July 3, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 3, 1975 |
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"Anybody but Scoop."
"Reagan -- lesser of
the evils."
Who would you prefer as the
next president of the United
In this week's Journal poll the
answers given were divided
between six possibilities, with
President Ford receiving four
votes of confidence, ltenry
Jackson and I-kl Kennedy each
received three persons'
affirmation. Wallace, McGovern
and Reagan were preferred by one
person each, with Reagan
receiving a second choice vote in
one case.
Judy Weston, housewife, Rt.
3, Box 457 - Not Scoop Jackson
- anybody but Scoop. I'm going
to have to wait for the
Robert Lee, community
college student, Star Rt. 1, Box
Keep Washington Green
IS ma
Are YOU Smokey's friend?
If you're not you ca~ be
By being careful in the forest:s
And keeping our land fire-tree
It's easy to do
Whether you're an adult or a
Just keep your campfire
From running wild!
that the campers were all
following the campfire rules.
if you aren't aware of these
rules, you should be -- especially
if you're planning to go camping
in the near future. Here they are:
1. Build your campfire away
from dry grass and leaves, steep
slopes, rotten stumps or logs,
Smokey will love yo.
If you're careful and good
And keep our forests gree~
year round,
Like we know we all should!
A campfire can be your friend
ff it's carefully used. it can keep
you warm, cook your food, dry
your wet clothes and bring light
to a dark night.
But if you leave a campfire
unattended - disaster can occur!
A swift wind could spread the
fire. This is why you should be
extra careful with your campfire~
wherever you are.
As Smokey and I str,)de
through Belfair State Park iast
Sunday, we were happy tv see
La# Publications
State Patrol Chief Will
Bachofner has ordered district
commanders statewide to realign
schedules, cancel extra days off,
and assign special services
personnel to the road for this
Too Late to Classify
NO NEED to buy gas -- just feed
'era grass. Horseshoeing, Julie
Olli, 426-8774. O7/10-31
down Allyn House Nursing Home.
Everything goes. Doors, tubs,
sinks, toilets, windows, heaters,
lights, building and electrical
materials, etc. For more
information call 426-2330 or
275-3711. M7/3-10
Port Orchard, Washington on
April 4, 1975 under Application
No. S 2-23776 filed for permit to
appropriate public waters, subject
to existing rights, from Mason
Lake, tributary of Sherwood
Creek in the amount of 0.01
cubic feet per second,
continuously each year, for
domestic supply. The source of
the proposed appropriation is
located within Lot 14 of Mading
Sunny Shore Addition No. 4 of
Section 4, Township 21 N., Range
2 W. W.M., in Mason County.
Protests or objections to
approval of this application must
include a detailed statement of
the basis for objections; protests
most be accompanied by a two
dollar ($2.00) recording fee and
fil¢~l with the Department of
Ecology, Southwest Regional
Office, Olympia, WA. 98504
within thirty (30) days from July
10, 1975.
dental office, full-time, expanded
duties, experience necessary.
Apply Box 77, c/o Journal.
'64 OLDS, $150. 1409 Railroad.
CAST IRON pot-bellied stove,
needs little repair. 426-3615.
FOR SALE -- Hide-a-bed, $80.
426-4658. G7/3-10
RACING PIGEONS for sale. Sons
and daughters of race winners.
$]0 pair and up. 426-6546. J7/3
1972 250 Suzuki TM dirt bike,
$300. Mini-bike, $75. Honda, 65
co., $125. 1961 customized van,
$1,200. Call 426-2103 after 6
p.m. $7/3
HELP WANTED -- Shake bolt
cutters, Matlock area. 426-6931.
FOR SALE -- 1967 Chev Impala,
283, PS, 2-door hardtop, good
condition. Phone 426-3031.
We happen to
where you can have
a brand new,
3rd & Grove
"Where your wi;~d~hieid ~s
guaranteed not to ieal~."
Page 12- Sllelt~m-N"as~;~ C~.-,t¢ j{)urnal- ]hursday. July 3. 1975
727 - I've heard a few things
about Reagan. He might be a bit
better than the others - lesser of
the evils.
Rose Johnson, lab technician,
Rt. 2, Box 67 - Jackson, I guess.
I just think he'll do a good job.
He's been doing a good job, it
seems to me.
H. Morrow, retired, 1417
Ridge Rd. - McGovem. I voted
overhanging branches. Pile your
wood away from the fire.
2. Scrape away any burnable
material in a 10-foot-wide circle.
This will keep a small campfire
from spreading.
