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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 3, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 3, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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![hursday, July 3 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., timbers Restaurant. Tops Washington Chapter ~13, 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church. ...... :~ Kiwanis Club of Mason ~ounty Seniors, noon, Senior z~enter" o ,,, Overeaters Anonymous, o: u ~.m., Timberland Library. Yacht Club dinner, 6 Pane ~usiness meeting, 8 p.m. at th ubhouse. Democratic Central Uommittee, 7:30 p.m., courthouse :h wod ,. ~ Mason County Recreational cn lS ~ssociation, 8 p.m., Colonial °pmet-louse. Christmas Town Rounderrs, 8 )unds hall. 5 Happy birthday, Jules.. t6 Shelton churches invite you attend the church of your ¢7 American Association of Persons potluck, Senior 12:30 p.m. PUD No. 3 commission 1 p.m., PUD conference _ County commission meeting, iO a.m., courthouse. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 Bicentennial committee p.m., Senior Center. Pinochle Club, 7:30 Hall. Ski Club, 7:30 p.m., Mt. View Southside PTO, 7:30 p.m., at Mason County Park and Board, 7:30 pan., room. r8 Dirt Dobbers, 10 a.m., Fir Park. School Board meeting, 8 p.m., teen School. NARFE, 2 p.m., PUD. 4-H Leaders Council meeting, k30 p.m., Extension Office. dears to drill The Olympic Reindears horse Irill team will participate in parade July 12 and the Festival parade July 19. Drill practice will be held at Tingvall ranch every Thursday 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise The club has two new embers, Bernice and Myma Any woman 16 and over may the Reindears Any girl under !6 years who has a horse over 14 lal tds can try out in the drill and !e voted on at a meeting. For Urther information, call Mutual of Enumdaw's Family Auto Plan puts you under a Rainbow of Protection. It in- cludes mon .. ey-saving extras, such as Disappearing Deductible Col lesion cove _-, . . rage, along with prompt and efficient service. See your nearby M of E agent today. Insurance by MUTUAL OF ENUM( -LAW i Enumclaw, Washington ARNOLD & SMITH msuP Nce AOeNCY 11 7 E. Cota St., Shelton Phone: 7 Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., Airport Hall. Degree of Honor, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Mason County Credit Women, 7:30 p.m., Hy-Lond Inn. Mason County Hospital District Commission meeting, 8 p.m., hospital. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Hy-Lond Inn. City Commission meeting, 2 p.m., City Hall. Overeaters Anonymous, 7:30 p.m., Timberland Library. Wednesday, July 9 Elks, 8 p.m., at the lodge. Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club, 6:50 aan., Hy-Lond Inn. Family Planning Class, 7 p.m., Health Department. Board of Realtors, 7:30 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. will celebrate 50th The children of Bruce and Dorothy Schwarck will be honoring their parents on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary at a reception to be held on Saturday, J uly i 2, from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the home of their son, Karl Schwarck, 1305 170th Place Northeast, Bellevue. They have requested no gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Schwarck were married on July 3, 1925 in Ellensburg. Mr. Schwarck retired in 1967 after 23 years as principal of Shelton Junior High School and 41 years in the teaching profession. His teaching career began in Homedale, Idaho, where he spent two years before Four students from Shelton have been named to the spring quarter 1975 honor roll for Central Washington State College by vice president for academic affairs Dr. Edward Harrington. Students on the list, 1,217 of returning to his home town of Thorp, Washington, where he' taught nine years. He also spent