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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 3, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 3, 1975
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t • i? n. Getting the mix out of the box is a major chore for Carrie, who starts her chocolate cake cookies with a box of Jiffy• "Mommy, was that an egg I just heard drop on the floor?" "You don't mind if I sneak "Ya just dump 'em in like one of these, do you?" this, see." This is how Carrie puts the egg i n her batter, by smashing it. You put a few chocolate chips in, and you eat a few, says Carrie. "Let's see, was that one teaspoon of vanilla or one cup of vanilla?" "One advantage of putting them on the sheet this way is that I get to lick my fingers." te marry The Baha'is of Shelton and Mason County will join their fellow believers in more than THIS IS HOW Carrie Field gets her ingredients out of the cupboard• (She 60,000 communities around the wipes her feet before she stands on the counter.) . ..... world in 0bscrving on July 9 the ...... ........ ' arativer~:= of~the martyrdom Of ey taste ~.arrie Field hasn't. She hasn't traveled around the world, hasn't won the Betty Crocker National Cooking Award, hasn't married anyone, hasn't been on "Queen for a Day," hasn't seen the Loch Ness Monster and hasn't read any good book lately. But she's still happy. She plays all day. Most Journal cooks-of-the- week have a box full of a couple hundred great redpes that they can choose from to share with our readers. All Carrie has to do is choose between toast, peanut butter and honey sandwiches, Kool-Aid and chocolate cookies. Carrie, who is 3½ yeats old, is the daughter of Otto and Sandy Field of Stretch Island. She was born August 29, 1971 in Sitka, Alaska, where her parents met. tter father is a general contractor; her mother is a bookkeeper for the Journal. MORE ON TEEN SKIN TROUBLE Last week we discussed the benefits of regular care of ached skin and the use of cleansers for cleaning oily teenage skin. in addition to than mud pies Carrie's interview was a dassic. "How long have you been cooking, Carrie?" "I don't know." "'Well, what do you like to cook?" "1 don't know•" "What do you do all day?" "Play. But I don't stay up all day." "Oh• You take naps. For how long?" "I don't know." "Do you like to take naps?" "'No." "What do you like to do?" "I don't know." "I see you have a dog. What's its name?" "Puppet. Here, Puppet." "Does he smoke?" "No." "Why?" "Because it makes him sneeze." "How long have you had Puppet?" "It was a long time ago." Carrie fixed some of her famous chocolate cake cookies during the interview. The secret to the cookies seems to be their simplicity. You want cookies in 15 minutes? Try it the way Carrie makes them. Carrie does one thing when she makes them that you may not in the bowl, she just grabs the sucker and squeezes it like you squeeze a sponge. Then she licks her fingers. Carrie's Chocolate Cookies Buy a box of Jiffy oke mix. Dump the contents of the box into a bowl and add an egg, 2 tablespoons of water and a tablespoon of melted shortening. Add chopped nuts and chocolate chips if you want. Eat a few of the chocolate chips right out of the bag. Heat the oven to 350 degrees and drop the batter onto a cookie sheet with a teaspoon. In 10 to 12 minutes, jerk the perfectly baked cookies out of the oven and eat them. Carrie's Kool-Aid Buy a package of Kool-Aid and some sugar. Pour the contents of the Kool-Aid package into a pitcher, add a cup of sugar and two quarts of water and stir. Pour the Kool-Ald into a glass to drink. Mother will hit you if you drink it out of the pitcher. Carrie's Boiling Water Buy a saucepan. Put water from any tap into the saucepan and put it on the stove. Turn the burner on "high." In a few minutes, your water will be one of the central figures of their faith- the Bab• Mirza Ali Muhammad, a Persian youth of 25 years who took the title of the Bab, or Gate, prepared the way for the later unfoldment of the Baha'i Faith. From 1844 until his death in 1850, he urged his followers to develop distinctive spiritual and moral characters, and to prepare for the advent of the Lord of the Age. As Persians from every walk of life eagerly responded to the Bab's religion, ecclesiastical and temporal leaders became increasingly alarmed. The Bab was jailed and moved to an extremity of the realm. The masses were encouraged to attack the adherents of this new movement. "Approximately 20,000 of the Bab's followers were put to death. Convinced finally that only the execution of the Bah himself would quell the burgeoning movement, the authorities approved the death sentence. On July 9, 1850, the Bab, who was then only 30 years old, was martyred by a firing squad in a public square in Tabriz, Iran, with thousands of people looking on. In 1863, Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i Faith, announced that he was one whose advent the