructed a dandy do top soil for the lawn and with all that, they and the new refrigerator is included! South Hill Location-- Here is a big, pleasant 3 bedroom family hc attractive price, and it can be purchased FHA financing, too. There is an attached and a real nice location. The price just $ View Acerage-- Good acreage is hard to find and _here's 18 ao It's partly cleared, partly wooded and timber. It's located near Lost Lake on a coun a beautiful view of the Olympics. The price terms available. :': Mt. View--Assume 6.6% Quality home, practically new, 3 fireplace. Dining room-family room Today's price is $19,800 with payments .... and insurance. :,;' Hood Canal-- Real investor buy -- 3V acres of upla feet of waterfront. Full price $15,000 per month at 7%. Mobile Home Site 5.6 choice wooded acres just waiting for road frontage, Power. Excellent terms buy. Price $5,500. : ' Skyline Acres-- 10 acres just 3/4 of a mile from town. Cou property. Lots of trees and even a small per month, 7Vz % interest and the full pice Acres -- Near Shorecrest-- we have two nice tracts here, so we can budget. The 10 acre tract is $8,500 and $15,000. Both have a county road frontage on attractive terms. Call for details. THE OFFICE WILL BE FRIDAY AND SATLJ JULY 4 AND 5 HIMLIE 1717 Olympic Highway N. EVENINGS CALL" DICK KNAUF 426-8110 DAVE THACHER 426-8635  CARL j01 DICK BOLLING, CIo|ing Broker VlNgE, HIMLiL Breker