six years in Buena, Washington and one year them, have achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.25 for spring quarter. Shelton tblks on the honor roll include Frank S. Ladd, Jeffrey D. Palmer, Leroy G. Morrison and Cyril C. Orme. rang anniversary in Prosser, Washington before moving to Shelton. The Schwarcks are presently residing in Tigard, Oregon. Mrs. Schwarck taught one year in Kittitas County and 17½ years in Shelton. ' NARFE meets There will be a picnic for the National Association of Retired Federal Employees July 8 at 1 p.m. at the home of Ted Sladek on Benson Lake. The couple has five children. 17 grandchildren and six great-grandchild ren. ge wmners The winners for the Shelton Duplicate Club on Monday were as follows: north-south, 1. Eileen and Bob James, 2. Tom Halpin and MaryAnn Brunswick, 3. Lynn Rust and Shirley Byrne; east-west, 1.Ken and Mary Zabel, 2. Etta Rector and Frances Sanderson, 3.Kay Jackson and Rose Purse. HAROLD'S BAKERY Chocolate or white Cakes Each 2" Cupcakes ........ Each 12 We specialize in decorated cakes for all occasions. Phone 426-3377 FULLY COOKED ARMOUR'S STAR 6 to 8 LB. SHANK PORTIONS.. •WATER ADDED• A SHOP-RITE REST BUY!! (6 TO 8 LB. HAM BUTT PORTION . . .LB. 89 ) FROM DAYS WASHINGTON FRESHER..• GROWN FRYERS :ENTIER HAM FROM ARMOUR'S STAR FULLY COOKED HAM ..... LB. DUBUQUE QUALITY. • .BONELESS & FULLY COOKED • .. 5 LB. TIN HYGRADE WIENERS WITH VARIETY MEATS ............ 12 OZ. PKG. --YOU NAME IT, --WE'VE GOT ITI ! ... YOUR FAVORITE FOURTH OF FUN FOODS PRICED RIGHT. RIB STEAKS u.s. c,o,c, REEF W,,, GREAT FLAVOR.,. $ 2.3 9 SPENCER STEAKS u.s. c,o,cE BEEF BONELESS STEAKS .... LB. $3.39 CHUNK BOLOGNA ARMOUR'S STAR SAHDW,C. SIZE ............. LB 79 BRAUNSCHWEIGER ARMOUR'SSTAR-. T,E P,ECE ............. LB 69 KIPPERED SALMON SNACKS-A REAr TASTETREA, ........ L. $1.19 I HUNT'S FOR THE BEST 290Z. TIN I CHUNK TUNA CHICKEN-OF- '"'"' 47 ..... 6V20Z TIN PAPER PLATES BONDWARE 9" SIZE...100 ct. PITTED OLIVES PARADE MEDIUM ......... 6 OZ. TIN KOOL.AID ,uo. sw.. .............. ,,0.49 BISQUICK ,ooz.BoS1.29 MAINsDARINS, oz.,,,,4 / $1 RICE MIXES MJB ASSORTED ............ 6 OZ. PKG. POPSICLES ,21.3 ASSORTED .............. ' SHOP-RITE PARADE PEAS GARDEN PEAS ..... 17 OZ. TINS' /$1 GARLIC DILLS ,AR79 SHOP-RITE ............... 48 OZ TOMATO JUICE 46OZ. TIN49 LIBBY ................. CORNED BEEF ,,.99 LIBBY ................. 12 OZ CHARCOAL 1 19 KINGSFORD ...... 10 LB. BAG • ICE ................ 10 LB BAG I COUPON I I l I I I I I I I 3 Ib I I I I Without coupon I I I I I I I I I | 25+3 coupon | j Good July 3-4-5-6 t t, i111111 JillII II FROZEN FOODS FRIED CHICKEN BANQUET ..... JUST HEAT AND EAT • ........... 2 POUND BOX COOL WHIP :,:,s::, .........,oz. BOWL 69 Pie SHELLSMRS. SMITHS 49 ............... 2-9" SHELLS YOGURT 4/Sl CARNATION ................ MUSTARD ,.,HcH's ........... .ozs 49 DOGFOOD ,,.s7/$1 • 15.5 OZ. SPRITE, FRESCA OR TAB ......................... 1 2 OZ. TINS KRAFT DRESSING ...................... 16 OZ. BOTTLE SHOPRITE CUBES ................................ POUND KRAFT CHEESE SPREAD ............................... 2 LB. LOAF FAMILY PACK ......................... 360 COUNT HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS BAN ROLL-ON ............. 1.50ZS. .. couHr49 NOXZEMASKIN cREAM4 OZ. JARq LEMONADE MINUTE MAID oz~39 REG. OR PINK ...... ! 2 "DAISY FRESH" PRODUCE THUMPIN' RIPE LB. J AVOCADOS 5 ' PLUMS CALIFORNIA CALAVOS . EA. • JUICY RIPE ......... LB. GREEN ONIONS 2 / 1 CRUNCHY FRESH ............... BU. ADD TO YOUR SALADS .gu. WASH. G ROWN LB. 4 m SAVE ON WHOLE EGG MAYONNAISE QUARTJAR SHOP-RITE -REGULAR -BARBEQUE -DIPPERS 3 BAG BOX SNACK CRACKERS NABISCO ........... "°'69 PRICES EFFECTIVE: JUNE 30, JULY 3-4-5,6 --- LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING EVEN A SMILE! STORE HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 - DALLY 9 TO 9 Thursday, July 3, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7