Bab had foretold. Baha'u'llah stressed the urgent need for social reforms as well as spiritual regeneration. The primary teaching of the Baha'i Faith is that mankind is one and must unite on a world scale to achieve the goals every divine educator has voiced. The remains of the Bab are interred at the World Center of the Baha'i Faith outside Haifa, Israel, in a beautiful golden-domed shrine on Mt. Carmel. The anniversary of his martyrdom is observed each year by Baha'is around the world. Additional information may be obtained by calling 426-5336. Rainbows elect Patti Brewer Patti Brewer of Shelton was among the new officers for the Grand Assembly of the States of Washington and Idaho, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, who were installed last week during ceremonies at the Washington State University Performing Arts Coliseum. Brewer, who is a 1975-76 Officer for "faith," was one of more than 1,000 voting delegates who attended the three-day session held on the WSU campus. MR• AND MRS. C. M• BROWN announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda J. Knight, to Paul R. Kangas, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E• Kangas. All are of Shelton. e Sue Lemagie q - _ ~ra Susan Mae Lemagie, a lcen graduate of Shelton High Sd received her bachelor's degr l,h, zoology from the Universi _ • ,6 • Washington summa cure (with highest honors)ey University's centen StohI commencement ceremony br 14. be Twenty-five seniors odb 5,766 receiving degrees earnd', top honor for compiling t point average from 3.92 h;l perfect 4 0 Lemagie ish,Z. • " --ilat! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lemagie of Shelton. L Michael F Sparks, -_ 1970 graduate" of Shelton-[a School, received his degr. sociology from the Universi Washington "cure laude" ( e's cumulative grade point averah,e 3.52 to 3.69). He was amen{:r seniors out of 5,766 r¢cd.-''~ degrees who were graduated ~r honors. Sparks is the son of t e and Mrs. Robert Spar[ & Shelton. pi ;tandley ,. studies at OSU Cindy Standley, Route 3 102, Shelton, is one of Washington State Univ students who made histor ,'r week at Oregon State Univa tin by enrolling in OSU's ar professional veterinary )e class - Veterinary Medicine , ,'11 OSU, which helps stu nst prepare for veterinary scho . other states, is planning a rel program of veterinary with Washington and Idaho,|l OSU teaching the third| -- fourth year of clinical med However, the first third-year 11 is not expected to be enroll le OSU for four more year nq having veterinary student ,e campus is a novelty. "VM 505 is intende provide the students )n practical experience in veter f clinical practice and in veted ¢, diagnostic medicine as prad~on iia 'a diagn~tt0 laboratory,q~lage Richard Stroud, member sal OSU Department of Vetert[ the Medicine, who organized[pery course. 4 •"~ During the eight-_ing, summer session, the studen~:sort spend two weeks in each yc private veterinary clinics and] us weeks in the OSU VetedF_ Diagnostic Laboratory. [ar. three-credit course will techniques of microbi01 ' parasitology and clil pathology applicable to a veterinary dinic. Sharon Collins earns degree Mrs. Sharon Collins, of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shelton, has earned an degree from the Hi Community College regis nurse program. She pin at a ceremony held in on June 10. cleansers there are other helpful products designed to help fight unsightly pimples. ASTRINGENTS are an excellent follow-up to cleansing. Look for an antiseptic like hexachloro- phene to fight skin bacteria. MASKS are good too. We have several available that deep-clean skin and help to unclog pores and lift off excess oil. We recommend their use several times a week. When oil backs up in the pores, blemishes and blackheads start to appear. Next week we'll discuss the use of moisturizers as part of an ache skin care progr~lm. In |he meantime, when you need help with your acne problem, slop in and we'll be happy to show you the many medications that are designed 1o help you. Nell's Pharmacy Emergency Ph. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 's -- 9:30 to 6:00 want to do. When she puts the egg boiling. July 7 thru 11 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. daily des: K (5 yrs.) thru 6th Bring a sack lunch. istopal Chul', :h For information: .__4th & Cedar 426-8472 or 426 226_____::___8_- We love to help brides make their wedding day a perfect one. That's why we carry three complete lines of wedding invitations and accessories so every bride finds just what she wants. Also, for celebrations of that special day we offer silver and golden wedding anniversary items. f '"" 1 /~ Free with $50 1 | ~~ purchase from / / our wedding / / ~l ~;~ selection Of ~. / / Imb~W ~ invitations, ~,~=~ / I napkins and all / I accessor,es. / t~" ~"~~:~: ~ ~r ' J Cou.t tat o.e 118 North Second Shelton 426-4213 Plqge 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 3, 1975