3. Keep water handy. If you
have no water - use dirt. Be sure
you mix the dirt well and that the
coals are all the way cold before
year's Fourth of July holiday
To further combat the
continued upswing in traffic
deaths and injuries. Bachofner, as
during the Memorial Day holiday
period, ordered troopers to return
to a no-tolerance policy on
hazardous violations. This means
warning tickets will rarely be
used, and citations will be issued
for speeding and other
acddent-causing violations during
the Fourth of July holiday
Bachofner said, "Even though
the crash rate for the 1974
Fourth of July holiday period was
265 collisions per day, somewhat
less than the 291 per-day rate for
the year, when you consider the
ten lost lives and 734 injuries, we
must respond with every tool
possible to reduce highway
"Ford is a good leader."
for him last time and I'll vote for
him again. They all knew we
didn't belong in the war over
there and he was the only one
who said so.
Jack Manley, shop owner,
1622 Boundary - Mr. Ford. I
think he's doing all right. I don't
think he's an outstanding
personality, but he's a smart man
and honest and doing his level
you leave.
4. Keep your campfire small.
A small fire surrounded by rocks
gives plenty of heat for cooking.
5. Never leave a fire
unattended. A breeze may come
up while you're gone and spread
the fire.
With the Fourth of July
weekend coming up, these
campfire rules may come in
mighty handy.
The weather shaped up nicely
for Smokey and me as we visited
the park last weekend. We were
beginning to think that June was
going to be wet all the way
through, but we were wrong. The
sun shone big and bright all day.
In fact, Smokey got so hot
that he almost took a dip in the
Belfair State Park. is a
"double-treat" park! If you want
to camp in the lush green forest
and kind of be secluded from
everything, you would camp in
the forest loop. And if you
wanted to be close to water and
have lots of open fields to
sunbathe in, you would camp in
the beach loop. It's really nice.
'Tis sad to say, but 1 had never
been there before and, boy, what
a beautiful park I've missed.
The rangers are very nice and
the facilities are great.
So, if you're wanting to camp
at a "double-treat" park this
Fourth of July weekend, go to
Belfair State Park and have a fun,
safe trip. You'll get a bang out of
215 S. Second St.
Mason General
A boy on June 26 to
Randolph and Margot Brand, Rt.
5, Box 803, Shelton.
A boy on June 29 to Troy
and Rebecca Willis, 1519
Jefferson, Shdton.
D ,.,| ,.,,
EIs A Shawn was born to ,,uru,o,r
Ba and Vic ri. on J..e 20 Vandalism p
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. , . n |Di.-.L
Richard Barber of Beffair and Mr. lntruaer }. '~'
,, VERN OLSON 'Ford -- the most and Mrs. Bill Timm of Union. - i herbro(
Jackson -- his own man." wholesome, wasAborbn°tYo' KS; t:nd d IOTECTI()I ;
Y All
(Hedgers) Chandler on June 12. with a 3M brand btors-,
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. alarm system "':
" ~ races
)oll Ernest Hedgers of Shelton, Mrs. ,son,,
Dora Dickinson of Buffalo, u Call- '.^_ ,
, " " ~C)UI!, 1
Wyoming, and Mr. Chandler of I Lou Nelson 1 ....
Anchorage, Alaska. I 3M Factory DistributolLe '
best. I think we v e had smarter he's honest and has a mind of his I for information ; on nCc
presidents, but he s pretty smart own.
himself and has a lot of Opal Orr, retired se,cRtary,Imprisoned [ and demonstration iurse;
experience. I like his personality. 704 Euclid,- I guess I d pick The imprisoned soul of fact.J jI/IM[ dCOd[qr |o ne
He doesn't get all excited about Ford. I dont t hi, nk we have too ~Th°mas Carlyle ~lei
much choice. He s already in and _etly t
Mrs. Nancy Banner, legal I think he s doing a good job. l I | # : 'Pere: tte
secretary, 822 Cota - I think we think too many fast changes just
needaleaderand IthinkFordisa take that much longer to really [ i t! l~rac~l. Ea
good leader. Ford has been doing start going. !:
his best. Tom Trotzer, disc jockey, Rt. ~ presel
G.H. Kaiser, shopowner, Rt. 5, Box 784 - Id say Ted ~
3, Box 420 - George Wallace. I
approve of the way he has things
in mind to do. I think he would
be good for the country. Second
choice is Ronald Reagan.
Jack Powell, laborer, P.O. Box
471 - Henry Jackson, I think.
He's local. He knows our
Mrs. Jack Stuart, waitress,
Sheiton - Kennedy. I just like
him. I just like everything about
him. I think he'll change his mind
about running.
Vern Olson, real estate
salesman, 412 W. I - I'd like to
see Jackson get in for the state.
I've always liked him. I think he's
his own man. I don't think he'd
be pushed around.
Gaii Taylor, sales manager,
301 Pioneer Way - Ford. He's
probably the most wholesome
guy we've had in the presidency
since who knows when. I think
Kennedy. I kind of like the
Kennedy image. I don't know as
though he's proved himself as a
politician capable of being
president. But I'd like to see him
carry out some of John
Kennedy's ideas.
Terry Clark, college student,
Lacey - If Kennedy would run,
I'd vote for him; but I don't think
he'll run.
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