July 3, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 3, 1975 |
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)r =y wee
f'ound ARMENYATES as did Warren and Bonnie's
of Red Dig those dancing slippers out daughter, Connie Wiles, and her
ing morcthe back comer of the closet husband, Mike, and their three
gh side head for ye old Harstine Hall girls. Also on hand was the Yates'
Saturday for a good oldest son, Harley, who drove
[]l[ashioned country 4th of July over from Hayden Lake, Idaho
ll e. The music for dancing will where he and his wife, Ruth, are
] _l.lJby "Ruthie and the spending the summer awaiting the
lllthmaires'' of Silverdale. Three arrival of their second grandchild.
l .unity Club couples were onLast, but not least, the Yates'
in May when the Yacht Club next door neighbors, their
the hall for a dance and youngest son Glenn and his
very favorably impressed family joined the big family
this particular band. gathering. And for this reporter,
!At this point I d like to "news day" was spent on the
a very warm welcome beach gathering seafood for
he to George Howard. As most Harley to take back to Idaho with
nders know, George suffered a him. He and his wife Ruth plan to
I many months ago which return later in the summer for
flted in a broken hip. For another visit.
ral months he was confined to Tuesday when Dean and
mn General Hospital. In the Sylvia Hoyte and Eva Henkie
'.'7 few weeks he has been decided to head for Salem,
)/ Uperating at the Fir Lane Oregon, to visit the gals' two
avalescent Center. That old sisters-in-law, Florence Wivell and
_l__Jlng, "There's no place quiteMary Baker, Stan and Annie
(]re home, really was fully Yates accompanied them for a
rreciated by our former ferry visit, too. While there the group
rain when he finally returned did some sightseeing and visiting
line a few days ago. His niece, with other relatives. Monday of
-- !ry Lewis, is spending thethis week Mary and Florence
ner on the island and will be drove Stan and Annie back to the
hand when he needs a bit of island, spending the night here
George extends an invitation before returning to Oregon.
riends to drop in for a short The end of last week a former
whenever they have a few islander died in an Olympia
Ira minutes. He says he s really hospital. Sundius Johnson, who
sed the island, and home, and was a brother-in-law to both hv
old friends over these long, Wingert and his wife, Helen, had
[graonths. been in poor health for quite
This past weekend Maxine some time. Sundius was married
[ite and daughter Cindy to Helens sister, Betty, and also
[ gaam took a jaunt over to was the brother of Irvs late wife,
[matchee. The main purpose of Hihna. In the good old days
trip was to take Maxine's Sundius was one of the local
per-in-law, Thee Waite, over to talents that made up the band
the summer with his that provided the music for many
.ghter Shirley and family. Then an island dance. In those days he
ile the two gals were in the was best known,, to all of his
_ they took advantage of thefriends as "Slim.'
4 mper crop of cherries and The middle of last week
"*-"Ttught home literally a carload Beulah lditchcock headed for
bug) of the yummy fruit. Federal Way. There she joined her
lit seems like there is so much three cousins, two of them from
on around this island that this area and the third visiting
though I'm aware of many from Pennsylvania/. The four gals
them (and there's oodles o'1' enjoyed having dinner at the
ers that I either don't hear Spaghetti Factory in Tacoma.
or people forget to give me Then Saturday night Beulah,
they unintentionally are joined by her daughter Pauline
• c rlooked. One of these was the Carnes and a friend Herb
work party held at the Stinberg, and also Beulah's son
riangle" by several Grangers. Lyle and his wife Marlene drove
ie evening earlier this month a to Seattle where they headed for
oup gathered to spread the Cirque Theater to enjoy a
wspa.pers, plastic, etc, whichscrumptious smorgasbord dinner
then covered with'a thick right in the theater prior to the
yer of Wood chips Each play. After dinner and the dishes
agressive work party adds to were cleared away the group sat
attractiveness of this Grange back and relaxed as Sid Caesar
ject. Later this fall after a rain ,starred in a play entitled,
L two the group will hold Prisoner of Second Avenue.
jother work party and make
ditional plantings in the
, J======V=====l
II The p.lace !!
due in large part to a big
p fly reunion hereabouts. The
rade of relatives started arriving
[the middle of the week. First
n nnie Yates' two sisters, Eva
ie and Sylvia Hoyte and her
tsband Dean arrived from
Cook, Nebraska. Next on the
n.e was the Yates' son, Warren,
his wife, Bonnie, from
o.enLx, Arizona. Then over the
eeKend Stan's brother, Faust, of I I CQRwNItUh :IU hyOU f [
coma drove down. (Faust plans
pack all his worldly possession
head for Arizona to make his
rmanent home in a guesthouse
hind Warren and Bonnie
: ates ) Stan s nleCe,sbLni
r-michael, and her hu
ick, drove down from "
loqualmie to join the reunion, [ i o/5outh
Second --Sheltoa J
furniture &ppliance
2nd and Cota Streets Shelton, Washington 98584 Telephone 4264663
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