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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 3, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 3, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iv A double ring morning in Shelton's St. Catholic Church united Sue Barley and Joseph ~cent Colo in marriage on June s. deg.t~rhe bride is the daughter of uvers, l~br (Ret.) and Mrs. William E. :.urn l~ey of Box 156, Gig Harbor, rs) atishington (formerly of n t e n~ton). The groom is the son of lony br (Ret.) and Mrs. Francis °t~.°fr, the Alderbrook Country rs earn~Father Michael Feeney Lng aLi - - ¢latea 3 92 ." . bride was given away by U father. Her gown was designed lrs. ul h.andmade by her aunt, Mrs. Aed Pernicano of Shelton. It s, made of bridal satin and fl!°nJallion lace with a chantilly aegre dversii mantilla. The flowers were d,, ,~ and white daisies and the e tle's Were all white daisies. avera Ter . esa Cole, the sister of the amen • ~m, was the maid of honor. ) rec . c~ B~iley and Pam Bailey, uateaJers of the bride, were son 0 ,, ,)]desmaids. The bride s parl' ndants wore dresses of blue i white dotted swiss with floral Lnt of daisies. All had ppieces made of daisies. lRay Baumgart was the pm s best man. James Cole pther of the groom) and Makoviney were ushers. men wore tuxedos with light jackets, white shirts and McInnis and Michelle nieces of the bride, were girls. Renea Finney was ring bearer. All three wore and white polka dot. Kneeland and Monica ch provided the music, lnshine of My Life" and f, th The pickle jar you just opened with soft or shriveled What did you do wrong? cases, there's a simple if you know what to look Says Linda DeMiero, ton State University's on County Extension Agent. t veterflf your pickles are soft or vete Y, it usually means that the of microbes has caused lage. You probably used too -" salt or vinegar, or you didn't the pickles enough. Soft and pickles can also be caused moldy spices, improper or a bad seal on the jar. you might find your pickles are shriveled. USually indicates that you too much vinegar, salt or r. It can also indicate r in pickles usually that you used too much iodized salt, or hard water. can also get a dark col& the reaction of the brine or with iron utensils. ing Charles Wright, associate ice of the Washington State Court, will be the guest on nay, July 7, at the P.m. potluck meeting of m Association of group meets in the Senior Center. he American and entennial flags will be the ic of Wright's program. for the potluck are Opal and Vera Troy. August meeting of the will be a picnic in citizensare invited to ame members of the AARP to the many services offered. for the September can be taken to the center readied for the sale. attending the potluck bring table service with ! 306 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4602 " Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vincent Colo "Wedding Song" with guitar music. Monica Beach did the singing. A reception was held after the wedding in St. Edward's Hall. Mrs. Ruth Berg of Bremerton (coffee)), Mrs. William Jackstadt of Shelton (cake) and Christy Jackstadt of Shelton (punch) served. Miss Sue Ruddell was in charge of the guest book. Mrs. Bud Macey and Mrs. Carol Davis of Bremerton were in charge of the gift table. Mrs. Teresa Leeberg assisted at the punch table. The cake was blue with daisy decorations. The bride attended grade school, junior high and three years of high school in Shelton and was graduated from South Kitsap High School. The groom was graduated from Shelton High School. The couple went to Oregon for their wedding trip and plan to live in Roseburg, Oregon, where the groom will be an assistant pro (golfer) at the Roseburg Country Club. If you make sauerkraut, you could have problems, too. If your kraut is too soft, the cause may be insufficient salt, too high a temperature during fermentation, or air pockets in the jar. A pink color in your kraut can be caued by yeasts; these yeasts grow if there is too much or uneven distribution of the salt. Or perhaps the kraut was improperly covered or weighed during the fermentation period. Improper covering can also make the kraut rot because air gets into the container. If the cabbage was unwashed or poorly trimmed, or if there wasn't enough juice to cover the cabbage, you could get dark sauerkraut. It might also become dark if exposed to the air or if your cooking temperature was too high. ,m DeMiero says that most of the problems you might have with pickles and sauerkraut can be avoided by following reliable instructions carefully. Just remember that all pickled fobds need to be processed according to a reliable recipe in a boiling water bath, says DeMiero. Select fresh, firm and undecayed vegetables. If you're going to pickle fruits, use slightly underripe ones. Process both fruits and vegetables within 24 hours of picking. Use only pure refined dairy, pickling or kosher salt for your brine. Granulated or flake salts are just as strong but don't measure the same. Table salt tends to cloud the brine and shouldn't be used. For a vinegar solution, use lems cider or white vinegar, free of sediment. The vinegar should be between four and six percent acidity; the percentage should be on the label. Try to use only fresh herbs and spices; tie the spices in a cloth bag so the brine or vinegar can flow through it. To avoid dark pickles and a strong flavor, remove the spice bag before packing. Use only soft water for making brine. If your water is full of minerals, boil it for 15 minutes and let stand for 24 hours. Remove the scum from the top and ladle the water out, being careful not to disturb the sediment at the bottom. The kind of equipment you use for pickling is important, too, because of the corrosiveness of the brine and vinegar. Use enamelware, glass, aluminum, stainless steel, or stoneware utensils. Don't use brass, copper, iron or galvanized utensils because they will discolor your pickles and may make them unsafe to eat. Sort the fruit or vegetables according to size; wash and drain them. Wash your jars in hot soapy water and rinse. Check them for chips and cracks, especially around the top. Discard any that are chipped or cracked, and use them for non-canning purposes. You can follow these precautions when pickling most any fruits or vegetables. For specific instructions on how to make the brine, and processing time in the hot-water bath, DeMiero says you should check with a reliable recipe book. III I IIII Have a We'll be open for your shopping convenience 1 1 l W. Cota 426-9205 Shelton ,= The Schuffenhauers, 1950 The Schuffenhauers, Today meet The newly organized Friends of the South Mason Library will have a meeting at the library July 23 at 10:30 a.m. Topic of discussion at the meeting will be the group's booth at the flea market which will be held at the fairgrounds on September 20 and 21. The library is now accepting "'white elephants" for the booth such as kitchen utensils, tooh and other useable items which am no longer wanted but can be used by someone else. The money will be added to $106 already profited by the Friends group from an earlier sale and will be used towards the consUuetion of an art and display cabinet to be built for the library. The flea market will be sponsored by the Potlatch Orthopedic Guild. The Friends of the South Mason Library are still ~eking members. Anyone wishing to donate time to help with programs is welcome. Schuffenhauers cele An open house on July 6 is planned for the celebration of the 25th wedding anniversary of Verne and Betty Schuffenhauer. The Schuffenhauers' children, Mrs. Chris Thompson, 23; Mrs. Nancy Moore, 22; Rod Schuffenhauer, 17; and Carol Schuffenhauer, 7; will host the gathering in the couple's home from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. Coffee and cake will be served; there will Alice Palmer and Gwen Craig of Shelton will attend the 20th annual Pacific Northwest Writers Conference scheduled for July 24-26 at Seattle University, which is open to any member of the organization. Robert Cromie, author and host of National Public Further information can be had by writing to the PNWC, No. Busy Bees The Busy Bees 4-H Club decided to go roller skating in Broadcasting System Television's Olympia on July 10 and to give "Book Beat" will head the show. $10 to the Children's Orthopedic r annlversa be a money tree. All relatives and friends are invited to attend. The Schuffenhauers were married on July 7, 1950 in Centralia. They have three 51, 164th Avenue NE, Bellevue 98008. when it met at the Island-Lake Firehall on June 16. The next meeting is scheduled for July 14. grandchildren: Timothy Moore, Genie Thompson and Jennifer Thompson. I Third & Grove Shelton Insoles for caulk boots Hard-to-get polish colors Wide assortment of laces from loggers' boots to baby shoes IIII You've worked on your rden... and now you can enjoy the bounty of your labors with a 4¢ A new *Controlled heat *Circulating air *Dries fruit *Dries herbs *Dries vegetables * Dries meats We have received a new shipment of these great new dehydrators. You'll save money year after year by drying produce from your garden and orchard. Light and compact, you can easily store the dehydrator when not in use. Stop in today and we'll be happy to show you how it work¢ and tell you more about drying food. I 0 TRAY MODEL NOW Lose no vitamins * Easily stored * Save money Can be enjoyed dry or reconstituted, raw or cooked Great for picnics, hiking, hunting or any time! We have a wide selection of dried foods you'll enjoy! Plus we have books that tell you how to dry all types of food. Just peel & eat Taste better than candy and they are better for you. A wonderful dried treat that the whole family will love. Five flavors: Strawberry, Raspberry, Apricot, Grape and Apple. Large 2-oz. roll now r " helton's complete health food center" 426-5158 Open Monday thru Friday, 9:30-5:30 Thursday, July 3, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9